blob: e138faeed34232fed541ed441a68cde7645ba8b4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===- WasmObjectFile.h - Wasm object file implementation -------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file declares the WasmObjectFile class, which implements the ObjectFile
// interface for Wasm files.
// See:
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Wasm.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
namespace object {
class WasmSymbol {
enum class SymbolType {
WasmSymbol(StringRef Name, SymbolType Type, uint32_t Section,
uint32_t ElementIndex, uint32_t ImportIndex = 0)
: Name(Name), Type(Type), Section(Section), ElementIndex(ElementIndex),
ImportIndex(ImportIndex) {}
StringRef Name;
SymbolType Type;
uint32_t Section;
uint32_t Flags = 0;
// Index into either the function or global index space.
uint32_t ElementIndex;
// For imports, the index into the import table
uint32_t ImportIndex;
bool isFunction() const {
return Type == WasmSymbol::SymbolType::FUNCTION_IMPORT ||
Type == WasmSymbol::SymbolType::FUNCTION_EXPORT ||
Type == WasmSymbol::SymbolType::DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME;
bool isWeak() const {
return getBinding() == wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_BINDING_WEAK;
bool isGlobal() const {
return getBinding() == wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_BINDING_GLOBAL;
bool isLocal() const {
return getBinding() == wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_BINDING_LOCAL;
unsigned getBinding() const {
return Flags & wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_BINDING_MASK;
void print(raw_ostream &Out) const {
Out << "Name=" << Name << ", Type=" << static_cast<int>(Type)
<< ", Flags=" << Flags << " ElemIndex=" << ElementIndex
<< ", ImportIndex=" << ImportIndex;
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
struct WasmSection {
WasmSection() = default;
uint32_t Type = 0; // Section type (See below)
uint32_t Offset = 0; // Offset with in the file
StringRef Name; // Section name (User-defined sections only)
ArrayRef<uint8_t> Content; // Section content
std::vector<wasm::WasmRelocation> Relocations; // Relocations for this section
struct WasmSegment {
uint32_t SectionOffset;
wasm::WasmDataSegment Data;
class WasmObjectFile : public ObjectFile {
WasmObjectFile(MemoryBufferRef Object, Error &Err);
const wasm::WasmObjectHeader &getHeader() const;
const WasmSymbol &getWasmSymbol(const DataRefImpl &Symb) const;
const WasmSymbol &getWasmSymbol(const SymbolRef &Symbol) const;
const WasmSection &getWasmSection(const SectionRef &Section) const;
const wasm::WasmRelocation &getWasmRelocation(const RelocationRef& Ref) const;
static bool classof(const Binary *v) { return v->isWasm(); }
const std::vector<wasm::WasmSignature>& types() const { return Signatures; }
const std::vector<uint32_t>& functionTypes() const { return FunctionTypes; }
const std::vector<wasm::WasmImport>& imports() const { return Imports; }
const std::vector<wasm::WasmTable>& tables() const { return Tables; }
const std::vector<wasm::WasmLimits>& memories() const { return Memories; }
const std::vector<wasm::WasmGlobal>& globals() const { return Globals; }
const std::vector<wasm::WasmExport>& exports() const { return Exports; }
const wasm::WasmLinkingData& linkingData() const { return LinkingData; }
uint32_t getNumberOfSymbols() const {
return Symbols.size();
const std::vector<wasm::WasmElemSegment>& elements() const {
return ElemSegments;
const std::vector<WasmSegment>& dataSegments() const {
return DataSegments;
const std::vector<wasm::WasmFunction>& functions() const { return Functions; }
const ArrayRef<uint8_t>& code() const { return CodeSection; }
uint32_t startFunction() const { return StartFunction; }
void moveSymbolNext(DataRefImpl &Symb) const override;
uint32_t getSymbolFlags(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
basic_symbol_iterator symbol_begin() const override;
basic_symbol_iterator symbol_end() const override;
Expected<StringRef> getSymbolName(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
Expected<uint64_t> getSymbolAddress(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
uint64_t getWasmSymbolValue(const WasmSymbol& Sym) const;
uint64_t getSymbolValueImpl(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
uint32_t getSymbolAlignment(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
uint64_t getCommonSymbolSizeImpl(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
Expected<SymbolRef::Type> getSymbolType(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
Expected<section_iterator> getSymbolSection(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
// Overrides from SectionRef.
void moveSectionNext(DataRefImpl &Sec) const override;
std::error_code getSectionName(DataRefImpl Sec,
StringRef &Res) const override;
uint64_t getSectionAddress(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
uint64_t getSectionIndex(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
uint64_t getSectionSize(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
std::error_code getSectionContents(DataRefImpl Sec,
StringRef &Res) const override;
uint64_t getSectionAlignment(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
bool isSectionCompressed(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
bool isSectionText(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
bool isSectionData(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
bool isSectionBSS(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
bool isSectionVirtual(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
bool isSectionBitcode(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
relocation_iterator section_rel_begin(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
relocation_iterator section_rel_end(DataRefImpl Sec) const override;
// Overrides from RelocationRef.
void moveRelocationNext(DataRefImpl &Rel) const override;
uint64_t getRelocationOffset(DataRefImpl Rel) const override;
symbol_iterator getRelocationSymbol(DataRefImpl Rel) const override;
uint64_t getRelocationType(DataRefImpl Rel) const override;
void getRelocationTypeName(DataRefImpl Rel,
SmallVectorImpl<char> &Result) const override;
section_iterator section_begin() const override;
section_iterator section_end() const override;
uint8_t getBytesInAddress() const override;
StringRef getFileFormatName() const override;
unsigned getArch() const override;
SubtargetFeatures getFeatures() const override;
bool isRelocatableObject() const override;
const WasmSection &getWasmSection(DataRefImpl Ref) const;
const wasm::WasmRelocation &getWasmRelocation(DataRefImpl Ref) const;
WasmSection* findCustomSectionByName(StringRef Name);
WasmSection* findSectionByType(uint32_t Type);
const uint8_t *getPtr(size_t Offset) const;
Error parseSection(WasmSection &Sec);
Error parseCustomSection(WasmSection &Sec, const uint8_t *Ptr,
const uint8_t *End);
// Standard section types
Error parseTypeSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseImportSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseFunctionSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseTableSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseMemorySection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseGlobalSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseExportSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseStartSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseElemSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseCodeSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseDataSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
// Custom section types
Error parseNameSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseLinkingSection(const uint8_t *Ptr, const uint8_t *End);
Error parseRelocSection(StringRef Name, const uint8_t *Ptr,
const uint8_t *End);
void populateSymbolTable();
wasm::WasmObjectHeader Header;
std::vector<WasmSection> Sections;
std::vector<wasm::WasmSignature> Signatures;
std::vector<uint32_t> FunctionTypes;
std::vector<wasm::WasmTable> Tables;
std::vector<wasm::WasmLimits> Memories;
std::vector<wasm::WasmGlobal> Globals;
std::vector<wasm::WasmImport> Imports;
std::vector<wasm::WasmExport> Exports;
std::vector<wasm::WasmElemSegment> ElemSegments;
std::vector<WasmSegment> DataSegments;
std::vector<wasm::WasmFunction> Functions;
std::vector<WasmSymbol> Symbols;
ArrayRef<uint8_t> CodeSection;
uint32_t StartFunction = -1;
bool HasLinkingSection = false;
wasm::WasmLinkingData LinkingData;
uint32_t NumImportedGlobals = 0;
uint32_t NumImportedFunctions = 0;
uint32_t ImportSection = 0;
uint32_t ExportSection = 0;
StringMap<uint32_t> SymbolMap;
} // end namespace object
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS,
const object::WasmSymbol &Sym) {
return OS;
} // end namespace llvm