Add <uses-library> "org.apache.http.legacy" to Android.bp file.

This cherry-picks commit 8450e33da9262089309337f926426dd544e1196c
(CarDeveloperOptions have moved from tests to packages and changed
a lot, so the cherry-pick is inexact).

Original commit message:

The manifest for CarDeveloperOptions is merged from the manifest of its
static dependency Settings-core, which contains a <uses-library> tag for
"org.apache.http.legacy". Soong must know about this dependency in order
to pass verify_uses_libraries check and generate correct class loader
context for dexpreopt. Soong is unable to automatically deduce the
dependency from "libs" because it is not in "libs".

In the future, when b/176240706 is fixed, "uses_libs" entry for
"org.apache.http.legacy" should be removed.

Bug: 132357300
Bug: 176240706

Test: treehugger
Merged-In: I07b8abafc10a878214c220cf945512e6960e4cbe
Change-Id: I224f450a97ab812a9aef29806c0512647cea0f24
1 file changed
tree: 58046b61c775e6c707a874cf4645e15ce3df80fc
  1. car-bugreportd/
  2. car-default-input-service/
  3. car-internal-lib/
  4. car-lib/
  5. car-maps-placeholder/
  6. car-systemtest-lib/
  7. car-test-lib/
  8. car-usb-handler/
  9. car_product/
  10. computepipe/
  11. EncryptionRunner/
  12. evs/
  13. experimental/
  14. FrameworkPackageStubs/
  15. obd2-lib/
  16. packages/
  17. procfs-inspector/
  18. service/
  19. surround_view/
  20. tests/
  21. tools/
  22. user/
  23. vehicle-hal-support-lib/
  24. watchdog/
  25. .clang-format
  26. .gitignore
  29. CPPLINT.cfg
  30. OWNERS
  31. PREUPLOAD.cfg

Native (C++) code format is required to be compatible with .clang-format file. Run

git clang-format --style=file --extension='h,cpp,cc' HEAD~

Note that clang-format is not desirable for Android java files. Therefore the command line above is limited to specific extensions.