blob: 65ac1ab2606460407dba5ed6cbb21701c9e29617 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
* Network specifier object used to request a Wi-Fi Aware network. Apps should use the
* {@link WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier.Builder} class to create an instance.
public final class WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier extends NetworkSpecifier implements Parcelable {
* TYPE: in band, specific peer: role, client_id, session_id, peer_id, pmk/passphrase optional
* @hide
public static final int NETWORK_SPECIFIER_TYPE_IB = 0;
* TYPE: in band, any peer: role, client_id, session_id, pmk/passphrase optional
* [only permitted for RESPONDER]
* @hide
public static final int NETWORK_SPECIFIER_TYPE_IB_ANY_PEER = 1;
* TYPE: out-of-band: role, client_id, peer_mac, pmk/passphrase optional
* @hide
public static final int NETWORK_SPECIFIER_TYPE_OOB = 2;
* TYPE: out-of-band, any peer: role, client_id, pmk/passphrase optional
* [only permitted for RESPONDER]
* @hide
public static final int NETWORK_SPECIFIER_TYPE_OOB_ANY_PEER = 3;
/** @hide */
* One of the NETWORK_SPECIFIER_TYPE_* constants. The type of the network specifier object.
* @hide
public final int type;
* The role of the device: WifiAwareManager.WIFI_AWARE_DATA_PATH_ROLE_INITIATOR or
* @hide
public final int role;
* The client ID of the device.
* @hide
public final int clientId;
* The session ID in which context to request a data-path. Only relevant for IB requests.
* @hide
public final int sessionId;
* The peer ID of the device which the data-path should be connected to. Only relevant for
* IB requests (i.e. not IB_ANY_PEER or OOB*).
* @hide
public final int peerId;
* The peer MAC address of the device which the data-path should be connected to. Only relevant
* for OB requests (i.e. not OOB_ANY_PEER or IB*).
* @hide
public final byte[] peerMac;
* The PMK of the requested data-path. Can be null. Only one or none of pmk or passphrase should
* be specified.
* @hide
public final byte[] pmk;
* The Passphrase of the requested data-path. Can be null. Only one or none of the pmk or
* passphrase should be specified.
* @hide
public final String passphrase;
* The port information to be used for this link. This information will be communicated to the
* peer as part of the layer 2 link setup.
* Information only allowed on secure links since a single layer-2 link is set up for all
* requestors. Therefore if multiple apps on a single device request links to the same peer
* device they all get the same link. However, the link is only set up on the first request -
* hence only the first can transmit the port information. But we don't want to expose that
* information to other apps. Limiting to secure links would (usually) imply single app usage.
* @hide
public final int port;
* The transport protocol information to be used for this link. This information will be
* communicated to the peer as part of the layer 2 link setup.
* Information only allowed on secure links since a single layer-2 link is set up for all
* requestors. Therefore if multiple apps on a single device request links to the same peer
* device they all get the same link. However, the link is only set up on the first request -
* hence only the first can transmit the port information. But we don't want to expose that
* information to other apps. Limiting to secure links would (usually) imply single app usage.
* @hide
public final int transportProtocol;
/** @hide */
public WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier(int type, int role, int clientId, int sessionId, int peerId,
byte[] peerMac, byte[] pmk, String passphrase, int port, int transportProtocol) {
this.type = type;
this.role = role;
this.clientId = clientId;
this.sessionId = sessionId;
this.peerId = peerId;
this.peerMac = peerMac;
this.pmk = pmk;
this.passphrase = passphrase;
this.port = port;
this.transportProtocol = transportProtocol;
public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Creator<WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier> CREATOR =
new Creator<WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier>() {
public WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier(
in.readInt(), // type
in.readInt(), // role
in.readInt(), // clientId
in.readInt(), // sessionId
in.readInt(), // peerId
in.createByteArray(), // peerMac
in.createByteArray(), // pmk
in.readString(), // passphrase
in.readInt(), // port
in.readInt()); // transportProtocol
public WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier[] newArray(int size) {
return new WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier[size];
* Indicates whether the network specifier specifies an OOB (out-of-band) data-path - i.e. a
* data-path created without a corresponding Aware discovery session.
* @hide
public boolean isOutOfBand() {
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
/** @hide */
public boolean satisfiedBy(NetworkSpecifier other) {
// MatchAllNetworkSpecifier is taken care in NetworkCapabilities#satisfiedBySpecifier.
if (other instanceof WifiAwareAgentNetworkSpecifier) {
return ((WifiAwareAgentNetworkSpecifier) other).satisfiesAwareNetworkSpecifier(this);
return equals(other);
/** @hide */
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(type, role, clientId, sessionId, peerId, Arrays.hashCode(peerMac),
Arrays.hashCode(pmk), passphrase, port, transportProtocol);
/** @hide */
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier)) {
return false;
WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier lhs = (WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier) obj;
return type == lhs.type
&& role == lhs.role
&& clientId == lhs.clientId
&& sessionId == lhs.sessionId
&& peerId == lhs.peerId
&& Arrays.equals(peerMac, lhs.peerMac)
&& Arrays.equals(pmk, lhs.pmk)
&& Objects.equals(passphrase, lhs.passphrase)
&& port == lhs.port
&& transportProtocol == lhs.transportProtocol;
/** @hide */
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier [");
.append(", role=").append(role)
.append(", clientId=").append(clientId)
.append(", sessionId=").append(sessionId)
.append(", peerId=").append(peerId)
// masking potential PII (although low impact information)
.append(", peerMac=").append((peerMac == null) ? "<null>" : "<non-null>")
// masking PII
.append(", pmk=").append((pmk == null) ? "<null>" : "<non-null>")
// masking PII
.append(", passphrase=").append((passphrase == null) ? "<null>" : "<non-null>")
.append(", port=").append(port).append(", transportProtocol=")
return sb.toString();
* A builder class for a Wi-Fi Aware network specifier to set up an Aware connection with a
* peer.
public static final class Builder {
private DiscoverySession mDiscoverySession;
private PeerHandle mPeerHandle;
private String mPskPassphrase;
private byte[] mPmk;
private int mPort = 0; // invalid value
private int mTransportProtocol = -1; // invalid value
* Create a builder for {@link WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier} used in requests to set up a
* Wi-Fi Aware connection with a peer.
* @param discoverySession A Wi-Fi Aware discovery session in whose context the connection
* is created.
* @param peerHandle The handle of the peer to which the Wi-Fi Aware connection is
* requested. The peer is discovered through Wi-Fi Aware discovery. The
* handle can be obtained through
* {@link DiscoverySessionCallback#onServiceDiscovered(PeerHandle, byte[], java.util.List)}
* or
* {@link DiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageReceived(PeerHandle, byte[])}.
public Builder(@NonNull DiscoverySession discoverySession, @NonNull PeerHandle peerHandle) {
if (discoverySession == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-null discoverySession required");
if (peerHandle == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-null peerHandle required");
mDiscoverySession = discoverySession;
mPeerHandle = peerHandle;
* Configure the PSK Passphrase for the Wi-Fi Aware connection being requested. This method
* is optional - if not called, then an Open (unencrypted) connection will be created.
* @param pskPassphrase The (optional) passphrase to be used to encrypt the link. Use the
* {@link #setPmk(byte[])} to specify a PMK.
* @return the current {@link Builder} builder, enabling chaining of builder
* methods.
public @NonNull Builder setPskPassphrase(@NonNull String pskPassphrase) {
if (!WifiAwareUtils.validatePassphrase(pskPassphrase)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passphrase must meet length requirements");
mPskPassphrase = pskPassphrase;
return this;
* Configure the PMK for the Wi-Fi Aware connection being requested. This method
* is optional - if not called, then an Open (unencrypted) connection will be created.
* @param pmk A PMK (pairwise master key, see IEEE 802.11i) specifying the key to use for
* encrypting the data-path. Use the {@link #setPskPassphrase(String)} to
* specify a Passphrase.
* @return the current {@link Builder} builder, enabling chaining of builder
* methods.
public @NonNull Builder setPmk(@NonNull byte[] pmk) {
if (!WifiAwareUtils.validatePmk(pmk)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PMK must 32 bytes");
mPmk = pmk;
return this;
* Configure the port number which will be used to create a connection over this link. This
* configuration should only be done on the server device, e.g. the device creating the
* {@link}.
* <p>Notes:
* <ul>
* <li>The server device must be the Publisher device!
* <li>The port information can only be specified on secure links, specified using
* {@link #setPskPassphrase(String)} or {@link #setPmk(byte[])}.
* </ul>
* @param port A positive integer indicating the port to be used for communication.
* @return the current {@link Builder} builder, enabling chaining of builder
* methods.
public @NonNull Builder setPort(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 65535) int port) {
if (port <= 0 || port > 65535) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The port must be a positive value (0, 65535]");
mPort = port;
return this;
* Configure the transport protocol which will be used to create a connection over this
* link. This configuration should only be done on the server device, e.g. the device
* creating the {@link} for TCP.
* <p>Notes:
* <ul>
* <li>The server device must be the Publisher device!
* <li>The transport protocol information can only be specified on secure links,
* specified using {@link #setPskPassphrase(String)} or {@link #setPmk(byte[])}.
* </ul>
* The transport protocol number is assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
* (IANA)
* @param transportProtocol The transport protocol to be used for communication.
* @return the current {@link Builder} builder, enabling chaining of builder
* methods.
public @NonNull
Builder setTransportProtocol(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) int transportProtocol) {
if (transportProtocol < 0 || transportProtocol > 255) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The transport protocol must be in range [0, 255]");
mTransportProtocol = transportProtocol;
return this;
* Create a {@link}
* for a WiFi Aware connection (link) to the specified peer. The
* {@link} should be set to
* {@link}.
* <p> The default builder constructor will initialize a NetworkSpecifier which requests an
* open (non-encrypted) link. To request an encrypted link use the
* {@link #setPskPassphrase(String)} or {@link #setPmk(byte[])} builder methods.
* @return A {@link NetworkSpecifier} to be used to construct
* {@link} to pass
* to {@link,
* [or other varieties of that API].
public @NonNull WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier build() {
if (mDiscoverySession == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Null discovery session!?");
if (mPeerHandle == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Null peerHandle!?");
if (mPskPassphrase != null & mPmk != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Can only specify a Passphrase or a PMK - not both!");
int role = mDiscoverySession instanceof SubscribeDiscoverySession
if (mPort != 0 || mTransportProtocol != -1) {
if (role != WifiAwareManager.WIFI_AWARE_DATA_PATH_ROLE_RESPONDER) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Port and transport protocol information can only "
+ "be specified on the Publisher device (which is the server");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mPskPassphrase) && mPmk == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Port and transport protocol information can "
+ "only be specified on a secure link");
return new WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier(
WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier.NETWORK_SPECIFIER_TYPE_IB, role,
mDiscoverySession.mClientId, mDiscoverySession.mSessionId, mPeerHandle.peerId,
null, mPmk, mPskPassphrase, mPort, mTransportProtocol);