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* `IronResizableBehavior` is a behavior that can be used in Polymer elements to
* coordinate the flow of resize events between "resizers" (elements that control the
* size or hidden state of their children) and "resizables" (elements that need to be
* notified when they are resized or un-hidden by their parents in order to take
* action on their new measurements).
* Elements that perform measurement should add the `IronResizableBehavior` behavior to
* their element definition and listen for the `iron-resize` event on themselves.
* This event will be fired when they become showing after having been hidden,
* when they are resized explicitly by another resizable, or when the window has been
* resized.
* Note, the `iron-resize` event is non-bubbling.
* @polymerBehavior Polymer.IronResizableBehavior
* @demo demo/index.html
Polymer.IronResizableBehavior = {
properties: {
* The closest ancestor element that implements `IronResizableBehavior`.
_parentResizable: {
type: Object,
observer: '_parentResizableChanged'
* True if this element is currently notifying its descendant elements of
* resize.
_notifyingDescendant: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
listeners: {
'iron-request-resize-notifications': '_onIronRequestResizeNotifications'
created: function() {
// We don't really need property effects on these, and also we want them
// to be created before the `_parentResizable` observer fires:
this._interestedResizables = [];
this._boundNotifyResize = this.notifyResize.bind(this);
attached: function() {'iron-request-resize-notifications', null, {
node: this,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
if (!this._parentResizable) {
window.addEventListener('resize', this._boundNotifyResize);
detached: function() {
if (this._parentResizable) {
} else {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this._boundNotifyResize);
this._parentResizable = null;
* Can be called to manually notify a resizable and its descendant
* resizables of a resize change.
notifyResize: function() {
if (!this.isAttached) {
this._interestedResizables.forEach(function(resizable) {
if (this.resizerShouldNotify(resizable)) {
}, this);
* Used to assign the closest resizable ancestor to this resizable
* if the ancestor detects a request for notifications.
assignParentResizable: function(parentResizable) {
this._parentResizable = parentResizable;
* Used to remove a resizable descendant from the list of descendants
* that should be notified of a resize change.
stopResizeNotificationsFor: function(target) {
var index = this._interestedResizables.indexOf(target);
if (index > -1) {
this._interestedResizables.splice(index, 1);
this.unlisten(target, 'iron-resize', '_onDescendantIronResize');
* This method can be overridden to filter nested elements that should or
* should not be notified by the current element. Return true if an element
* should be notified, or false if it should not be notified.
* @param {HTMLElement} element A candidate descendant element that
* implements `IronResizableBehavior`.
* @return {boolean} True if the `element` should be notified of resize.
resizerShouldNotify: function(element) { return true; },
_onDescendantIronResize: function(event) {
if (this._notifyingDescendant) {
// NOTE(cdata): In ShadowDOM, event retargeting makes echoing of the
// otherwise non-bubbling event "just work." We do it manually here for
// the case where Polymer is not using shadow roots for whatever reason:
if (!Polymer.Settings.useShadow) {
_fireResize: function() {'iron-resize', null, {
node: this,
bubbles: false
_onIronRequestResizeNotifications: function(event) {
var target = event.path ? event.path[0] :;
if (target === this) {
if (this._interestedResizables.indexOf(target) === -1) {
this.listen(target, 'iron-resize', '_onDescendantIronResize');
_parentResizableChanged: function(parentResizable) {
if (parentResizable) {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this._boundNotifyResize);
_notifyDescendant: function(descendant) {
// NOTE(cdata): In IE10, attached is fired on children first, so it's
// important not to notify them if the parent is not attached yet (or
// else they will get redundantly notified when the parent attaches).
if (!this.isAttached) {
this._notifyingDescendant = true;
this._notifyingDescendant = false;