Merge "Replace REGEXP with LIKE for sql queries in renameForFuse" into rvc-qpr-dev
diff --git a/jni/FuseDaemon.cpp b/jni/FuseDaemon.cpp
index 942b866..ecb7092 100644
--- a/jni/FuseDaemon.cpp
+++ b/jni/FuseDaemon.cpp
@@ -427,10 +427,14 @@
         // invalidate node_name if different case
         // Note that we invalidate async otherwise we will deadlock the kernel
         if (name != node->GetName()) {
-            std::thread t([=]() {
-                fuse_inval(fuse->se, fuse->ToInode(parent), fuse->ToInode(node), node->GetName(),
-                           path);
-            });
+            // Make copies of the node name and path so we're not attempting to acquire
+            // any node locks from the invalidation thread. Depending on timing, we may end
+            // up invalidating the wrong inode but that shouldn't result in correctness issues.
+            const fuse_ino_t parent_ino = fuse->ToInode(parent);
+            const fuse_ino_t child_ino = fuse->ToInode(node);
+            const std::string& node_name = node->GetName();
+            std::thread t([=]() { fuse_inval(fuse->se, parent_ino, child_ino, node_name, path); });
diff --git a/jni/node-inl.h b/jni/node-inl.h
index d6ad0ad..364a327 100644
--- a/jni/node-inl.h
+++ b/jni/node-inl.h
@@ -19,12 +19,16 @@
 #include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <limits>
 #include <list>
 #include <memory>
 #include <mutex>
+#include <set>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
 #include <vector>
 #include "libfuse_jni/ReaddirHelper.h"
@@ -175,14 +179,18 @@
     node* LookupChildByName(const std::string& name, bool acquire) const {
         std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(*lock_);
-        const char* name_char = name.c_str();
-        for (node* child : children_) {
-            const std::string& child_name = child->GetName();
-            if (!strcasecmp(name_char, child_name.c_str()) && !child->deleted_) {
+        // lower_bound will give us the first child with strcasecmp(child->name, name) >=0.
+        // For more context see comment on the NodeCompare struct.
+        auto start = children_.lower_bound(std::make_pair(name, 0));
+        // upper_bound will give us the first child with strcasecmp(child->name, name) > 0
+        auto end =
+                children_.upper_bound(std::make_pair(name, std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max()));
+        for (auto it = start; it != end; it++) {
+            node* child = *it;
+            if (!child->deleted_) {
                 if (acquire) {
                 return child;
@@ -201,10 +209,41 @@
     void Rename(const std::string& name, node* new_parent) {
         std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(*lock_);
-        name_ = name;
         if (new_parent != parent_) {
+            name_ = name;
+            return;
+        }
+        // Changing name_ will change the expected position of this node in parent's set of
+        // children. Consider following scenario:
+        // 1. This node: "b"; parent's set: {"a", "b", "c"}
+        // 2. Rename("b", "d")
+        //
+        // After rename, parent's set should become: {"a", "b", "d"}, but if we simply change the
+        // name it will be {"a", "d", "b"}, which violates properties of the set.
+        //
+        // To make sure that parent's set is always valid, changing name is 3 steps procedure:
+        // 1. Remove this node from parent's set.
+        // 2  Change the name.
+        // 3. Add it back to the set.
+        // Rename of node without changing its parent. Still need to remove and re-add it to make
+        // sure lookup index is correct.
+        if (name_ != name) {
+            // If this is a root node, simply rename it.
+            if (parent_ == nullptr) {
+                name_ = name;
+                return;
+            }
+            auto it = parent_->children_.find(this);
+            CHECK(it != parent_->children_.end());
+            parent_->children_.erase(it);
+            name_ = name;
+            parent_->children_.insert(this);
@@ -299,7 +338,7 @@
         CHECK(parent != nullptr);
         parent_ = parent;
-        parent_->children_.push_back(this);
+        parent_->children_.insert(this);
         // TODO(narayan, zezeozue): It's unclear why we need to call Acquire on the
         // parent node when we're adding a child to it.
@@ -311,16 +350,55 @@
         std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(*lock_);
         if (parent_ != nullptr) {
-            std::list<node*>& children = parent_->children_;
-            std::list<node*>::iterator it = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), this);
+            auto it = parent_->children_.find(this);
+            CHECK(it != parent_->children_.end());
+            parent_->children_.erase(it);
-            CHECK(it != children.end());
-            children.erase(it);
             parent_ = nullptr;
+    // A custom heterogeneous comparator used for set of this node's children_ to speed up child
+    // node by name lookups.
+    //
+    // This comparator treats node* as pair (node->name_, node): two nodes* are first
+    // compared by their name using case-insenstive comparison function. If their names are equal,
+    // then pointers are compared as integers.
+    //
+    // See LookupChildByName function to see how this comparator is used.
+    //
+    // Note that it's important to first compare by name_, since it will make all nodes with same
+    // name (compared using strcasecmp) together, which allows LookupChildByName function to find
+    // range of the candidate nodes by issuing two binary searches.
+    struct NodeCompare {
+        using is_transparent = void;
+        bool operator()(const node* lhs, const node* rhs) const {
+            int cmp = strcasecmp(lhs->name_.c_str(), rhs->name_.c_str());
+            if (cmp != 0) {
+                return cmp < 0;
+            }
+            return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(lhs) < reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(rhs);
+        }
+        bool operator()(const node* lhs, const std::pair<std::string, uintptr_t>& rhs) const {
+            int cmp = strcasecmp(lhs->name_.c_str(), rhs.first.c_str());
+            if (cmp != 0) {
+                return cmp < 0;
+            }
+            return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(lhs) < rhs.second;
+        }
+        bool operator()(const std::pair<std::string, uintptr_t>& lhs, const node* rhs) const {
+            int cmp = strcasecmp(lhs.first.c_str(), rhs->name_.c_str());
+            if (cmp != 0) {
+                return cmp < 0;
+            }
+            return lhs.second < reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(rhs);
+        }
+    };
     // A helper function to recursively construct the absolute path of a given node.
     // If |safe| is true, builds a PII safe path instead
     void BuildPathForNodeRecursive(bool safe, const node* node, std::stringstream* path) const;
@@ -329,9 +407,9 @@
     std::string name_;
     // The reference count for this node. Guarded by |lock_|.
     uint32_t refcount_;
-    // List of children of this node. All of them contain a back reference
+    // Set of children of this node. All of them contain a back reference
     // to their parent. Guarded by |lock_|.
-    std::list<node*> children_;
+    std::set<node*, NodeCompare> children_;
     // Containing directory for this node. Guarded by |lock_|.
     node* parent_;
     // List of file handles associated with this node. Guarded by |lock_|.
diff --git a/jni/node_test.cpp b/jni/node_test.cpp
index 098bb28..357cea8 100644
--- a/jni/node_test.cpp
+++ b/jni/node_test.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include "node-inl.h"
 #include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
 #include <memory>
 #include <mutex>
@@ -33,6 +34,9 @@
     unique_node_ptr CreateNode(node* parent, const std::string& path) {
         return unique_node_ptr(node::Create(parent, path, &lock_, &tracker_), &NodeTest::destroy);
+    // Expose NodeCompare for testing.
+    node::NodeCompare cmp;
 TEST_F(NodeTest, TestCreate) {
@@ -239,3 +243,78 @@
     ASSERT_EQ(mixed_child.get(), lower_child);
     ASSERT_EQ(mixed_child.get(), upper_child);
+TEST_F(NodeTest, RenameSameNameSameParent) {
+    unique_node_ptr parent = CreateNode(nullptr, "/path1");
+    unique_node_ptr child = CreateNode(parent.get(), "subdir");
+    ASSERT_EQ(child.get(), parent->LookupChildByName("SuBdIr", false /* acquire */));
+    ASSERT_EQ(2, GetRefCount(parent.get()));
+    child->Rename("subdir", parent.get());
+    ASSERT_EQ(child.get(), parent->LookupChildByName("SuBdIr", false /* acquire */));
+    ASSERT_EQ(2, GetRefCount(parent.get()));
+TEST_F(NodeTest, RenameRoot) {
+    unique_node_ptr root = CreateNode(nullptr, "/root");
+    ASSERT_EQ(1, GetRefCount(root.get()));
+    root->Rename("/i-am-root!", nullptr);
+    ASSERT_EQ("/i-am-root!", root->GetName());
+    ASSERT_EQ(1, GetRefCount(root.get()));
+TEST_F(NodeTest, NodeCompareDefinesLinearOrder) {
+    unique_node_ptr node_a = CreateNode(nullptr, "a");
+    unique_node_ptr node_b = CreateNode(nullptr, "B");
+    unique_node_ptr node_c = CreateNode(nullptr, "c");
+    ASSERT_FALSE(cmp.operator()(node_a.get(), node_a.get()));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(cmp.operator()(node_b.get(), node_b.get()));
+    ASSERT_FALSE(cmp.operator()(node_c.get(), node_c.get()));
+    auto check_fn = [&](const node* lhs_node, const node* rhs_node) {
+        ASSERT_TRUE(cmp.operator()(lhs_node, rhs_node));
+        ASSERT_FALSE(cmp.operator()(rhs_node, lhs_node));
+    };
+    check_fn(node_a.get(), node_b.get());
+    check_fn(node_b.get(), node_c.get());
+    check_fn(node_a.get(), node_c.get());
+    // ("A", 0) < node_a < ("a", max_uintptr_t) < node_b
+    ASSERT_TRUE(cmp.operator()(std::make_pair("A", 0), node_a.get()));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(cmp.operator()(node_a.get(),
+                               std::make_pair("A", std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max())));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(cmp.operator()(std::make_pair("A", std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max()),
+                               node_b.get()));
+TEST_F(NodeTest, LookupChildByName_ChildrenWithSameName) {
+    unique_node_ptr parent = CreateNode(nullptr, "/path");
+    unique_node_ptr foo1 = CreateNode(parent.get(), "FoO");
+    unique_node_ptr foo2 = CreateNode(parent.get(), "fOo");
+    unique_node_ptr bar1 = CreateNode(parent.get(), "BAR");
+    unique_node_ptr bar2 = CreateNode(parent.get(), "bar");
+    unique_node_ptr baz1 = CreateNode(parent.get(), "baZ");
+    unique_node_ptr baz2 = CreateNode(parent.get(), "Baz");
+    auto test_fn = [&](const std::string& name, node* first, node* second) {
+        auto node1 = parent->LookupChildByName(name, false /* acquire */);
+        ASSERT_EQ(std::min(first, second), node1);
+        node1->SetDeleted();
+        auto node2 = parent->LookupChildByName(name, false /* acquire */);
+        ASSERT_EQ(std::max(first, second), node2);
+        node2->SetDeleted();
+        ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, parent->LookupChildByName(name, false /* acquire */));
+    };
+    test_fn("foo", foo1.get(), foo2.get());
+    test_fn("bAr", bar1.get(), bar2.get());
+    test_fn("BaZ", baz1.get(), baz2.get());
diff --git a/src/com/android/providers/media/ b/src/com/android/providers/media/
index 47f71e0..e028af4 100644
--- a/src/com/android/providers/media/
+++ b/src/com/android/providers/media/
@@ -2030,6 +2030,10 @@
                 return OsConstants.EPERM;
+            if (shouldBypassDatabaseForFuse(uid)) {
+                return renameInLowerFs(oldPath, newPath);
+            }
             if (shouldBypassFuseRestrictions(/*forWrite*/ true, oldPath)
                     && shouldBypassFuseRestrictions(/*forWrite*/ true, newPath)) {
                 return renameUncheckedForFuse(oldPath, newPath);
@@ -3292,6 +3296,9 @@
                 if (isCallingPackageSelf() || isCallingPackageLegacyWrite()) {
                     // Mutation allowed
+                } else if (isCallingPackageManager()) {
+                    // Apps with MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE have all files access, hence they are
+                    // allowed to insert files anywhere.
                 } else {
                     Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring mutation of  " + column + " from "
                             + getCallingPackageOrSelf());
@@ -6241,6 +6248,16 @@
         return !isCallingIdentitySharedPackageName(appSpecificDir);
+    private boolean shouldBypassDatabaseForFuse(int uid) {
+        final LocalCallingIdentity token =
+                clearLocalCallingIdentity(getCachedCallingIdentityForFuse(uid));
+        try {
+            return uid != android.os.Process.SHELL_UID && isCallingPackageManager();
+        } finally {
+            restoreLocalCallingIdentity(token);
+        }
+    }
      * Set of Exif tags that should be considered for redaction.
@@ -6669,6 +6686,10 @@
                 return OsConstants.EPERM;
+            if (shouldBypassDatabaseForFuse(uid)) {
+                return 0;
+            }
             final String mimeType = MimeUtils.resolveMimeType(new File(path));
             if (shouldBypassFuseRestrictions(/*forWrite*/ true, path)) {
@@ -6777,6 +6798,10 @@
                 return OsConstants.ENOENT;
+            if (shouldBypassDatabaseForFuse(uid)) {
+                return deleteFileUnchecked(path);
+            }
             final boolean shouldBypass = shouldBypassFuseRestrictions(/*forWrite*/ true, path);
             // Legacy apps that made is this far don't have the right storage permission and hence