blob: 06762f62a3fc6847c152e06c3867f2222fd72c0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlin.js.JsExport
import kotlin.js.JsName
import kotlin.math.min
* Wrapper for RegionProto (frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/common.proto)
* Implementation based's native implementation found in SkRegion.cpp
* This class is used by flicker and Winscope
* It has a single constructor and different [from] functions on its companion because JS doesn't
* support constructor overload
class Region(rects: Array<Rect> = arrayOf()) {
private var fBounds = Rect.EMPTY
private var fRunHead: RunHead? = RunHead(isEmptyHead = true)
init {
if (rects.isEmpty()) {
} else {
for (rect in rects) {
val rects
get() = getRectsFromString(toString())
val width: Int
get() = bounds.width
val height: Int
get() = bounds.height
// if null we are a rect not empty
val isEmpty: Boolean
get() = fRunHead?.isEmptyHead ?: false
val isNotEmpty: Boolean
get() = !isEmpty
val bounds
get() = fBounds
/** Set the region to the empty region */
fun setEmpty(): Boolean {
fBounds = Rect.EMPTY
fRunHead = RunHead(isEmptyHead = true)
return false
/** Set the region to the specified region. */
fun set(region: Region): Boolean {
fBounds = region.fBounds.clone()
fRunHead = region.fRunHead?.clone()
return !(fRunHead?.isEmptyHead ?: false)
/** Set the region to the specified rectangle */
fun set(r: Rect): Boolean {
return if (
r.isEmpty ||
SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel == r.right ||
SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel == r.bottom
) {
} else {
fBounds = r
fRunHead = null
/** Set the region to the specified rectangle */
operator fun set(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int): Boolean {
return set(Rect.withoutCache(left, top, right, bottom))
fun isRect(): Boolean {
return fRunHead == null
fun isComplex(): Boolean {
return !this.isEmpty && !this.isRect()
fun contains(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
if (!fBounds.contains(x, y)) {
return false
if (this.isRect()) {
return true
val runs = fRunHead!!.findScanline(y)
// Skip the Bottom and IntervalCount
var runsIndex = 2
// Just walk this scanline, checking each interval. The X-sentinel will
// appear as a left-interval (runs[0]) and should abort the search.
// We could do a bsearch, using interval-count (runs[1]), but need to time
// when that would be worthwhile.
while (true) {
if (x < runs[runsIndex]) {
if (x < runs[runsIndex + 1]) {
return true
runsIndex += 2
return false
override fun toString(): String = prettyPrint()
class Iterator(private val rgn: Region) {
private var done: Boolean
private var rect: Rect
private var fRuns: Array<Int>? = null
private var fRunsIndex = 0
init {
fRunsIndex = 0
if (rgn.isEmpty) {
rect = Rect.EMPTY
done = true
} else {
done = false
if (rgn.isRect()) {
rect = rgn.fBounds
fRuns = null
} else {
fRuns = rgn.fRunHead!!.readonlyRuns
rect = Rect.withoutCache(fRuns!![3], fRuns!![0], fRuns!![4], fRuns!![1])
fRunsIndex = 5
fun next() {
if (done) {
if (fRuns == null) { // rect case
done = true
val runs = fRuns!!
var runsIndex = fRunsIndex
if (runs[runsIndex] < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel) { // valid X value
rect =
Rect.withoutCache(runs[runsIndex],, runs[runsIndex + 1], rect.bottom)
runsIndex += 2
} else { // we're at the end of a line
runsIndex += 1
if (runs[runsIndex] < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel) { // valid Y value
val intervals = runs[runsIndex + 1]
if (0 == intervals) { // empty line
rect =
Rect.withoutCache(rect.left, runs[runsIndex], rect.right, rect.bottom)
runsIndex += 3
} else {
rect = Rect.withoutCache(rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right, rect.bottom)
assertSentinel(runs[runsIndex + 2], false)
assertSentinel(runs[runsIndex + 3], false)
rect =
runs[runsIndex + 2],,
runs[runsIndex + 3],
runsIndex += 4
} else { // end of rgn
done = true
fRunsIndex = runsIndex
fun done(): Boolean {
return done
fun rect(): Rect {
return rect
fun prettyPrint(): String {
val iter = Iterator(this)
val result = StringBuilder("SkRegion(")
while (!iter.done()) {
val r = iter.rect()
return result.toString()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Region) return false
if (!rects.contentEquals(other.rects)) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = 1
val iter = Iterator(this)
while (!iter.done()) {
result = 31 * result + iter.rect().hashCode()
return result
// the native values for these must match up with the enum in SkRegion.h
enum class Op(val nativeInt: Int) {
fun union(r: Rect): Boolean {
return op(r, Op.UNION)
fun toRectF(): RectF {
return bounds.toRectF()
private fun oper(rgnA: Region, rgnB: Region, op: Op): Boolean {
// simple cases
when (op) {
return !rgnB.isEmpty
// collapse difference and reverse-difference into just difference
return this.oper(rgnB, rgnA, Op.DIFFERENCE)
if (rgnA.isEmpty) {
return false
if (rgnB.isEmpty || rgnA.bounds.intersection(rgnB.bounds).isEmpty) {
return !rgnA.isEmpty
if (rgnB.isRect() && rgnB.bounds.contains(rgnA.bounds)) {
return false
when {
rgnA.isEmpty ||
rgnB.isEmpty ||
rgnA.bounds.intersection(rgnB.bounds).isEmpty -> {
return false
rgnA.isRect() && rgnB.isRect() -> {
val rectIntersection = rgnA.bounds.intersection(rgnB.bounds)
return !rectIntersection.isEmpty
rgnA.isRect() && rgnA.bounds.contains(rgnB.bounds) -> {
return !rgnB.isEmpty
rgnB.isRect() && rgnB.bounds.contains(rgnA.bounds) -> {
return !rgnA.isEmpty
Op.UNION -> {
when {
rgnA.isEmpty -> {
return !rgnB.isEmpty
rgnB.isEmpty -> {
return !rgnA.isEmpty
rgnA.isRect() && rgnA.bounds.contains(rgnB.bounds) -> {
return !rgnA.isEmpty
rgnB.isRect() && rgnB.bounds.contains(rgnA.bounds) -> {
return !rgnB.isEmpty
Op.XOR -> {
when {
rgnA.isEmpty -> {
return !rgnB.isEmpty
rgnB.isEmpty -> {
return !rgnA.isEmpty
val array = RunArray()
val count = operate(rgnA.getRuns(), rgnB.getRuns(), array, op)
require(count <= array.count)
return this.setRuns(array, count)
class RunArray {
private val kRunArrayStackCount = 256
var runs: Array<Int> = Array(kRunArrayStackCount) { 0 }
private var fCount: Int = kRunArrayStackCount
val count: Int
get() = fCount
operator fun get(i: Int): Int {
return runs[i]
fun resizeToAtLeast(_count: Int) {
var count = _count
if (count > fCount) {
// leave at least 50% extra space for future growth.
count += count shr 1
val newRuns = Array(count) { 0 }
runs.forEachIndexed { index, value -> newRuns[index] = value }
runs = newRuns
fCount = count
operator fun set(i: Int, value: Int) {
runs[i] = value
fun subList(startIndex: Int, stopIndex: Int): RunArray {
val subRuns = RunArray()
for (i in startIndex until stopIndex) {
subRuns.runs[i - startIndex] = this.runs[i]
return subRuns
fun clone(): RunArray {
val clone = RunArray()
clone.runs = runs.copyOf()
clone.fCount = fCount
return clone
* Set this region to the result of performing the Op on the specified regions. Return true if
* the result is not empty.
fun op(rgnA: Region, rgnB: Region, op: Op): Boolean {
return this.oper(rgnA, rgnB, op)
private fun getRuns(): Array<Int> {
val runs: Array<Int>
if (this.isEmpty) {
runs = Array(kRectRegionRuns) { 0 }
runs[0] = SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel
} else if (this.isRect()) {
runs = buildRectRuns(fBounds)
} else {
runs = fRunHead!!.readonlyRuns
return runs
private fun buildRectRuns(bounds: Rect): Array<Int> {
val runs = Array(kRectRegionRuns) { 0 }
runs[0] =
runs[1] = bounds.bottom
runs[2] = 1 // 1 interval for this scanline
runs[3] = bounds.left
runs[4] = bounds.right
runs[5] = SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel
runs[6] = SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel
return runs
class RunHead(val isEmptyHead: Boolean = false) {
fun setRuns(runs: RunArray, count: Int) {
this.runs = runs
this.fRunCount = count
fun computeRunBounds(): Rect {
var runsIndex = 0
val top = runs[runsIndex]
var bot: Int
var ySpanCount = 0
var intervalCount = 0
var left = Int.MAX_VALUE
var right = Int.MIN_VALUE
do {
bot = runs[runsIndex]
require(bot < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
ySpanCount += 1
val intervals = runs[runsIndex]
require(intervals >= 0)
require(intervals < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
if (intervals > 0) {
val L = runs[runsIndex]
require(L < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
if (left > L) {
left = L
runsIndex += intervals * 2
val R = runs[runsIndex - 1]
require(R < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
if (right < R) {
right = R
intervalCount += intervals
require(SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel == runs[runsIndex])
runsIndex += 1 // skip x-sentinel
// test Y-sentinel
} while (SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel > runs[runsIndex])
fYSpanCount = ySpanCount
fIntervalCount = intervalCount
return Rect.from(left, top, right, bot)
fun clone(): RunHead {
val clone = RunHead(isEmptyHead)
clone.fIntervalCount = fIntervalCount
clone.fYSpanCount = fYSpanCount
clone.runs = runs.clone()
clone.fRunCount = fRunCount
return clone
* Return the scanline that contains the Y value. This requires that the Y value is already
* known to be contained within the bounds of the region, and so this routine never returns
* nullptr.
* It returns the beginning of the scanline, starting with its Bottom value.
fun findScanline(y: Int): Array<Int> {
val runs = readonlyRuns
// if the top-check fails, we didn't do a quick check on the bounds
require(y >= runs[0])
var runsIndex = 1 // skip top-Y
while (true) {
val bottom = runs[runsIndex]
// If we hit this, we've walked off the region, and our bounds check
// failed.
require(bottom < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
if (y < bottom) {
runsIndex = skipEntireScanline(runsIndex)
val newArray = Array(runs.size - runsIndex) { 0 }
destinationOffset = 0,
startIndex = runsIndex,
endIndex = runs.size - runsIndex
return newArray
* Given a scanline (including its Bottom value at runs[0]), return the next scanline.
* Asserts that there is one (i.e. runs[0] < Sentinel)
fun skipEntireScanline(_runsIndex: Int): Int {
var runsIndex = _runsIndex
// we are not the Y Sentinel
require(runs[runsIndex] < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
val intervals = runs[runsIndex + 1]
require(runs[runsIndex + 2 + intervals * 2] == SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
// skip the entire line [B N [L R] S]
runsIndex += 1 + 1 + intervals * 2 + 1
return runsIndex
private var fIntervalCount: Int = 0
private var fYSpanCount: Int = 0
var runs = RunArray()
var fRunCount: Int = 0
val readonlyRuns: Array<Int>
get() = runs.runs
private fun setRuns(runs: RunArray, _count: Int): Boolean {
require(_count > 0)
var count = _count
if (isRunCountEmpty(count)) {
assertSentinel(runs[count - 1], true)
return this.setEmpty()
// trim off any empty spans from the top and bottom
// weird I should need this, perhaps op() could be smarter...
var trimmedRuns = runs
if (count > kRectRegionRuns) {
var stopIndex = count
assertSentinel(runs[0], false) // top
assertSentinel(runs[1], false) // bottom
// runs[2] is uncomputed intervalCount
var trimLeft = false
if (runs[3] == SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel) { // should be first left...
trimLeft = true
assertSentinel(runs[1], false) // bot: a sentinel would mean two in a row
assertSentinel(runs[2], false) // interval count
assertSentinel(runs[3], false) // left
assertSentinel(runs[4], false) // right
assertSentinel(runs[stopIndex - 1], true)
assertSentinel(runs[stopIndex - 2], true)
var trimRight = false
// now check for a trailing empty span
if (runs[stopIndex - 5] == SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel) {
// eek, stop[-4] was a bottom with no x-runs
trimRight = true
var startIndex = 0
if (trimLeft) {
startIndex += 3
trimmedRuns = trimmedRuns.subList(startIndex, count) // skip empty initial span
trimmedRuns[0] = runs[1] // set new top to prev bottom
if (trimRight) {
// kill empty last span
trimmedRuns[stopIndex - 4] = SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel
stopIndex -= 3
assertSentinel(runs[stopIndex - 1], true) // last y-sentinel
assertSentinel(runs[stopIndex - 2], true) // last x-sentinel
assertSentinel(runs[stopIndex - 3], false) // last right
assertSentinel(runs[stopIndex - 4], false) // last left
assertSentinel(runs[stopIndex - 5], false) // last interval-count
assertSentinel(runs[stopIndex - 6], false) // last bottom
trimmedRuns = trimmedRuns.subList(startIndex, stopIndex)
count = stopIndex - startIndex
require(count >= kRectRegionRuns)
if (runsAreARect(trimmedRuns, count)) {
fBounds =
Rect.withoutCache(trimmedRuns[3], trimmedRuns[0], trimmedRuns[4], trimmedRuns[1])
return this.setRect(fBounds)
// if we get here, we need to become a complex region
if (!this.isComplex() || fRunHead!!.fRunCount != count) {
fRunHead = RunHead()
fRunHead!!.fRunCount = count
// must call this before we can write directly into runs()
// in case we are sharing the buffer with another region (copy on write)
// fRunHead = fRunHead->ensureWritable();
// memcpy(fRunHead, runs, count * sizeof(RunType))
fRunHead!!.setRuns(trimmedRuns, count)
fBounds = fRunHead!!.computeRunBounds()
// Our computed bounds might be too large, so we have to check here.
if (fBounds.isEmpty) {
return this.setEmpty()
return true
private fun setRect(r: Rect): Boolean {
if (
r.isEmpty ||
SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel == r.right ||
SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel == r.bottom
) {
return this.setEmpty()
fBounds = r
fRunHead = null
return true
private fun isRunCountEmpty(count: Int): Boolean {
return count <= 2
private fun runsAreARect(runs: RunArray, count: Int): Boolean {
require(count >= kRectRegionRuns)
if (count == kRectRegionRuns) {
assertSentinel(runs[1], false) // bottom
require(1 == runs[2])
assertSentinel(runs[3], false) // left
assertSentinel(runs[4], false) // right
assertSentinel(runs[5], true)
assertSentinel(runs[6], true)
require(runs[0] < runs[1]) // valid height
require(runs[3] < runs[4]) // valid width
return true
return false
class RgnOper(var top: Int, private val runArray: RunArray, op: Op) {
private val fMin = gOpMinMax[op]!!.min
private val fMax = gOpMinMax[op]!!.max
private var fStartDst = 0
private var fPrevDst = 1
private var fPrevLen = 0
fun addSpan(
bottom: Int,
aRuns: Array<Int>,
bRuns: Array<Int>,
aRunsIndex: Int,
bRunsIndex: Int
) {
// skip X values and slots for the next Y+intervalCount
val start = fPrevDst + fPrevLen + 2
// start points to beginning of dst interval
val stop =
operateOnSpan(aRuns, bRuns, aRunsIndex, bRunsIndex, runArray, start, fMin, fMax)
val len = stop - start
require(len >= 1 && (len and 1) == 1)
require(SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel == runArray[stop - 1])
// Assert memcmp won't exceed fArray->count().
require(runArray.count >= start + len - 1)
if (
fPrevLen == len &&
(1 == len ||
.subList(fPrevDst, fPrevDst + len)
.contentEquals(runArray.subList(start, start + len).runs))
) {
// update Y value
runArray[fPrevDst - 2] = bottom
} else { // accept the new span
if (len == 1 && fPrevLen == 0) {
top = bottom // just update our bottom
} else {
runArray[start - 2] = bottom
runArray[start - 1] = len / 2 // len shr 1
fPrevDst = start
fPrevLen = len
fun flush(): Int {
runArray[fStartDst] = top
// Previously reserved enough for TWO sentinals.
// SkASSERT(fArray->count() > SkToInt(fPrevDst + fPrevLen));
runArray[fPrevDst + fPrevLen] = SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel
return fPrevDst - fStartDst + fPrevLen + 1
class SpanRect(
private val aRuns: Array<Int>,
private val bRuns: Array<Int>,
aIndex: Int,
bIndex: Int
) {
var fLeft: Int = 0
var fRight: Int = 0
var fInside: Int = 0
var fALeft: Int
var fARight: Int
var fBLeft: Int
var fBRight: Int
var fARuns: Int
var fBRuns: Int
init {
fALeft = aRuns[aIndex]
fARight = aRuns[aIndex + 1]
fBLeft = bRuns[bIndex]
fBRight = bRuns[bIndex + 1]
fARuns = aIndex + 2
fBRuns = bIndex + 2
fun done(): Boolean {
require(fALeft <= SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
require(fBLeft <= SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel)
return fALeft == SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel && fBLeft == SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel
fun next() {
val inside: Int
val left: Int
var right = 0
var aFlush = false
var bFlush = false
var aLeft = fALeft
var aRight = fARight
var bLeft = fBLeft
var bRight = fBRight
if (aLeft < bLeft) {
inside = 1
left = aLeft
if (aRight <= bLeft) { // [...] <...>
right = aRight
aFlush = true
} else { // [...<..]...> or [...<...>...]
aLeft = bLeft
right = bLeft
} else if (bLeft < aLeft) {
inside = 2
left = bLeft
if (bRight <= aLeft) { // [...] <...>
right = bRight
bFlush = true
} else { // [...<..]...> or [...<...>...]
bLeft = aLeft
right = aLeft
} else { // a_left == b_left
inside = 3
left = aLeft // or b_left
if (aRight <= bRight) {
bLeft = aRight
right = aRight
aFlush = true
if (bRight <= aRight) {
aLeft = bRight
right = bRight
bFlush = true
if (aFlush) {
aLeft = aRuns[fARuns]
aRight = aRuns[fARuns]
if (bFlush) {
bLeft = bRuns[fBRuns]
bRight = bRuns[fBRuns]
require(left <= right)
// now update our state
fALeft = aLeft
fARight = aRight
fBLeft = bLeft
fBRight = bRight
fLeft = left
fRight = right
fInside = inside
private fun operateOnSpan(
a_runs: Array<Int>,
b_runs: Array<Int>,
a_run_index: Int,
b_run_index: Int,
array: RunArray,
dstOffset: Int,
min: Int,
max: Int
): Int {
// This is a worst-case for this span plus two for TWO terminating sentinels.
dstOffset +
distanceToSentinel(a_runs, a_run_index) +
distanceToSentinel(b_runs, b_run_index) +
var dstIndex = dstOffset
val rec = SpanRect(a_runs, b_runs, a_run_index, b_run_index)
var firstInterval = true
while (!rec.done()) {
val left = rec.fLeft
val right = rec.fRight
// add left,right to our dst buffer (checking for coincidence
if (
(rec.fInside - min).toUInt() <= (max - min).toUInt() && left < right
) { // skip if equal
if (firstInterval || array[dstIndex - 1] < left) {
array[dstIndex] = left
array[dstIndex] = right
firstInterval = false
} else {
// update the right edge
array[dstIndex - 1] = right
array[dstIndex] = SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel
return dstIndex // dst - &(*array)[0]
private fun distanceToSentinel(runs: Array<Int>, startIndex: Int): Int {
var index = startIndex
if (runs.size <= index) {
println("We fucked up...")
while (runs[index] != SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel) {
if (runs.size <= index + 2) {
println("We fucked up...")
return 256
index += 2
return index - startIndex
private fun operate(
aRuns: Array<Int>,
bRuns: Array<Int>,
dst: RunArray,
op: Op,
_aRunsIndex: Int = 0,
_bRunsIndex: Int = 0
): Int {
var aRunsIndex = _aRunsIndex
var bRunsIndex = _bRunsIndex
var aTop = aRuns[aRunsIndex]
var aBot = aRuns[aRunsIndex]
var bTop = bRuns[bRunsIndex]
var bBot = bRuns[bRunsIndex]
aRunsIndex++ // skip the intervalCount
bRunsIndex++ // skip the intervalCount
val gEmptyScanline: Array<Int> =
0, // fake bottom value
0, // zero intervals
// just need a 2nd value, since spanRec.init() reads 2 values, even
// though if the first value is the sentinel, it ignores the 2nd value.
// w/o the 2nd value here, we might read uninitialized memory.
// This happens when we are using gSentinel, which is pointing at
// our sentinel value.
val gSentinel = 2
// Now aRuns and bRuns to their intervals (or sentinel)
assertSentinel(aTop, false)
assertSentinel(aBot, false)
assertSentinel(bTop, false)
assertSentinel(bBot, false)
val oper = RgnOper(min(aTop, bTop), dst, op)
var prevBot = SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel // so we fail the first test
while (aBot < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel || bBot < SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel) {
var top: Int
var bot = 0
var run0 = gEmptyScanline
var run0Index = gSentinel
var run1 = gEmptyScanline
var run1Index = gSentinel
var aFlush = false
var bFlush = false
if (aTop < bTop) {
top = aTop
run0 = aRuns
run0Index = aRunsIndex
if (aBot <= bTop) { // [...] <...>
bot = aBot
aFlush = true
} else { // [...<..]...> or [...<...>...]
aTop = bTop
bot = bTop
} else if (bTop < aTop) {
top = bTop
run1 = bRuns
run1Index = bRunsIndex
if (bBot <= aTop) { // [...] <...>
bot = bBot
bFlush = true
} else { // [...<..]...> or [...<...>...]
bTop = aTop
bot = aTop
} else { // aTop == bTop
top = aTop // or bTop
run0 = aRuns
run0Index = aRunsIndex
run1 = bRuns
run1Index = bRunsIndex
if (aBot <= bBot) {
bTop = aBot
bot = aBot
aFlush = true
if (bBot <= aBot) {
aTop = bBot
bot = bBot
bFlush = true
if (top > prevBot) {
oper.addSpan(top, gEmptyScanline, gEmptyScanline, gSentinel, gSentinel)
oper.addSpan(bot, run0, run1, run0Index, run1Index)
if (aFlush) {
aRunsIndex = skipIntervals(aRuns, aRunsIndex)
aTop = aBot
aBot = aRuns[aRunsIndex]
aRunsIndex++ // skip to next index
aRunsIndex++ // skip uninitialized intervalCount
if (aBot == SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel) {
aTop = aBot
if (bFlush) {
bRunsIndex = skipIntervals(bRuns, bRunsIndex)
bTop = bBot
bBot = bRuns[bRunsIndex]
bRunsIndex++ // skip to next index
bRunsIndex++ // skip uninitialized intervalCount
if (bBot == SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel) {
bTop = bBot
prevBot = bot
return oper.flush()
private fun skipIntervals(runs: Array<Int>, index: Int): Int {
val intervals = runs[index - 1]
return index + intervals * 2 + 1
* Perform the specified Op on this region and the specified region. Return true if the result
* of the op is not empty.
fun op(region: Region, op: Op): Boolean {
return op(this, region, op)
* Perform the specified Op on this region and the specified rect. Return true if the result of
* the op is not empty.
fun op(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int, op: Op): Boolean {
return op(Rect.withoutCache(left, top, right, bottom), op)
* Perform the specified Op on this region and the specified rect. Return true if the result of
* the op is not empty.
fun op(r: Rect, op: Op): Boolean {
return op(from(r), op)
* Set this region to the result of performing the Op on the specified rect and region. Return
* true if the result is not empty.
fun op(rect: Rect, region: Region, op: Op): Boolean {
return op(from(rect), region, op)
fun minus(other: Region): Region {
val thisRegion = from(this)
thisRegion.op(other, Op.XOR)
return thisRegion
fun coversAtMost(testRegion: Region): Boolean {
val testRect = testRegion.bounds
val intersection = from(this)
return intersection.op(testRect, Op.INTERSECT) && !intersection.op(this, Op.XOR)
fun coversAtLeast(testRegion: Region): Boolean {
val intersection = from(this)
return intersection.op(testRegion, Op.INTERSECT) && !intersection.op(testRegion, Op.XOR)
fun coversMoreThan(testRegion: Region): Boolean {
return coversAtLeast(testRegion) && from(this).minus(testRegion).isNotEmpty
fun outOfBoundsRegion(testRegion: Region): Region {
val testRect = testRegion.bounds
val outOfBoundsRegion = from(this)
outOfBoundsRegion.op(testRect, Op.INTERSECT) && outOfBoundsRegion.op(this, Op.XOR)
return outOfBoundsRegion
fun uncoveredRegion(testRegion: Region): Region {
val uncoveredRegion = from(this)
uncoveredRegion.op(testRegion, Op.INTERSECT) && uncoveredRegion.op(testRegion, Op.XOR)
return uncoveredRegion
companion object {
val EMPTY: Region
get() = Region()
private const val SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel = 0x7FFFFFFF
private const val kRectRegionRuns = 7
private class MinMax(val min: Int, val max: Int)
private val gOpMinMax =
Op.DIFFERENCE to MinMax(1, 1),
Op.INTERSECT to MinMax(3, 3),
Op.UNION to MinMax(1, 3),
Op.XOR to MinMax(1, 2)
fun from(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int): Region =
from(Rect.withoutCache(left, top, right, bottom))
@JsName("fromRegion") fun from(region: Region): Region = Region().also { it.set(region) }
fun from(rect: Rect? = null): Region =
Region().also {
it.fRunHead = null
it.setRect(rect ?: Rect.EMPTY)
@JsName("fromRectF") fun from(rect: RectF?): Region = from(rect?.toRect())
@JsName("fromEmpty") fun from(): Region = from(Rect.EMPTY)
private fun skRegionValueIsSentinel(value: Int): Boolean {
return value == SkRegion_kRunTypeSentinel
private fun assertSentinel(value: Int, isSentinel: Boolean) {
require(skRegionValueIsSentinel(value) == isSentinel)
private fun getRectsFromString(regionString: String): Array<Rect> {
val rects = mutableListOf<Rect>()
if (regionString == "SkRegion()") {
return rects.toTypedArray()
var nativeRegionString = regionString.replace("SkRegion", "")
nativeRegionString = nativeRegionString.substring(2, nativeRegionString.length - 2)
nativeRegionString = nativeRegionString.replace(")(", ",")
var rect = Rect.EMPTY
for ((i, coord) in nativeRegionString.split(",").withIndex()) {
when (i % 4) {
0 -> rect = Rect.withoutCache(coord.toInt(), 0, 0, 0)
1 -> rect = Rect.withoutCache(rect.left, coord.toInt(), 0, 0)
2 -> rect = Rect.withoutCache(rect.left,, coord.toInt(), 0)
3 -> {
rect = Rect.withoutCache(rect.left,, rect.right, coord.toInt())
return rects.toTypedArray()