blob: 3562dac7d1cfc49d1cca2b8433d0afa8db21850e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.provider.Downloads;
import android.util.Log;
import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Some helper functions for the download manager
public class Helpers {
public static Random sRandom = new Random(SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
/** Regex used to parse content-disposition headers */
private static final Pattern CONTENT_DISPOSITION_PATTERN =
private static final Object sUniqueLock = new Object();
private Helpers() {
* Parse the Content-Disposition HTTP Header. The format of the header
* is defined here:
* This header provides a filename for content that is going to be
* downloaded to the file system. We only support the attachment type.
private static String parseContentDisposition(String contentDisposition) {
try {
Matcher m = CONTENT_DISPOSITION_PATTERN.matcher(contentDisposition);
if (m.find()) {
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
// This function is defined as returning null when it can't parse the header
return null;
* Creates a filename (where the file should be saved) from info about a download.
static String generateSaveFile(
Context context,
String url,
String hint,
String contentDisposition,
String contentLocation,
String mimeType,
int destination,
long contentLength,
StorageManager storageManager) throws StopRequestException {
if (contentLength < 0) {
contentLength = 0;
String path;
File base = null;
if (destination == Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_FILE_URI) {
path = Uri.parse(hint).getPath();
} else {
base = storageManager.locateDestinationDirectory(mimeType, destination,
path = chooseFilename(url, hint, contentDisposition, contentLocation,
storageManager.verifySpace(destination, path, contentLength);
if (DownloadDrmHelper.isDrmConvertNeeded(mimeType)) {
path = DownloadDrmHelper.modifyDrmFwLockFileExtension(path);
path = getFullPath(path, mimeType, destination, base);
return path;
static String getFullPath(String filename, String mimeType, int destination, File base)
throws StopRequestException {
String extension = null;
int dotIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
boolean missingExtension = dotIndex < 0 || dotIndex < filename.lastIndexOf('/');
if (destination == Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_FILE_URI) {
// Destination is explicitly set - do not change the extension
if (missingExtension) {
extension = "";
} else {
extension = filename.substring(dotIndex);
filename = filename.substring(0, dotIndex);
} else {
// Split filename between base and extension
// Add an extension if filename does not have one
if (missingExtension) {
extension = chooseExtensionFromMimeType(mimeType, true);
} else {
extension = chooseExtensionFromFilename(mimeType, destination, filename, dotIndex);
filename = filename.substring(0, dotIndex);
boolean recoveryDir = Constants.RECOVERY_DIRECTORY.equalsIgnoreCase(filename + extension);
if (base != null) {
filename = base.getPath() + File.separator + filename;
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "target file: " + filename + extension);
synchronized (sUniqueLock) {
final String path = chooseUniqueFilenameLocked(
destination, filename, extension, recoveryDir);
// Claim this filename inside lock to prevent other threads from
// clobbering us. We're not paranoid enough to use O_EXCL.
try {
File file = new File(path);
File parent = file.getParentFile();
// Make sure the parent directories exists before generates new file
if (parent != null && !parent.exists()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new StopRequestException(Downloads.Impl.STATUS_FILE_ERROR,
"Failed to create target file " + path, e);
return path;
private static String chooseFilename(String url, String hint, String contentDisposition,
String contentLocation, int destination) {
String filename = null;
// First, try to use the hint from the application, if there's one
if (filename == null && hint != null && !hint.endsWith("/")) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "getting filename from hint");
int index = hint.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
if (index > 0) {
filename = hint.substring(index);
} else {
filename = hint;
// If we couldn't do anything with the hint, move toward the content disposition
if (filename == null && contentDisposition != null) {
filename = parseContentDisposition(contentDisposition);
if (filename != null) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "getting filename from content-disposition");
int index = filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
if (index > 0) {
filename = filename.substring(index);
// If we still have nothing at this point, try the content location
if (filename == null && contentLocation != null) {
String decodedContentLocation = Uri.decode(contentLocation);
if (decodedContentLocation != null
&& !decodedContentLocation.endsWith("/")
&& decodedContentLocation.indexOf('?') < 0) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "getting filename from content-location");
int index = decodedContentLocation.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
if (index > 0) {
filename = decodedContentLocation.substring(index);
} else {
filename = decodedContentLocation;
// If all the other http-related approaches failed, use the plain uri
if (filename == null) {
String decodedUrl = Uri.decode(url);
if (decodedUrl != null
&& !decodedUrl.endsWith("/") && decodedUrl.indexOf('?') < 0) {
int index = decodedUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
if (index > 0) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "getting filename from uri");
filename = decodedUrl.substring(index);
// Finally, if couldn't get filename from URI, get a generic filename
if (filename == null) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "using default filename");
filename = Constants.DEFAULT_DL_FILENAME;
// The VFAT file system is assumed as target for downloads.
// Replace invalid characters according to the specifications of VFAT.
filename = replaceInvalidVfatCharacters(filename);
return filename;
private static String chooseExtensionFromMimeType(String mimeType, boolean useDefaults) {
String extension = null;
if (mimeType != null) {
extension = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getExtensionFromMimeType(mimeType);
if (extension != null) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "adding extension from type");
extension = "." + extension;
} else {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "couldn't find extension for " + mimeType);
if (extension == null) {
if (mimeType != null && mimeType.toLowerCase().startsWith("text/")) {
if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/html")) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "adding default html extension");
extension = Constants.DEFAULT_DL_HTML_EXTENSION;
} else if (useDefaults) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "adding default text extension");
extension = Constants.DEFAULT_DL_TEXT_EXTENSION;
} else if (useDefaults) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "adding default binary extension");
extension = Constants.DEFAULT_DL_BINARY_EXTENSION;
return extension;
private static String chooseExtensionFromFilename(String mimeType, int destination,
String filename, int lastDotIndex) {
String extension = null;
if (mimeType != null) {
// Compare the last segment of the extension against the mime type.
// If there's a mismatch, discard the entire extension.
String typeFromExt = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(
filename.substring(lastDotIndex + 1));
if (typeFromExt == null || !typeFromExt.equalsIgnoreCase(mimeType)) {
extension = chooseExtensionFromMimeType(mimeType, false);
if (extension != null) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "substituting extension from type");
} else {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "couldn't find extension for " + mimeType);
if (extension == null) {
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "keeping extension");
extension = filename.substring(lastDotIndex);
return extension;
private static String chooseUniqueFilenameLocked(int destination, String filename,
String extension, boolean recoveryDir) throws StopRequestException {
String fullFilename = filename + extension;
if (!new File(fullFilename).exists()
&& (!recoveryDir ||
(destination != Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_CACHE_PARTITION &&
destination != Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_SYSTEMCACHE_PARTITION &&
destination != Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_CACHE_PARTITION_NOROAMING))) {
return fullFilename;
filename = filename + Constants.FILENAME_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR;
* This number is used to generate partially randomized filenames to avoid
* collisions.
* It starts at 1.
* The next 9 iterations increment it by 1 at a time (up to 10).
* The next 9 iterations increment it by 1 to 10 (random) at a time.
* The next 9 iterations increment it by 1 to 100 (random) at a time.
* ... Up to the point where it increases by 100000000 at a time.
* (the maximum value that can be reached is 1000000000)
* As soon as a number is reached that generates a filename that doesn't exist,
* that filename is used.
* If the filename coming in is [base].[ext], the generated filenames are
* [base]-[sequence].[ext].
int sequence = 1;
for (int magnitude = 1; magnitude < 1000000000; magnitude *= 10) {
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 9; ++iteration) {
fullFilename = filename + sequence + extension;
if (!new File(fullFilename).exists()) {
return fullFilename;
if (Constants.LOGVV) {
Log.v(Constants.TAG, "file with sequence number " + sequence + " exists");
sequence += sRandom.nextInt(magnitude) + 1;
throw new StopRequestException(Downloads.Impl.STATUS_FILE_ERROR,
"failed to generate an unused filename on internal download storage");
* Checks whether the filename looks legitimate
static boolean isFilenameValid(String filename, File downloadsDataDir) {
final String[] whitelist;
try {
filename = new File(filename).getCanonicalPath();
whitelist = new String[] {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to resolve canonical path: " + e);
return false;
for (String test : whitelist) {
if (filename.startsWith(test)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks whether this looks like a legitimate selection parameter
public static void validateSelection(String selection, Set<String> allowedColumns) {
try {
if (selection == null || selection.isEmpty()) {
Lexer lexer = new Lexer(selection, allowedColumns);
if (lexer.currentToken() != Lexer.TOKEN_END) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("syntax error");
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
if (Constants.LOGV) {
Log.d(Constants.TAG, "invalid selection [" + selection + "] triggered " + ex);
} else if (false) {
Log.d(Constants.TAG, "invalid selection triggered " + ex);
throw ex;
// expression <- ( expression ) | statement [AND_OR ( expression ) | statement] *
// | statement [AND_OR expression]*
private static void parseExpression(Lexer lexer) {
for (;;) {
// ( expression )
if (lexer.currentToken() == Lexer.TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN) {
if (lexer.currentToken() != Lexer.TOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("syntax error, unmatched parenthese");
} else {
// statement
if (lexer.currentToken() != Lexer.TOKEN_AND_OR) {
// statement <- COLUMN COMPARE VALUE
private static void parseStatement(Lexer lexer) {
// both possibilities start with COLUMN
if (lexer.currentToken() != Lexer.TOKEN_COLUMN) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("syntax error, expected column name");
// statement <- COLUMN COMPARE VALUE
if (lexer.currentToken() == Lexer.TOKEN_COMPARE) {
if (lexer.currentToken() != Lexer.TOKEN_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("syntax error, expected quoted string");
// statement <- COLUMN IS NULL
if (lexer.currentToken() == Lexer.TOKEN_IS) {
if (lexer.currentToken() != Lexer.TOKEN_NULL) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("syntax error, expected NULL");
// didn't get anything good after COLUMN
throw new IllegalArgumentException("syntax error after column name");
* A simple lexer that recognizes the words of our restricted subset of SQL where clauses
private static class Lexer {
public static final int TOKEN_START = 0;
public static final int TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN = 1;
public static final int TOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN = 2;
public static final int TOKEN_AND_OR = 3;
public static final int TOKEN_COLUMN = 4;
public static final int TOKEN_COMPARE = 5;
public static final int TOKEN_VALUE = 6;
public static final int TOKEN_IS = 7;
public static final int TOKEN_NULL = 8;
public static final int TOKEN_END = 9;
private final String mSelection;
private final Set<String> mAllowedColumns;
private int mOffset = 0;
private int mCurrentToken = TOKEN_START;
private final char[] mChars;
public Lexer(String selection, Set<String> allowedColumns) {
mSelection = selection;
mAllowedColumns = allowedColumns;
mChars = new char[mSelection.length()];
mSelection.getChars(0, mChars.length, mChars, 0);
public int currentToken() {
return mCurrentToken;
public void advance() {
char[] chars = mChars;
// consume whitespace
while (mOffset < chars.length && chars[mOffset] == ' ') {
// end of input
if (mOffset == chars.length) {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_END;
// "("
if (chars[mOffset] == '(') {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN;
// ")"
if (chars[mOffset] == ')') {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN;
// "?"
if (chars[mOffset] == '?') {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_VALUE;
// "=" and "=="
if (chars[mOffset] == '=') {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_COMPARE;
if (mOffset < chars.length && chars[mOffset] == '=') {
// ">" and ">="
if (chars[mOffset] == '>') {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_COMPARE;
if (mOffset < chars.length && chars[mOffset] == '=') {
// "<", "<=" and "<>"
if (chars[mOffset] == '<') {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_COMPARE;
if (mOffset < chars.length && (chars[mOffset] == '=' || chars[mOffset] == '>')) {
// "!="
if (chars[mOffset] == '!') {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_COMPARE;
if (mOffset < chars.length && chars[mOffset] == '=') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected character after !");
// columns and keywords
// first look for anything that looks like an identifier or a keyword
// and then recognize the individual words.
// no attempt is made at discarding sequences of underscores with no alphanumeric
// characters, even though it's not clear that they'd be legal column names.
if (isIdentifierStart(chars[mOffset])) {
int startOffset = mOffset;
while (mOffset < chars.length && isIdentifierChar(chars[mOffset])) {
String word = mSelection.substring(startOffset, mOffset);
if (mOffset - startOffset <= 4) {
if (word.equals("IS")) {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_IS;
if (word.equals("OR") || word.equals("AND")) {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_AND_OR;
if (word.equals("NULL")) {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_NULL;
if (mAllowedColumns.contains(word)) {
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_COLUMN;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unrecognized column or keyword");
// quoted strings
if (chars[mOffset] == '\'') {
while (mOffset < chars.length) {
if (chars[mOffset] == '\'') {
if (mOffset + 1 < chars.length && chars[mOffset + 1] == '\'') {
} else {
if (mOffset == chars.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unterminated string");
mCurrentToken = TOKEN_VALUE;
// anything we don't recognize
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal character: " + chars[mOffset]);
private static final boolean isIdentifierStart(char c) {
return c == '_' ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
private static final boolean isIdentifierChar(char c) {
return c == '_' ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9');
* Replace invalid filename characters according to
* specifications of the VFAT.
* @note Package-private due to testing.
private static String replaceInvalidVfatCharacters(String filename) {
final char START_CTRLCODE = 0x00;
final char END_CTRLCODE = 0x1f;
final char QUOTEDBL = 0x22;
final char ASTERISK = 0x2A;
final char SLASH = 0x2F;
final char COLON = 0x3A;
final char LESS = 0x3C;
final char GREATER = 0x3E;
final char QUESTION = 0x3F;
final char BACKSLASH = 0x5C;
final char BAR = 0x7C;
final char DEL = 0x7F;
final char UNDERSCORE = 0x5F;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
char ch;
boolean isRepetition = false;
for (int i = 0; i < filename.length(); i++) {
ch = filename.charAt(i);
if ((START_CTRLCODE <= ch &&
ch <= END_CTRLCODE) ||
ch == QUOTEDBL ||
ch == ASTERISK ||
ch == SLASH ||
ch == COLON ||
ch == LESS ||
ch == GREATER ||
ch == QUESTION ||
ch == BACKSLASH ||
ch == BAR ||
ch == DEL){
if (!isRepetition) {
isRepetition = true;
} else {
isRepetition = false;
return sb.toString();