blob: 3d946c9f887d688cc5688cff8176eb8ae80fb2d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.PatternMatcher;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Pair;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Objects;
* Network specifier object used to request a local Wi-Fi network. Apps should use the
* {@link WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder} class to create an instance.
public final class WifiNetworkSpecifier extends NetworkSpecifier implements Parcelable {
private static final String TAG = "WifiNetworkSpecifier";
* Builder used to create {@link WifiNetworkSpecifier} objects.
public static final class Builder {
private static final String MATCH_ALL_SSID_PATTERN_PATH = ".*";
private static final String MATCH_EMPTY_SSID_PATTERN_PATH = "";
private static final Pair<MacAddress, MacAddress> MATCH_NO_BSSID_PATTERN1 =
private static final Pair<MacAddress, MacAddress> MATCH_NO_BSSID_PATTERN2 =
private static final Pair<MacAddress, MacAddress> MATCH_ALL_BSSID_PATTERN =
private static final MacAddress MATCH_EXACT_BSSID_PATTERN_MASK =
* SSID pattern match specified by the app.
private @Nullable PatternMatcher mSsidPatternMatcher;
* BSSID pattern match specified by the app.
* Pair of <BaseAddress, Mask>.
private @Nullable Pair<MacAddress, MacAddress> mBssidPatternMatcher;
* Whether this is an OWE network or not.
private boolean mIsEnhancedOpen;
* Pre-shared key for use with WPA-PSK networks.
private @Nullable String mWpa2PskPassphrase;
* Pre-shared key for use with WPA3-SAE networks.
private @Nullable String mWpa3SaePassphrase;
* The enterprise configuration details specifying the EAP method,
* certificates and other settings associated with the WPA-EAP networks.
private @Nullable WifiEnterpriseConfig mWpa2EnterpriseConfig;
* The enterprise configuration details specifying the EAP method,
* certificates and other settings associated with the SuiteB networks.
private @Nullable WifiEnterpriseConfig mWpa3EnterpriseConfig;
* This is a network that does not broadcast its SSID, so an
* SSID-specific probe request must be used for scans.
private boolean mIsHiddenSSID;
public Builder() {
mSsidPatternMatcher = null;
mBssidPatternMatcher = null;
mIsEnhancedOpen = false;
mWpa2PskPassphrase = null;
mWpa3SaePassphrase = null;
mWpa2EnterpriseConfig = null;
mWpa3EnterpriseConfig = null;
mIsHiddenSSID = false;
* Set the unicode SSID match pattern to use for filtering networks from scan results.
* <p>
* <li>Overrides any previous value set using {@link #setSsid(String)} or
* {@link #setSsidPattern(PatternMatcher)}.</li>
* @param ssidPattern Instance of {@link PatternMatcher} containing the UTF-8 encoded
* string pattern to use for matching the network's SSID.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
public @NonNull Builder setSsidPattern(@NonNull PatternMatcher ssidPattern) {
mSsidPatternMatcher = ssidPattern;
return this;
* Set the unicode SSID for the network.
* <p>
* <li>Sets the SSID to use for filtering networks from scan results. Will only match
* networks whose SSID is identical to the UTF-8 encoding of the specified value.</li>
* <li>Overrides any previous value set using {@link #setSsid(String)} or
* {@link #setSsidPattern(PatternMatcher)}.</li>
* @param ssid The SSID of the network. It must be valid Unicode.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the SSID is not valid unicode.
public @NonNull Builder setSsid(@NonNull String ssid) {
final CharsetEncoder unicodeEncoder = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newEncoder();
if (!unicodeEncoder.canEncode(ssid)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SSID is not a valid unicode string");
mSsidPatternMatcher = new PatternMatcher(ssid, PatternMatcher.PATTERN_LITERAL);
return this;
* Set the BSSID match pattern to use for filtering networks from scan results.
* Will match all networks with BSSID which satisfies the following:
* {@code BSSID & mask == baseAddress}.
* <p>
* <li>Overrides any previous value set using {@link #setBssid(MacAddress)} or
* {@link #setBssidPattern(MacAddress, MacAddress)}.</li>
* @param baseAddress Base address for BSSID pattern.
* @param mask Mask for BSSID pattern.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
public @NonNull Builder setBssidPattern(
@NonNull MacAddress baseAddress, @NonNull MacAddress mask) {
mBssidPatternMatcher = Pair.create(baseAddress, mask);
return this;
* Set the BSSID to use for filtering networks from scan results. Will only match network
* whose BSSID is identical to the specified value.
* <p>
* <li>Sets the BSSID to use for filtering networks from scan results. Will only match
* networks whose BSSID is identical to specified value.</li>
* <li>Overrides any previous value set using {@link #setBssid(MacAddress)} or
* {@link #setBssidPattern(MacAddress, MacAddress)}.</li>
* @param bssid BSSID of the network.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
public @NonNull Builder setBssid(@NonNull MacAddress bssid) {
mBssidPatternMatcher = Pair.create(bssid, MATCH_EXACT_BSSID_PATTERN_MASK);
return this;
* Specifies whether this represents an Enhanced Open (OWE) network.
* @param isEnhancedOpen {@code true} to indicate that the network uses enhanced open,
* {@code false} otherwise.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
public @NonNull Builder setIsEnhancedOpen(boolean isEnhancedOpen) {
mIsEnhancedOpen = isEnhancedOpen;
return this;
* Set the ASCII WPA2 passphrase for this network. Needed for authenticating to
* WPA2-PSK networks.
* @param passphrase passphrase of the network.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the passphrase is not ASCII encodable.
public @NonNull Builder setWpa2Passphrase(@NonNull String passphrase) {
final CharsetEncoder asciiEncoder = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII.newEncoder();
if (!asciiEncoder.canEncode(passphrase)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("passphrase not ASCII encodable");
mWpa2PskPassphrase = passphrase;
return this;
* Set the ASCII WPA3 passphrase for this network. Needed for authenticating to WPA3-SAE
* networks.
* @param passphrase passphrase of the network.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the passphrase is not ASCII encodable.
public @NonNull Builder setWpa3Passphrase(@NonNull String passphrase) {
final CharsetEncoder asciiEncoder = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII.newEncoder();
if (!asciiEncoder.canEncode(passphrase)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("passphrase not ASCII encodable");
mWpa3SaePassphrase = passphrase;
return this;
* Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network. Needed for authenticating
* to WPA2-EAP networks. See {@link WifiEnterpriseConfig} for description.
* @param enterpriseConfig Instance of {@link WifiEnterpriseConfig}.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
public @NonNull Builder setWpa2EnterpriseConfig(
@NonNull WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig) {
mWpa2EnterpriseConfig = new WifiEnterpriseConfig(enterpriseConfig);
return this;
* Set the associated enterprise configuration for this network. Needed for authenticating
* to WPA3-SuiteB networks. See {@link WifiEnterpriseConfig} for description.
* @param enterpriseConfig Instance of {@link WifiEnterpriseConfig}.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
public @NonNull Builder setWpa3EnterpriseConfig(
@NonNull WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig) {
mWpa3EnterpriseConfig = new WifiEnterpriseConfig(enterpriseConfig);
return this;
* Specifies whether this represents a hidden network.
* <p>
* <li>Setting this disallows the usage of {@link #setSsidPattern(PatternMatcher)} since
* hidden networks need to be explicitly probed for.</li>
* <li>If not set, defaults to false (i.e not a hidden network).</li>
* @param isHiddenSsid {@code true} to indicate that the network is hidden, {@code false}
* otherwise.
* @return Instance of {@link Builder} to enable chaining of the builder method.
public @NonNull Builder setIsHiddenSsid(boolean isHiddenSsid) {
mIsHiddenSSID = isHiddenSsid;
return this;
private void setSecurityParamsInWifiConfiguration(
@NonNull WifiConfiguration configuration) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mWpa2PskPassphrase)) { // WPA-PSK network.
// WifiConfiguration.preSharedKey needs quotes around ASCII password.
configuration.preSharedKey = "\"" + mWpa2PskPassphrase + "\"";
} else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mWpa3SaePassphrase)) { // WPA3-SAE network.
// WifiConfiguration.preSharedKey needs quotes around ASCII password.
configuration.preSharedKey = "\"" + mWpa3SaePassphrase + "\"";
} else if (mWpa2EnterpriseConfig != null) { // WPA-EAP network
configuration.enterpriseConfig = mWpa2EnterpriseConfig;
} else if (mWpa3EnterpriseConfig != null) { // WPA3-SuiteB network
configuration.enterpriseConfig = mWpa3EnterpriseConfig;
} else if (mIsEnhancedOpen) { // OWE network
} else { // Open network
* Helper method to build WifiConfiguration object from the builder.
* @return Instance of {@link WifiConfiguration}.
private WifiConfiguration buildWifiConfiguration() {
final WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration = new WifiConfiguration();
// WifiConfiguration.SSID needs quotes around unicode SSID.
if (mSsidPatternMatcher.getType() == PatternMatcher.PATTERN_LITERAL) {
wifiConfiguration.SSID = "\"" + mSsidPatternMatcher.getPath() + "\"";
if (mBssidPatternMatcher.second == MATCH_EXACT_BSSID_PATTERN_MASK) {
wifiConfiguration.BSSID = mBssidPatternMatcher.first.toString();
wifiConfiguration.hiddenSSID = mIsHiddenSSID;
return wifiConfiguration;
private boolean hasSetAnyPattern() {
return mSsidPatternMatcher != null || mBssidPatternMatcher != null;
private void setMatchAnyPatternIfUnset() {
if (mSsidPatternMatcher == null) {
mSsidPatternMatcher = new PatternMatcher(MATCH_ALL_SSID_PATTERN_PATH,
if (mBssidPatternMatcher == null) {
mBssidPatternMatcher = MATCH_ALL_BSSID_PATTERN;
private boolean hasSetMatchNonePattern() {
if (mSsidPatternMatcher.getType() != PatternMatcher.PATTERN_PREFIX
&& mSsidPatternMatcher.getPath().equals(MATCH_EMPTY_SSID_PATTERN_PATH)) {
return true;
if (mBssidPatternMatcher.equals(MATCH_NO_BSSID_PATTERN1)) {
return true;
if (mBssidPatternMatcher.equals(MATCH_NO_BSSID_PATTERN2)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean hasSetMatchAllPattern() {
if ((mSsidPatternMatcher.match(MATCH_EMPTY_SSID_PATTERN_PATH))
&& mBssidPatternMatcher.equals(MATCH_ALL_BSSID_PATTERN)) {
return true;
return false;
private void validateSecurityParams() {
int numSecurityTypes = 0;
numSecurityTypes += mIsEnhancedOpen ? 1 : 0;
numSecurityTypes += !TextUtils.isEmpty(mWpa2PskPassphrase) ? 1 : 0;
numSecurityTypes += !TextUtils.isEmpty(mWpa3SaePassphrase) ? 1 : 0;
numSecurityTypes += mWpa2EnterpriseConfig != null ? 1 : 0;
numSecurityTypes += mWpa3EnterpriseConfig != null ? 1 : 0;
if (numSecurityTypes > 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("only one of setIsEnhancedOpen, setWpa2Passphrase,"
+ "setWpa3Passphrase, setWpa2EnterpriseConfig or setWpa3EnterpriseConfig"
+ " can be invoked for network specifier");
* Create a specifier object used to request a local Wi-Fi network. The generated
* {@link NetworkSpecifier} should be used in
* {@link NetworkRequest.Builder#setNetworkSpecifier(NetworkSpecifier)} when building
* the {@link NetworkRequest}. These specifiers can only be used to request a local wifi
* network (i.e no internet capability). So, the device will not switch it's default route
* to wifi if there are other transports (cellular for example) available.
* Note: Apps can set a combination of network match params:
* <li> SSID Pattern using {@link #setSsidPattern(PatternMatcher)} OR Specific SSID using
* {@link #setSsid(String)}. </li>
* <li> BSSID Pattern using {@link #setBssidPattern(MacAddress, MacAddress)} OR Specific
* BSSID using {@link #setBssid(MacAddress)} </li>
* to trigger connection to a network that matches the set params.
* The system will find the set of networks matching the request and present the user
* with a system dialog which will allow the user to select a specific Wi-Fi network to
* connect to or to deny the request.
* For example:
* To connect to an open network with a SSID prefix of "test" and a BSSID OUI of "10:03:23":
* {@code
* final NetworkSpecifier specifier =
* new Builder()
* .setSsidPattern(new PatternMatcher("test", PatterMatcher.PATTERN_PREFIX))
* .setBssidPattern(MacAddress.fromString("10:03:23:00:00:00"),
* MacAddress.fromString("ff:ff:ff:00:00:00"))
* .build()
* final NetworkRequest request =
* new NetworkRequest.Builder()
* .addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)
* .removeCapability(NetworkCapabilities.NET_CAPABILITY_INTERNET)
* .setNetworkSpecifier(specifier)
* .build();
* final ConnectivityManager connectivityManager =
* context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
* final NetworkCallback networkCallback = new NetworkCallback() {
* ...
* {@literal @}Override
* void onAvailable(...) {}
* // etc.
* };
* connectivityManager.requestNetwork(request, networkCallback);
* }
* @return Instance of {@link NetworkSpecifier}.
* @throws IllegalStateException on invalid params set.
public @NonNull WifiNetworkSpecifier build() {
if (!hasSetAnyPattern()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("one of setSsidPattern/setSsid/setBssidPattern/"
+ "setBssid should be invoked for specifier");
if (hasSetMatchNonePattern()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("cannot set match-none pattern for specifier");
if (hasSetMatchAllPattern()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("cannot set match-all pattern for specifier");
if (mIsHiddenSSID && mSsidPatternMatcher.getType() != PatternMatcher.PATTERN_LITERAL) {
throw new IllegalStateException("setSsid should also be invoked when "
+ "setIsHiddenSsid is invoked for network specifier");
return new WifiNetworkSpecifier(
* SSID pattern match specified by the app.
* @hide
public final PatternMatcher ssidPatternMatcher;
* BSSID pattern match specified by the app.
* Pair of <BaseAddress, Mask>.
* @hide
public final Pair<MacAddress, MacAddress> bssidPatternMatcher;
* Security credentials for the network.
* <p>
* Note: {@link WifiConfiguration#SSID} & {@link WifiConfiguration#BSSID} fields from
* WifiConfiguration are not used. Instead we use the {@link #ssidPatternMatcher} &
* {@link #bssidPatternMatcher} fields embedded directly
* within {@link WifiNetworkSpecifier}.
* @hide
public final WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration;
/** @hide */
public WifiNetworkSpecifier() throws IllegalAccessException {
throw new IllegalAccessException("Use the builder to create an instance");
/** @hide */
public WifiNetworkSpecifier(@NonNull PatternMatcher ssidPatternMatcher,
@NonNull Pair<MacAddress, MacAddress> bssidPatternMatcher,
@NonNull WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration) {
this.ssidPatternMatcher = ssidPatternMatcher;
this.bssidPatternMatcher = bssidPatternMatcher;
this.wifiConfiguration = wifiConfiguration;
public static final @NonNull Creator<WifiNetworkSpecifier> CREATOR =
new Creator<WifiNetworkSpecifier>() {
public WifiNetworkSpecifier createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
PatternMatcher ssidPatternMatcher = in.readParcelable(/* classLoader */null);
MacAddress baseAddress = in.readParcelable(null);
MacAddress mask = in.readParcelable(null);
Pair<MacAddress, MacAddress> bssidPatternMatcher =
Pair.create(baseAddress, mask);
WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration = in.readParcelable(null);
return new WifiNetworkSpecifier(ssidPatternMatcher, bssidPatternMatcher,
public WifiNetworkSpecifier[] newArray(int size) {
return new WifiNetworkSpecifier[size];
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeParcelable(ssidPatternMatcher, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(bssidPatternMatcher.first, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(bssidPatternMatcher.second, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(wifiConfiguration, flags);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(
ssidPatternMatcher.getPath(), ssidPatternMatcher.getType(), bssidPatternMatcher,
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof WifiNetworkSpecifier)) {
return false;
WifiNetworkSpecifier lhs = (WifiNetworkSpecifier) obj;
return Objects.equals(this.ssidPatternMatcher.getPath(),
&& Objects.equals(this.ssidPatternMatcher.getType(),
&& Objects.equals(this.bssidPatternMatcher,
&& Objects.equals(this.wifiConfiguration.allowedKeyManagement,
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder()
.append("WifiNetworkSpecifier [")
.append(", SSID Match pattern=").append(ssidPatternMatcher)
.append(", BSSID Match pattern=").append(bssidPatternMatcher)
.append(", SSID=").append(wifiConfiguration.SSID)
.append(", BSSID=").append(wifiConfiguration.BSSID)
/** @hide */
public boolean satisfiedBy(NetworkSpecifier other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
// Any generic requests should be satisifed by a specific wifi network.
if (other == null || other instanceof MatchAllNetworkSpecifier) {
return true;
if (other instanceof WifiNetworkAgentSpecifier) {
return ((WifiNetworkAgentSpecifier) other).satisfiesNetworkSpecifier(this);
// Specific requests are checked for equality although testing for equality of 2 patterns do
// not make much sense!
return equals(other);