blob: 9d0b37fe4a4d71d6443aa14ace324cd911cb9dae [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- JITLinkMemoryManager.h - JITLink mem manager interface --*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Contains the JITLinkMemoryManager interface.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITSymbol.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Memory.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace llvm {
namespace jitlink {
/// Manages allocations of JIT memory.
/// Instances of this class may be accessed concurrently from multiple threads
/// and their implemetations should include any necessary synchronization.
class JITLinkMemoryManager {
using ProtectionFlags = sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags;
class SegmentRequest {
SegmentRequest() = default;
SegmentRequest(size_t ContentSize, unsigned ContentAlign,
uint64_t ZeroFillSize, unsigned ZeroFillAlign)
: ContentSize(ContentSize), ZeroFillSize(ZeroFillSize),
ContentAlign(ContentAlign), ZeroFillAlign(ZeroFillAlign) {}
size_t getContentSize() const { return ContentSize; }
unsigned getContentAlignment() const { return ContentAlign; }
uint64_t getZeroFillSize() const { return ZeroFillSize; }
unsigned getZeroFillAlignment() const { return ZeroFillAlign; }
size_t ContentSize = 0;
uint64_t ZeroFillSize = 0;
unsigned ContentAlign = 0;
unsigned ZeroFillAlign = 0;
using SegmentsRequestMap = DenseMap<unsigned, SegmentRequest>;
/// Represents an allocation created by the memory manager.
/// An allocation object is responsible for allocating and owning jit-linker
/// working and target memory, and for transfering from working to target
/// memory.
class Allocation {
using FinalizeContinuation = std::function<void(Error)>;
virtual ~Allocation();
/// Should return the address of linker working memory for the segment with
/// the given protection flags.
virtual MutableArrayRef<char> getWorkingMemory(ProtectionFlags Seg) = 0;
/// Should return the final address in the target process where the segment
/// will reside.
virtual JITTargetAddress getTargetMemory(ProtectionFlags Seg) = 0;
/// Should transfer from working memory to target memory, and release
/// working memory.
virtual void finalizeAsync(FinalizeContinuation OnFinalize) = 0;
/// Should deallocate target memory.
virtual Error deallocate() = 0;
virtual ~JITLinkMemoryManager();
/// Create an Allocation object.
virtual Expected<std::unique_ptr<Allocation>>
allocate(const SegmentsRequestMap &Request) = 0;
/// A JITLinkMemoryManager that allocates in-process memory.
class InProcessMemoryManager : public JITLinkMemoryManager {
allocate(const SegmentsRequestMap &Request) override;
} // end namespace jitlink
} // end namespace llvm