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//===--- CodeGenOptions.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the CodeGenOptions interface.
#include "clang/Basic/DebugInfoOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Sanitizers.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
/// \brief Bitfields of CodeGenOptions, split out from CodeGenOptions to ensure
/// that this large collection of bitfields is a trivial class type.
class CodeGenOptionsBase {
#define CODEGENOPT(Name, Bits, Default) unsigned Name : Bits;
#define ENUM_CODEGENOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default)
#include "clang/Frontend/CodeGenOptions.def"
#define CODEGENOPT(Name, Bits, Default)
#define ENUM_CODEGENOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default) unsigned Name : Bits;
#include "clang/Frontend/CodeGenOptions.def"
/// CodeGenOptions - Track various options which control how the code
/// is optimized and passed to the backend.
class CodeGenOptions : public CodeGenOptionsBase {
enum InliningMethod {
NormalInlining, // Use the standard function inlining pass.
OnlyHintInlining, // Inline only (implicitly) hinted functions.
OnlyAlwaysInlining // Only run the always inlining pass.
enum VectorLibrary {
NoLibrary, // Don't use any vector library.
Accelerate, // Use the Accelerate framework.
SVML // Intel short vector math library.
enum ObjCDispatchMethodKind {
Legacy = 0,
NonLegacy = 1,
Mixed = 2
enum TLSModel {
/// Clang versions with different platform ABI conformance.
enum class ClangABI {
/// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 3.8.x
/// (SVN r257626). This causes <1 x long long> to be passed in an
/// integer register instead of an SSE register on x64_64.
/// Attempt to be ABI-compatible with code generated by Clang 4.0.x
/// (SVN r291814). This causes move operations to be ignored when
/// determining whether a class type can be passed or returned directly.
/// Conform to the underlying platform's C and C++ ABIs as closely
/// as we can.
enum StructReturnConventionKind {
SRCK_Default, // No special option was passed.
SRCK_OnStack, // Small structs on the stack (-fpcc-struct-return).
SRCK_InRegs // Small structs in registers (-freg-struct-return).
enum ProfileInstrKind {
ProfileNone, // Profile instrumentation is turned off.
ProfileClangInstr, // Clang instrumentation to generate execution counts
// to use with PGO.
ProfileIRInstr, // IR level PGO instrumentation in LLVM.
enum EmbedBitcodeKind {
Embed_Off, // No embedded bitcode.
Embed_All, // Embed both bitcode and commandline in the output.
Embed_Bitcode, // Embed just the bitcode in the output.
Embed_Marker // Embed a marker as a placeholder for bitcode.
/// The code model to use (-mcmodel).
std::string CodeModel;
/// The filename with path we use for coverage data files. The runtime
/// allows further manipulation with the GCOV_PREFIX and GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP
/// environment variables.
std::string CoverageDataFile;
/// The filename with path we use for coverage notes files.
std::string CoverageNotesFile;
/// The version string to put into coverage files.
char CoverageVersion[4];
/// Enable additional debugging information.
std::string DebugPass;
/// The string to embed in debug information as the current working directory.
std::string DebugCompilationDir;
/// The string to embed in the debug information for the compile unit, if
/// non-empty.
std::string DwarfDebugFlags;
std::map<std::string, std::string> DebugPrefixMap;
/// The ABI to use for passing floating point arguments.
std::string FloatABI;
/// The floating-point denormal mode to use.
std::string FPDenormalMode;
/// The float precision limit to use, if non-empty.
std::string LimitFloatPrecision;
struct BitcodeFileToLink {
/// The filename of the bitcode file to link in.
std::string Filename;
/// If true, we set attributes functions in the bitcode library according to
/// our CodeGenOptions, much as we set attrs on functions that we generate
/// ourselves.
bool PropagateAttrs = false;
/// If true, we use LLVM module internalizer.
bool Internalize = false;
/// Bitwise combination of llvm::Linker::Flags, passed to the LLVM linker.
unsigned LinkFlags = 0;
/// The files specified here are linked in to the module before optimizations.
std::vector<BitcodeFileToLink> LinkBitcodeFiles;
/// The user provided name for the "main file", if non-empty. This is useful
/// in situations where the input file name does not match the original input
/// file, for example with -save-temps.
std::string MainFileName;
/// The name for the split debug info file that we'll break out. This is used
/// in the backend for setting the name in the skeleton cu.
std::string SplitDwarfFile;
/// The name of the relocation model to use.
std::string RelocationModel;
/// The thread model to use
std::string ThreadModel;
/// If not an empty string, trap intrinsics are lowered to calls to this
/// function instead of to trap instructions.
std::string TrapFuncName;
/// A list of command-line options to forward to the LLVM backend.
std::vector<std::string> BackendOptions;
/// A list of dependent libraries.
std::vector<std::string> DependentLibraries;
/// A list of linker options to embed in the object file.
std::vector<std::string> LinkerOptions;
/// Name of the profile file to use as output for -fprofile-instr-generate
/// and -fprofile-generate.
std::string InstrProfileOutput;
/// Name of the profile file to use with -fprofile-sample-use.
std::string SampleProfileFile;
/// Name of the profile file to use as input for -fprofile-instr-use
std::string ProfileInstrumentUsePath;
/// Name of the function summary index file to use for ThinLTO function
/// importing.
std::string ThinLTOIndexFile;
/// Name of a file that can optionally be written with minimized bitcode
/// to be used as input for the ThinLTO thin link step, which only needs
/// the summary and module symbol table (and not, e.g. any debug metadata).
std::string ThinLinkBitcodeFile;
/// A list of file names passed with -fcuda-include-gpubinary options to
/// forward to CUDA runtime back-end for incorporating them into host-side
/// object file.
std::vector<std::string> CudaGpuBinaryFileNames;
/// The name of the file to which the backend should save YAML optimization
/// records.
std::string OptRecordFile;
/// Regular expression to select optimizations for which we should enable
/// optimization remarks. Transformation passes whose name matches this
/// expression (and support this feature), will emit a diagnostic
/// whenever they perform a transformation. This is enabled by the
/// -Rpass=regexp flag.
std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex> OptimizationRemarkPattern;
/// Regular expression to select optimizations for which we should enable
/// missed optimization remarks. Transformation passes whose name matches this
/// expression (and support this feature), will emit a diagnostic
/// whenever they tried but failed to perform a transformation. This is
/// enabled by the -Rpass-missed=regexp flag.
std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex> OptimizationRemarkMissedPattern;
/// Regular expression to select optimizations for which we should enable
/// optimization analyses. Transformation passes whose name matches this
/// expression (and support this feature), will emit a diagnostic
/// whenever they want to explain why they decided to apply or not apply
/// a given transformation. This is enabled by the -Rpass-analysis=regexp
/// flag.
std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex> OptimizationRemarkAnalysisPattern;
/// Set of files defining the rules for the symbol rewriting.
std::vector<std::string> RewriteMapFiles;
/// Set of sanitizer checks that are non-fatal (i.e. execution should be
/// continued when possible).
SanitizerSet SanitizeRecover;
/// Set of sanitizer checks that trap rather than diagnose.
SanitizerSet SanitizeTrap;
/// List of backend command-line options for -fembed-bitcode.
std::vector<uint8_t> CmdArgs;
/// \brief A list of all -fno-builtin-* function names (e.g., memset).
std::vector<std::string> NoBuiltinFuncs;
// Define accessors/mutators for code generation options of enumeration type.
#define CODEGENOPT(Name, Bits, Default)
#define ENUM_CODEGENOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default) \
Type get##Name() const { return static_cast<Type>(Name); } \
void set##Name(Type Value) { Name = static_cast<unsigned>(Value); }
#include "clang/Frontend/CodeGenOptions.def"
/// \brief Is this a libc/libm function that is no longer recognized as a
/// builtin because a -fno-builtin-* option has been specified?
bool isNoBuiltinFunc(const char *Name) const;
const std::vector<std::string> &getNoBuiltinFuncs() const {
return NoBuiltinFuncs;
/// \brief Check if Clang profile instrumenation is on.
bool hasProfileClangInstr() const {
return getProfileInstr() == ProfileClangInstr;
/// \brief Check if IR level profile instrumentation is on.
bool hasProfileIRInstr() const {
return getProfileInstr() == ProfileIRInstr;
/// \brief Check if Clang profile use is on.
bool hasProfileClangUse() const {
return getProfileUse() == ProfileClangInstr;
/// \brief Check if IR level profile use is on.
bool hasProfileIRUse() const {
return getProfileUse() == ProfileIRInstr;
} // end namespace clang