blob: 868dd2819f836f6ec706a8e3869caaceb1557ba4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- llvm/Support/ThreadPool.h - A ThreadPool implementation -*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines a crude C++11 based thread pool.
#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Threading.h"
#include "llvm/Support/thread.h"
#include <future>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
/// A ThreadPool for asynchronous parallel execution on a defined number of
/// threads.
/// The pool keeps a vector of threads alive, waiting on a condition variable
/// for some work to become available.
class ThreadPool {
/// Construct a pool using the hardware strategy \p S for mapping hardware
/// execution resources (threads, cores, CPUs)
/// Defaults to using the maximum execution resources in the system, but
/// accounting for the affinity mask.
ThreadPool(ThreadPoolStrategy S = hardware_concurrency());
/// Blocking destructor: the pool will wait for all the threads to complete.
/// Asynchronous submission of a task to the pool. The returned future can be
/// used to wait for the task to finish and is *non-blocking* on destruction.
template <typename Function, typename... Args>
inline auto async(Function &&F, Args &&...ArgList) {
auto Task =
std::bind(std::forward<Function>(F), std::forward<Args>(ArgList)...);
return async(std::move(Task));
/// Asynchronous submission of a task to the pool. The returned future can be
/// used to wait for the task to finish and is *non-blocking* on destruction.
template <typename Func>
auto async(Func &&F) -> std::shared_future<decltype(F())> {
return asyncImpl(std::function<decltype(F())()>(std::forward<Func>(F)));
/// Blocking wait for all the threads to complete and the queue to be empty.
/// It is an error to try to add new tasks while blocking on this call.
void wait();
// TODO: misleading legacy name warning!
// Returns the maximum number of worker threads in the pool, not the current
// number of threads!
unsigned getThreadCount() const { return MaxThreadCount; }
/// Returns true if the current thread is a worker thread of this thread pool.
bool isWorkerThread() const;
/// Helpers to create a promise and a callable wrapper of \p Task that sets
/// the result of the promise. Returns the callable and a future to access the
/// result.
template <typename ResTy>
static std::pair<std::function<void()>, std::future<ResTy>>
createTaskAndFuture(std::function<ResTy()> Task) {
std::shared_ptr<std::promise<ResTy>> Promise =
auto F = Promise->get_future();
return {
[Promise = std::move(Promise), Task]() { Promise->set_value(Task()); },
static std::pair<std::function<void()>, std::future<void>>
createTaskAndFuture(std::function<void()> Task) {
std::shared_ptr<std::promise<void>> Promise =
auto F = Promise->get_future();
return {[Promise = std::move(Promise), Task]() {
bool workCompletedUnlocked() { return !ActiveThreads && Tasks.empty(); }
/// Asynchronous submission of a task to the pool. The returned future can be
/// used to wait for the task to finish and is *non-blocking* on destruction.
template <typename ResTy>
std::shared_future<ResTy> asyncImpl(std::function<ResTy()> Task) {
/// Wrap the Task in a std::function<void()> that sets the result of the
/// corresponding future.
auto R = createTaskAndFuture(Task);
int requestedThreads;
// Lock the queue and push the new task
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> LockGuard(QueueLock);
// Don't allow enqueueing after disabling the pool
assert(EnableFlag && "Queuing a thread during ThreadPool destruction");
requestedThreads = ActiveThreads + Tasks.size();
return R.second.share();
#else // LLVM_ENABLE_THREADS Disabled
// Get a Future with launch::deferred execution using std::async
auto Future = std::async(std::launch::deferred, std::move(Task)).share();
// Wrap the future so that both ThreadPool::wait() can operate and the
// returned future can be sync'ed on.
Tasks.push([Future]() { Future.get(); });
return Future;
// Grow to ensure that we have at least `requested` Threads, but do not go
// over MaxThreadCount.
void grow(int requested);
/// Threads in flight
std::vector<llvm::thread> Threads;
/// Lock protecting access to the Threads vector.
mutable std::mutex ThreadsLock;
/// Tasks waiting for execution in the pool.
std::queue<std::function<void()>> Tasks;
/// Locking and signaling for accessing the Tasks queue.
std::mutex QueueLock;
std::condition_variable QueueCondition;
/// Signaling for job completion
std::condition_variable CompletionCondition;
/// Keep track of the number of thread actually busy
unsigned ActiveThreads = 0;
#if LLVM_ENABLE_THREADS // avoids warning for unused variable
/// Signal for the destruction of the pool, asking thread to exit.
bool EnableFlag = true;
const ThreadPoolStrategy Strategy;
/// Maximum number of threads to potentially grow this pool to.
const unsigned MaxThreadCount;