blob: ea1146e8feaa7990a7fb642087075fe1a970e3d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Functions for running instances of `crosvm`.
use crate::aidl::{remove_temporary_files, Cid, VirtualMachineCallbacks};
use crate::atom::{get_num_cpus, write_vm_exited_stats};
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error, Result};
use command_fds::CommandFdExt;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use libc::{sysconf, _SC_CLK_TCK};
use log::{debug, error, info};
use semver::{Version, VersionReq};
use nix::{fcntl::OFlag, unistd::pipe2, unistd::Uid, unistd::User};
use regex::{Captures, Regex};
use rustutils::system_properties;
use shared_child::SharedChild;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::cmp::max;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::{read_to_string, File};
use std::io::{self, Read};
use std::mem;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd, FromRawFd};
use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus};
use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex};
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle};
use android_system_virtualizationcommon::aidl::android::system::virtualizationcommon::DeathReason::DeathReason;
use android_system_virtualizationservice::aidl::android::system::virtualizationservice::MemoryTrimLevel::MemoryTrimLevel;
use android_system_virtualizationservice_internal::aidl::android::system::virtualizationservice_internal::IGlobalVmContext::IGlobalVmContext;
use binder::Strong;
use android_system_virtualmachineservice::aidl::android::system::virtualmachineservice::IVirtualMachineService::IVirtualMachineService;
use tombstoned_client::{TombstonedConnection, DebuggerdDumpType};
use rpcbinder::RpcServer;
/// external/crosvm
use base::UnixSeqpacketListener;
use vm_control::{BalloonControlCommand, VmRequest, VmResponse};
const CROSVM_PATH: &str = "/apex/";
/// Version of the platform that crosvm currently implements. The format follows SemVer. This
/// should be updated when there is a platform change in the crosvm side. Having this value here is
/// fine because virtualizationservice and crosvm are supposed to be updated together in the virt
/// APEX.
const CROSVM_PLATFORM_VERSION: &str = "1.0.0";
/// The exit status which crosvm returns when it has an error starting a VM.
/// The exit status which crosvm returns when a VM requests a reboot.
const CROSVM_REBOOT_STATUS: i32 = 32;
/// The exit status which crosvm returns when it crashes due to an error.
const CROSVM_CRASH_STATUS: i32 = 33;
/// The exit status which crosvm returns when vcpu is stalled.
const MILLIS_PER_SEC: i64 = 1000;
const SYSPROP_CUSTOM_PVMFW_PATH: &str = "hypervisor.pvmfw.path";
lazy_static! {
/// If the VM doesn't move to the Started state within this amount time, a hang-up error is
/// triggered.
static ref BOOT_HANGUP_TIMEOUT: Duration = if nested_virt::is_nested_virtualization().unwrap() {
// Nested virtualization is slow, so we need a longer timeout.
} else {
/// Configuration for a VM to run with crosvm.
pub struct CrosvmConfig {
pub cid: Cid,
pub name: String,
pub bootloader: Option<File>,
pub kernel: Option<File>,
pub initrd: Option<File>,
pub disks: Vec<DiskFile>,
pub params: Option<String>,
pub protected: bool,
pub memory_mib: Option<NonZeroU32>,
pub cpus: Option<NonZeroU32>,
pub host_cpu_topology: bool,
pub task_profiles: Vec<String>,
pub console_fd: Option<File>,
pub log_fd: Option<File>,
pub ramdump: Option<File>,
pub indirect_files: Vec<File>,
pub platform_version: VersionReq,
pub detect_hangup: bool,
/// A disk image to pass to crosvm for a VM.
pub struct DiskFile {
pub image: File,
pub writable: bool,
/// The lifecycle state which the payload in the VM has reported itself to be in.
/// Note that the order of enum variants is significant; only forward transitions are allowed by
/// [`VmInstance::update_payload_state`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum PayloadState {
Hangup, // Hasn't reached to Ready before timeout expires
/// The current state of the VM itself.
pub enum VmState {
/// The VM has not yet tried to start.
NotStarted {
///The configuration needed to start the VM, if it has not yet been started.
config: CrosvmConfig,
/// The VM has been started.
Running {
/// The crosvm child process.
child: Arc<SharedChild>,
/// The thread waiting for crosvm to finish.
monitor_vm_exit_thread: Option<JoinHandle<()>>,
/// The VM died or was killed.
/// The VM failed to start.
/// RSS values of VM and CrosVM process itself.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Rss {
pub vm: i64,
pub crosvm: i64,
/// Metrics regarding the VM.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct VmMetric {
/// Recorded timestamp when the VM is started.
pub start_timestamp: Option<SystemTime>,
/// Update most recent guest_time periodically from /proc/[crosvm pid]/stat while VM is running.
pub cpu_guest_time: Option<i64>,
/// Update maximum RSS values periodically from /proc/[crosvm pid]/smaps while VM is running.
pub rss: Option<Rss>,
impl VmState {
/// Tries to start the VM, if it is in the `NotStarted` state.
/// Returns an error if the VM is in the wrong state, or fails to start.
fn start(&mut self, instance: Arc<VmInstance>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let state = mem::replace(self, VmState::Failed);
if let VmState::NotStarted { config } = state {
let detect_hangup = config.detect_hangup;
let (failure_pipe_read, failure_pipe_write) = create_pipe()?;
// If this fails and returns an error, `self` will be left in the `Failed` state.
let child =
Arc::new(run_vm(config, &instance.crosvm_control_socket_path, failure_pipe_write)?);
let instance_monitor_status = instance.clone();
let child_monitor_status = child.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
let child_clone = child.clone();
let instance_clone = instance.clone();
let monitor_vm_exit_thread = Some(thread::spawn(move || {
instance_clone.monitor_vm_exit(child_clone, failure_pipe_read);
if detect_hangup {
let child_clone = child.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
// If it started correctly, update the state.
*self = VmState::Running { child, monitor_vm_exit_thread };
} else {
*self = state;
bail!("VM already started or failed")
/// Internal struct that holds the handles to globally unique resources of a VM.
pub struct VmContext {
#[allow(dead_code)] // Keeps the global context alive
global_context: Strong<dyn IGlobalVmContext>,
#[allow(dead_code)] // Keeps the server alive
vm_server: RpcServer,
impl VmContext {
/// Construct new VmContext.
pub fn new(global_context: Strong<dyn IGlobalVmContext>, vm_server: RpcServer) -> VmContext {
VmContext { global_context, vm_server }
/// Information about a particular instance of a VM which may be running.
pub struct VmInstance {
/// The current state of the VM.
pub vm_state: Mutex<VmState>,
/// Global resources allocated for this VM.
#[allow(dead_code)] // Keeps the context alive
vm_context: VmContext,
/// The CID assigned to the VM for vsock communication.
pub cid: Cid,
/// Path to crosvm control socket
crosvm_control_socket_path: PathBuf,
/// The name of the VM.
pub name: String,
/// Whether the VM is a protected VM.
pub protected: bool,
/// Directory of temporary files used by the VM while it is running.
pub temporary_directory: PathBuf,
/// The UID of the process which requested the VM.
pub requester_uid: u32,
/// The PID of the process which requested the VM. Note that this process may no longer exist
/// and the PID may have been reused for a different process, so this should not be trusted.
pub requester_debug_pid: i32,
/// Callbacks to clients of the VM.
pub callbacks: VirtualMachineCallbacks,
/// VirtualMachineService binder object for the VM.
pub vm_service: Mutex<Option<Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineService>>>,
/// Recorded metrics of VM such as timestamp or cpu / memory usage.
pub vm_metric: Mutex<VmMetric>,
/// The latest lifecycle state which the payload reported itself to be in.
payload_state: Mutex<PayloadState>,
/// Represents the condition that payload_state was updated
payload_state_updated: Condvar,
/// The human readable name of requester_uid
requester_uid_name: String,
impl fmt::Display for VmInstance {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let adj = if self.protected { "Protected" } else { "Non-protected" };
"{} virtual machine \"{}\" (owner: {}, cid: {})",
adj,, self.requester_uid_name, self.cid
impl VmInstance {
/// Validates the given config and creates a new `VmInstance` but doesn't start running it.
pub fn new(
config: CrosvmConfig,
temporary_directory: PathBuf,
requester_uid: u32,
requester_debug_pid: i32,
vm_context: VmContext,
) -> Result<VmInstance, Error> {
let cid = config.cid;
let name =;
let protected = config.protected;
let requester_uid_name = User::from_uid(Uid::from_raw(requester_uid))
.map_or_else(|| format!("{}", requester_uid), |u|;
let instance = VmInstance {
vm_state: Mutex::new(VmState::NotStarted { config }),
crosvm_control_socket_path: temporary_directory.join("crosvm.sock"),
callbacks: Default::default(),
vm_service: Mutex::new(None),
vm_metric: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
payload_state: Mutex::new(PayloadState::Starting),
payload_state_updated: Condvar::new(),
info!("{} created", &instance);
/// Starts an instance of `crosvm` to manage the VM. The `crosvm` instance will be killed when
/// the `VmInstance` is dropped.
pub fn start(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut vm_metric = self.vm_metric.lock().unwrap();
vm_metric.start_timestamp = Some(SystemTime::now());
let ret = self.vm_state.lock().unwrap().start(self.clone());
if ret.is_ok() {
info!("{} started", &self);
ret.with_context(|| format!("{} failed to start", &self))
/// Monitors the exit of the VM (i.e. termination of the `child` process). When that happens,
/// handles the event by updating the state, noityfing the event to clients by calling
/// callbacks, and removing temporary files for the VM.
fn monitor_vm_exit(&self, child: Arc<SharedChild>, mut failure_pipe_read: File) {
let result = child.wait();
match &result {
Err(e) => error!("Error waiting for crosvm({}) instance to die: {}",, e),
Ok(status) => {
info!("crosvm({}) exited with status {}",, status);
if let Some(exit_status_code) = status.code() {
if exit_status_code == CROSVM_WATCHDOG_REBOOT_STATUS {
info!("detected vcpu stall on crosvm");
let mut vm_state = self.vm_state.lock().unwrap();
*vm_state = VmState::Dead;
// Ensure that the mutex is released before calling the callbacks.
info!("{} exited", &self);
// Read the pipe to see if any failure reason is written
let mut failure_reason = String::new();
match failure_pipe_read.read_to_string(&mut failure_reason) {
Err(e) => error!("Error reading VM failure reason from pipe: {}", e),
Ok(len) if len > 0 => info!("VM returned failure reason '{}'", &failure_reason),
_ => (),
// In case of hangup, the pipe doesn't give us any information because the hangup can't be
// detected on the VM side (otherwise, it isn't a hangup), but in the
// monitor_payload_hangup function below which updates the payload state to Hangup.
let failure_reason =
if failure_reason.is_empty() && self.payload_state() == PayloadState::Hangup {
} else {
self.handle_ramdump().unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("Error handling ramdump: {}", e));
let death_reason = death_reason(&result, &failure_reason);
let exit_signal = exit_signal(&result);
self.callbacks.callback_on_died(self.cid, death_reason);
let vm_metric = self.vm_metric.lock().unwrap();
self.requester_uid as i32,
// Delete temporary files. The folder itself is removed by VirtualizationServiceInternal.
remove_temporary_files(&self.temporary_directory).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("Error removing temporary files from {:?}: {}", self.temporary_directory, e);
/// Waits until payload is started, or timeout expires. When timeout occurs, kill
/// the VM to prevent indefinite hangup and update the payload_state accordingly.
fn monitor_payload_hangup(&self, child: Arc<SharedChild>) {
debug!("Starting to monitor hangup for Microdroid({})",;
let (_, result) = self
.wait_timeout_while(self.payload_state.lock().unwrap(), *BOOT_HANGUP_TIMEOUT, |s| {
*s < PayloadState::Started
let child_still_running = child.try_wait().ok() == Some(None);
if result.timed_out() && child_still_running {
"Microdroid({}) failed to start payload within {} secs timeout. Shutting down.",,
if let Err(e) = self.kill() {
error!("Error stopping timed-out VM with CID {}: {:?}",, e);
fn monitor_vm_status(&self, child: Arc<SharedChild>) {
let pid =;
loop {
// Check VM state
let vm_state = &*self.vm_state.lock().unwrap();
if let VmState::Dead = vm_state {
let mut vm_metric = self.vm_metric.lock().unwrap();
// Get CPU Information
if let Ok(guest_time) = get_guest_time(pid) {
vm_metric.cpu_guest_time = Some(guest_time);
} else {
error!("Failed to parse /proc/[pid]/stat");
// Get Memory Information
if let Ok(rss) = get_rss(pid) {
vm_metric.rss = match &vm_metric.rss {
Some(x) => Some(Rss::extract_max(x, &rss)),
None => Some(rss),
} else {
error!("Failed to parse /proc/[pid]/smaps");
/// Returns the last reported state of the VM payload.
pub fn payload_state(&self) -> PayloadState {
/// Updates the payload state to the given value, if it is a valid state transition.
pub fn update_payload_state(&self, new_state: PayloadState) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut state_locked = self.payload_state.lock().unwrap();
// Only allow forward transitions, e.g. from starting to started or finished, not back in
// the other direction.
if new_state > *state_locked {
*state_locked = new_state;
} else {
bail!("Invalid payload state transition from {:?} to {:?}", *state_locked, new_state)
/// Kills the crosvm instance, if it is running.
pub fn kill(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let monitor_vm_exit_thread = {
let vm_state = &mut *self.vm_state.lock().unwrap();
if let VmState::Running { child, monitor_vm_exit_thread } = vm_state {
let id =;
debug!("Killing crosvm({})", id);
// TODO: Talk to crosvm to shutdown cleanly.
child.kill().with_context(|| format!("Error killing crosvm({id}) instance"))?;
} else {
bail!("VM is not running")
// Wait for monitor_vm_exit() to finish. Must release vm_state lock
// first, as monitor_vm_exit() takes it as well.;
/// Responds to memory-trimming notifications by inflating the virtio
/// balloon to reclaim guest memory.
pub fn trim_memory(&self, level: MemoryTrimLevel) -> Result<(), Error> {
let request = VmRequest::BalloonCommand(BalloonControlCommand::Stats {});
match vm_control::client::handle_request(&request, &self.crosvm_control_socket_path) {
Ok(VmResponse::BalloonStats { stats, balloon_actual: _ }) => {
if let Some(total_memory) = stats.total_memory {
// Reclaim up to 50% of total memory assuming worst case
// most memory is anonymous and must be swapped to zram
// with an approximate 2:1 compression ratio.
let pct = match level {
MemoryTrimLevel::TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW => 30,
_ => bail!("Invalid memory trim level {:?}", level),
let command =
BalloonControlCommand::Adjust { num_bytes: total_memory * pct / 100 };
if let Err(e) = vm_control::client::handle_request(
) {
bail!("Error sending balloon adjustment: {:?}", e);
Ok(VmResponse::Err(e)) => {
// ENOTSUP is returned when the balloon protocol is not initialised. This
// can occur for numerous reasons: Guest is still booting, guest doesn't
// support ballooning, host doesn't support ballooning. We don't log or
// raise an error in this case: trim is just a hint and we can ignore it.
if e.errno() != libc::ENOTSUP {
bail!("Errno return when requesting balloon stats: {}", e.errno())
e => bail!("Error requesting balloon stats: {:?}", e),
/// Checks if ramdump has been created. If so, send it to tombstoned.
fn handle_ramdump(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let ramdump_path = self.temporary_directory.join("ramdump");
if std::fs::metadata(&ramdump_path)?.len() > 0 {
fn send_ramdump_to_tombstoned(ramdump_path: &Path) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut input = File::open(ramdump_path)
.context(format!("Failed to open ramdump {:?} for reading", ramdump_path))?;
let pid = std::process::id() as i32;
let conn = TombstonedConnection::connect(pid, DebuggerdDumpType::Tombstone)
.context("Failed to connect to tombstoned")?;
let mut output = conn
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Could not get file to write the tombstones on"))?;
std::io::copy(&mut input, &mut output).context("Failed to send ramdump to tombstoned")?;
info!("Ramdump {:?} sent to tombstoned", ramdump_path);
impl Rss {
fn extract_max(x: &Rss, y: &Rss) -> Rss {
Rss { vm: max(x.vm, y.vm), crosvm: max(x.crosvm, y.crosvm) }
// Get guest time from /proc/[crosvm pid]/stat
fn get_guest_time(pid: u32) -> Result<i64> {
let file = read_to_string(format!("/proc/{}/stat", pid))?;
let data_list: Vec<_> = file.split_whitespace().collect();
// Information about guest_time is at 43th place of the file split with the whitespace.
// Example of /proc/[pid]/stat :
// 6603 (kworker/104:1H-kblockd) I 2 0 0 0 -1 69238880 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 -20 1 0 1845 0 0
// 18446744073709551615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2147483647 0 0 0 0 17 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
if data_list.len() < 43 {
bail!("Failed to parse command result for getting guest time : {}", file);
let guest_time_ticks = data_list[42].parse::<i64>()?;
// SAFETY : It just returns an integer about CPU tick information.
let ticks_per_sec = unsafe { sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) };
Ok(guest_time_ticks * MILLIS_PER_SEC / ticks_per_sec)
// Get rss from /proc/[crosvm pid]/smaps
fn get_rss(pid: u32) -> Result<Rss> {
let file = read_to_string(format!("/proc/{}/smaps", pid))?;
let lines: Vec<_> = file.split('\n').collect();
let mut rss_vm_total = 0i64;
let mut rss_crosvm_total = 0i64;
let mut is_vm = false;
for line in lines {
if line.contains("crosvm_guest") {
is_vm = true;
} else if line.contains("Rss:") {
let data_list: Vec<_> = line.split_whitespace().collect();
if data_list.len() < 2 {
bail!("Failed to parse command result for getting rss :\n{}", line);
let rss = data_list[1].parse::<i64>()?;
if is_vm {
rss_vm_total += rss;
is_vm = false;
rss_crosvm_total += rss;
Ok(Rss { vm: rss_vm_total, crosvm: rss_crosvm_total })
fn death_reason(result: &Result<ExitStatus, io::Error>, mut failure_reason: &str) -> DeathReason {
if let Some(position) = failure_reason.find('|') {
// Separator indicates extra context information is present after the failure name.
error!("Failure info: {}", &failure_reason[(position + 1)..]);
failure_reason = &failure_reason[..position];
if let Ok(status) = result {
match failure_reason {
"HANGUP" => return DeathReason::HANGUP,
_ => {}
match status.code() {
None => DeathReason::KILLED,
Some(0) => DeathReason::SHUTDOWN,
Some(_) => DeathReason::UNKNOWN,
} else {
fn exit_signal(result: &Result<ExitStatus, io::Error>) -> Option<i32> {
match result {
Ok(status) => status.signal(),
Err(_) => None,
fn should_configure_ramdump(protected: bool) -> bool {
if protected {
// Protected VM needs ramdump configuration here.
// pvmfw will disable ramdump if unnecessary.
} else {
// For unprotected VM, ramdump should be handled here.
// ramdump wouldn't be enabled if ramdump is explicitly set to <1>.
if let Ok(mut file) = File::open("/proc/device-tree/avf/guest/common/ramdump") {
let mut ramdump: [u8; 4] = Default::default();
file.read_exact(&mut ramdump).map_err(|_| false).unwrap();
// DT spec uses big endian although Android is always little endian.
return u32::from_be_bytes(ramdump) == 1;
/// Starts an instance of `crosvm` to manage a new VM.
fn run_vm(
config: CrosvmConfig,
crosvm_control_socket_path: &Path,
failure_pipe_write: File,
) -> Result<SharedChild, Error> {
let mut command = Command::new(CROSVM_PATH);
// TODO(qwandor): Remove --disable-sandbox.
// Configure the logger for the crosvm process to silence logs from the disk crate which
// don't provide much information to us (but do spamming us).
if system_properties::read_bool("hypervisor.memory_reclaim.supported", false)? {
} else {
if config.protected {
match system_properties::read(SYSPROP_CUSTOM_PVMFW_PATH)? {
Some(pvmfw_path) if !pvmfw_path.is_empty() => {
_ => command.arg("--protected-vm"),
// 3 virtio-console devices + vsock = 4.
let virtio_pci_device_count = 4 + config.disks.len();
// crosvm virtio queue has 256 entries, so 2 MiB per device (2 pages per entry) should be
// enough.
let swiotlb_size_mib = 2 * virtio_pci_device_count;
if let Some(memory_mib) = config.memory_mib {
if let Some(cpus) = config.cpus {
if config.host_cpu_topology {
// TODO(b/266664564): replace with --host-cpu-topology once available
if let Some(cpus) = get_num_cpus() {
} else {
bail!("Could not determine the number of CPUs in the system");
if !config.task_profiles.is_empty() {
// Keep track of what file descriptors should be mapped to the crosvm process.
let mut preserved_fds = config.indirect_files.iter().map(|file| file.as_raw_fd()).collect();
// Setup the serial devices.
// 1. uart device: used as the output device by bootloaders and as early console by linux
// 2. uart device: used to report the reason for the VM failing.
// 3. virtio-console device: used as the console device where kmsg is redirected to
// 4. virtio-console device: used as the ramdump output
// 5. virtio-console device: used as the logcat output
// When [console|log]_fd is not specified, the devices are attached to sink, which means what's
// written there is discarded.
let console_arg = format_serial_arg(&mut preserved_fds, &config.console_fd);
let log_arg = format_serial_arg(&mut preserved_fds, &config.log_fd);
let failure_serial_path = add_preserved_fd(&mut preserved_fds, &failure_pipe_write);
let ramdump_arg = format_serial_arg(&mut preserved_fds, &config.ramdump);
// Warning: Adding more serial devices requires you to shift the PCI device ID of the boot
// disks in bootconfig.x86_64. This is because x86 crosvm puts serial devices and the block
// devices in the same PCI bus and serial devices comes before the block devices. Arm crosvm
// doesn't have the issue.
// /dev/ttyS0
command.arg(format!("--serial={},hardware=serial,num=1", &console_arg));
// /dev/ttyS1
command.arg(format!("--serial=type=file,path={},hardware=serial,num=2", &failure_serial_path));
// /dev/hvc0
command.arg(format!("--serial={},hardware=virtio-console,num=1", &console_arg));
// /dev/hvc1
command.arg(format!("--serial={},hardware=virtio-console,num=2", &ramdump_arg));
// /dev/hvc2
command.arg(format!("--serial={},hardware=virtio-console,num=3", &log_arg));
if let Some(bootloader) = &config.bootloader {
command.arg("--bios").arg(add_preserved_fd(&mut preserved_fds, bootloader));
if let Some(initrd) = &config.initrd {
command.arg("--initrd").arg(add_preserved_fd(&mut preserved_fds, initrd));
if let Some(params) = &config.params {
for disk in &config.disks {
.arg(if disk.writable { "--rwdisk" } else { "--disk" })
.arg(add_preserved_fd(&mut preserved_fds, &disk.image));
if let Some(kernel) = &config.kernel {
command.arg(add_preserved_fd(&mut preserved_fds, kernel));
let control_server_socket = UnixSeqpacketListener::bind(crosvm_control_socket_path)
.context("failed to create control server")?;
command.arg("--socket").arg(add_preserved_fd(&mut preserved_fds, &control_server_socket));
debug!("Preserving FDs {:?}", preserved_fds);
if should_configure_ramdump(config.protected) {
let result = SharedChild::spawn(&mut command)?;
debug!("Spawned crosvm({}).",;
/// Ensure that the configuration has a valid combination of fields set, or return an error if not.
fn validate_config(config: &CrosvmConfig) -> Result<(), Error> {
if config.bootloader.is_none() && config.kernel.is_none() {
bail!("VM must have either a bootloader or a kernel image.");
if config.bootloader.is_some() && (config.kernel.is_some() || config.initrd.is_some()) {
bail!("Can't have both bootloader and kernel/initrd image.");
let version = Version::parse(CROSVM_PLATFORM_VERSION).unwrap();
if !config.platform_version.matches(&version) {
"Incompatible platform version. The config is compatible with platform version(s) \
{}, but the actual platform version is {}",
/// Print arguments of the crosvm command. In doing so, /proc/self/fd/XX is annotated with the
/// actual file path if the FD is backed by a regular file. If not, the /proc path is printed
/// unmodified.
fn print_crosvm_args(command: &Command) {
let re = Regex::new(r"/proc/self/fd/[\d]+").unwrap();
"Running crosvm with args: {:?}",
.map(|s| s.to_string_lossy())
.map(|s| {
re.replace_all(&s, |caps: &Captures| {
let path = &caps[0];
if let Ok(realpath) = std::fs::canonicalize(path) {
format!("{} ({})", path, realpath.to_string_lossy())
} else {
/// Adds the file descriptor for `file` to `preserved_fds`, and returns a string of the form
/// "/proc/self/fd/N" where N is the file descriptor.
fn add_preserved_fd(preserved_fds: &mut Vec<RawFd>, file: &dyn AsRawFd) -> String {
let fd = file.as_raw_fd();
format!("/proc/self/fd/{}", fd)
/// Adds the file descriptor for `file` (if any) to `preserved_fds`, and returns the appropriate
/// string for a crosvm `--serial` flag. If `file` is none, creates a dummy sink device.
fn format_serial_arg(preserved_fds: &mut Vec<RawFd>, file: &Option<File>) -> String {
if let Some(file) = file {
format!("type=file,path={}", add_preserved_fd(preserved_fds, file))
} else {
/// Creates a new pipe with the `O_CLOEXEC` flag set, and returns the read side and write side.
fn create_pipe() -> Result<(File, File), Error> {
let (raw_read, raw_write) = pipe2(OFlag::O_CLOEXEC)?;
// SAFETY: We are the sole owners of these fds as they were just created.
let read_fd = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(raw_read) };
let write_fd = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(raw_write) };
Ok((read_fd, write_fd))