blob: 8c1e014ec132666f1ef2267756447d453fbf4a73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import static;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.Collection;
* A candidate scorer that combines RSSI base score and network throughput score.
final class ThroughputScorer implements WifiCandidates.CandidateScorer {
private static final String TAG = "ThroughputScorer";
private static final boolean DBG = false;
* This should match WifiNetworkSelector.experimentIdFromIdentifier(getIdentifier())
* when using the default ScoringParams.
public static final int THROUGHPUT_SCORER_DEFAULT_EXPID = 42330058;
* Base score that is large enough to override all of the other categories.
* This is applied to the last-select network for a limited duration.
public static final int TOP_TIER_BASE_SCORE = 1_000_000;
private final ScoringParams mScoringParams;
// config_wifi_framework_RSSI_SCORE_OFFSET
public static final int RSSI_SCORE_OFFSET = 85;
// config_wifi_framework_RSSI_SCORE_SLOPE
public static final int RSSI_SCORE_SLOPE_IS_4 = 4;
* Sample scoring buckets (assumes default overlay bucket sizes for metered, saved, etc):
* 0 -> 500: OEM private
* 500 -> 1000: OEM paid
* 1000 -> 1500: untrusted 3rd party
* 1500 -> 2000: untrusted carrier
* 2000 -> 2500: metered suggestions
* 2500 -> 3000: metered saved
* 3000 -> 3500: unmetered suggestions
* 3500 -> 4000: unmetered saved
public static final int TRUSTED_AWARD = 1000;
public static final int HALF_TRUSTED_AWARD = 1000 / 2;
public static final int NOT_OEM_PAID_AWARD = 500;
public static final int NOT_OEM_PRIVATE_AWARD = 500;
private static final boolean USE_USER_CONNECT_CHOICE = true;
ThroughputScorer(ScoringParams scoringParams) {
mScoringParams = scoringParams;
public String getIdentifier() {
return "ThroughputScorer";
* Calculates an individual candidate's score.
private ScoredCandidate scoreCandidate(Candidate candidate, boolean currentNetworkHasInternet) {
int rssiBaseScore = calculateRssiScore(candidate);
int throughputBonusScore = calculateThroughputBonusScore(candidate);
int rssiAndThroughputScore = rssiBaseScore + throughputBonusScore;
boolean unExpectedNoInternet = candidate.hasNoInternetAccess()
&& !candidate.isNoInternetAccessExpected();
int currentNetworkBonusMin = mScoringParams.getCurrentNetworkBonusMin();
int currentNetworkBonus = Math.max(currentNetworkBonusMin, rssiAndThroughputScore
* mScoringParams.getCurrentNetworkBonusPercent() / 100);
int bandSpecificBonus = ScanResult.is6GHz(candidate.getFrequency())
? mScoringParams.getBand6GhzBonus() : 0;
int currentNetworkBoost = (candidate.isCurrentNetwork() && !unExpectedNoInternet)
? currentNetworkBonus : 0;
int securityAward = candidate.isOpenNetwork()
? 0
: mScoringParams.getSecureNetworkBonus();
int unmeteredAward = candidate.isMetered()
? 0
: mScoringParams.getUnmeteredNetworkBonus();
int savedNetworkAward = candidate.isEphemeral() ? 0 : mScoringParams.getSavedNetworkBonus();
int trustedAward = TRUSTED_AWARD;
if (!candidate.isTrusted() || candidate.isRestricted()) {
// Saved networks are not untrusted or restricted, but clear anyway
savedNetworkAward = 0;
unmeteredAward = 0; // Ignore metered for untrusted and restricted networks
if (candidate.isCarrierOrPrivileged()) {
trustedAward = HALF_TRUSTED_AWARD;
} else if (candidate.getNominatorId() == NOMINATOR_ID_SCORED) {
Log.e(TAG, "ScoredNetworkNominator is not carrier or privileged!");
trustedAward = 0;
} else {
trustedAward = 0;
int notOemPaidAward = NOT_OEM_PAID_AWARD;
if (candidate.isOemPaid()) {
savedNetworkAward = 0; // Saved networks are not oem paid, but clear anyway
unmeteredAward = 0; // Ignore metered for oem paid networks
trustedAward = 0; // Ignore untrusted for oem paid networks.
notOemPaidAward = 0;
int notOemPrivateAward = NOT_OEM_PRIVATE_AWARD;
if (candidate.isOemPrivate()) {
savedNetworkAward = 0; // Saved networks are not oem paid, but clear anyway
unmeteredAward = 0; // Ignore metered for oem paid networks
trustedAward = 0; // Ignore untrusted for oem paid networks.
notOemPaidAward = 0;
notOemPrivateAward = 0;
// These scores determine which scoring bucket the candidate falls into. The scoring buckets
// should not overlap so candidate in a higher bucket should always win against candidate in
// a lower bucket.
// Note: securityAward can be configured per carrier requirement to adjust the priority
// bucket of non-open network.
int scoreToDetermineBucket = unmeteredAward + savedNetworkAward + trustedAward
+ notOemPaidAward + notOemPrivateAward + securityAward;
// Within the same scoring bucket, ties are broken by the following bonus scores. The sum
// of these scores should be capped to the buket step size to prevent overlapping bucket.
int scoreWithinBucket = rssiBaseScore + throughputBonusScore + currentNetworkBoost
+ bandSpecificBonus;
int score = scoreToDetermineBucket
+ Math.min(mScoringParams.getScoringBucketStepSize(), scoreWithinBucket);
// do not select a network that has no internet when the current network has internet.
if (currentNetworkHasInternet && !candidate.isCurrentNetwork() && unExpectedNoInternet) {
score = 0;
if (candidate.getLastSelectionWeight() > 0.0) {
// Put a recently-selected network in a tier above everything else,
// but include rssi and throughput contributions for BSSID selection.
score = TOP_TIER_BASE_SCORE + rssiBaseScore + throughputBonusScore;
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, " rssiScore: " + rssiBaseScore
+ " throughputScore: " + throughputBonusScore
+ " currentNetworkBoost: " + currentNetworkBoost
+ " securityAward: " + securityAward
+ " unmeteredAward: " + unmeteredAward
+ " savedNetworkAward: " + savedNetworkAward
+ " trustedAward: " + trustedAward
+ " notOemPaidAward: " + notOemPaidAward
+ " notOemPrivateAward: " + notOemPrivateAward
+ " final score: " + score);
// The old method breaks ties on the basis of RSSI, which we can
// emulate easily since our score does not need to be an integer.
double tieBreaker = candidate.getScanRssi() / 1000.0;
return new ScoredCandidate(score + tieBreaker, 10,
private int calculateRssiScore(Candidate candidate) {
int rssiSaturationThreshold = mScoringParams.getSufficientRssi(candidate.getFrequency());
int rssi = candidate.getScanRssi();
if (mScoringParams.is6GhzBeaconRssiBoostEnabled()
&& ScanResult.is6GHz(candidate.getFrequency())) {
switch (candidate.getChannelWidth()) {
case ScanResult.CHANNEL_WIDTH_40MHZ:
rssi += 3;
case ScanResult.CHANNEL_WIDTH_80MHZ:
rssi += 6;
case ScanResult.CHANNEL_WIDTH_160MHZ:
rssi += 9;
case ScanResult.CHANNEL_WIDTH_320MHZ:
rssi += 12;
// do nothing
rssi = Math.min(rssi, rssiSaturationThreshold);
private int calculateThroughputBonusScore(Candidate candidate) {
int throughput = candidate.getPredictedThroughputMbps();
int throughputUpTo800Mbps = Math.min(800, throughput);
int throughputMoreThan800Mbps = Math.max(0, throughput - 800);
int throughputScoreRaw = (throughputUpTo800Mbps
* mScoringParams.getThroughputBonusNumerator()
/ mScoringParams.getThroughputBonusDenominator())
+ (throughputMoreThan800Mbps
* mScoringParams.getThroughputBonusNumeratorAfter800Mbps()
/ mScoringParams.getThroughputBonusDenominatorAfter800Mbps());
return Math.min(throughputScoreRaw, mScoringParams.getThroughputBonusLimit());
private boolean doesAnyCurrentNetworksHaveInternet(@NonNull Collection<Candidate> candidates) {
for (Candidate candidate : candidates) {
if (candidate.isCurrentNetwork() && !candidate.hasNoInternetAccess()) {
return true;
return false;
public ScoredCandidate scoreCandidates(@NonNull Collection<Candidate> candidates) {
ScoredCandidate choice = ScoredCandidate.NONE;
boolean currentNetworkHasInternet = doesAnyCurrentNetworksHaveInternet(candidates);
for (Candidate candidate : candidates) {
ScoredCandidate scoredCandidate = scoreCandidate(candidate, currentNetworkHasInternet);
if (scoredCandidate.value > choice.value) {
choice = scoredCandidate;
// Here we just return the highest scored candidate; we could
// compute a new score, if desired.
return choice;