blob: b6840cf2da00435b4181f74946a926ea2b0c43ed [file] [log] [blame]
*** This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header
*** of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to
*** call into the kernel available to libc. It contains only constants,
*** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus,
*** contains no copyrightable information.
*** To edit the content of this header, modify the corresponding
*** source file (e.g. under external/kernel-headers/original/) then
*** run bionic/libc/kernel/tools/
*** Any manual change here will be lost the next time this script will
*** be run. You've been warned!
#ifndef IRDMA_ABI_H
#define IRDMA_ABI_H
#include <linux/types.h>
#define IRDMA_ABI_VER 5
enum irdma_memreg_type {
struct irdma_alloc_ucontext_req {
__u32 rsvd32;
__u8 userspace_ver;
__u8 rsvd8[3];
struct irdma_alloc_ucontext_resp {
__u32 max_pds;
__u32 max_qps;
__u32 wq_size;
__u8 kernel_ver;
__u8 rsvd[3];
__aligned_u64 feature_flags;
__aligned_u64 db_mmap_key;
__u32 max_hw_wq_frags;
__u32 max_hw_read_sges;
__u32 max_hw_inline;
__u32 max_hw_rq_quanta;
__u32 max_hw_wq_quanta;
__u32 min_hw_cq_size;
__u32 max_hw_cq_size;
__u16 max_hw_sq_chunk;
__u8 hw_rev;
__u8 rsvd2;
struct irdma_alloc_pd_resp {
__u32 pd_id;
__u8 rsvd[4];
struct irdma_resize_cq_req {
__aligned_u64 user_cq_buffer;
struct irdma_create_cq_req {
__aligned_u64 user_cq_buf;
__aligned_u64 user_shadow_area;
struct irdma_create_qp_req {
__aligned_u64 user_wqe_bufs;
__aligned_u64 user_compl_ctx;
struct irdma_mem_reg_req {
__u16 reg_type;
__u16 cq_pages;
__u16 rq_pages;
__u16 sq_pages;
struct irdma_modify_qp_req {
__u8 sq_flush;
__u8 rq_flush;
__u8 rsvd[6];
struct irdma_create_cq_resp {
__u32 cq_id;
__u32 cq_size;
struct irdma_create_qp_resp {
__u32 qp_id;
__u32 actual_sq_size;
__u32 actual_rq_size;
__u32 irdma_drv_opt;
__u16 push_idx;
__u8 lsmm;
__u8 rsvd;
__u32 qp_caps;
struct irdma_modify_qp_resp {
__aligned_u64 push_wqe_mmap_key;
__aligned_u64 push_db_mmap_key;
__u16 push_offset;
__u8 push_valid;
__u8 rsvd[5];
struct irdma_create_ah_resp {
__u32 ah_id;
__u8 rsvd[4];