blob: 7d85048ce8954cd65f3b5a321db400425e1d3da9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef LIB_FIT_DEFER_H_
#define LIB_FIT_DEFER_H_
#include <utility>
#include "nullable.h"
namespace fit {
// A move-only deferred action wrapper with RAII semantics.
// This class is not thread safe.
// The wrapper holds a function-like callable target with no arguments
// which it invokes when it goes out of scope unless canceled, called, or
// moved to a wrapper in a different scope.
// See |fit::defer()| for idiomatic usage.
template <typename T>
class deferred_action final {
// Creates a deferred action without a pending target.
deferred_action() = default;
explicit deferred_action(decltype(nullptr)) {}
// Creates a deferred action with a pending target.
explicit deferred_action(T target)
: target_(std::move(target)) {}
// Creates a deferred action with a pending target moved from another
// deferred action, leaving the other one without a pending target.
deferred_action(deferred_action&& other) = default;
// Invokes and releases the deferred action's pending target (if any).
~deferred_action() {
// Returns true if the deferred action has a pending target.
explicit operator bool() const {
return !!target_;
// Invokes and releases the deferred action's pending target (if any),
// then move-assigns it from another deferred action, leaving the latter
// one without a pending target.
deferred_action& operator=(deferred_action&& other) {
if (&other == this)
return *this;
target_ = std::move(other.target_);
return *this;
// Invokes and releases the deferred action's pending target (if any).
void call() {
if (target_) {
// Move to a local to guard against re-entrance.
T local_target = std::move(*target_);
// Releases the deferred action's pending target (if any) without
// invoking it.
void cancel() {
deferred_action& operator=(decltype(nullptr)) {
return *this;
// Assigns a new target to the deferred action.
deferred_action& operator=(T target) {
target_ = std::move(target);
return *this;
deferred_action(const deferred_action& other) = delete;
deferred_action& operator=(const deferred_action& other) = delete;
nullable<T> target_;
template <typename T>
bool operator==(const deferred_action<T>& action, decltype(nullptr)) {
return !action;
template <typename T>
bool operator==(decltype(nullptr), const deferred_action<T>& action) {
return !action;
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(const deferred_action<T>& action, decltype(nullptr)) {
return !!action;
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr), const deferred_action<T>& action) {
return !!action;
// Defers execution of a function-like callable target with no arguments
// until the value returned by this function goes out of scope unless canceled,
// called, or moved to a wrapper in a different scope.
// // This example prints "Hello..." then "Goodbye!".
// void test() {
// auto d = fit::defer([]{ puts("Goodbye!"); });
// puts("Hello...");
// }
// // This example prints nothing because the deferred action is canceled.
// void do_nothing() {
// auto d = fit::defer([]{ puts("I'm not here."); });
// d.cancel();
// }
// // This example shows how the deferred action can be reassigned assuming
// // the new target has the same type and the old one, in this case by
// // representing the target as a |fit::closure|.
// void reassign() {
// auto d = fit::defer<fit::closure>([] { puts("This runs first."); });
// d = fit::defer<fit::closure>([] { puts("This runs afterwards."); });
// }
template <typename T>
inline deferred_action<T> defer(T target) {
return deferred_action<T>(std::move(target));
} // namespace fit
#endif // LIB_FIT_DEFER_H_