blob: c2e7208db47691000ac89441dfbcd9267364c175 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
class Args {
private var child: MutableMap<String, Args>? = null
private var children: MutableMap<String, MutableList<Args>>? = null
private var value: Any? = null
fun getChild(key: String): Args? = child?.get(key)
fun getChildren(key: String): List<Args>? = children?.get(key)
fun getBoolean(): Boolean {
require(value !== null) { "Cannot access value of a non-leaf args" }
return value as Boolean
fun getInt(): Int {
require(value !== null) { "Cannot access value of a non-leaf args" }
return (value as Long).toInt()
fun getLong(): Long {
require(value !== null) { "Cannot access value of a non-leaf args" }
return value as Long
fun getFloat(): Float {
require(value !== null) { "Cannot access value of a non-leaf args" }
return (value as Double).toFloat()
fun getString(): String {
require(value !== null) { "Cannot access value of a non-leaf args" }
return value as String
fun add(key: String, value: String, valueType: String) {
val keyTokens = key.split(".")
val parsedValue = parseValue(value, valueType)
add(keyTokens, 0, parsedValue)
private fun add(keyTokens: List<String>, currentToken: Int, value: Any) {
if (currentToken == keyTokens.size) {
require(child == null && children == null) {
"Cannot assign a value to a non-leaf args"
this.value = value
require(this.value == null) { "Cannot add child/children to a leaf args" }
val keyAndIndex = tryParseKeyAndIndex(keyTokens[currentToken])
if (keyAndIndex != null) {
addToChildrenMap(keyAndIndex, keyTokens, currentToken, value)
addToChildMap(keyTokens, currentToken, value)
private fun addToChildrenMap(
keyAndIndex: Pair<String, Int>,
keyTokens: List<String>,
currentToken: Int,
value: Any
) {
val (key, index) = keyAndIndex
if (children == null) {
children = HashMap()
if (children!![key] == null) {
children!![key] = ArrayList()
while (index >= children!![key]!!.size) {
children!![key]!![index].add(keyTokens, currentToken + 1, value)
private fun addToChildMap(keyTokens: List<String>, currentToken: Int, value: Any) {
val key = keyTokens[currentToken]
if (child == null) {
child = HashMap()
if (child!![key] != null) {
child!![key]!!.add(keyTokens, currentToken + 1, value)
} else {
child!![key] = Args().apply { add(keyTokens, currentToken + 1, value) }
private fun parseValue(value: String, valueType: String): Any {
val result: Any? =
when (valueType) {
"bool" -> value.toBooleanStrict()
"int" -> value.toLong()
"uint" -> value.toLong()
"real" -> value.toDouble()
"string" -> value
else -> null
require(result != null) { "Unrecognized args value type '$valueType'" }
return result
private fun tryParseKeyAndIndex(token: String): Pair<String, Int>? {
require(token.length > 0) { "Key token cannot have length 0" }
if (token[token.length - 1] != ']') {
return null
val indexOpeningBracket = token.indexOf('[')
require(indexOpeningBracket != -1) {
"Key token contains closing bracket ']' but not an opening one"
val key = token.substring(0, indexOpeningBracket)
val index = token.substring(indexOpeningBracket + 1, token.length - 1).toInt()
return Pair(key, index)
companion object {
fun build(rows: List<Row>): Args {
val args = Args()
rows.forEach {
val key = it.get("key")
val value = it.get("value")
val valueType = it.get("value_type")
if (valueType != "null") {
args.add(key as String, value as String, valueType as String)
return args