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//===- include/Core/Instrumentation.h - Instrumentation API ---------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Provide an Instrumentation API that optionally uses VTune interfaces.
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include <utility>
# include <ittnotify.h>
namespace lld {
/// \brief A unique global scope for instrumentation data.
/// Domains last for the lifetime of the application and cannot be destroyed.
/// Multiple Domains created with the same name represent the same domain.
class Domain {
__itt_domain *_domain;
explicit Domain(const char *name) : _domain(__itt_domain_createA(name)) {}
operator __itt_domain *() const { return _domain; }
__itt_domain *operator->() const { return _domain; }
/// \brief A global reference to a string constant.
/// These are uniqued by the ITT runtime and cannot be deleted. They are not
/// specific to a domain.
/// Prefer reusing a single StringHandle over passing a ntbs when the same
/// string will be used often.
class StringHandle {
__itt_string_handle *_handle;
StringHandle(const char *name) : _handle(__itt_string_handle_createA(name)) {}
operator __itt_string_handle *() const { return _handle; }
/// \brief A task on a single thread. Nests within other tasks.
/// Each thread has its own task stack and tasks nest recursively on that stack.
/// A task cannot transfer threads.
/// SBRM is used to ensure task starts and ends are ballanced. The lifetime of
/// a task is either the lifetime of this object, or until end is called.
class ScopedTask {
__itt_domain *_domain;
ScopedTask(const ScopedTask &) = delete;
ScopedTask &operator=(const ScopedTask &) = delete;
/// \brief Create a task in Domain \p d named \p s.
ScopedTask(const Domain &d, const StringHandle &s) : _domain(d) {
__itt_task_begin(d, __itt_null, __itt_null, s);
ScopedTask(ScopedTask &&other) {
*this = std::move(other);
ScopedTask &operator=(ScopedTask &&other) {
_domain = other._domain;
other._domain = nullptr;
return *this;
/// \brief Prematurely end this task.
void end() {
if (_domain)
_domain = nullptr;
~ScopedTask() { end(); }
/// \brief A specific point in time. Allows metadata to be associated.
class Marker {
Marker(const Domain &d, const StringHandle &s) {
__itt_marker(d, __itt_null, s, __itt_scope_global);
class Domain {
Domain(const char *name) {}
class StringHandle {
StringHandle(const char *name) {}
class ScopedTask {
ScopedTask(const Domain &d, const StringHandle &s) {}
void end() {}
class Marker {
Marker(const Domain &d, const StringHandle &s) {}
inline const Domain &getDefaultDomain() {
static Domain domain("org.llvm.lld");
return domain;
} // end namespace lld.