blob: 5bd7bc338d649a21a2d8fadaee0cb950f33a881a [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
package ecc;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "ProtobufEccData";
// EccInfo represents an Emergency Call Code (i.e. an emergency phone
// number such as 911, 112, ...)
message EccInfo {
enum Type {
FIRE = 3;
// Required: Every EccInfo shall contain a phone number.
optional string phone_number = 1;
// Extra rules: Every Ecc should have at least 1 valid type.
repeated Type types = 2 [packed=true];
// CountryInfo represents available ECCs of a country/region, recognized
// with ISO country code.
message CountryInfo {
// Required: Every CountryInfo shall contain a ISO country code.
optional string iso_code = 1;
// Extra rules: There should be at least one EccInfo in this list.
repeated EccInfo eccs = 2;
// Required: Every CountryInfo shall contain a fallback number, shall
// be either 112 or 911.
// If an emergency number in EccInfo is declined by ril.ecclist, this
// fallback number may take the place.
// Per,
// 112 and 911 shall always be available.
optional string ecc_fallback = 3;
message AllInfo {
// The revision value in ecc/input/eccdata.json should be increased
// before releasing a new content.
// This field is not used to compare data revision for online updating.
// It's reserved for identifying ecc info problems.
optional int32 revision = 1;
// Extra rules: There should be at least one CountryInfo in this list.
repeated CountryInfo countries = 2;