blob: 9fec217aca72556ad3a01275fe6daaddbdfa2006 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===- CallEvent.h - Wrapper for all function and method calls ----*- C++ -*--//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file This file defines CallEvent and its subclasses, which represent path-
/// sensitive instances of different kinds of function and method calls
/// (C, C++, and Objective-C).
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisDeclContext.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SVals.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include <utility>
namespace clang {
class ProgramPoint;
class ProgramPointTag;
namespace ento {
enum CallEventKind {
class CallEvent;
class CallEventManager;
/// This class represents a description of a function call using the number of
/// arguments and the name of the function.
class CallDescription {
friend CallEvent;
mutable IdentifierInfo *II;
mutable bool IsLookupDone;
StringRef FuncName;
unsigned RequiredArgs;
const static unsigned NoArgRequirement = ~0;
/// \brief Constructs a CallDescription object.
/// @param FuncName The name of the function that will be matched.
/// @param RequiredArgs The number of arguments that is expected to match a
/// call. Omit this parameter to match every occurance of call with a given
/// name regardless the number of arguments.
CallDescription(StringRef FuncName, unsigned RequiredArgs = NoArgRequirement)
: II(nullptr), IsLookupDone(false), FuncName(FuncName),
RequiredArgs(RequiredArgs) {}
/// \brief Get the name of the function that this object matches.
StringRef getFunctionName() const { return FuncName; }
template<typename T = CallEvent>
class CallEventRef : public IntrusiveRefCntPtr<const T> {
CallEventRef(const T *Call) : IntrusiveRefCntPtr<const T>(Call) {}
CallEventRef(const CallEventRef &Orig) : IntrusiveRefCntPtr<const T>(Orig) {}
CallEventRef<T> cloneWithState(ProgramStateRef State) const {
return this->get()->template cloneWithState<T>(State);
// Allow implicit conversions to a superclass type, since CallEventRef
// behaves like a pointer-to-const.
template <typename SuperT>
operator CallEventRef<SuperT> () const {
return this->get();
/// \class RuntimeDefinition
/// \brief Defines the runtime definition of the called function.
/// Encapsulates the information we have about which Decl will be used
/// when the call is executed on the given path. When dealing with dynamic
/// dispatch, the information is based on DynamicTypeInfo and might not be
/// precise.
class RuntimeDefinition {
/// The Declaration of the function which could be called at runtime.
/// NULL if not available.
const Decl *D;
/// The region representing an object (ObjC/C++) on which the method is
/// called. With dynamic dispatch, the method definition depends on the
/// runtime type of this object. NULL when the DynamicTypeInfo is
/// precise.
const MemRegion *R;
RuntimeDefinition(): D(nullptr), R(nullptr) {}
RuntimeDefinition(const Decl *InD): D(InD), R(nullptr) {}
RuntimeDefinition(const Decl *InD, const MemRegion *InR): D(InD), R(InR) {}
const Decl *getDecl() { return D; }
/// \brief Check if the definition we have is precise.
/// If not, it is possible that the call dispatches to another definition at
/// execution time.
bool mayHaveOtherDefinitions() { return R != nullptr; }
/// When other definitions are possible, returns the region whose runtime type
/// determines the method definition.
const MemRegion *getDispatchRegion() { return R; }
/// \brief Represents an abstract call to a function or method along a
/// particular path.
/// CallEvents are created through the factory methods of CallEventManager.
/// CallEvents should always be cheap to create and destroy. In order for
/// CallEventManager to be able to re-use CallEvent-sized memory blocks,
/// subclasses of CallEvent may not add any data members to the base class.
/// Use the "Data" and "Location" fields instead.
class CallEvent {
typedef CallEventKind Kind;
ProgramStateRef State;
const LocationContext *LCtx;
llvm::PointerUnion<const Expr *, const Decl *> Origin;
void operator=(const CallEvent &) = delete;
// This is user data for subclasses.
const void *Data;
// This is user data for subclasses.
// This should come right before RefCount, so that the two fields can be
// packed together on LP64 platforms.
SourceLocation Location;
mutable unsigned RefCount;
template <typename T> friend struct llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtrInfo;
void Retain() const { ++RefCount; }
void Release() const;
friend class CallEventManager;
CallEvent(const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef state, const LocationContext *lctx)
: State(std::move(state)), LCtx(lctx), Origin(E), RefCount(0) {}
CallEvent(const Decl *D, ProgramStateRef state, const LocationContext *lctx)
: State(std::move(state)), LCtx(lctx), Origin(D), RefCount(0) {}
CallEvent(const CallEvent &Original)
: State(Original.State), LCtx(Original.LCtx), Origin(Original.Origin),
Data(Original.Data), Location(Original.Location), RefCount(0) {}
/// Copies this CallEvent, with vtable intact, into a new block of memory.
virtual void cloneTo(void *Dest) const = 0;
/// \brief Get the value of arbitrary expressions at this point in the path.
SVal getSVal(const Stmt *S) const {
return getState()->getSVal(S, getLocationContext());
typedef SmallVectorImpl<SVal> ValueList;
/// \brief Used to specify non-argument regions that will be invalidated as a
/// result of this call.
virtual void getExtraInvalidatedValues(ValueList &Values,
RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits *ETraits) const {}
virtual ~CallEvent() {}
/// \brief Returns the kind of call this is.
virtual Kind getKind() const = 0;
/// \brief Returns the declaration of the function or method that will be
/// called. May be null.
virtual const Decl *getDecl() const {
return Origin.dyn_cast<const Decl *>();
/// \brief The state in which the call is being evaluated.
const ProgramStateRef &getState() const {
return State;
/// \brief The context in which the call is being evaluated.
const LocationContext *getLocationContext() const {
return LCtx;
/// \brief Returns the definition of the function or method that will be
/// called.
virtual RuntimeDefinition getRuntimeDefinition() const = 0;
/// \brief Returns the expression whose value will be the result of this call.
/// May be null.
const Expr *getOriginExpr() const {
return Origin.dyn_cast<const Expr *>();
/// \brief Returns the number of arguments (explicit and implicit).
/// Note that this may be greater than the number of parameters in the
/// callee's declaration, and that it may include arguments not written in
/// the source.
virtual unsigned getNumArgs() const = 0;
/// \brief Returns true if the callee is known to be from a system header.
bool isInSystemHeader() const {
const Decl *D = getDecl();
if (!D)
return false;
SourceLocation Loc = D->getLocation();
if (Loc.isValid()) {
const SourceManager &SM =
return SM.isInSystemHeader(D->getLocation());
// Special case for implicitly-declared global operator new/delete.
// These should be considered system functions.
if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D))
return FD->isOverloadedOperator() && FD->isImplicit() && FD->isGlobal();
return false;
/// \brief Returns true if the CallEvent is a call to a function that matches
/// the CallDescription.
/// Note that this function is not intended to be used to match Obj-C method
/// calls.
bool isCalled(const CallDescription &CD) const;
/// \brief Returns a source range for the entire call, suitable for
/// outputting in diagnostics.
virtual SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
return getOriginExpr()->getSourceRange();
/// \brief Returns the value of a given argument at the time of the call.
virtual SVal getArgSVal(unsigned Index) const;
/// \brief Returns the expression associated with a given argument.
/// May be null if this expression does not appear in the source.
virtual const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const { return nullptr; }
/// \brief Returns the source range for errors associated with this argument.
/// May be invalid if the argument is not written in the source.
virtual SourceRange getArgSourceRange(unsigned Index) const;
/// \brief Returns the result type, adjusted for references.
QualType getResultType() const;
/// \brief Returns the return value of the call.
/// This should only be called if the CallEvent was created using a state in
/// which the return value has already been bound to the origin expression.
SVal getReturnValue() const;
/// \brief Returns true if the type of any of the non-null arguments satisfies
/// the condition.
bool hasNonNullArgumentsWithType(bool (*Condition)(QualType)) const;
/// \brief Returns true if any of the arguments appear to represent callbacks.
bool hasNonZeroCallbackArg() const;
/// \brief Returns true if any of the arguments is void*.
bool hasVoidPointerToNonConstArg() const;
/// \brief Returns true if any of the arguments are known to escape to long-
/// term storage, even if this method will not modify them.
// NOTE: The exact semantics of this are still being defined!
// We don't really want a list of hardcoded exceptions in the long run,
// but we don't want duplicated lists of known APIs in the short term either.
virtual bool argumentsMayEscape() const {
return hasNonZeroCallbackArg();
/// \brief Returns true if the callee is an externally-visible function in the
/// top-level namespace, such as \c malloc.
/// You can use this call to determine that a particular function really is
/// a library function and not, say, a C++ member function with the same name.
/// If a name is provided, the function must additionally match the given
/// name.
/// Note that this deliberately excludes C++ library functions in the \c std
/// namespace, but will include C library functions accessed through the
/// \c std namespace. This also does not check if the function is declared
/// as 'extern "C"', or if it uses C++ name mangling.
// FIXME: Add a helper for checking namespaces.
// FIXME: Move this down to AnyFunctionCall once checkers have more
// precise callbacks.
bool isGlobalCFunction(StringRef SpecificName = StringRef()) const;
/// \brief Returns the name of the callee, if its name is a simple identifier.
/// Note that this will fail for Objective-C methods, blocks, and C++
/// overloaded operators. The former is named by a Selector rather than a
/// simple identifier, and the latter two do not have names.
// FIXME: Move this down to AnyFunctionCall once checkers have more
// precise callbacks.
const IdentifierInfo *getCalleeIdentifier() const {
const NamedDecl *ND = dyn_cast_or_null<NamedDecl>(getDecl());
if (!ND)
return nullptr;
return ND->getIdentifier();
/// \brief Returns an appropriate ProgramPoint for this call.
ProgramPoint getProgramPoint(bool IsPreVisit = false,
const ProgramPointTag *Tag = nullptr) const;
/// \brief Returns a new state with all argument regions invalidated.
/// This accepts an alternate state in case some processing has already
/// occurred.
ProgramStateRef invalidateRegions(unsigned BlockCount,
ProgramStateRef Orig = nullptr) const;
typedef std::pair<Loc, SVal> FrameBindingTy;
typedef SmallVectorImpl<FrameBindingTy> BindingsTy;
/// Populates the given SmallVector with the bindings in the callee's stack
/// frame at the start of this call.
virtual void getInitialStackFrameContents(const StackFrameContext *CalleeCtx,
BindingsTy &Bindings) const = 0;
/// Returns a copy of this CallEvent, but using the given state.
template <typename T>
CallEventRef<T> cloneWithState(ProgramStateRef NewState) const;
/// Returns a copy of this CallEvent, but using the given state.
CallEventRef<> cloneWithState(ProgramStateRef NewState) const {
return cloneWithState<CallEvent>(NewState);
/// \brief Returns true if this is a statement is a function or method call
/// of some kind.
static bool isCallStmt(const Stmt *S);
/// \brief Returns the result type of a function or method declaration.
/// This will return a null QualType if the result type cannot be determined.
static QualType getDeclaredResultType(const Decl *D);
/// \brief Returns true if the given decl is known to be variadic.
/// \p D must not be null.
static bool isVariadic(const Decl *D);
// Iterator access to formal parameters and their types.
struct GetTypeFn {
QualType operator()(ParmVarDecl *PD) const { return PD->getType(); }
/// Return call's formal parameters.
/// Remember that the number of formal parameters may not match the number
/// of arguments for all calls. However, the first parameter will always
/// correspond with the argument value returned by \c getArgSVal(0).
virtual ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl*> parameters() const = 0;
typedef llvm::mapped_iterator<ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl*>::iterator, GetTypeFn>
/// Returns an iterator over the types of the call's formal parameters.
/// This uses the callee decl found by default name lookup rather than the
/// definition because it represents a public interface, and probably has
/// more annotations.
param_type_iterator param_type_begin() const {
return llvm::map_iterator(parameters().begin(), GetTypeFn());
/// \sa param_type_begin()
param_type_iterator param_type_end() const {
return llvm::map_iterator(parameters().end(), GetTypeFn());
// For debugging purposes only
void dump(raw_ostream &Out) const;
void dump() const;
/// \brief Represents a call to any sort of function that might have a
/// FunctionDecl.
class AnyFunctionCall : public CallEvent {
AnyFunctionCall(const Expr *E, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: CallEvent(E, St, LCtx) {}
AnyFunctionCall(const Decl *D, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: CallEvent(D, St, LCtx) {}
AnyFunctionCall(const AnyFunctionCall &Other) : CallEvent(Other) {}
// This function is overridden by subclasses, but they must return
// a FunctionDecl.
const FunctionDecl *getDecl() const override {
return cast<FunctionDecl>(CallEvent::getDecl());
RuntimeDefinition getRuntimeDefinition() const override;
bool argumentsMayEscape() const override;
void getInitialStackFrameContents(const StackFrameContext *CalleeCtx,
BindingsTy &Bindings) const override;
ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl *> parameters() const override;
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() >= CE_BEG_FUNCTION_CALLS &&
/// \brief Represents a C function or static C++ member function call.
/// Example: \c fun()
class SimpleFunctionCall : public AnyFunctionCall {
friend class CallEventManager;
SimpleFunctionCall(const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: AnyFunctionCall(CE, St, LCtx) {}
SimpleFunctionCall(const SimpleFunctionCall &Other)
: AnyFunctionCall(Other) {}
void cloneTo(void *Dest) const override {
new (Dest) SimpleFunctionCall(*this);
virtual const CallExpr *getOriginExpr() const {
return cast<CallExpr>(AnyFunctionCall::getOriginExpr());
const FunctionDecl *getDecl() const override;
unsigned getNumArgs() const override { return getOriginExpr()->getNumArgs(); }
const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getArg(Index);
Kind getKind() const override { return CE_Function; }
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() == CE_Function;
/// \brief Represents a call to a block.
/// Example: <tt>^{ /* ... */ }()</tt>
class BlockCall : public CallEvent {
friend class CallEventManager;
BlockCall(const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: CallEvent(CE, St, LCtx) {}
BlockCall(const BlockCall &Other) : CallEvent(Other) {}
void cloneTo(void *Dest) const override { new (Dest) BlockCall(*this); }
void getExtraInvalidatedValues(ValueList &Values,
RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits *ETraits) const override;
virtual const CallExpr *getOriginExpr() const {
return cast<CallExpr>(CallEvent::getOriginExpr());
unsigned getNumArgs() const override { return getOriginExpr()->getNumArgs(); }
const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getArg(Index);
/// \brief Returns the region associated with this instance of the block.
/// This may be NULL if the block's origin is unknown.
const BlockDataRegion *getBlockRegion() const;
const BlockDecl *getDecl() const override {
const BlockDataRegion *BR = getBlockRegion();
if (!BR)
return nullptr;
return BR->getDecl();
bool isConversionFromLambda() const {
const BlockDecl *BD = getDecl();
if (!BD)
return false;
return BD->isConversionFromLambda();
/// \brief For a block converted from a C++ lambda, returns the block
/// VarRegion for the variable holding the captured C++ lambda record.
const VarRegion *getRegionStoringCapturedLambda() const {
const BlockDataRegion *BR = getBlockRegion();
assert(BR && "Block converted from lambda must have a block region");
auto I = BR->referenced_vars_begin();
assert(I != BR->referenced_vars_end());
return I.getCapturedRegion();
RuntimeDefinition getRuntimeDefinition() const override {
if (!isConversionFromLambda())
return RuntimeDefinition(getDecl());
// Clang converts lambdas to blocks with an implicit user-defined
// conversion operator method on the lambda record that looks (roughly)
// like:
// typedef R(^block_type)(P1, P2, ...);
// operator block_type() const {
// auto Lambda = *this;
// return ^(P1 p1, P2 p2, ...){
// /* return Lambda(p1, p2, ...); */
// };
// }
// Here R is the return type of the lambda and P1, P2, ... are
// its parameter types. 'Lambda' is a fake VarDecl captured by the block
// that is initialized to a copy of the lambda.
// Sema leaves the body of a lambda-converted block empty (it is
// produced by CodeGen), so we can't analyze it directly. Instead, we skip
// the block body and analyze the operator() method on the captured lambda.
const VarDecl *LambdaVD = getRegionStoringCapturedLambda()->getDecl();
const CXXRecordDecl *LambdaDecl = LambdaVD->getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
CXXMethodDecl* LambdaCallOperator = LambdaDecl->getLambdaCallOperator();
return RuntimeDefinition(LambdaCallOperator);
bool argumentsMayEscape() const override {
return true;
void getInitialStackFrameContents(const StackFrameContext *CalleeCtx,
BindingsTy &Bindings) const override;
ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl*> parameters() const override;
Kind getKind() const override { return CE_Block; }
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() == CE_Block;
/// \brief Represents a non-static C++ member function call, no matter how
/// it is written.
class CXXInstanceCall : public AnyFunctionCall {
void getExtraInvalidatedValues(ValueList &Values,
RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits *ETraits) const override;
CXXInstanceCall(const CallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: AnyFunctionCall(CE, St, LCtx) {}
CXXInstanceCall(const FunctionDecl *D, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: AnyFunctionCall(D, St, LCtx) {}
CXXInstanceCall(const CXXInstanceCall &Other) : AnyFunctionCall(Other) {}
/// \brief Returns the expression representing the implicit 'this' object.
virtual const Expr *getCXXThisExpr() const { return nullptr; }
/// \brief Returns the value of the implicit 'this' object.
virtual SVal getCXXThisVal() const;
const FunctionDecl *getDecl() const override;
RuntimeDefinition getRuntimeDefinition() const override;
void getInitialStackFrameContents(const StackFrameContext *CalleeCtx,
BindingsTy &Bindings) const override;
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() >= CE_BEG_CXX_INSTANCE_CALLS &&
/// \brief Represents a non-static C++ member function call.
/// Example: \c
class CXXMemberCall : public CXXInstanceCall {
friend class CallEventManager;
CXXMemberCall(const CXXMemberCallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: CXXInstanceCall(CE, St, LCtx) {}
CXXMemberCall(const CXXMemberCall &Other) : CXXInstanceCall(Other) {}
void cloneTo(void *Dest) const override { new (Dest) CXXMemberCall(*this); }
virtual const CXXMemberCallExpr *getOriginExpr() const {
return cast<CXXMemberCallExpr>(CXXInstanceCall::getOriginExpr());
unsigned getNumArgs() const override {
if (const CallExpr *CE = getOriginExpr())
return CE->getNumArgs();
return 0;
const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getArg(Index);
const Expr *getCXXThisExpr() const override;
RuntimeDefinition getRuntimeDefinition() const override;
Kind getKind() const override { return CE_CXXMember; }
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() == CE_CXXMember;
/// \brief Represents a C++ overloaded operator call where the operator is
/// implemented as a non-static member function.
/// Example: <tt>iter + 1</tt>
class CXXMemberOperatorCall : public CXXInstanceCall {
friend class CallEventManager;
CXXMemberOperatorCall(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *CE, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: CXXInstanceCall(CE, St, LCtx) {}
CXXMemberOperatorCall(const CXXMemberOperatorCall &Other)
: CXXInstanceCall(Other) {}
void cloneTo(void *Dest) const override {
new (Dest) CXXMemberOperatorCall(*this);
virtual const CXXOperatorCallExpr *getOriginExpr() const {
return cast<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(CXXInstanceCall::getOriginExpr());
unsigned getNumArgs() const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getNumArgs() - 1;
const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getArg(Index + 1);
const Expr *getCXXThisExpr() const override;
Kind getKind() const override { return CE_CXXMemberOperator; }
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() == CE_CXXMemberOperator;
/// \brief Represents an implicit call to a C++ destructor.
/// This can occur at the end of a scope (for automatic objects), at the end
/// of a full-expression (for temporaries), or as part of a delete.
class CXXDestructorCall : public CXXInstanceCall {
friend class CallEventManager;
typedef llvm::PointerIntPair<const MemRegion *, 1, bool> DtorDataTy;
/// Creates an implicit destructor.
/// \param DD The destructor that will be called.
/// \param Trigger The statement whose completion causes this destructor call.
/// \param Target The object region to be destructed.
/// \param St The path-sensitive state at this point in the program.
/// \param LCtx The location context at this point in the program.
CXXDestructorCall(const CXXDestructorDecl *DD, const Stmt *Trigger,
const MemRegion *Target, bool IsBaseDestructor,
ProgramStateRef St, const LocationContext *LCtx)
: CXXInstanceCall(DD, St, LCtx) {
Data = DtorDataTy(Target, IsBaseDestructor).getOpaqueValue();
Location = Trigger->getLocEnd();
CXXDestructorCall(const CXXDestructorCall &Other) : CXXInstanceCall(Other) {}
void cloneTo(void *Dest) const override {new (Dest) CXXDestructorCall(*this);}
SourceRange getSourceRange() const override { return Location; }
unsigned getNumArgs() const override { return 0; }
RuntimeDefinition getRuntimeDefinition() const override;
/// \brief Returns the value of the implicit 'this' object.
SVal getCXXThisVal() const override;
/// Returns true if this is a call to a base class destructor.
bool isBaseDestructor() const {
return DtorDataTy::getFromOpaqueValue(Data).getInt();
Kind getKind() const override { return CE_CXXDestructor; }
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() == CE_CXXDestructor;
/// \brief Represents a call to a C++ constructor.
/// Example: \c T(1)
class CXXConstructorCall : public AnyFunctionCall {
friend class CallEventManager;
/// Creates a constructor call.
/// \param CE The constructor expression as written in the source.
/// \param Target The region where the object should be constructed. If NULL,
/// a new symbolic region will be used.
/// \param St The path-sensitive state at this point in the program.
/// \param LCtx The location context at this point in the program.
CXXConstructorCall(const CXXConstructExpr *CE, const MemRegion *Target,
ProgramStateRef St, const LocationContext *LCtx)
: AnyFunctionCall(CE, St, LCtx) {
Data = Target;
CXXConstructorCall(const CXXConstructorCall &Other) : AnyFunctionCall(Other){}
void cloneTo(void *Dest) const override { new (Dest) CXXConstructorCall(*this); }
void getExtraInvalidatedValues(ValueList &Values,
RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits *ETraits) const override;
virtual const CXXConstructExpr *getOriginExpr() const {
return cast<CXXConstructExpr>(AnyFunctionCall::getOriginExpr());
const CXXConstructorDecl *getDecl() const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getConstructor();
unsigned getNumArgs() const override { return getOriginExpr()->getNumArgs(); }
const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getArg(Index);
/// \brief Returns the value of the implicit 'this' object.
SVal getCXXThisVal() const;
void getInitialStackFrameContents(const StackFrameContext *CalleeCtx,
BindingsTy &Bindings) const override;
Kind getKind() const override { return CE_CXXConstructor; }
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() == CE_CXXConstructor;
/// \brief Represents the memory allocation call in a C++ new-expression.
/// This is a call to "operator new".
class CXXAllocatorCall : public AnyFunctionCall {
friend class CallEventManager;
CXXAllocatorCall(const CXXNewExpr *E, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: AnyFunctionCall(E, St, LCtx) {}
CXXAllocatorCall(const CXXAllocatorCall &Other) : AnyFunctionCall(Other) {}
void cloneTo(void *Dest) const override { new (Dest) CXXAllocatorCall(*this); }
virtual const CXXNewExpr *getOriginExpr() const {
return cast<CXXNewExpr>(AnyFunctionCall::getOriginExpr());
const FunctionDecl *getDecl() const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getOperatorNew();
unsigned getNumArgs() const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getNumPlacementArgs() + 1;
const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const override {
// The first argument of an allocator call is the size of the allocation.
if (Index == 0)
return nullptr;
return getOriginExpr()->getPlacementArg(Index - 1);
Kind getKind() const override { return CE_CXXAllocator; }
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CE) {
return CE->getKind() == CE_CXXAllocator;
/// \brief Represents the ways an Objective-C message send can occur.
// Note to maintainers: OCM_Message should always be last, since it does not
// need to fit in the Data field's low bits.
enum ObjCMessageKind {
/// \brief Represents any expression that calls an Objective-C method.
/// This includes all of the kinds listed in ObjCMessageKind.
class ObjCMethodCall : public CallEvent {
friend class CallEventManager;
const PseudoObjectExpr *getContainingPseudoObjectExpr() const;
ObjCMethodCall(const ObjCMessageExpr *Msg, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx)
: CallEvent(Msg, St, LCtx) {
Data = nullptr;
ObjCMethodCall(const ObjCMethodCall &Other) : CallEvent(Other) {}
void cloneTo(void *Dest) const override { new (Dest) ObjCMethodCall(*this); }
void getExtraInvalidatedValues(ValueList &Values,
RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits *ETraits) const override;
/// Check if the selector may have multiple definitions (may have overrides).
virtual bool canBeOverridenInSubclass(ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl,
Selector Sel) const;
virtual const ObjCMessageExpr *getOriginExpr() const {
return cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(CallEvent::getOriginExpr());
const ObjCMethodDecl *getDecl() const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getMethodDecl();
unsigned getNumArgs() const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getNumArgs();
const Expr *getArgExpr(unsigned Index) const override {
return getOriginExpr()->getArg(Index);
bool isInstanceMessage() const {
return getOriginExpr()->isInstanceMessage();
ObjCMethodFamily getMethodFamily() const {
return getOriginExpr()->getMethodFamily();
Selector getSelector() const {
return getOriginExpr()->getSelector();
SourceRange getSourceRange() const override;
/// \brief Returns the value of the receiver at the time of this call.
SVal getReceiverSVal() const;
/// \brief Return the value of 'self' if available.
SVal getSelfSVal() const;
/// \brief Get the interface for the receiver.
/// This works whether this is an instance message or a class message.
/// However, it currently just uses the static type of the receiver.
const ObjCInterfaceDecl *getReceiverInterface() const {
return getOriginExpr()->getReceiverInterface();
/// \brief Checks if the receiver refers to 'self' or 'super'.
bool isReceiverSelfOrSuper() const;
/// Returns how the message was written in the source (property access,
/// subscript, or explicit message send).
ObjCMessageKind getMessageKind() const;
/// Returns true if this property access or subscript is a setter (has the
/// form of an assignment).
bool isSetter() const {
switch (getMessageKind()) {
case OCM_Message:
llvm_unreachable("This is not a pseudo-object access!");
case OCM_PropertyAccess:
return getNumArgs() > 0;
case OCM_Subscript:
return getNumArgs() > 1;
llvm_unreachable("Unknown message kind");
// Returns the property accessed by this method, either explicitly via
// property syntax or implicitly via a getter or setter method. Returns
// nullptr if the call is not a prooperty access.
const ObjCPropertyDecl *getAccessedProperty() const;
RuntimeDefinition getRuntimeDefinition() const override;
bool argumentsMayEscape() const override;
void getInitialStackFrameContents(const StackFrameContext *CalleeCtx,
BindingsTy &Bindings) const override;
ArrayRef<ParmVarDecl*> parameters() const override;
Kind getKind() const override { return CE_ObjCMessage; }
static bool classof(const CallEvent *CA) {
return CA->getKind() == CE_ObjCMessage;
/// \brief Manages the lifetime of CallEvent objects.
/// CallEventManager provides a way to create arbitrary CallEvents "on the
/// stack" as if they were value objects by keeping a cache of CallEvent-sized
/// memory blocks. The CallEvents created by CallEventManager are only valid
/// for the lifetime of the OwnedCallEvent that holds them; right now these
/// objects cannot be copied and ownership cannot be transferred.
class CallEventManager {
friend class CallEvent;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc;
SmallVector<void *, 8> Cache;
typedef SimpleFunctionCall CallEventTemplateTy;
void reclaim(const void *Memory) {
Cache.push_back(const_cast<void *>(Memory));
/// Returns memory that can be initialized as a CallEvent.
void *allocate() {
if (Cache.empty())
return Alloc.Allocate<CallEventTemplateTy>();
return Cache.pop_back_val();
template <typename T, typename Arg>
T *create(Arg A, ProgramStateRef St, const LocationContext *LCtx) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(CallEventTemplateTy),
"CallEvent subclasses are not all the same size");
return new (allocate()) T(A, St, LCtx);
template <typename T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
T *create(Arg1 A1, Arg2 A2, ProgramStateRef St, const LocationContext *LCtx) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(CallEventTemplateTy),
"CallEvent subclasses are not all the same size");
return new (allocate()) T(A1, A2, St, LCtx);
template <typename T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
T *create(Arg1 A1, Arg2 A2, Arg3 A3, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(CallEventTemplateTy),
"CallEvent subclasses are not all the same size");
return new (allocate()) T(A1, A2, A3, St, LCtx);
template <typename T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3,
typename Arg4>
T *create(Arg1 A1, Arg2 A2, Arg3 A3, Arg4 A4, ProgramStateRef St,
const LocationContext *LCtx) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(CallEventTemplateTy),
"CallEvent subclasses are not all the same size");
return new (allocate()) T(A1, A2, A3, A4, St, LCtx);
CallEventManager(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &alloc) : Alloc(alloc) {}
getCaller(const StackFrameContext *CalleeCtx, ProgramStateRef State);
getSimpleCall(const CallExpr *E, ProgramStateRef State,
const LocationContext *LCtx);
getObjCMethodCall(const ObjCMessageExpr *E, ProgramStateRef State,
const LocationContext *LCtx) {
return create<ObjCMethodCall>(E, State, LCtx);
getCXXConstructorCall(const CXXConstructExpr *E, const MemRegion *Target,
ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx) {
return create<CXXConstructorCall>(E, Target, State, LCtx);
getCXXDestructorCall(const CXXDestructorDecl *DD, const Stmt *Trigger,
const MemRegion *Target, bool IsBase,
ProgramStateRef State, const LocationContext *LCtx) {
return create<CXXDestructorCall>(DD, Trigger, Target, IsBase, State, LCtx);
getCXXAllocatorCall(const CXXNewExpr *E, ProgramStateRef State,
const LocationContext *LCtx) {
return create<CXXAllocatorCall>(E, State, LCtx);
template <typename T>
CallEventRef<T> CallEvent::cloneWithState(ProgramStateRef NewState) const {
assert(isa<T>(*this) && "Cloning to unrelated type");
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(CallEvent),
"Subclasses may not add fields");
if (NewState == State)
return cast<T>(this);
CallEventManager &Mgr = State->getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
T *Copy = static_cast<T *>(Mgr.allocate());
assert(Copy->getKind() == this->getKind() && "Bad copy");
Copy->State = NewState;
return Copy;
inline void CallEvent::Release() const {
assert(RefCount > 0 && "Reference count is already zero.");
if (RefCount > 0)
CallEventManager &Mgr = State->getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
} // end namespace ento
} // end namespace clang
namespace llvm {
// Support isa<>, cast<>, and dyn_cast<> for CallEventRef.
template<class T> struct simplify_type< clang::ento::CallEventRef<T> > {
typedef const T *SimpleType;
static SimpleType
getSimplifiedValue(clang::ento::CallEventRef<T> Val) {
return Val.get();