blob: c2307846c140f6f977aa3b4f98a82c3d95aa85bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Miscellaneous helper functions.
use core::arch::asm;
use core::ops::Range;
use zeroize::Zeroize;
pub const SIZE_4KB: usize = 4 << 10;
pub const SIZE_2MB: usize = 2 << 20;
pub const SIZE_4MB: usize = 4 << 20;
pub const GUEST_PAGE_SIZE: usize = SIZE_4KB;
pub const PVMFW_PAGE_SIZE: usize = SIZE_4KB;
/// Read a value from a system register.
macro_rules! read_sysreg {
($sysreg:literal) => {{
let mut r: usize;
// Safe because it reads a system register and does not affect Rust.
unsafe {
concat!("mrs {}, ", $sysreg),
out(reg) r,
options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags),
/// Write a value to a system register.
/// # Safety
/// Callers must ensure that side effects of updating the system register are properly handled.
macro_rules! write_sysreg {
($sysreg:literal, $val:expr) => {{
let value: usize = $val;
concat!("msr ", $sysreg, ", {}"),
in(reg) value,
options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags),
/// Computes the largest multiple of the provided alignment smaller or equal to the address.
/// Note: the result is undefined if alignment isn't a power of two.
pub const fn unchecked_align_down(addr: usize, alignment: usize) -> usize {
addr & !(alignment - 1)
/// Computes the smallest multiple of the provided alignment larger or equal to the address.
/// Note: the result is undefined if alignment isn't a power of two and may wrap to 0.
pub const fn unchecked_align_up(addr: usize, alignment: usize) -> usize {
unchecked_align_down(addr + alignment - 1, alignment)
/// Safe wrapper around unchecked_align_up() that validates its assumptions and doesn't wrap.
pub const fn align_up(addr: usize, alignment: usize) -> Option<usize> {
if !alignment.is_power_of_two() {
} else if let Some(s) = addr.checked_add(alignment - 1) {
Some(unchecked_align_down(s, alignment))
} else {
/// Performs an integer division rounding up.
/// Note: Returns None if den isn't a power of two.
pub const fn ceiling_div(num: usize, den: usize) -> Option<usize> {
let Some(r) = align_up(num, den) else {
return None;
/// Aligns the given address to the given alignment, if it is a power of two.
/// Returns `None` if the alignment isn't a power of two.
#[allow(dead_code)] // Currently unused but might be needed again.
pub const fn align_down(addr: usize, alignment: usize) -> Option<usize> {
if !alignment.is_power_of_two() {
} else {
Some(unchecked_align_down(addr, alignment))
/// Computes the address of the 4KiB page containing a given address.
pub const fn page_4kb_of(addr: usize) -> usize {
unchecked_align_down(addr, SIZE_4KB)
/// Read the number of words in the smallest cache line of all the data caches and unified caches.
pub fn min_dcache_line_size() -> usize {
const DMINLINE_SHIFT: usize = 16;
const DMINLINE_MASK: usize = 0xf;
let ctr_el0 = read_sysreg!("ctr_el0");
// DminLine: log2 of the number of words in the smallest cache line of all the data caches.
let dminline = (ctr_el0 >> DMINLINE_SHIFT) & DMINLINE_MASK;
1 << dminline
/// Flush `size` bytes of data cache by virtual address.
pub fn flush_region(start: usize, size: usize) {
let line_size = min_dcache_line_size();
let end = start + size;
let start = unchecked_align_down(start, line_size);
for line in (start..end).step_by(line_size) {
// SAFETY - Clearing cache lines shouldn't have Rust-visible side effects.
unsafe {
"dc cvau, {x}",
x = in(reg) line,
options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags),
/// Flushes the slice to the point of unification.
pub fn flush(reg: &[u8]) {
flush_region(reg.as_ptr() as usize, reg.len())
/// Overwrites the slice with zeroes, to the point of unification.
pub fn flushed_zeroize(reg: &mut [u8]) {
/// Flatten [[T; N]] into &[T]
/// TODO: use slice::flatten when it graduates from experimental
pub fn flatten<T, const N: usize>(original: &[[T; N]]) -> &[T] {
// SAFETY: no overflow because original (whose size is len()*N) is already in memory
let len = original.len() * N;
// SAFETY: [T] has the same layout as [T;N]
unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(original.as_ptr().cast(), len) }
/// Trait to check containment of one range within another.
pub(crate) trait RangeExt {
/// Returns true if `self` is contained within the `other` range.
fn is_within(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
impl<T: PartialOrd> RangeExt for Range<T> {
fn is_within(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.start >= other.start && self.end <= other.end
/// Create &CStr out of &str literal
macro_rules! cstr {
($str:literal) => {{
CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(concat!($str, "\0").as_bytes()).unwrap()