blob: ddb84de3cc752ac4db9b69d0eccb47ecfc2295fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public final class ProcessUtil {
private static final String LOG_TAG = ProcessUtil.class.getSimpleName();
public static final long PROCESS_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS = 10_000;
public static final long PROCESS_POLL_PERIOD_MS = 250;
static final Pattern[] mallocDebugErrorPatterns = {
Pattern.compile("^.*HAS A CORRUPTED FRONT GUARD.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE),
Pattern.compile("^.*HAS A CORRUPTED REAR GUARD.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE),
Pattern.compile("^.*USED AFTER FREE.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE),
Pattern.compile("^.*leaked block of size.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE),
Pattern.compile("^.*UNKNOWN POINTER \\(free\\).*$", Pattern.MULTILINE),
Pattern.compile("^.*HAS INVALID TAG.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE),
private ProcessUtil() {}
* Get the pids matching a pattern passed to `pgrep`. Because /proc/pid/comm is truncated,
* `pgrep` is passed with `-f` to check the full command line.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pgrepRegex a String representing the regex for pgrep
* @return an Optional Map of pid to command line; empty if pgrep did not return EXIT_SUCCESS
public static Optional<Map<Integer, String>> pidsOf(ITestDevice device, String pgrepRegex)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
// pgrep is available since 6.0 (Marshmallow)
CommandResult pgrepRes =
device.executeShellV2Command(String.format("pgrep -f -l %s", pgrepRegex));
if (pgrepRes.getStatus() != CommandStatus.SUCCESS) {
"pgrep '%s' failed with stderr: %s", pgrepRegex, pgrepRes.getStderr()));
return Optional.empty();
Map<Integer, String> pidToCommand = new HashMap<>();
for (String line : pgrepRes.getStdout().split("\n")) {
String[] pidComm = line.split(" ", 2);
int pid = Integer.valueOf(pidComm[0]);
String comm = pidComm[1];
pidToCommand.put(pid, comm);
return Optional.of(pidToCommand);
* Get a single pid matching a pattern passed to `pgrep`. Throw an {@link
* IllegalArgumentException} when there are more than one PID matching the pattern.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pgrepRegex a String representing the regex for pgrep
* @return an Optional Integer of the pid; empty if pgrep did not return EXIT_SUCCESS
public static Optional<Integer> pidOf(ITestDevice device, String pgrepRegex)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException, IllegalArgumentException {
Optional<Map<Integer, String>> pids = pidsOf(device, pgrepRegex);
if (!pids.isPresent()) {
return Optional.empty();
} else if (pids.get().size() == 1) {
return Optional.of(pids.get().keySet().iterator().next());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("More than one process found for: " + pgrepRegex);
* Wait until a running process is found for a given regex.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pgrepRegex a String representing the regex for pgrep
* @return the pid to command map from pidsOf(...)
public static Map<Integer, String> waitProcessRunning(ITestDevice device, String pgrepRegex)
throws TimeoutException, DeviceNotAvailableException {
return waitProcessRunning(device, pgrepRegex, PROCESS_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS);
* Wait until a running process is found for a given regex.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pgrepRegex a String representing the regex for pgrep
* @param timeoutMs how long to wait before throwing a TimeoutException
* @return the pid to command map from pidsOf(...)
public static Map<Integer, String> waitProcessRunning(
ITestDevice device, String pgrepRegex, long timeoutMs)
throws TimeoutException, DeviceNotAvailableException {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
while (true) {
Optional<Map<Integer, String>> pidToCommand = pidsOf(device, pgrepRegex);
if (pidToCommand.isPresent()) {
return pidToCommand.get();
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > endTime) {
throw new TimeoutException();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// don't care, just keep looping until we time out
* Get the contents from /proc/pid/cmdline.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pid the id of the process to get the name for
* @return an Optional String of the contents of /proc/pid/cmdline; empty if the pid could not
* be found
public static Optional<String> getProcessName(ITestDevice device, int pid)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
// /proc/*/comm is truncated, use /proc/*/cmdline instead
CommandResult res =
device.executeShellV2Command(String.format("cat /proc/%d/cmdline", pid));
if (res.getStatus() != CommandStatus.SUCCESS) {
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(res.getStdout());
* Wait for a process to be exited. This is not waiting for it to change, but simply be
* nonexistent. It is possible, but unlikely, for a pid to be reused between polls
* @param device the device to use
* @param pid the id of the process to wait until exited
public static void waitPidExited(ITestDevice device, int pid)
throws TimeoutException, DeviceNotAvailableException {
waitPidExited(device, pid, PROCESS_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS);
* Wait for a process to be exited. This is not waiting for it to change, but simply be
* nonexistent. It is possible, but unlikely, for a pid to be reused between polls
* @param device the device to use
* @param pid the id of the process to wait until exited
* @param timeoutMs how long to wait before throwing a TimeoutException
public static void waitPidExited(ITestDevice device, int pid, long timeoutMs)
throws TimeoutException, DeviceNotAvailableException {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
CommandResult res = null;
while (true) {
// kill -0 asserts that the process is alive and readable
res = device.executeShellV2Command(String.format("kill -0 %d", pid));
if (res.getStatus() != CommandStatus.SUCCESS) {
String err = res.getStderr();
if (!err.contains("No such process")) {
throw new RuntimeException("kill -0 returned stderr: " + err);
// the process is most likely killed
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > endTime) {
throw new TimeoutException();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// don't care, just keep looping until we time out
* Send SIGKILL to a process and wait for it to be exited.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pid the id of the process to wait until exited
* @param timeoutMs how long to wait before throwing a TimeoutException
public static void killPid(ITestDevice device, int pid, long timeoutMs)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TimeoutException {
killPid(device, pid, 9, timeoutMs);
* Send a signal to a process and wait for it to be exited.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pid the id of the process to wait until exited
* @param signal the signal to send to the process
* @param timeoutMs how long to wait before throwing a TimeoutException
public static void killPid(ITestDevice device, int pid, int signal, long timeoutMs)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TimeoutException {
CommandUtil.runAndCheck(device, String.format("kill -%d %d", signal, pid));
waitPidExited(device, pid, timeoutMs);
* Send SIGKILL to a all processes matching a pattern.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pgrepRegex a String representing the regex for pgrep
* @param timeoutMs how long to wait before throwing a TimeoutException
* @return whether any processes were killed
public static boolean killAll(ITestDevice device, String pgrepRegex, long timeoutMs)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TimeoutException {
return killAll(device, pgrepRegex, timeoutMs, true);
* Send SIGKILL to a all processes matching a pattern.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pgrepRegex a String representing the regex for pgrep
* @param timeoutMs how long to wait before throwing a TimeoutException
* @param expectExist whether an exception should be thrown when no processes were killed
* @param expectExist whether an exception should be thrown when no processes were killed
* @return whether any processes were killed
public static boolean killAll(
ITestDevice device, String pgrepRegex, long timeoutMs, boolean expectExist)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TimeoutException {
Optional<Map<Integer, String>> pids = pidsOf(device, pgrepRegex);
if (!pids.isPresent()) {
// no pids to kill
if (expectExist) {
throw new RuntimeException(
String.format("Expected to kill processes matching %s", pgrepRegex));
return false;
for (int pid : pids.get().keySet()) {
killPid(device, pid, timeoutMs);
return true;
* Kill a process at the beginning and end of a test.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pid the id of the process to kill
* @param beforeCloseKill a runnable for any actions that need to cleanup before killing the
* process in a normal environment at the end of the test. Can be null.
* @return An object that will kill the process again when it is closed
public static AutoCloseable withProcessKill(
final ITestDevice device, final String pgrepRegex, final Runnable beforeCloseKill)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TimeoutException {
return withProcessKill(device, pgrepRegex, beforeCloseKill, PROCESS_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS);
* Kill a process at the beginning and end of a test.
* @param device the device to use
* @param pid the id of the process to kill
* @param timeoutMs how long in milliseconds to wait for the process to kill
* @param beforeCloseKill a runnable for any actions that need to cleanup before killing the
* process in a normal environment at the end of the test. Can be null.
* @return An object that will kill the process again when it is closed
public static AutoCloseable withProcessKill(
final ITestDevice device,
final String pgrepRegex,
final Runnable beforeCloseKill,
final long timeoutMs)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException, TimeoutException {
return new AutoCloseable() {
if (!killAll(device, pgrepRegex, timeoutMs, /*expectExist*/ false)) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("did not kill any processes for %s", pgrepRegex));
public void close() throws Exception {
if (beforeCloseKill != null) {;
killAll(device, pgrepRegex, timeoutMs, /*expectExist*/ false);
* Returns the currently open file names of the specified process.
* @param device device to be run on
* @param pid the id of the process to search
* @return an Optional of the open files; empty if the process wasn't found or the open files
* couldn't be read.
public static Optional<List<String>> listOpenFiles(ITestDevice device, int pid)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
// test if we can access the open files of the specified pid
// `test` is available in all relevant Android versions
CommandResult fdRes =
device.executeShellV2Command(String.format("test -r /proc/%d/fd", pid));
if (fdRes.getStatus() != CommandStatus.SUCCESS) {
return Optional.empty();
// `find` and `realpath` are available since 6.0 (Marshmallow)
// intentionally not using lsof because of parsing issues
// realpath will intentionally fail for non-filesystem file descriptors
CommandResult openFilesRes =
String.format("find /proc/%d/fd -exec realpath {} + 2> /dev/null", pid));
String[] openFilesArray = openFilesRes.getStdout().split("\n");
return Optional.of(Arrays.asList(openFilesArray));
* Returns file names of the specified file, loaded by the specified process.
* @param device device to be run on
* @param pid the id of the process to search
* @param filePattern a pattern of the file names to return
* @return an Optional of the filtered files; empty if the process wasn't found or the open
* files couldn't be read.
public static Optional<List<String>> findFilesLoadedByProcess(
ITestDevice device, int pid, Pattern filePattern) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
Optional<List<String>> openFilesOption = listOpenFiles(device, pid);
if (!openFilesOption.isPresent()) {
return Optional.empty();
List<String> openFiles = openFilesOption.get();
return Optional.of(
.filter((f) -> filePattern.matcher(f).matches())