blob: 89f74d651edc3d0765ef234143faebd7fe5038c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Implementation of the AIDL interface of the VirtualizationService.
use crate::{get_calling_pid, get_calling_uid};
use crate::atom::{
write_vm_booted_stats, write_vm_creation_stats};
use crate::composite::make_composite_image;
use crate::crosvm::{CrosvmConfig, DiskFile, PayloadState, VmContext, VmInstance, VmState};
use crate::payload::{add_microdroid_payload_images, add_microdroid_system_images};
use crate::selinux::{getfilecon, SeContext};
use android_os_permissions_aidl::aidl::android::os::IPermissionController;
use android_system_virtualizationcommon::aidl::android::system::virtualizationcommon::{
use android_system_virtualizationservice::aidl::android::system::virtualizationservice::{
IVirtualMachine::{BnVirtualMachine, IVirtualMachine},
VirtualMachineAppConfig::{DebugLevel::DebugLevel, Payload::Payload, VirtualMachineAppConfig},
use android_system_virtualizationservice_internal::aidl::android::system::virtualizationservice_internal::IVirtualizationServiceInternal::IVirtualizationServiceInternal;
use android_system_virtualmachineservice::aidl::android::system::virtualmachineservice::IVirtualMachineService::{
BnVirtualMachineService, IVirtualMachineService,
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use apkverify::{HashAlgorithm, V4Signature};
use binder::{
self, wait_for_interface, BinderFeatures, ExceptionCode, Interface, ParcelFileDescriptor,
Status, StatusCode, Strong,
use disk::QcowFile;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use microdroid_payload_config::{OsConfig, Task, TaskType, VmPayloadConfig};
use nix::unistd::pipe;
use rpcbinder::RpcServer;
use semver::VersionReq;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fs::{read_dir, remove_file, File, OpenOptions};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Error, ErrorKind, Write};
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::os::unix::io::{FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
use std::os::unix::raw::pid_t;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use vmconfig::VmConfig;
use vsock::VsockStream;
use zip::ZipArchive;
/// The unique ID of a VM used (together with a port number) for vsock communication.
pub type Cid = u32;
pub const BINDER_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: &str = "android.system.virtualizationservice";
/// The size of zero.img.
/// Gaps in composite disk images are filled with a shared zero.img.
const ZERO_FILLER_SIZE: u64 = 4096;
/// Magic string for the instance image
const ANDROID_VM_INSTANCE_MAGIC: &str = "Android-VM-instance";
/// Version of the instance image format
const MICRODROID_OS_NAME: &str = "microdroid";
/// crosvm requires all partitions to be a multiple of 4KiB.
lazy_static! {
pub static ref GLOBAL_SERVICE: Strong<dyn IVirtualizationServiceInternal> =
.expect("Could not connect to VirtualizationServiceInternal");
fn create_or_update_idsig_file(
input_fd: &ParcelFileDescriptor,
idsig_fd: &ParcelFileDescriptor,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut input = clone_file(input_fd)?;
let metadata = input.metadata().context("failed to get input metadata")?;
if !metadata.is_file() {
bail!("input is not a regular file");
let mut sig = V4Signature::create(&mut input, 4096, &[], HashAlgorithm::SHA256)
.context("failed to create idsig")?;
let mut output = clone_file(idsig_fd)?;
output.set_len(0).context("failed to set_len on the idsig output")?;
sig.write_into(&mut output).context("failed to write idsig")?;
pub fn remove_temporary_files(path: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> {
for dir_entry in read_dir(path)? {
/// Implementation of `IVirtualizationService`, the entry point of the AIDL service.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct VirtualizationService {
state: Arc<Mutex<State>>,
impl Interface for VirtualizationService {
fn dump(&self, mut file: &File, _args: &[&CStr]) -> Result<(), StatusCode> {
let state = &mut *self.state.lock().unwrap();
let vms = state.vms();
writeln!(file, "Running {0} VMs:", vms.len()).or(Err(StatusCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR))?;
for vm in vms {
writeln!(file, "VM CID: {}", vm.cid).or(Err(StatusCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR))?;
writeln!(file, "\tState: {:?}", vm.vm_state.lock().unwrap())
writeln!(file, "\tPayload state {:?}", vm.payload_state())
writeln!(file, "\tProtected: {}", vm.protected).or(Err(StatusCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR))?;
writeln!(file, "\ttemporary_directory: {}", vm.temporary_directory.to_string_lossy())
writeln!(file, "\trequester_uid: {}", vm.requester_uid)
writeln!(file, "\trequester_debug_pid: {}", vm.requester_debug_pid)
impl IVirtualizationService for VirtualizationService {
/// Creates (but does not start) a new VM with the given configuration, assigning it the next
/// available CID.
/// Returns a binder `IVirtualMachine` object referring to it, as a handle for the client.
fn createVm(
config: &VirtualMachineConfig,
console_fd: Option<&ParcelFileDescriptor>,
log_fd: Option<&ParcelFileDescriptor>,
) -> binder::Result<Strong<dyn IVirtualMachine>> {
let mut is_protected = false;
let ret = self.create_vm_internal(config, console_fd, log_fd, &mut is_protected);
write_vm_creation_stats(config, is_protected, &ret);
/// Initialise an empty partition image of the given size to be used as a writable partition.
fn initializeWritablePartition(
image_fd: &ParcelFileDescriptor,
size_bytes: i64,
partition_type: PartitionType,
) -> binder::Result<()> {
let size_bytes = size_bytes.try_into().map_err(|e| {
Some(format!("Invalid size {}: {:?}", size_bytes, e)),
let size_bytes = round_up(size_bytes, PARTITION_GRANULARITY_BYTES);
let image = clone_file(image_fd)?;
// initialize the file. Any data in the file will be erased.
image.set_len(0).map_err(|e| {
Some(format!("Failed to reset a file: {:?}", e)),
let mut part = QcowFile::new(image, size_bytes).map_err(|e| {
Some(format!("Failed to create QCOW2 image: {:?}", e)),
match partition_type {
PartitionType::RAW => Ok(()),
PartitionType::ANDROID_VM_INSTANCE => format_as_android_vm_instance(&mut part),
PartitionType::ENCRYPTEDSTORE => format_as_encryptedstore(&mut part),
_ => Err(Error::new(
format!("Unsupported partition type {:?}", partition_type),
.map_err(|e| {
Some(format!("Failed to initialize partition as {:?}: {:?}", partition_type, e)),
/// Creates or update the idsig file by digesting the input APK file.
fn createOrUpdateIdsigFile(
input_fd: &ParcelFileDescriptor,
idsig_fd: &ParcelFileDescriptor,
) -> binder::Result<()> {
// TODO(b/193504400): do this only when (1) idsig_fd is empty or (2) the APK digest in
// idsig_fd is different from APK digest in input_fd
create_or_update_idsig_file(input_fd, idsig_fd)
.map_err(|e| Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(format!("{:?}", e))))?;
/// Get a list of all currently running VMs. This method is only intended for debug purposes,
/// and as such is only permitted from the shell user.
fn debugListVms(&self) -> binder::Result<Vec<VirtualMachineDebugInfo>> {
// Delegate to the global service, including checking the debug permission.
impl VirtualizationService {
pub fn init() -> VirtualizationService {
fn create_vm_context(
requester_debug_pid: pid_t,
) -> binder::Result<(VmContext, Cid, PathBuf)> {
const NUM_ATTEMPTS: usize = 5;
for _ in 0..NUM_ATTEMPTS {
let vm_context = GLOBAL_SERVICE.allocateGlobalVmContext(requester_debug_pid)?;
let cid = vm_context.getCid()? as Cid;
let temp_dir: PathBuf = vm_context.getTemporaryDirectory()?.into();
let service = VirtualMachineService::new_binder(self.state.clone(), cid).as_binder();
// Start VM service listening for connections from the new CID on port=CID.
let port = cid;
match RpcServer::new_vsock(service, cid, port) {
Ok(vm_server) => {
return Ok((VmContext::new(vm_context, vm_server), cid, temp_dir));
Err(err) => {
warn!("Could not start RpcServer on port {}: {}", port, err);
Some("Too many attempts to create VM context failed."),
fn create_vm_internal(
config: &VirtualMachineConfig,
console_fd: Option<&ParcelFileDescriptor>,
log_fd: Option<&ParcelFileDescriptor>,
is_protected: &mut bool,
) -> binder::Result<Strong<dyn IVirtualMachine>> {
let requester_uid = get_calling_uid();
let requester_debug_pid = get_calling_pid();
// Allocating VM context checks the MANAGE_VIRTUAL_MACHINE permission.
let (vm_context, cid, temporary_directory) = self.create_vm_context(requester_debug_pid)?;
let is_custom = match config {
VirtualMachineConfig::RawConfig(_) => true,
VirtualMachineConfig::AppConfig(config) => {
// Some features are reserved for platform apps only, even when using
// VirtualMachineAppConfig:
// - controlling CPUs;
// - specifying a config file in the APK.
!config.taskProfiles.is_empty() || matches!(config.payload, Payload::ConfigPath(_))
if is_custom {
let state = &mut *self.state.lock().unwrap();
let console_fd =
clone_or_prepare_logger_fd(config, console_fd, format!("Console({})", cid))?;
let log_fd = clone_or_prepare_logger_fd(config, log_fd, format!("Log({})", cid))?;
// Counter to generate unique IDs for temporary image files.
let mut next_temporary_image_id = 0;
// Files which are referred to from composite images. These must be mapped to the crosvm
// child process, and not closed before it is started.
let mut indirect_files = vec![];
let (is_app_config, config) = match config {
VirtualMachineConfig::RawConfig(config) => (false, BorrowedOrOwned::Borrowed(config)),
VirtualMachineConfig::AppConfig(config) => {
let config = load_app_config(config, &temporary_directory).map_err(|e| {
*is_protected = config.protectedVm;
let message = format!("Failed to load app config: {:?}", e);
error!("{}", message);
Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(message))
(true, BorrowedOrOwned::Owned(config))
let config = config.as_ref();
*is_protected = config.protectedVm;
// Check if partition images are labeled incorrectly. This is to prevent random images
// which are not protected by the Android Verified Boot (e.g. bits downloaded by apps) from
// being loaded in a pVM. This applies to everything in the raw config, and everything but
// the non-executable, generated partitions in the app config.
.flat_map(|disk| disk.partitions.iter())
.filter(|partition| {
if is_app_config {
} else {
true // all partitions are checked
.map_err(|e| Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(format!("{:?}", e))))?;
let kernel = maybe_clone_file(&config.kernel)?;
let initrd = maybe_clone_file(&config.initrd)?;
// In a protected VM, we require custom kernels to come from a trusted source (b/237054515).
if config.protectedVm {
check_label_for_kernel_files(&kernel, &initrd).map_err(|e| {
Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(format!("{:?}", e)))
let zero_filler_path = temporary_directory.join("zero.img");
write_zero_filler(&zero_filler_path).map_err(|e| {
error!("Failed to make composite image: {:?}", e);
Some(format!("Failed to make composite image: {:?}", e)),
// Assemble disk images if needed.
let disks = config
.map(|disk| {
&mut next_temporary_image_id,
&mut indirect_files,
.collect::<Result<Vec<DiskFile>, _>>()?;
let (cpus, host_cpu_topology) = match config.cpuTopology {
CpuTopology::MATCH_HOST => (None, true),
CpuTopology::ONE_CPU => (NonZeroU32::new(1), false),
val => {
error!("Unexpected value of CPU topology: {:?}", val);
return Err(Status::new_service_specific_error_str(
Some(format!("Failed to parse CPU topology value: {:?}", val)),
// Creating this ramdump file unconditionally is not harmful as ramdump will be created
// only when the VM is configured as such. `ramdump_write` is sent to crosvm and will
// be the backing store for the /dev/hvc1 where VM will emit ramdump to. `ramdump_read`
// will be sent back to the client (i.e. the VM owner) for readout.
let ramdump_path = temporary_directory.join("ramdump");
let ramdump = prepare_ramdump_file(&ramdump_path).map_err(|e| {
error!("Failed to prepare ramdump file: {:?}", e);
Some(format!("Failed to prepare ramdump file: {:?}", e)),
// Actually start the VM.
let crosvm_config = CrosvmConfig {
bootloader: maybe_clone_file(&config.bootloader)?,
params: config.params.to_owned(),
protected: *is_protected,
memory_mib: config.memoryMib.try_into().ok().and_then(NonZeroU32::new),
task_profiles: config.taskProfiles.clone(),
ramdump: Some(ramdump),
platform_version: parse_platform_version_req(&config.platformVersion)?,
detect_hangup: is_app_config,
let instance = Arc::new(
.map_err(|e| {
error!("Failed to create VM with config {:?}: {:?}", config, e);
Some(format!("Failed to create VM: {:?}", e)),
fn write_zero_filler(zero_filler_path: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let file = OpenOptions::new()
.with_context(|| "Failed to create zero.img")?;
fn format_as_android_vm_instance(part: &mut dyn Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
fn format_as_encryptedstore(part: &mut dyn Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
fn prepare_ramdump_file(ramdump_path: &Path) -> Result<File> {
File::create(ramdump_path).context(format!("Failed to create ramdump file {:?}", &ramdump_path))
fn round_up(input: u64, granularity: u64) -> u64 {
if granularity == 0 {
return input;
// If the input is absurdly large we round down instead of up; it's going to fail anyway.
let result = input.checked_add(granularity - 1).unwrap_or(input);
(result / granularity) * granularity
/// Given the configuration for a disk image, assembles the `DiskFile` to pass to crosvm.
/// This may involve assembling a composite disk from a set of partition images.
fn assemble_disk_image(
disk: &DiskImage,
zero_filler_path: &Path,
temporary_directory: &Path,
next_temporary_image_id: &mut u64,
indirect_files: &mut Vec<File>,
) -> Result<DiskFile, Status> {
let image = if !disk.partitions.is_empty() {
if disk.image.is_some() {
warn!("DiskImage {:?} contains both image and partitions.", disk);
return Err(Status::new_exception_str(
Some("DiskImage contains both image and partitions."),
let composite_image_filenames =
make_composite_image_filenames(temporary_directory, next_temporary_image_id);
let (image, partition_files) = make_composite_image(
.map_err(|e| {
error!("Failed to make composite image with config {:?}: {:?}", disk, e);
Some(format!("Failed to make composite image: {:?}", e)),
// Pass the file descriptors for the various partition files to crosvm when it
// is run.
} else if let Some(image) = &disk.image {
} else {
warn!("DiskImage {:?} didn't contain image or partitions.", disk);
return Err(Status::new_exception_str(
Some("DiskImage didn't contain image or partitions."),
Ok(DiskFile { image, writable: disk.writable })
fn load_app_config(
config: &VirtualMachineAppConfig,
temporary_directory: &Path,
) -> Result<VirtualMachineRawConfig> {
let apk_file = clone_file(config.apk.as_ref().unwrap())?;
let idsig_file = clone_file(config.idsig.as_ref().unwrap())?;
let instance_file = clone_file(config.instanceImage.as_ref().unwrap())?;
let storage_image = if let Some(file) = config.encryptedStorageImage.as_ref() {
} else {
let vm_payload_config = match &config.payload {
Payload::ConfigPath(config_path) => {
load_vm_payload_config_from_file(&apk_file, config_path.as_str())
.with_context(|| format!("Couldn't read config from {}", config_path))?
Payload::PayloadConfig(payload_config) => create_vm_payload_config(payload_config)?,
// For now, the only supported OS is Microdroid
let os_name =;
if os_name != MICRODROID_OS_NAME {
bail!("Unknown OS \"{}\"", os_name);
// It is safe to construct a filename based on the os_name because we've already checked that it
// is one of the allowed values.
let vm_config_path = PathBuf::from(format!("/apex/{}.json", os_name));
let vm_config_file = File::open(vm_config_path)?;
let mut vm_config = VmConfig::load(&vm_config_file)?.to_parcelable()?;
if config.memoryMib > 0 {
vm_config.memoryMib = config.memoryMib;
} =;
vm_config.protectedVm = config.protectedVm;
vm_config.cpuTopology = config.cpuTopology;
vm_config.taskProfiles = config.taskProfiles.clone();
// Microdroid takes additional init ramdisk & (optionally) storage image
add_microdroid_system_images(config, instance_file, storage_image, &mut vm_config)?;
// Include Microdroid payload disk (contains apks, idsigs) in vm config
&mut vm_config,
fn load_vm_payload_config_from_file(apk_file: &File, config_path: &str) -> Result<VmPayloadConfig> {
let mut apk_zip = ZipArchive::new(apk_file)?;
let config_file = apk_zip.by_name(config_path)?;
fn create_vm_payload_config(
payload_config: &VirtualMachinePayloadConfig,
) -> Result<VmPayloadConfig> {
// There isn't an actual config file. Construct a synthetic VmPayloadConfig from the explicit
// parameters we've been given. Microdroid will do something equivalent inside the VM using the
// payload config that we send it via the metadata file.
let payload_binary_name = &payload_config.payloadBinaryName;
if payload_binary_name.contains('/') {
bail!("Payload binary name must not specify a path: {payload_binary_name}");
let task = Task { type_: TaskType::MicrodroidLauncher, command: payload_binary_name.clone() };
Ok(VmPayloadConfig {
os: OsConfig { name: MICRODROID_OS_NAME.to_owned() },
task: Some(task),
apexes: vec![],
extra_apks: vec![],
prefer_staged: false,
export_tombstones: None,
enable_authfs: false,
/// Generates a unique filename to use for a composite disk image.
fn make_composite_image_filenames(
temporary_directory: &Path,
next_temporary_image_id: &mut u64,
) -> CompositeImageFilenames {
let id = *next_temporary_image_id;
*next_temporary_image_id += 1;
CompositeImageFilenames {
composite: temporary_directory.join(format!("composite-{}.img", id)),
header: temporary_directory.join(format!("composite-{}-header.img", id)),
footer: temporary_directory.join(format!("composite-{}-footer.img", id)),
/// Filenames for a composite disk image, including header and footer partitions.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct CompositeImageFilenames {
/// The composite disk image itself.
composite: PathBuf,
/// The header partition image.
header: PathBuf,
/// The footer partition image.
footer: PathBuf,
/// Checks whether the caller has a specific permission
fn check_permission(perm: &str) -> binder::Result<()> {
let calling_pid = get_calling_pid();
let calling_uid = get_calling_uid();
// Root can do anything
if calling_uid == 0 {
return Ok(());
let perm_svc: Strong<dyn IPermissionController::IPermissionController> =
if perm_svc.checkPermission(perm, calling_pid, calling_uid as i32)? {
} else {
Some(format!("does not have the {} permission", perm)),
/// Check whether the caller of the current Binder method is allowed to manage VMs
fn check_manage_access() -> binder::Result<()> {
/// Check whether the caller of the current Binder method is allowed to create custom VMs
fn check_use_custom_virtual_machine() -> binder::Result<()> {
/// Return whether a partition is exempt from selinux label checks, because we know that it does
/// not contain code and is likely to be generated in an app-writable directory.
fn is_safe_app_partition(label: &str) -> bool {
// See add_microdroid_system_images & add_microdroid_payload_images in
label == "vm-instance"
|| label == "encryptedstore"
|| label == "microdroid-apk-idsig"
|| label == "payload-metadata"
|| label.starts_with("extra-idsig-")
/// Check that a file SELinux label is acceptable.
/// We only want to allow code in a VM to be sourced from places that apps, and the
/// system, do not have write access to.
/// Note that sepolicy must also grant read access for these types to both virtualization
/// service and crosvm.
/// App private data files are deliberately excluded, to avoid arbitrary payloads being run on
/// user devices (W^X).
fn check_label_is_allowed(context: &SeContext) -> Result<()> {
match context.selinux_type()? {
| "system_file" // immutable dm-verity protected partition
| "apk_data_file" // APKs of an installed app
| "staging_data_file" // updated/staged APEX images
| "shell_data_file" // test files created via adb shell
=> Ok(()),
_ => bail!("Label {} is not allowed", context),
fn check_label_for_partition(partition: &Partition) -> Result<()> {
let file = partition.image.as_ref().unwrap().as_ref();
.with_context(|| format!("Partition {} invalid", &partition.label))
fn check_label_for_kernel_files(kernel: &Option<File>, initrd: &Option<File>) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(f) = kernel {
check_label_for_file(f, "kernel")?;
if let Some(f) = initrd {
check_label_for_file(f, "initrd")?;
fn check_label_for_file(file: &File, name: &str) -> Result<()> {
check_label_is_allowed(&getfilecon(file)?).with_context(|| format!("{} file invalid", name))
/// Implementation of the AIDL `IVirtualMachine` interface. Used as a handle to a VM.
struct VirtualMachine {
instance: Arc<VmInstance>,
impl VirtualMachine {
fn create(instance: Arc<VmInstance>) -> Strong<dyn IVirtualMachine> {
BnVirtualMachine::new_binder(VirtualMachine { instance }, BinderFeatures::default())
impl Interface for VirtualMachine {}
impl IVirtualMachine for VirtualMachine {
fn getCid(&self) -> binder::Result<i32> {
// Don't check permission. The owner of the VM might have passed this binder object to
// others.
Ok(self.instance.cid as i32)
fn getState(&self) -> binder::Result<VirtualMachineState> {
// Don't check permission. The owner of the VM might have passed this binder object to
// others.
fn registerCallback(
callback: &Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineCallback>,
) -> binder::Result<()> {
// Don't check permission. The owner of the VM might have passed this binder object to
// others.
// TODO: Should this give an error if the VM is already dead?
fn start(&self) -> binder::Result<()> {
self.instance.start().map_err(|e| {
error!("Error starting VM with CID {}: {:?}", self.instance.cid, e);
Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(e.to_string()))
fn stop(&self) -> binder::Result<()> {
self.instance.kill().map_err(|e| {
error!("Error stopping VM with CID {}: {:?}", self.instance.cid, e);
Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(e.to_string()))
fn onTrimMemory(&self, level: MemoryTrimLevel) -> binder::Result<()> {
self.instance.trim_memory(level).map_err(|e| {
error!("Error trimming VM with CID {}: {:?}", self.instance.cid, e);
Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(e.to_string()))
fn connectVsock(&self, port: i32) -> binder::Result<ParcelFileDescriptor> {
if !matches!(&*self.instance.vm_state.lock().unwrap(), VmState::Running { .. }) {
return Err(Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some("VM is not running")));
let port = port as u32;
if port < 1024 {
return Err(Status::new_service_specific_error_str(
Some(format!("Can't connect to privileged port {port}")),
let stream = VsockStream::connect_with_cid_port(self.instance.cid, port).map_err(|e| {
Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(format!("Failed to connect: {:?}", e)))
impl Drop for VirtualMachine {
fn drop(&mut self) {
debug!("Dropping {:?}", self);
if let Err(e) = self.instance.kill() {
debug!("Error stopping dropped VM with CID {}: {:?}", self.instance.cid, e);
/// A set of Binders to be called back in response to various events on the VM, such as when it
/// dies.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct VirtualMachineCallbacks(Mutex<Vec<Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineCallback>>>);
impl VirtualMachineCallbacks {
/// Call all registered callbacks to notify that the payload has started.
pub fn notify_payload_started(&self, cid: Cid) {
let callbacks = &*self.0.lock().unwrap();
for callback in callbacks {
if let Err(e) = callback.onPayloadStarted(cid as i32) {
error!("Error notifying payload start event from VM CID {}: {:?}", cid, e);
/// Call all registered callbacks to notify that the payload is ready to serve.
pub fn notify_payload_ready(&self, cid: Cid) {
let callbacks = &*self.0.lock().unwrap();
for callback in callbacks {
if let Err(e) = callback.onPayloadReady(cid as i32) {
error!("Error notifying payload ready event from VM CID {}: {:?}", cid, e);
/// Call all registered callbacks to notify that the payload has finished.
pub fn notify_payload_finished(&self, cid: Cid, exit_code: i32) {
let callbacks = &*self.0.lock().unwrap();
for callback in callbacks {
if let Err(e) = callback.onPayloadFinished(cid as i32, exit_code) {
error!("Error notifying payload finish event from VM CID {}: {:?}", cid, e);
/// Call all registered callbacks to say that the VM encountered an error.
pub fn notify_error(&self, cid: Cid, error_code: ErrorCode, message: &str) {
let callbacks = &*self.0.lock().unwrap();
for callback in callbacks {
if let Err(e) = callback.onError(cid as i32, error_code, message) {
error!("Error notifying error event from VM CID {}: {:?}", cid, e);
/// Call all registered callbacks to say that the VM has died.
pub fn callback_on_died(&self, cid: Cid, reason: DeathReason) {
let callbacks = &*self.0.lock().unwrap();
for callback in callbacks {
if let Err(e) = callback.onDied(cid as i32, reason) {
error!("Error notifying exit of VM CID {}: {:?}", cid, e);
/// Add a new callback to the set.
fn add(&self, callback: Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineCallback>) {
/// The mutable state of the VirtualizationService. There should only be one instance of this
/// struct.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct State {
/// The VMs which have been started. When VMs are started a weak reference is added to this list
/// while a strong reference is returned to the caller over Binder. Once all copies of the
/// Binder client are dropped the weak reference here will become invalid, and will be removed
/// from the list opportunistically the next time `add_vm` is called.
vms: Vec<Weak<VmInstance>>,
impl State {
/// Get a list of VMs which still have Binder references to them.
fn vms(&self) -> Vec<Arc<VmInstance>> {
// Attempt to upgrade the weak pointers to strong pointers.
/// Add a new VM to the list.
fn add_vm(&mut self, vm: Weak<VmInstance>) {
// Garbage collect any entries from the stored list which no longer exist.
self.vms.retain(|vm| vm.strong_count() > 0);
// Actually add the new VM.
/// Get a VM that corresponds to the given cid
fn get_vm(&self, cid: Cid) -> Option<Arc<VmInstance>> {
self.vms().into_iter().find(|vm| vm.cid == cid)
/// Gets the `VirtualMachineState` of the given `VmInstance`.
fn get_state(instance: &VmInstance) -> VirtualMachineState {
match &*instance.vm_state.lock().unwrap() {
VmState::NotStarted { .. } => VirtualMachineState::NOT_STARTED,
VmState::Running { .. } => match instance.payload_state() {
PayloadState::Starting => VirtualMachineState::STARTING,
PayloadState::Started => VirtualMachineState::STARTED,
PayloadState::Ready => VirtualMachineState::READY,
PayloadState::Finished => VirtualMachineState::FINISHED,
PayloadState::Hangup => VirtualMachineState::DEAD,
VmState::Dead => VirtualMachineState::DEAD,
VmState::Failed => VirtualMachineState::DEAD,
/// Converts a `&ParcelFileDescriptor` to a `File` by cloning the file.
pub fn clone_file(file: &ParcelFileDescriptor) -> Result<File, Status> {
file.as_ref().try_clone().map_err(|e| {
Some(format!("Failed to clone File from ParcelFileDescriptor: {:?}", e)),
/// Converts an `&Option<ParcelFileDescriptor>` to an `Option<File>` by cloning the file.
fn maybe_clone_file(file: &Option<ParcelFileDescriptor>) -> Result<Option<File>, Status> {
/// Converts a `VsockStream` to a `ParcelFileDescriptor`.
fn vsock_stream_to_pfd(stream: VsockStream) -> ParcelFileDescriptor {
// SAFETY: ownership is transferred from stream to f
let f = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(stream.into_raw_fd()) };
/// Parses the platform version requirement string.
fn parse_platform_version_req(s: &str) -> Result<VersionReq, Status> {
VersionReq::parse(s).map_err(|e| {
Some(format!("Invalid platform version requirement {}: {:?}", s, e)),
fn is_debuggable(config: &VirtualMachineConfig) -> bool {
match config {
VirtualMachineConfig::AppConfig(config) => config.debugLevel != DebugLevel::NONE,
_ => false,
fn clone_or_prepare_logger_fd(
config: &VirtualMachineConfig,
fd: Option<&ParcelFileDescriptor>,
tag: String,
) -> Result<Option<File>, Status> {
if let Some(fd) = fd {
return Ok(Some(clone_file(fd)?));
if !is_debuggable(config) {
return Ok(None);
let (raw_read_fd, raw_write_fd) = pipe().map_err(|e| {
Status::new_service_specific_error_str(-1, Some(format!("Failed to create pipe: {:?}", e)))
// SAFETY: We are the sole owners of these fds as they were just created.
let mut reader = BufReader::new(unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(raw_read_fd) });
let write_fd = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(raw_write_fd) };
std::thread::spawn(move || loop {
let mut buf = vec![];
match reader.read_until(b'\n', &mut buf) {
Ok(0) => {
// EOF
Ok(size) => {
if buf[size - 1] == b'\n' {
info!("{}: {}", &tag, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf));
Err(e) => {
error!("Could not read console pipe: {:?}", e);
/// Simple utility for referencing Borrowed or Owned. Similar to std::borrow::Cow, but
/// it doesn't require that T implements Clone.
enum BorrowedOrOwned<'a, T> {
Borrowed(&'a T),
impl<'a, T> AsRef<T> for BorrowedOrOwned<'a, T> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &T {
match self {
Self::Borrowed(b) => b,
Self::Owned(o) => o,
/// Implementation of `IVirtualMachineService`, the entry point of the AIDL service.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct VirtualMachineService {
state: Arc<Mutex<State>>,
cid: Cid,
impl Interface for VirtualMachineService {}
impl IVirtualMachineService for VirtualMachineService {
fn notifyPayloadStarted(&self) -> binder::Result<()> {
let cid = self.cid;
if let Some(vm) = self.state.lock().unwrap().get_vm(cid) {
info!("VM with CID {} started payload", cid);
vm.update_payload_state(PayloadState::Started).map_err(|e| {
Status::new_exception_str(ExceptionCode::ILLEGAL_STATE, Some(e.to_string()))
let vm_start_timestamp = vm.vm_metric.lock().unwrap().start_timestamp;
write_vm_booted_stats(vm.requester_uid as i32, &, vm_start_timestamp);
} else {
error!("notifyPayloadStarted is called from an unknown CID {}", cid);
Some(format!("cannot find a VM with CID {}", cid)),
fn notifyPayloadReady(&self) -> binder::Result<()> {
let cid = self.cid;
if let Some(vm) = self.state.lock().unwrap().get_vm(cid) {
info!("VM with CID {} reported payload is ready", cid);
vm.update_payload_state(PayloadState::Ready).map_err(|e| {
Status::new_exception_str(ExceptionCode::ILLEGAL_STATE, Some(e.to_string()))
} else {
error!("notifyPayloadReady is called from an unknown CID {}", cid);
Some(format!("cannot find a VM with CID {}", cid)),
fn notifyPayloadFinished(&self, exit_code: i32) -> binder::Result<()> {
let cid = self.cid;
if let Some(vm) = self.state.lock().unwrap().get_vm(cid) {
info!("VM with CID {} finished payload", cid);
vm.update_payload_state(PayloadState::Finished).map_err(|e| {
Status::new_exception_str(ExceptionCode::ILLEGAL_STATE, Some(e.to_string()))
vm.callbacks.notify_payload_finished(cid, exit_code);
} else {
error!("notifyPayloadFinished is called from an unknown CID {}", cid);
Some(format!("cannot find a VM with CID {}", cid)),
fn notifyError(&self, error_code: ErrorCode, message: &str) -> binder::Result<()> {
let cid = self.cid;
if let Some(vm) = self.state.lock().unwrap().get_vm(cid) {
info!("VM with CID {} encountered an error", cid);
vm.update_payload_state(PayloadState::Finished).map_err(|e| {
Status::new_exception_str(ExceptionCode::ILLEGAL_STATE, Some(e.to_string()))
vm.callbacks.notify_error(cid, error_code, message);
} else {
error!("notifyError is called from an unknown CID {}", cid);
Some(format!("cannot find a VM with CID {}", cid)),
impl VirtualMachineService {
fn new_binder(state: Arc<Mutex<State>>, cid: Cid) -> Strong<dyn IVirtualMachineService> {
VirtualMachineService { state, cid },
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_is_allowed_label_for_partition() -> Result<()> {
let expected_results = vec![
("u:object_r:system_file:s0", true),
("u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0", true),
("u:object_r:app_data_file:s0", false),
("u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768", false),
("u:object_r:privapp_data_file:s0:c512,c768", false),
("invalid", false),
("user:role:apk_data_file:severity:categories", true),
("user:role:apk_data_file:severity:categories:extraneous", false),
for (label, expected_valid) in expected_results {
let context = SeContext::new(label)?;
let result = check_label_is_allowed(&context);
if expected_valid {
assert!(result.is_ok(), "Expected label {} to be allowed, got {:?}", label, result);
} else if result.is_ok() {
bail!("Expected label {} to be disallowed", label);
fn test_create_or_update_idsig_file_empty_apk() -> Result<()> {
let apk = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
let idsig = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
let ret = create_or_update_idsig_file(
assert!(ret.is_err(), "should fail");
fn test_create_or_update_idsig_dir_instead_of_file_for_apk() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let apk = File::open(tmp_dir.path()).unwrap();
let idsig = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
let ret = create_or_update_idsig_file(
assert!(ret.is_err(), "should fail");
/// Verifies that create_or_update_idsig_file won't oom if a fd that corresponds to a directory
/// on ext4 filesystem is passed.
/// On ext4 lseek on a directory fd will return (off_t)-1 (see:
///, which will result in
/// create_or_update_idsig_file ooming while attempting to allocate petabytes of memory.
fn test_create_or_update_idsig_does_not_crash_dir_on_ext4() -> Result<()> {
// APEXes are backed by the ext4.
let apk = File::open("/apex/").unwrap();
let idsig = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap();
let ret = create_or_update_idsig_file(
assert!(ret.is_err(), "should fail");