blob: 36f89c044ea944ff5a0fd9ec18ae6f1607145ab9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===-- Symbol.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef liblldb_Symbol_h_
#define liblldb_Symbol_h_
#include "lldb/Core/AddressRange.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Mangled.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/UserID.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class Symbol : public SymbolContextScope {
// ObjectFile readers can classify their symbol table entries and searches
// can be made on specific types where the symbol values will have
// drastically different meanings and sorting requirements.
Symbol(uint32_t symID, llvm::StringRef name, lldb::SymbolType type,
bool external, bool is_debug, bool is_trampoline, bool is_artificial,
const lldb::SectionSP &section_sp, lldb::addr_t value,
lldb::addr_t size, bool size_is_valid,
bool contains_linker_annotations, uint32_t flags);
Symbol(uint32_t symID, const Mangled &mangled, lldb::SymbolType type,
bool external, bool is_debug, bool is_trampoline, bool is_artificial,
const AddressRange &range, bool size_is_valid,
bool contains_linker_annotations, uint32_t flags);
Symbol(const Symbol &rhs);
const Symbol &operator=(const Symbol &rhs);
void Clear();
bool Compare(ConstString name, lldb::SymbolType type) const;
void Dump(Stream *s, Target *target, uint32_t index,
Mangled::NamePreference name_preference =
Mangled::ePreferDemangled) const;
bool ValueIsAddress() const;
// The GetAddressRef() accessor functions should only be called if you
// previously call ValueIsAddress() otherwise you might get an reference to
// an Address object that contains an constant integer value in
// m_addr_range.m_base_addr.m_offset which could be incorrectly used to
// represent an absolute address since it has no section.
Address &GetAddressRef() { return m_addr_range.GetBaseAddress(); }
const Address &GetAddressRef() const { return m_addr_range.GetBaseAddress(); }
// Makes sure the symbol's value is an address and returns the file address.
// Returns LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS if the symbol's value isn't an address.
lldb::addr_t GetFileAddress() const;
// Makes sure the symbol's value is an address and gets the load address
// using \a target if it is. Returns LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS if the symbol's
// value isn't an address or if the section isn't loaded in \a target.
lldb::addr_t GetLoadAddress(Target *target) const;
// Access the address value. Do NOT hand out the AddressRange as an object as
// the byte size of the address range may not be filled in and it should be
// accessed via GetByteSize().
Address GetAddress() const {
// Make sure the our value is an address before we hand a copy out. We use
// the Address inside m_addr_range to contain the value for symbols that
// are not address based symbols so we are using it for more than just
// addresses. For example undefined symbols on MacOSX have a nlist.n_value
// of 0 (zero) and this will get placed into
// m_addr_range.m_base_addr.m_offset and it will have no section. So in the
// GetAddress() accessor, we need to hand out an invalid address if the
// symbol's value isn't an address.
if (ValueIsAddress())
return m_addr_range.GetBaseAddress();
return Address();
// When a symbol's value isn't an address, we need to access the raw value.
// This function will ensure this symbol's value isn't an address and return
// the integer value if this checks out, otherwise it will return
// "fail_value" if the symbol is an address value.
uint64_t GetIntegerValue(uint64_t fail_value = 0) const {
if (ValueIsAddress()) {
// This symbol's value is an address. Use Symbol::GetAddress() to get the
// address.
return fail_value;
} else {
// The value is stored in the base address' offset
return m_addr_range.GetBaseAddress().GetOffset();
lldb::addr_t ResolveCallableAddress(Target &target) const;
ConstString GetName() const;
ConstString GetNameNoArguments() const;
ConstString GetDisplayName() const;
uint32_t GetID() const { return m_uid; }
lldb::LanguageType GetLanguage() const {
// TODO: See if there is a way to determine the language for a symbol
// somehow, for now just return our best guess
return m_mangled.GuessLanguage();
void SetID(uint32_t uid) { m_uid = uid; }
Mangled &GetMangled() { return m_mangled; }
const Mangled &GetMangled() const { return m_mangled; }
ConstString GetReExportedSymbolName() const;
FileSpec GetReExportedSymbolSharedLibrary() const;
void SetReExportedSymbolName(ConstString name);
bool SetReExportedSymbolSharedLibrary(const FileSpec &fspec);
Symbol *ResolveReExportedSymbol(Target &target) const;
uint32_t GetSiblingIndex() const;
lldb::SymbolType GetType() const { return (lldb::SymbolType)m_type; }
void SetType(lldb::SymbolType type) { m_type = (lldb::SymbolType)type; }
const char *GetTypeAsString() const;
uint32_t GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
void SetFlags(uint32_t flags) { m_flags = flags; }
void GetDescription(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level,
Target *target) const;
bool IsSynthetic() const { return m_is_synthetic; }
void SetIsSynthetic(bool b) { m_is_synthetic = b; }
bool GetSizeIsSynthesized() const { return m_size_is_synthesized; }
void SetSizeIsSynthesized(bool b) { m_size_is_synthesized = b; }
bool IsDebug() const { return m_is_debug; }
void SetDebug(bool b) { m_is_debug = b; }
bool IsExternal() const { return m_is_external; }
void SetExternal(bool b) { m_is_external = b; }
bool IsTrampoline() const;
bool IsIndirect() const;
bool IsWeak() const { return m_is_weak; }
void SetIsWeak (bool b) { m_is_weak = b; }
bool GetByteSizeIsValid() const { return m_size_is_valid; }
lldb::addr_t GetByteSize() const;
void SetByteSize(lldb::addr_t size) {
m_size_is_valid = size > 0;
bool GetSizeIsSibling() const { return m_size_is_sibling; }
void SetSizeIsSibling(bool b) { m_size_is_sibling = b; }
// If m_type is "Code" or "Function" then this will return the prologue size
// in bytes, else it will return zero.
uint32_t GetPrologueByteSize();
bool GetDemangledNameIsSynthesized() const {
return m_demangled_is_synthesized;
void SetDemangledNameIsSynthesized(bool b) { m_demangled_is_synthesized = b; }
bool ContainsLinkerAnnotations() const {
return m_contains_linker_annotations;
void SetContainsLinkerAnnotations(bool b) {
m_contains_linker_annotations = b;
/// \copydoc SymbolContextScope::CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext*)
/// \see SymbolContextScope
void CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext *sc) override;
lldb::ModuleSP CalculateSymbolContextModule() override;
Symbol *CalculateSymbolContextSymbol() override;
/// \copydoc SymbolContextScope::DumpSymbolContext(Stream*)
/// \see SymbolContextScope
void DumpSymbolContext(Stream *s) override;
lldb::DisassemblerSP GetInstructions(const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx,
const char *flavor,
bool prefer_file_cache);
bool GetDisassembly(const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx, const char *flavor,
bool prefer_file_cache, Stream &strm);
bool ContainsFileAddress(lldb::addr_t file_addr) const;
// This is the internal guts of ResolveReExportedSymbol, it assumes
// reexport_name is not null, and that module_spec is valid. We track the
// modules we've already seen to make sure we don't get caught in a cycle.
Symbol *ResolveReExportedSymbolInModuleSpec(
Target &target, ConstString &reexport_name,
lldb_private::ModuleSpec &module_spec,
lldb_private::ModuleList &seen_modules) const;
uint32_t m_uid; // User ID (usually the original symbol table index)
uint16_t m_type_data; // data specific to m_type
uint16_t m_type_data_resolved : 1, // True if the data in m_type_data has
// already been calculated
m_is_synthetic : 1, // non-zero if this symbol is not actually in the
// symbol table, but synthesized from other info in
// the object file.
m_is_debug : 1, // non-zero if this symbol is debug information in a
// symbol
m_is_external : 1, // non-zero if this symbol is globally visible
m_size_is_sibling : 1, // m_size contains the index of this symbol's
// sibling
m_size_is_synthesized : 1, // non-zero if this symbol's size was
// calculated using a delta between this
// symbol and the next
m_size_is_valid : 1,
m_demangled_is_synthesized : 1, // The demangled name was created should
// not be used for expressions or other
// lookups
m_contains_linker_annotations : 1, // The symbol name contains linker
// annotations, which are optional when
// doing name lookups
m_is_weak : 1,
m_type : 6; // Values from the lldb::SymbolType enum.
Mangled m_mangled; // uniqued symbol name/mangled name pair
AddressRange m_addr_range; // Contains the value, or the section offset
// address when the value is an address in a
// section, and the size (if any)
uint32_t m_flags; // A copy of the flags from the original symbol table, the
// ObjectFile plug-in can interpret these
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_Symbol_h_