blob: 0ba48c14615cafca3d62dbc2a0dfc3e5556da90b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package carrierIdentification;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "CarrierIdProto";
// A complete list of carriers
message CarrierList {
// A collection of carriers. one entry for one carrier.
repeated CarrierId carrier_id = 1;
// Version number of current carrier list
optional int32 version = 2;
// CarrierId is the unique representation of a carrier in CID table.
message CarrierId {
// [Optional] A unique canonical number designated to a carrier.
optional int32 canonical_id = 1;
// [Optional] A user-friendly carrier name (not localized).
optional string carrier_name = 2;
// [Optional] Carrier attributes to match a carrier. At least one value is required.
repeated CarrierAttribute carrier_attribute = 3;
// [Optional] A unique canonical number to represent its parent carrier. The parent-child
// relationship can be used to differentiate a single carrier by different networks,
// by prepaid v.s. postpaid or even by 4G v.s. 3G plan.
optional int32 parent_canonical_id = 4;
// Attributes used to match a carrier.
// For each field within this message:
// - if not set, the attribute is ignored;
// - if set, the device must have one of the specified values to match.
// Match is based on AND between any field that is set and OR for values within a repeated field.
message CarrierAttribute {
// [Optional] The MCC and MNC that map to this carrier. At least one value is required.
repeated string mccmnc_tuple = 1;
// [Optional] Prefix of IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) in
// decimal format. Some digits can be replaced with "x" symbols matching any digit.
// Sample values: 20404794, 21670xx2xxx.
repeated string imsi_prefix_xpattern = 2;
// [Optional] The Service Provider Name. Read from subscription EF_SPN.
// Sample values: C Spire, LeclercMobile
repeated string spn = 3;
// [Optional] PLMN network name. Read from subscription EF_PNN.
// Sample values:
repeated string plmn = 4;
// [Optional] Group Identifier Level1 for a GSM phone. Read from subscription EF_GID1.
// Sample values: 6D, BAE0000000000000
repeated string gid1 = 5;
// [Optional] Group Identifier Level2 for a GSM phone. Read from subscription EF_GID2.
// Sample values: 6D, BAE0000000000000
repeated string gid2 = 6;
// [Optional] The Access Point Name, corresponding to "apn" field returned by
// "content://telephony/carriers/preferapn" on device.
// Sample values:, internet
repeated string preferred_apn = 7;
// [Optional] Prefix of Integrated Circuit Card Identifier. Read from subscription EF_ICCID.
// Sample values: 894430, 894410
repeated string iccid_prefix = 8;
// [Optional] Carrier Privilege Access Rule in hex string.
// Sample values: 61ed377e85d386a8dfee6b864bd85b0bfaa5af88
repeated string privilege_access_rule = 9;