blob: 53fb265be62c621e6f3a82ac158c96e7e2c02f37 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../iron-a11y-keys-behavior/iron-a11y-keys-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="iron-overlay-backdrop.html">
* @struct
* @constructor
* @private
Polymer.IronOverlayManagerClass = function() {
* Used to keep track of the opened overlays.
* @private {Array<Element>}
this._overlays = [];
* iframes have a default z-index of 100,
* so this default should be at least that.
* @private {number}
this._minimumZ = 101;
* Memoized backdrop element.
* @private {Element|null}
this._backdropElement = null;
// Enable document-wide tap recognizer.
// NOTE: Use useCapture=true to avoid accidentally prevention of the closing
// of an overlay via event.stopPropagation(). The only way to prevent
// closing of an overlay should be through its APIs.
// NOTE: enable tap on <html> to workaround Polymer/polymer#4459
Polymer.Gestures.add(document.documentElement, 'tap', null);
document.addEventListener('tap', this._onCaptureClick.bind(this), true);
document.addEventListener('focus', this._onCaptureFocus.bind(this), true);
document.addEventListener('keydown', this._onCaptureKeyDown.bind(this), true);
Polymer.IronOverlayManagerClass.prototype = {
constructor: Polymer.IronOverlayManagerClass,
* The shared backdrop element.
* @type {!Element} backdropElement
get backdropElement() {
if (!this._backdropElement) {
this._backdropElement = document.createElement('iron-overlay-backdrop');
return this._backdropElement;
* The deepest active element.
* @type {!Element} activeElement the active element
get deepActiveElement() {
// document.activeElement can be null
// In case of null, default it to document.body.
var active = document.activeElement || document.body;
while (active.root && Polymer.dom(active.root).activeElement) {
active = Polymer.dom(active.root).activeElement;
return active;
* Brings the overlay at the specified index to the front.
* @param {number} i
* @private
_bringOverlayAtIndexToFront: function(i) {
var overlay = this._overlays[i];
if (!overlay) {
var lastI = this._overlays.length - 1;
var currentOverlay = this._overlays[lastI];
// Ensure always-on-top overlay stays on top.
if (currentOverlay && this._shouldBeBehindOverlay(overlay, currentOverlay)) {
// If already the top element, return.
if (i >= lastI) {
// Update z-index to be on top.
var minimumZ = Math.max(this.currentOverlayZ(), this._minimumZ);
if (this._getZ(overlay) <= minimumZ) {
this._applyOverlayZ(overlay, minimumZ);
// Shift other overlays behind the new on top.
while (i < lastI) {
this._overlays[i] = this._overlays[i + 1];
this._overlays[lastI] = overlay;
* Adds the overlay and updates its z-index if it's opened, or removes it if it's closed.
* Also updates the backdrop z-index.
* @param {!Element} overlay
addOrRemoveOverlay: function(overlay) {
if (overlay.opened) {
} else {
* Tracks overlays for z-index and focus management.
* Ensures the last added overlay with always-on-top remains on top.
* @param {!Element} overlay
addOverlay: function(overlay) {
var i = this._overlays.indexOf(overlay);
if (i >= 0) {
var insertionIndex = this._overlays.length;
var currentOverlay = this._overlays[insertionIndex - 1];
var minimumZ = Math.max(this._getZ(currentOverlay), this._minimumZ);
var newZ = this._getZ(overlay);
// Ensure always-on-top overlay stays on top.
if (currentOverlay && this._shouldBeBehindOverlay(overlay, currentOverlay)) {
// This bumps the z-index of +2.
this._applyOverlayZ(currentOverlay, minimumZ);
// Update minimumZ to match previous overlay's z-index.
var previousOverlay = this._overlays[insertionIndex - 1];
minimumZ = Math.max(this._getZ(previousOverlay), this._minimumZ);
// Update z-index and insert overlay.
if (newZ <= minimumZ) {
this._applyOverlayZ(overlay, minimumZ);
this._overlays.splice(insertionIndex, 0, overlay);
* @param {!Element} overlay
removeOverlay: function(overlay) {
var i = this._overlays.indexOf(overlay);
if (i === -1) {
this._overlays.splice(i, 1);
* Returns the current overlay.
* @return {Element|undefined}
currentOverlay: function() {
var i = this._overlays.length - 1;
return this._overlays[i];
* Returns the current overlay z-index.
* @return {number}
currentOverlayZ: function() {
return this._getZ(this.currentOverlay());
* Ensures that the minimum z-index of new overlays is at least `minimumZ`.
* This does not effect the z-index of any existing overlays.
* @param {number} minimumZ
ensureMinimumZ: function(minimumZ) {
this._minimumZ = Math.max(this._minimumZ, minimumZ);
focusOverlay: function() {
var current = /** @type {?} */ (this.currentOverlay());
if (current) {
* Updates the backdrop z-index.
trackBackdrop: function() {
var overlay = this._overlayWithBackdrop();
// Avoid creating the backdrop if there is no overlay with backdrop.
if (!overlay && !this._backdropElement) {
} = this._getZ(overlay) - 1;
this.backdropElement.opened = !!overlay;
* @return {Array<Element>}
getBackdrops: function() {
var backdrops = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._overlays.length; i++) {
if (this._overlays[i].withBackdrop) {
return backdrops;
* Returns the z-index for the backdrop.
* @return {number}
backdropZ: function() {
return this._getZ(this._overlayWithBackdrop()) - 1;
* Returns the first opened overlay that has a backdrop.
* @return {Element|undefined}
* @private
_overlayWithBackdrop: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this._overlays.length; i++) {
if (this._overlays[i].withBackdrop) {
return this._overlays[i];
* Calculates the minimum z-index for the overlay.
* @param {Element=} overlay
* @private
_getZ: function(overlay) {
var z = this._minimumZ;
if (overlay) {
var z1 = Number( || window.getComputedStyle(overlay).zIndex);
// Check if is a number
// Number.isNaN not supported in IE 10+
if (z1 === z1) {
z = z1;
return z;
* @param {!Element} element
* @param {number|string} z
* @private
_setZ: function(element, z) { = z;
* @param {!Element} overlay
* @param {number} aboveZ
* @private
_applyOverlayZ: function(overlay, aboveZ) {
this._setZ(overlay, aboveZ + 2);
* Returns the deepest overlay in the path.
* @param {Array<Element>=} path
* @return {Element|undefined}
* @suppress {missingProperties}
* @private
_overlayInPath: function(path) {
path = path || [];
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (path[i]._manager === this) {
return path[i];
* Ensures the click event is delegated to the right overlay.
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
_onCaptureClick: function(event) {
var overlay = /** @type {?} */ (this.currentOverlay());
// Check if clicked outside of top overlay.
if (overlay && this._overlayInPath(Polymer.dom(event).path) !== overlay) {
* Ensures the focus event is delegated to the right overlay.
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
_onCaptureFocus: function(event) {
var overlay = /** @type {?} */ (this.currentOverlay());
if (overlay) {
* Ensures TAB and ESC keyboard events are delegated to the right overlay.
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
_onCaptureKeyDown: function(event) {
var overlay = /** @type {?} */ (this.currentOverlay());
if (overlay) {
if (Polymer.IronA11yKeysBehavior.keyboardEventMatchesKeys(event, 'esc')) {
} else if (Polymer.IronA11yKeysBehavior.keyboardEventMatchesKeys(event, 'tab')) {
* Returns if the overlay1 should be behind overlay2.
* @param {!Element} overlay1
* @param {!Element} overlay2
* @return {boolean}
* @suppress {missingProperties}
* @private
_shouldBeBehindOverlay: function(overlay1, overlay2) {
return !overlay1.alwaysOnTop && overlay2.alwaysOnTop;
Polymer.IronOverlayManager = new Polymer.IronOverlayManagerClass();