blob: eed5d17cadbb65f1c49aa1722bf07ffe14a7069c [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: and
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
#ifndef QVECTOR_H
#define QVECTOR_H
#include <QtCore/qalgorithms.h>
#include <QtCore/qiterator.h>
#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
#include <QtCore/qrefcount.h>
#include <QtCore/qarraydata.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <algorithm>
class QRegion;
template <typename T>
class QVector
typedef QTypedArrayData<T> Data;
Data *d;
inline QVector() Q_DECL_NOTHROW : d(Data::sharedNull()) { }
explicit QVector(int size);
QVector(int size, const T &t);
inline QVector(const QVector<T> &v);
inline ~QVector() { if (!d->ref.deref()) freeData(d); }
QVector<T> &operator=(const QVector<T> &v);
inline QVector(QVector<T> &&other) : d(other.d) { other.d = Data::sharedNull(); }
inline QVector<T> operator=(QVector<T> &&other)
{ qSwap(d, other.d); return *this; }
inline void swap(QVector<T> &other) { qSwap(d, other.d); }
inline QVector(std::initializer_list<T> args);
bool operator==(const QVector<T> &v) const;
inline bool operator!=(const QVector<T> &v) const { return !(*this == v); }
inline int size() const { return d->size; }
inline bool isEmpty() const { return d->size == 0; }
void resize(int size);
inline int capacity() const { return int(d->alloc); }
void reserve(int size);
inline void squeeze()
reallocData(d->size, d->size);
if (d->capacityReserved) {
// capacity reserved in a read only memory would be useless
// this checks avoid writing to such memory.
d->capacityReserved = 0;
inline void detach();
inline bool isDetached() const { return !d->ref.isShared(); }
inline void setSharable(bool sharable)
if (sharable == d->ref.isSharable())
if (!sharable)
if (d == Data::unsharableEmpty()) {
if (sharable)
d = Data::sharedNull();
} else {
Q_ASSERT(d->ref.isSharable() == sharable);
inline bool isSharedWith(const QVector<T> &other) const { return d == other.d; }
inline T *data() { detach(); return d->begin(); }
inline const T *data() const { return d->begin(); }
inline const T *constData() const { return d->begin(); }
void clear();
const T &at(int i) const;
T &operator[](int i);
const T &operator[](int i) const;
void append(const T &t);
inline void append(const QVector<T> &l) { *this += l; }
void prepend(const T &t);
void insert(int i, const T &t);
void insert(int i, int n, const T &t);
void replace(int i, const T &t);
void remove(int i);
void remove(int i, int n);
inline void removeFirst() { Q_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); erase(d->begin()); }
inline void removeLast();
inline T takeFirst() { Q_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); T r = first(); removeFirst(); return r; }
inline T takeLast() { Q_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); T r = last(); removeLast(); return r; }
QVector<T> &fill(const T &t, int size = -1);
int indexOf(const T &t, int from = 0) const;
int lastIndexOf(const T &t, int from = -1) const;
bool contains(const T &t) const;
int count(const T &t) const;
// QList compatibility
void removeAt(int i) { remove(i); }
int removeAll(const T &t)
const const_iterator ce = this->cend(), cit = std::find(this->cbegin(), ce, t);
if (cit == ce)
return 0;
// next operation detaches, so ce, cit may become invalidated:
const int firstFoundIdx = std::distance(this->cbegin(), cit);
const iterator e = end(), it = std::remove(begin() + firstFoundIdx, e, t);
const int result = std::distance(it, e);
erase(it, e);
return result;
bool removeOne(const T &t)
const int i = indexOf(t);
if (i < 0)
return false;
return true;
int length() const { return size(); }
T takeAt(int i) { T t = at(i); remove(i); return t; }
// STL-style
typedef typename Data::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Data::const_iterator const_iterator;
#if !defined(QT_STRICT_ITERATORS) || defined(Q_QDOC)
inline iterator begin() { detach(); return d->begin(); }
inline const_iterator begin() const { return d->constBegin(); }
inline const_iterator cbegin() const { return d->constBegin(); }
inline const_iterator constBegin() const { return d->constBegin(); }
inline iterator end() { detach(); return d->end(); }
inline const_iterator end() const { return d->constEnd(); }
inline const_iterator cend() const { return d->constEnd(); }
inline const_iterator constEnd() const { return d->constEnd(); }
inline iterator begin(iterator = iterator()) { detach(); return d->begin(); }
inline const_iterator begin(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return d->constBegin(); }
inline const_iterator cbegin(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return d->constBegin(); }
inline const_iterator constBegin(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return d->constBegin(); }
inline iterator end(iterator = iterator()) { detach(); return d->end(); }
inline const_iterator end(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return d->constEnd(); }
inline const_iterator cend(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return d->constEnd(); }
inline const_iterator constEnd(const_iterator = const_iterator()) const { return d->constEnd(); }
iterator insert(iterator before, int n, const T &x);
inline iterator insert(iterator before, const T &x) { return insert(before, 1, x); }
iterator erase(iterator begin, iterator end);
inline iterator erase(iterator pos) { return erase(pos, pos+1); }
// more Qt
inline int count() const { return d->size; }
inline T& first() { Q_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); return *begin(); }
inline const T &first() const { Q_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); return *begin(); }
inline T& last() { Q_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); return *(end()-1); }
inline const T &last() const { Q_ASSERT(!isEmpty()); return *(end()-1); }
inline bool startsWith(const T &t) const { return !isEmpty() && first() == t; }
inline bool endsWith(const T &t) const { return !isEmpty() && last() == t; }
QVector<T> mid(int pos, int len = -1) const;
T value(int i) const;
T value(int i, const T &defaultValue) const;
// STL compatibility
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef qptrdiff difference_type;
typedef iterator Iterator;
typedef const_iterator ConstIterator;
typedef int size_type;
inline void push_back(const T &t) { append(t); }
inline void push_front(const T &t) { prepend(t); }
void pop_back() { removeLast(); }
void pop_front() { removeFirst(); }
inline bool empty() const
{ return d->size == 0; }
inline T& front() { return first(); }
inline const_reference front() const { return first(); }
inline reference back() { return last(); }
inline const_reference back() const { return last(); }
// comfort
QVector<T> &operator+=(const QVector<T> &l);
inline QVector<T> operator+(const QVector<T> &l) const
{ QVector n = *this; n += l; return n; }
inline QVector<T> &operator+=(const T &t)
{ append(t); return *this; }
inline QVector<T> &operator<< (const T &t)
{ append(t); return *this; }
inline QVector<T> &operator<<(const QVector<T> &l)
{ *this += l; return *this; }
QList<T> toList() const;
static QVector<T> fromList(const QList<T> &list);
static inline QVector<T> fromStdVector(const std::vector<T> &vector)
{ QVector<T> tmp; tmp.reserve(int(vector.size())); std::copy(vector.begin(), vector.end(), std::back_inserter(tmp)); return tmp; }
inline std::vector<T> toStdVector() const
{ return std::vector<T>(d->begin(), d->end()); }
friend class QRegion; // Optimization for QRegion::rects()
void reallocData(const int size, const int alloc, QArrayData::AllocationOptions options = QArrayData::Default);
void reallocData(const int sz) { reallocData(sz, d->alloc); }
void freeData(Data *d);
void defaultConstruct(T *from, T *to);
void copyConstruct(const T *srcFrom, const T *srcTo, T *dstFrom);
void destruct(T *from, T *to);
bool isValidIterator(const iterator &i) const
return (i <= d->end()) && (d->begin() <= i);
iterator c2m(const_iterator it) { return begin() + (it - cbegin()); }
class AlignmentDummy { Data header; T array[1]; };
#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
// behavior change: an object of POD type constructed with an initializer of the form ()
// will be default-initialized
# pragma warning ( push )
# pragma warning ( disable : 4345 )
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::defaultConstruct(T *from, T *to)
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex) {
while (from != to) {
new (from++) T();
} else {
::memset(static_cast<void *>(from), 0, (to - from) * sizeof(T));
#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
# pragma warning ( pop )
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::copyConstruct(const T *srcFrom, const T *srcTo, T *dstFrom)
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex) {
while (srcFrom != srcTo)
new (dstFrom++) T(*srcFrom++);
} else {
::memcpy(static_cast<void *>(dstFrom), static_cast<const void *>(srcFrom), (srcTo - srcFrom) * sizeof(T));
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4127 ) // conditional expression is constant
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::destruct(T *from, T *to)
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex) {
while (from != to) {
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
#pragma warning( pop )
template <typename T>
inline QVector<T>::QVector(const QVector<T> &v)
if (v.d->ref.ref()) {
d = v.d;
} else {
if (v.d->capacityReserved) {
d = Data::allocate(v.d->alloc);
d->capacityReserved = true;
} else {
d = Data::allocate(v.d->size);
if (d->alloc) {
copyConstruct(v.d->begin(), v.d->end(), d->begin());
d->size = v.d->size;
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::detach()
if (!isDetached()) {
if (!d->alloc)
d = Data::unsharableEmpty();
reallocData(d->size, int(d->alloc));
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::reserve(int asize)
if (asize > int(d->alloc))
reallocData(d->size, asize);
if (isDetached())
d->capacityReserved = 1;
Q_ASSERT(capacity() >= asize);
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::resize(int asize)
int newAlloc;
const int oldAlloc = int(d->alloc);
QArrayData::AllocationOptions opt;
if (asize > oldAlloc) { // there is not enough space
newAlloc = asize;
opt = QArrayData::Grow;
} else if (!d->capacityReserved && asize < d->size && asize < (oldAlloc >> 1)) { // we want to shrink
newAlloc = asize;
opt = QArrayData::Grow;
} else {
newAlloc = oldAlloc;
reallocData(asize, newAlloc, opt);
template <typename T>
inline void QVector<T>::clear()
{ *this = QVector<T>(); }
template <typename T>
inline const T &QVector<T>::at(int i) const
{ Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i < d->size, "QVector<T>::at", "index out of range");
return d->begin()[i]; }
template <typename T>
inline const T &QVector<T>::operator[](int i) const
{ Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i < d->size, "QVector<T>::operator[]", "index out of range");
return d->begin()[i]; }
template <typename T>
inline T &QVector<T>::operator[](int i)
{ Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i < d->size, "QVector<T>::operator[]", "index out of range");
return data()[i]; }
template <typename T>
inline void QVector<T>::insert(int i, const T &t)
{ Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i <= d->size, "QVector<T>::insert", "index out of range");
insert(begin() + i, 1, t); }
template <typename T>
inline void QVector<T>::insert(int i, int n, const T &t)
{ Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i <= d->size, "QVector<T>::insert", "index out of range");
insert(begin() + i, n, t); }
template <typename T>
inline void QVector<T>::remove(int i, int n)
{ Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && n >= 0 && i + n <= d->size, "QVector<T>::remove", "index out of range");
erase(d->begin() + i, d->begin() + i + n); }
template <typename T>
inline void QVector<T>::remove(int i)
{ Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i < d->size, "QVector<T>::remove", "index out of range");
erase(d->begin() + i, d->begin() + i + 1); }
template <typename T>
inline void QVector<T>::prepend(const T &t)
{ insert(begin(), 1, t); }
template <typename T>
inline void QVector<T>::replace(int i, const T &t)
Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i < d->size, "QVector<T>::replace", "index out of range");
const T copy(t);
data()[i] = copy;
template <typename T>
QVector<T> &QVector<T>::operator=(const QVector<T> &v)
if (v.d != d) {
QVector<T> tmp(v);
return *this;
template <typename T>
QVector<T>::QVector(int asize)
Q_ASSERT_X(asize >= 0, "QVector::QVector", "Size must be greater than or equal to 0.");
if (Q_LIKELY(asize > 0)) {
d = Data::allocate(asize);
d->size = asize;
defaultConstruct(d->begin(), d->end());
} else {
d = Data::sharedNull();
template <typename T>
QVector<T>::QVector(int asize, const T &t)
Q_ASSERT_X(asize >= 0, "QVector::QVector", "Size must be greater than or equal to 0.");
if (asize > 0) {
d = Data::allocate(asize);
d->size = asize;
T* i = d->end();
while (i != d->begin())
new (--i) T(t);
} else {
d = Data::sharedNull();
template <typename T>
QVector<T>::QVector(std::initializer_list<T> args)
if (args.size() > 0) {
d = Data::allocate(args.size());
// std::initializer_list<T>::iterator is guaranteed to be
// const T* ([support.initlist]/1), so can be memcpy'ed away from by copyConstruct
copyConstruct(args.begin(), args.end(), d->begin());
d->size = int(args.size());
} else {
d = Data::sharedNull();
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::freeData(Data *x)
destruct(x->begin(), x->end());
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::reallocData(const int asize, const int aalloc, QArrayData::AllocationOptions options)
Q_ASSERT(asize >= 0 && asize <= aalloc);
Data *x = d;
const bool isShared = d->ref.isShared();
if (aalloc != 0) {
if (aalloc != int(d->alloc) || isShared) {
// allocate memory
x = Data::allocate(aalloc, options);
// aalloc is bigger then 0 so it is not [un]sharedEmpty
Q_ASSERT(x->ref.isSharable() || options.testFlag(QArrayData::Unsharable));
x->size = asize;
T *srcBegin = d->begin();
T *srcEnd = asize > d->size ? d->end() : d->begin() + asize;
T *dst = x->begin();
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isStatic || (isShared && QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex)) {
// we can not move the data, we need to copy construct it
while (srcBegin != srcEnd) {
new (dst++) T(*srcBegin++);
} else {
::memcpy(static_cast<void *>(dst), static_cast<void *>(srcBegin), (srcEnd - srcBegin) * sizeof(T));
dst += srcEnd - srcBegin;
// destruct unused / not moved data
if (asize < d->size)
destruct(d->begin() + asize, d->end());
if (asize > d->size) {
// construct all new objects when growing
defaultConstruct(dst, x->end());
} QT_CATCH (...) {
// destruct already copied objects
destruct(x->begin(), dst);
} QT_CATCH (...) {
x->capacityReserved = d->capacityReserved;
} else {
Q_ASSERT(int(d->alloc) == aalloc); // resize, without changing allocation size
Q_ASSERT(isDetached()); // can be done only on detached d
Q_ASSERT(x == d); // in this case we do not need to allocate anything
if (asize <= d->size) {
destruct(x->begin() + asize, x->end()); // from future end to current end
} else {
defaultConstruct(x->end(), x->begin() + asize); // from current end to future end
x->size = asize;
} else {
x = Data::sharedNull();
if (d != x) {
if (!d->ref.deref()) {
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isStatic || !aalloc || (isShared && QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex)) {
// data was copy constructed, we need to call destructors
// or if !alloc we did nothing to the old 'd'.
} else {
d = x;
Q_ASSERT(uint(d->size) <= d->alloc);
Q_ASSERT(d != Data::unsharableEmpty());
Q_ASSERT(aalloc ? d != Data::sharedNull() : d == Data::sharedNull());
Q_ASSERT(d->alloc >= uint(aalloc));
Q_ASSERT(d->size == asize);
template<typename T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE T QVector<T>::value(int i) const
if (uint(i) >= uint(d->size)) {
return T();
return d->begin()[i];
template<typename T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE T QVector<T>::value(int i, const T &defaultValue) const
return uint(i) >= uint(d->size) ? defaultValue : d->begin()[i];
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::append(const T &t)
const bool isTooSmall = uint(d->size + 1) > d->alloc;
if (!isDetached() || isTooSmall) {
const T copy(t);
QArrayData::AllocationOptions opt(isTooSmall ? QArrayData::Grow : QArrayData::Default);
reallocData(d->size, isTooSmall ? d->size + 1 : d->alloc, opt);
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex)
new (d->end()) T(copy);
*d->end() = copy;
} else {
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex)
new (d->end()) T(t);
*d->end() = t;
template <typename T>
void QVector<T>::removeLast()
if (!d->ref.isShared()) {
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex)
(d->data() + d->size)->~T();
} else {
reallocData(d->size - 1);
template <typename T>
typename QVector<T>::iterator QVector<T>::insert(iterator before, size_type n, const T &t)
Q_ASSERT_X(isValidIterator(before), "QVector::insert", "The specified iterator argument 'before' is invalid");
int offset = std::distance(d->begin(), before);
if (n != 0) {
const T copy(t);
if (!isDetached() || d->size + n > int(d->alloc))
reallocData(d->size, d->size + n, QArrayData::Grow);
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isStatic) {
T *b = d->end();
T *i = d->end() + n;
while (i != b)
new (--i) T;
i = d->end();
T *j = i + n;
b = d->begin() + offset;
while (i != b)
*--j = *--i;
i = b+n;
while (i != b)
*--i = copy;
} else {
T *b = d->begin() + offset;
T *i = b + n;
memmove(i, b, (d->size - offset) * sizeof(T));
while (i != b)
new (--i) T(copy);
d->size += n;
return d->begin() + offset;
template <typename T>
typename QVector<T>::iterator QVector<T>::erase(iterator abegin, iterator aend)
Q_ASSERT_X(isValidIterator(abegin), "QVector::erase", "The specified iterator argument 'abegin' is invalid");
Q_ASSERT_X(isValidIterator(aend), "QVector::erase", "The specified iterator argument 'aend' is invalid");
const int itemsToErase = aend - abegin;
if (!itemsToErase)
return abegin;
Q_ASSERT(abegin >= d->begin());
Q_ASSERT(aend <= d->end());
Q_ASSERT(abegin <= aend);
const int itemsUntouched = abegin - d->begin();
// FIXME we could do a proper realloc, which copy constructs only needed data.
// FIXME we ara about to delete data maybe it is good time to shrink?
// FIXME the shrink is also an issue in removeLast, that is just a copy + reduce of this.
if (d->alloc) {
abegin = d->begin() + itemsUntouched;
aend = abegin + itemsToErase;
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isStatic) {
iterator moveBegin = abegin + itemsToErase;
iterator moveEnd = d->end();
while (moveBegin != moveEnd) {
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex)
static_cast<T *>(abegin)->~T();
new (abegin++) T(*moveBegin++);
if (abegin < d->end()) {
// destroy rest of instances
destruct(abegin, d->end());
} else {
destruct(abegin, aend);
memmove(abegin, aend, (d->size - itemsToErase - itemsUntouched) * sizeof(T));
d->size -= itemsToErase;
return d->begin() + itemsUntouched;
template <typename T>
bool QVector<T>::operator==(const QVector<T> &v) const
if (d == v.d)
return true;
if (d->size != v.d->size)
return false;
const T *vb = v.d->begin();
const T *b = d->begin();
const T *e = d->end();
return std::equal(b, e, vb);
template <typename T>
QVector<T> &QVector<T>::fill(const T &from, int asize)
const T copy(from);
resize(asize < 0 ? d->size : asize);
if (d->size) {
T *i = d->end();
T *b = d->begin();
while (i != b)
*--i = copy;
return *this;
template <typename T>
QVector<T> &QVector<T>::operator+=(const QVector &l)
uint newSize = d->size + l.d->size;
const bool isTooSmall = newSize > d->alloc;
if (!isDetached() || isTooSmall) {
QArrayData::AllocationOptions opt(isTooSmall ? QArrayData::Grow : QArrayData::Default);
reallocData(d->size, isTooSmall ? newSize : d->alloc, opt);
if (d->alloc) {
T *w = d->begin() + newSize;
T *i = l.d->end();
T *b = l.d->begin();
while (i != b) {
if (QTypeInfo<T>::isComplex)
new (--w) T(*--i);
*--w = *--i;
d->size = newSize;
return *this;
template <typename T>
int QVector<T>::indexOf(const T &t, int from) const
if (from < 0)
from = qMax(from + d->size, 0);
if (from < d->size) {
T* n = d->begin() + from - 1;
T* e = d->end();
while (++n != e)
if (*n == t)
return n - d->begin();
return -1;
template <typename T>
int QVector<T>::lastIndexOf(const T &t, int from) const
if (from < 0)
from += d->size;
else if (from >= d->size)
from = d->size-1;
if (from >= 0) {
T* b = d->begin();
T* n = d->begin() + from + 1;
while (n != b) {
if (*--n == t)
return n - b;
return -1;
template <typename T>
bool QVector<T>::contains(const T &t) const
const T *b = d->begin();
const T *e = d->end();
return std::find(b, e, t) != e;
template <typename T>
int QVector<T>::count(const T &t) const
const T *b = d->begin();
const T *e = d->end();
return int(std::count(b, e, t));
template <typename T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QVector<T> QVector<T>::mid(int pos, int len) const
using namespace QtPrivate;
switch (QContainerImplHelper::mid(d->size, &pos, &len)) {
case QContainerImplHelper::Null:
case QContainerImplHelper::Empty:
return QVector<T>();
case QContainerImplHelper::Full:
return *this;
case QContainerImplHelper::Subset:
QVector<T> midResult;
midResult.reallocData(0, len);
T *srcFrom = d->begin() + pos;
T *srcTo = d->begin() + pos + len;
midResult.copyConstruct(srcFrom, srcTo,;
midResult.d->size = len;
return midResult;
template <typename T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QList<T> QVector<T>::toList() const
QList<T> result;
for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
return result;
template <typename T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QVector<T> QList<T>::toVector() const
QVector<T> result(size());
for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
result[i] = at(i);
return result;
template <typename T>
QVector<T> QVector<T>::fromList(const QList<T> &list)
return list.toVector();
template <typename T>
QList<T> QList<T>::fromVector(const QVector<T> &vector)
return vector.toList();
### Qt 5:
### This needs to be removed for next releases of Qt. It is a workaround for vc++ because
### Qt exports QPolygon and QPolygonF that inherit QVector<QPoint> and
### QVector<QPointF> respectively.
#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
#include <QtCore/qpoint.h>
#if defined(QT_BUILD_CORE_LIB)
#define Q_TEMPLATE_EXTERN extern
Q_TEMPLATE_EXTERN template class Q_CORE_EXPORT QVector<QPointF>;
Q_TEMPLATE_EXTERN template class Q_CORE_EXPORT QVector<QPoint>;
#endif // QVECTOR_H