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<span id="module:FindosgFX"></span><h1>FindosgFX<a class="headerlink" href="#findosgfx" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
<p>This is part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
components. Each component is separate and you must opt in to each
module. You must also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and Producer
if needed) as these modules won't do it for you. This is to allow you
control over your own system piece by piece in case you need to opt
out of certain components or change the Find behavior for a particular
module (perhaps because the default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't
work with your system as an example). If you want to use a more
convenient module that includes everything, use the
FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules.</p>
<p>Locate osgFX This module defines</p>
<p>OSGFX_FOUND - Was osgFX found? OSGFX_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the
headers OSGFX_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for the osgFX
(use this)</p>
debug library</p>
<p>$OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the
./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.</p>
<p>Created by Eric Wing.</p>
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