Factor libc++_host use into llvm_host_defaults

Modify the llvm-build-host-tools-defaults/llvm_host_defaults Soong
module to include two more properties:

    shared_libs: ["libc++_host"],
    stl: "none",

This refactoring will help consolidate the libc++ upgrade changes (one
less repository).

It will also switch the versioner and ide_query_cc_analyzer binaries
over to using the new libc++, as is already the case for the binaries
in development/vndk/tools/header-checker.

Bug: http://b/332594828
Test: prebuilts/clang-tools/build-prebuilts.sh (in aosp/clang-tools repo)
Test: out/soong/dist/bin/versioner -h
Test: out/soong/dist/bin/ide_query_cc_analyzer --help
Change-Id: I5e76540a4757a92fbeb1662d0950b72216c31abc
1 file changed
tree: 3f802857c33ed3c85eaa4fb7ce6d96765af9b925
  1. clang-3289846/
  2. clang-r475365b/
  3. clang-r487747c/
  4. clang-r498229b/
  5. clang-r510928/
  6. clang-r522817/
  7. clang-stable/
  8. docs/
  9. kleaf/
  10. llvm-binutils-stable/
  11. mlgo-models/
  12. profiles/
  13. soong/
  14. .gitignore
  15. Android.bp
  17. BUILD.bazel
  18. CleanSpec.mk
  19. GCC_4_9_DEPRECATION.md
  20. go.mod
  22. OWNERS
  23. README.md

Android Clang/LLVM Prebuilts

For the latest version of this doc, please make sure to visit: Android Clang/LLVM Prebuilts Readme Doc

LLVM Users

Prebuilt Versions

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