blob: 51567cd2cb26364d8fd365be403e3bab596569d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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//! HAL for the virtio_drivers crate.
use super::pci::PCI_INFO;
use crate::helpers::RangeExt as _;
use crate::memory::{alloc_shared, dealloc_shared, phys_to_virt, virt_to_phys};
use core::alloc::Layout;
use core::mem::size_of;
use core::ptr::{copy_nonoverlapping, NonNull};
use log::trace;
use virtio_drivers::{BufferDirection, Hal, PhysAddr, PAGE_SIZE};
pub struct HalImpl;
/// Implements the `Hal` trait for `HalImpl`.
/// # Safety
/// Callers of this implementatation must follow the safety requirements documented in the `Hal`
/// trait for the unsafe methods.
unsafe impl Hal for HalImpl {
/// Allocates the given number of contiguous physical pages of DMA memory for VirtIO use.
/// # Implementation Safety
/// `dma_alloc` ensures the returned DMA buffer is not aliased with any other allocation or
/// reference in the program until it is deallocated by `dma_dealloc` by allocating a unique
/// block of memory using `alloc_shared` and returning a non-null pointer to it that is
/// aligned to `PAGE_SIZE`.
fn dma_alloc(pages: usize, _direction: BufferDirection) -> (PhysAddr, NonNull<u8>) {
let vaddr = alloc_shared(dma_layout(pages))
.expect("Failed to allocate and share VirtIO DMA range with host");
// TODO(ptosi): Move this zeroing to virtio_drivers, if it silently wants a zeroed region.
// SAFETY - vaddr points to a region allocated for the caller so is safe to access.
unsafe { core::ptr::write_bytes(vaddr.as_ptr(), 0, dma_layout(pages).size()) };
let paddr = virt_to_phys(vaddr);
(paddr, vaddr)
unsafe fn dma_dealloc(_paddr: PhysAddr, vaddr: NonNull<u8>, pages: usize) -> i32 {
// SAFETY - Memory was allocated by `dma_alloc` using `alloc_shared` with the same size.
unsafe { dealloc_shared(vaddr, dma_layout(pages)) }
.expect("Failed to unshare VirtIO DMA range with host");
/// Converts a physical address used for MMIO to a virtual address which the driver can access.
/// # Implementation Safety
/// `mmio_phys_to_virt` satisfies the requirement by checking that the mapped memory region
/// is within the PCI MMIO range.
unsafe fn mmio_phys_to_virt(paddr: PhysAddr, size: usize) -> NonNull<u8> {
let pci_info = PCI_INFO.get().expect("VirtIO HAL used before PCI_INFO was initialised");
let bar_range = {
let start = pci_info.bar_range.start.try_into().unwrap();
let end = pci_info.bar_range.end.try_into().unwrap();
let mmio_range = paddr..paddr.checked_add(size).expect("PCI MMIO region end overflowed");
// Check that the region is within the PCI MMIO range that we read from the device tree. If
// not, the host is probably trying to do something malicious.
"PCI MMIO region was outside of expected BAR range.",
unsafe fn share(buffer: NonNull<[u8]>, direction: BufferDirection) -> PhysAddr {
let size = buffer.len();
let bounce = alloc_shared(bb_layout(size))
.expect("Failed to allocate and share VirtIO bounce buffer with host");
let paddr = virt_to_phys(bounce);
if direction == BufferDirection::DriverToDevice {
let src = buffer.cast::<u8>().as_ptr().cast_const();
trace!("VirtIO bounce buffer at {bounce:?} (PA:{paddr:#x}) initialized from {src:?}");
// SAFETY - Both regions are valid, properly aligned, and don't overlap.
unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping(src, bounce.as_ptr(), size) };
unsafe fn unshare(paddr: PhysAddr, buffer: NonNull<[u8]>, direction: BufferDirection) {
let bounce = phys_to_virt(paddr);
let size = buffer.len();
if direction == BufferDirection::DeviceToDriver {
let dest = buffer.cast::<u8>().as_ptr();
trace!("VirtIO bounce buffer at {bounce:?} (PA:{paddr:#x}) copied back to {dest:?}");
// SAFETY - Both regions are valid, properly aligned, and don't overlap.
unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping(bounce.as_ptr(), dest, size) };
// SAFETY - Memory was allocated by `share` using `alloc_shared` with the same size.
unsafe { dealloc_shared(bounce, bb_layout(size)) }
.expect("Failed to unshare and deallocate VirtIO bounce buffer");
fn dma_layout(pages: usize) -> Layout {
let size = pages.checked_mul(PAGE_SIZE).unwrap();
Layout::from_size_align(size, PAGE_SIZE).unwrap()
fn bb_layout(size: usize) -> Layout {
// In theory, it would be legal to align to 1-byte but use a larger alignment for good measure.
const VIRTIO_BOUNCE_BUFFER_ALIGN: usize = size_of::<u128>();
Layout::from_size_align(size, VIRTIO_BOUNCE_BUFFER_ALIGN).unwrap()