blob: f5260bbb1ed4d75f3e2b648f6af84e3d47ce33c5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===- WasmYAML.h - Wasm YAMLIO implementation ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file declares classes for handling the YAML representation
/// of wasm binaries.
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Wasm.h"
#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/YAML.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
namespace WasmYAML {
LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, SectionType)
LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, SignatureForm)
LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, ExportKind)
LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, SymbolFlags)
LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, SymbolKind)
LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, SegmentFlags)
LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, LimitFlags)
LLVM_YAML_STRONG_TYPEDEF(uint32_t, ComdatKind)
struct FileHeader {
yaml::Hex32 Version;
struct Limits {
LimitFlags Flags;
yaml::Hex32 Initial;
yaml::Hex32 Maximum;
struct Table {
TableType ElemType;
Limits TableLimits;
struct Export {
StringRef Name;
ExportKind Kind;
uint32_t Index;
struct ElemSegment {
uint32_t TableIndex;
wasm::WasmInitExpr Offset;
std::vector<uint32_t> Functions;
struct Global {
uint32_t Index;
ValueType Type;
bool Mutable;
wasm::WasmInitExpr InitExpr;
struct Event {
uint32_t Index;
uint32_t Attribute;
uint32_t SigIndex;
struct Import {
StringRef Module;
StringRef Field;
ExportKind Kind;
union {
uint32_t SigIndex;
Global GlobalImport;
Table TableImport;
Limits Memory;
Event EventImport;
struct LocalDecl {
ValueType Type;
uint32_t Count;
struct Function {
uint32_t Index;
std::vector<LocalDecl> Locals;
yaml::BinaryRef Body;
struct Relocation {
RelocType Type;
uint32_t Index;
yaml::Hex32 Offset;
int32_t Addend;
struct DataSegment {
uint32_t MemoryIndex;
uint32_t SectionOffset;
wasm::WasmInitExpr Offset;
yaml::BinaryRef Content;
struct NameEntry {
uint32_t Index;
StringRef Name;
struct ProducerEntry {
std::string Name;
std::string Version;
struct SegmentInfo {
uint32_t Index;
StringRef Name;
uint32_t Alignment;
SegmentFlags Flags;
struct Signature {
uint32_t Index;
SignatureForm Form = wasm::WASM_TYPE_FUNC;
std::vector<ValueType> ParamTypes;
ValueType ReturnType;
struct SymbolInfo {
uint32_t Index;
StringRef Name;
SymbolKind Kind;
SymbolFlags Flags;
union {
uint32_t ElementIndex;
wasm::WasmDataReference DataRef;
struct InitFunction {
uint32_t Priority;
uint32_t Symbol;
struct ComdatEntry {
ComdatKind Kind;
uint32_t Index;
struct Comdat {
StringRef Name;
std::vector<ComdatEntry> Entries;
struct Section {
explicit Section(SectionType SecType) : Type(SecType) {}
virtual ~Section();
SectionType Type;
std::vector<Relocation> Relocations;
struct CustomSection : Section {
explicit CustomSection(StringRef Name)
: Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_CUSTOM), Name(Name) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_CUSTOM;
StringRef Name;
yaml::BinaryRef Payload;
struct DylinkSection : CustomSection {
DylinkSection() : CustomSection("dylink") {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
auto C = dyn_cast<CustomSection>(S);
return C && C->Name == "dylink";
uint32_t MemorySize;
uint32_t MemoryAlignment;
uint32_t TableSize;
uint32_t TableAlignment;
std::vector<StringRef> Needed;
struct NameSection : CustomSection {
NameSection() : CustomSection("name") {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
auto C = dyn_cast<CustomSection>(S);
return C && C->Name == "name";
std::vector<NameEntry> FunctionNames;
struct LinkingSection : CustomSection {
LinkingSection() : CustomSection("linking") {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
auto C = dyn_cast<CustomSection>(S);
return C && C->Name == "linking";
uint32_t Version;
std::vector<SymbolInfo> SymbolTable;
std::vector<SegmentInfo> SegmentInfos;
std::vector<InitFunction> InitFunctions;
std::vector<Comdat> Comdats;
struct ProducersSection : CustomSection {
ProducersSection() : CustomSection("producers") {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
auto C = dyn_cast<CustomSection>(S);
return C && C->Name == "producers";
std::vector<ProducerEntry> Languages;
std::vector<ProducerEntry> Tools;
std::vector<ProducerEntry> SDKs;
struct TypeSection : Section {
TypeSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_TYPE) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_TYPE;
std::vector<Signature> Signatures;
struct ImportSection : Section {
ImportSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_IMPORT) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_IMPORT;
std::vector<Import> Imports;
struct FunctionSection : Section {
FunctionSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_FUNCTION) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_FUNCTION;
std::vector<uint32_t> FunctionTypes;
struct TableSection : Section {
TableSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_TABLE) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_TABLE;
std::vector<Table> Tables;
struct MemorySection : Section {
MemorySection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_MEMORY) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_MEMORY;
std::vector<Limits> Memories;
struct GlobalSection : Section {
GlobalSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_GLOBAL) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_GLOBAL;
std::vector<Global> Globals;
struct EventSection : Section {
EventSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_EVENT) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_EVENT;
std::vector<Event> Events;
struct ExportSection : Section {
ExportSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_EXPORT) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_EXPORT;
std::vector<Export> Exports;
struct StartSection : Section {
StartSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_START) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_START;
uint32_t StartFunction;
struct ElemSection : Section {
ElemSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_ELEM) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_ELEM;
std::vector<ElemSegment> Segments;
struct CodeSection : Section {
CodeSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_CODE) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_CODE;
std::vector<Function> Functions;
struct DataSection : Section {
DataSection() : Section(wasm::WASM_SEC_DATA) {}
static bool classof(const Section *S) {
return S->Type == wasm::WASM_SEC_DATA;
std::vector<DataSegment> Segments;
struct Object {
FileHeader Header;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Section>> Sections;
} // end namespace WasmYAML
} // end namespace llvm
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::FileHeader> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::FileHeader &FileHdr);
template <> struct MappingTraits<std::unique_ptr<WasmYAML::Section>> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, std::unique_ptr<WasmYAML::Section> &Section);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Object> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Object &Object);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Import> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Import &Import);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Export> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Export &Export);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Global> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Global &Global);
template <> struct ScalarBitSetTraits<WasmYAML::LimitFlags> {
static void bitset(IO &IO, WasmYAML::LimitFlags &Value);
template <> struct ScalarBitSetTraits<WasmYAML::SymbolFlags> {
static void bitset(IO &IO, WasmYAML::SymbolFlags &Value);
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<WasmYAML::SymbolKind> {
static void enumeration(IO &IO, WasmYAML::SymbolKind &Kind);
template <> struct ScalarBitSetTraits<WasmYAML::SegmentFlags> {
static void bitset(IO &IO, WasmYAML::SegmentFlags &Value);
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<WasmYAML::SectionType> {
static void enumeration(IO &IO, WasmYAML::SectionType &Type);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Signature> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Signature &Signature);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Table> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Table &Table);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Limits> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Limits &Limits);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Function> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Function &Function);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Relocation> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Relocation &Relocation);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::NameEntry> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::NameEntry &NameEntry);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::ProducerEntry> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::ProducerEntry &ProducerEntry);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::SegmentInfo> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::SegmentInfo &SegmentInfo);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::LocalDecl> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::LocalDecl &LocalDecl);
template <> struct MappingTraits<wasm::WasmInitExpr> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, wasm::WasmInitExpr &Expr);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::DataSegment> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::DataSegment &Segment);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::ElemSegment> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::ElemSegment &Segment);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::SymbolInfo> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::SymbolInfo &Info);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::InitFunction> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::InitFunction &Init);
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<WasmYAML::ComdatKind> {
static void enumeration(IO &IO, WasmYAML::ComdatKind &Kind);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::ComdatEntry> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::ComdatEntry &ComdatEntry);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Comdat> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Comdat &Comdat);
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<WasmYAML::ValueType> {
static void enumeration(IO &IO, WasmYAML::ValueType &Type);
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<WasmYAML::ExportKind> {
static void enumeration(IO &IO, WasmYAML::ExportKind &Kind);
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<WasmYAML::TableType> {
static void enumeration(IO &IO, WasmYAML::TableType &Type);
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<WasmYAML::Opcode> {
static void enumeration(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Opcode &Opcode);
template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<WasmYAML::RelocType> {
static void enumeration(IO &IO, WasmYAML::RelocType &Kind);
template <> struct MappingTraits<WasmYAML::Event> {
static void mapping(IO &IO, WasmYAML::Event &Event);
} // end namespace yaml
} // end namespace llvm