blob: 6e458eaac9c83d5e2ac03196106b44662a41f90e [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- llvm/MC/MCWasmObjectWriter.h - Wasm Object Writer -------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCValue.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class MCAssembler;
class MCContext;
class MCFixup;
class MCFragment;
class MCObjectWriter;
class MCSectionWasm;
class MCSymbol;
class MCSymbolWasm;
class MCValue;
class raw_pwrite_stream;
// Information about a single relocation.
struct WasmRelocationEntry {
uint64_t Offset; // Where is the relocation.
const MCSymbolWasm *Symbol; // The symbol to relocate with.
uint64_t Addend; // A value to add to the symbol.
unsigned Type; // The type of the relocation.
MCSectionWasm *FixupSection;// The section the relocation is targeting.
WasmRelocationEntry(uint64_t Offset, const MCSymbolWasm *Symbol,
uint64_t Addend, unsigned Type,
MCSectionWasm *FixupSection)
: Offset(Offset), Symbol(Symbol), Addend(Addend), Type(Type),
FixupSection(FixupSection) {}
void print(raw_ostream &Out) const {
Out << "Off=" << Offset << ", Sym=" << Symbol << ", Addend=" << Addend
<< ", Type=" << Type << ", FixupSection=" << FixupSection;
void dump() const { print(errs()); }
class MCWasmObjectTargetWriter {
const unsigned Is64Bit : 1;
explicit MCWasmObjectTargetWriter(bool Is64Bit_);
virtual ~MCWasmObjectTargetWriter() {}
virtual unsigned getRelocType(MCContext &Ctx, const MCValue &Target,
const MCFixup &Fixup, bool IsPCRel) const = 0;
virtual bool needsRelocateWithSymbol(const MCSymbol &Sym,
unsigned Type) const;
virtual void sortRelocs(const MCAssembler &Asm,
std::vector<WasmRelocationEntry> &Relocs);
/// \name Accessors
/// @{
bool is64Bit() const { return Is64Bit; }
/// @}
/// \brief Construct a new Wasm writer instance.
/// \param MOTW - The target specific Wasm writer subclass.
/// \param OS - The stream to write to.
/// \returns The constructed object writer.
MCObjectWriter *createWasmObjectWriter(MCWasmObjectTargetWriter *MOTW,
raw_pwrite_stream &OS);
} // End llvm namespace