blob: 4dc11f64fc11c1c2927e11a53f8ba022e9c20960 [file] [log] [blame]
package platform.test.screenshot
* The emulations specs for all 8 permutations of:
* - phone or tablet.
* - dark of light mode.
* - portrait or landscape.
val DeviceEmulationSpec.Companion.PhoneAndTabletFull
get() = PhoneAndTabletFullSpec
private val PhoneAndTabletFullSpec =
DeviceEmulationSpec.forDisplays(Displays.Phone, Displays.Tablet)
* The emulations specs of:
* - phone + light mode + portrait.
* - phone + light mode + landscape.
* - tablet + dark mode + portrait.
* This allows to test the most important permutations of a screen/layout with only 3
* configurations.
val DeviceEmulationSpec.Companion.PhoneAndTabletMinimal
get() = PhoneAndTabletMinimalSpec
private val PhoneAndTabletMinimalSpec =
DeviceEmulationSpec.forDisplays(Displays.Phone, isDarkTheme = false) +
DeviceEmulationSpec.forDisplays(Displays.Tablet, isDarkTheme = true, isLandscape = false)
object Displays {
val Phone =
width = 1440,
height = 3120,
densityDpi = 560,
val Tablet =
width = 2560,
height = 1600,
densityDpi = 320,