blob: 7191380d929cf6fc55d0367e5c63bee2a02ba649 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===--- IncludeStyle.h - Style of C++ #include directives -------*- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
namespace tooling {
/// Style for sorting and grouping C++ #include directives.
struct IncludeStyle {
/// Styles for sorting multiple ``#include`` blocks.
enum IncludeBlocksStyle {
/// Sort each ``#include`` block separately.
/// \code
/// #include "b.h" into #include "b.h"
/// #include <lib/main.h> #include "a.h"
/// #include "a.h" #include <lib/main.h>
/// \endcode
/// Merge multiple ``#include`` blocks together and sort as one.
/// \code
/// #include "b.h" into #include "a.h"
/// #include "b.h"
/// #include <lib/main.h> #include <lib/main.h>
/// #include "a.h"
/// \endcode
/// Merge multiple ``#include`` blocks together and sort as one.
/// Then split into groups based on category priority. See
/// ``IncludeCategories``.
/// \code
/// #include "b.h" into #include "a.h"
/// #include "b.h"
/// #include <lib/main.h>
/// #include "a.h" #include <lib/main.h>
/// \endcode
/// Dependent on the value, multiple ``#include`` blocks can be sorted
/// as one and divided based on category.
IncludeBlocksStyle IncludeBlocks;
/// See documentation of ``IncludeCategories``.
struct IncludeCategory {
/// The regular expression that this category matches.
std::string Regex;
/// The priority to assign to this category.
int Priority;
bool operator==(const IncludeCategory &Other) const {
return Regex == Other.Regex && Priority == Other.Priority;
/// Regular expressions denoting the different ``#include`` categories
/// used for ordering ``#includes``.
/// `POSIX extended
/// <>`_
/// regular expressions are supported.
/// These regular expressions are matched against the filename of an include
/// (including the <> or "") in order. The value belonging to the first
/// matching regular expression is assigned and ``#includes`` are sorted first
/// according to increasing category number and then alphabetically within
/// each category.
/// If none of the regular expressions match, INT_MAX is assigned as
/// category. The main header for a source file automatically gets category 0.
/// so that it is generally kept at the beginning of the ``#includes``
/// ( However, you
/// can also assign negative priorities if you have certain headers that
/// always need to be first.
/// To configure this in the .clang-format file, use:
/// \code{.yaml}
/// IncludeCategories:
/// - Regex: '^"(llvm|llvm-c|clang|clang-c)/'
/// Priority: 2
/// - Regex: '^(<|"(gtest|gmock|isl|json)/)'
/// Priority: 3
/// - Regex: '<[[:alnum:].]+>'
/// Priority: 4
/// - Regex: '.*'
/// Priority: 1
/// \endcode
std::vector<IncludeCategory> IncludeCategories;
/// Specify a regular expression of suffixes that are allowed in the
/// file-to-main-include mapping.
/// When guessing whether a #include is the "main" include (to assign
/// category 0, see above), use this regex of allowed suffixes to the header
/// stem. A partial match is done, so that:
/// - "" means "arbitrary suffix"
/// - "$" means "no suffix"
/// For example, if configured to "(_test)?$", then a header a.h would be seen
/// as the "main" include in both and
std::string IncludeIsMainRegex;
} // namespace tooling
} // namespace clang
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
template <>
struct MappingTraits<clang::tooling::IncludeStyle::IncludeCategory> {
static void mapping(IO &IO,
clang::tooling::IncludeStyle::IncludeCategory &Category);
template <>
struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<
clang::tooling::IncludeStyle::IncludeBlocksStyle> {
static void
enumeration(IO &IO, clang::tooling::IncludeStyle::IncludeBlocksStyle &Value);
} // namespace yaml
} // namespace llvm