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<title>ScopingShim Tests</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="../node_modules/wct-browser-legacy/browser.js"></script>
var suites = [
function flatten(arr) { return [].concat.apply([], arr) }
function product(sets) {
return sets.reduce(function(acc, set) {
return flatten( {
return { return x.concat(y); });
}, [[]]);
function combinations(suites, flags) {
return product(flags).reduce(function(list, f) {
f = f.filter(function(i) { return i; }).join('&');
return list.concat( { return s + (f ? '?' + f : '') }))
}, []);
function addUrlOption(previous, next) {
previous = previous || '';
next = next || '';
return previous + (previous ? '&' : '') + next;
// test shadowdom/custom elements polyfills together
// prefering both if possible.
var matrix = [''];
var webcomponents = '';
if (window.customElements) {
webcomponents = 'wc-register=true';
// if native is available, make sure to test polyfill
if (Element.prototype.attachShadow && document.documentElement.getRootNode) {
webcomponents = addUrlOption(webcomponents, 'wc-shadydom=true');
// ce + sd becomes a single test iteration.
if (webcomponents) {
// economize testing by testing css shimming
// only against 1 environment (native or polyfill).
if (window.CSS && CSS.supports && CSS.supports('box-shadow', '0 0 0 var(--foo)')) {
var last = matrix[matrix.length-1];
matrix.push(addUrlOption(last, 'wc-shimcssproperties=true'));
suites = combinations(suites, [matrix]);
var orderingScenarios = [
suites = suites.concat(combinations(['ordering.html'], [matrix, orderingScenarios]));
if (matrix.length > 2) {
suites = suites.concat([