blob: 069d8124071dac75bfc0047cbb456e97f6a157eb [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
container: ""
flag {
name: "test_flag_function"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "This flag aim to test the flag release for wifi stack"
bug: "301145404"
flag {
name: "runtime_disable_pno_scan"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API to disable the PNO runtime"
bug: "282821585"
flag {
name: "delay_save_to_store"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the feature delay the save to store in batch to reduce the blocking time"
bug: "302172794"
flag {
name: "single_wifi_thread"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the feature that move all Wifi service to a single thread"
bug: "302593617"
flag {
name: "vendor_parcelable_parameters"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the APIs that allow additional vendor-specific parcelables"
bug: "296069900"
flag {
name: "verbose_logging_for_aware_only"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API that allow only enable verbose logging for Wifi Aware"
bug: "289273616"
flag {
name: "add_channel_stats_per_link"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API that get the channel stats per link from WifiUsabilityStatsEntry"
bug: "276385220"
flag {
name: "mlo_link_capabilities_info"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API that get the MLO link capabilities"
bug: "262643386"
flag {
name: "disable_reason_unwanted_low_rssi"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API that as disable because of unwanted network under sufficient rssi"
bug: "262643386"
flag {
name: "low_latency_lock_listener"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API that add/remove the low latency lock listener"
bug: "277556184"
flag {
name: "network_provider_battery_charging_status"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API that allows setting / reading the NetworkProviderInfo's battery charging status"
bug: "305067231"
flag {
name: "shared_connectivity_broadcast_receiver_test_api"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the test API for SharedConnectivityManager's getBroadcastReceiver() method"
bug: "305067231"
flag {
name: "anqp_request_wait_for_response"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Make the ANQP request in a queue and wait for the previous response before trigger the next request"
bug: "310037751"
flag {
name: "wep_usage"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API for wep usage"
bug: "275367422"
flag {
name: "wpa_personal_usage"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Control the API for wpa personal usage"
bug: "275367422"
flag {
name: "add_subscription_id"
namespace: "wifi"
description: "Add new API to set the subscription id in the Wifi Info"
bug: "236669534"