blob: 16dd4808ff713e927fd548042e0b0ddbd0cbf145 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//! `apkdmverity` is a program that protects a signed APK file using dm-verity. The APK is assumed
//! to be signed using APK signature scheme V4. The idsig file generated by the signing scheme is
//! also used as an input to provide the merkle tree. This program is currently intended to be used
//! to securely mount the APK inside Microdroid. Since the APK is physically stored in the file
//! system managed by the host Android which is assumed to be compromisable, it is important to
//! keep the integrity of the file "inside" Microdroid.
mod dm;
mod loopdevice;
mod util;
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use clap::{App, Arg};
use idsig::{HashAlgorithm, V4Signature};
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::os::unix::fs::FileTypeExt;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let matches = App::new("apkdmverity")
.about("Creates a dm-verity block device out of APK signed with APK signature scheme V4.")
"--apk... <apk_path> <idsig_path> <name> <root_hash> \
'Input APK file, idsig file, name of the block device, and root hash. \
The APK file must be signed using the APK signature scheme 4. The \
block device is created at \"/dev/mapper/<name>\".' root_hash is \
optional; idsig file's root hash will be used if specified as \"none\"."
.arg(Arg::with_name("verbose").short("v").long("verbose").help("Shows verbose output"))
let apks = matches.values_of("apk").unwrap();
assert!(apks.len() % 4 == 0);
let verbose = matches.is_present("verbose");
for (apk, idsig, name, roothash) in apks.tuples() {
let roothash = if roothash != "none" {
Some(util::parse_hexstring(roothash).expect("failed to parse roothash"))
} else {
let ret = enable_verity(apk, idsig, name, roothash.as_deref())?;
if verbose {
"data_device: {:?}, hash_device: {:?}, mapper_device: {:?}",
ret.data_device, ret.hash_device, ret.mapper_device
struct VerityResult {
data_device: PathBuf,
hash_device: PathBuf,
mapper_device: PathBuf,
const BLOCK_SIZE: u64 = 4096;
// Makes a dm-verity block device out of `apk` and its accompanying `idsig` files.
fn enable_verity<P: AsRef<Path> + Debug>(
apk: P,
idsig: P,
name: &str,
roothash: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<VerityResult> {
// Attach the apk file to a loop device if the apk file is a regular file. If not (i.e. block
// device), we only need to get the size and use the block device as it is.
let (data_device, apk_size) = if fs::metadata(&apk)?.file_type().is_block_device() {
(apk.as_ref().to_path_buf(), util::blkgetsize64(apk.as_ref())?)
} else {
let apk_size = fs::metadata(&apk)?.len();
if apk_size % BLOCK_SIZE != 0 {
bail!("The size of {:?} is not multiple of {}.", &apk, BLOCK_SIZE)
loopdevice::attach(&apk, 0, apk_size, /*direct_io*/ true)
.context("Failed to attach APK to a loop device")?,
// Parse the idsig file to locate the merkle tree in it, then attach the file to a loop device
// with the offset so that the start of the merkle tree becomes the beginning of the loop
// device.
let sig = V4Signature::from(
File::open(&idsig).context(format!("Failed to open idsig file {:?}", &idsig))?,
let offset = sig.merkle_tree_offset;
let size = sig.merkle_tree_size as u64;
// Due to unknown reason(b/191344832), we can't enable "direct IO" for the IDSIG file (backing
// the hash). For now we don't use "direct IO" but it seems OK since the IDSIG file is very
// small and the benefit of direct-IO would be negliable.
let hash_device = loopdevice::attach(&idsig, offset, size, /*direct_io*/ false)
.context("Failed to attach idsig to a loop device")?;
// Build a dm-verity target spec from the information from the idsig file. The apk and the
// idsig files are used as the data device and the hash device, respectively.
let target = dm::DmVerityTargetBuilder::default()
.data_device(&data_device, apk_size)
.root_digest(if let Some(roothash) = roothash {
} else {
.hash_algorithm(match sig.hashing_info.hash_algorithm {
HashAlgorithm::SHA256 => dm::DmVerityHashAlgorithm::SHA256,
.context(format!("Merkle tree in {:?} is not compatible with dm-verity", &idsig))?;
// Actually create a dm-verity block device using the spec.
let dm = dm::DeviceMapper::new()?;
let mapper_device =
dm.create_device(name, &target).context("Failed to create dm-verity device")?;
Ok(VerityResult { data_device, hash_device, mapper_device })
mod tests {
use crate::*;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::{Cursor, Write};
use std::os::unix::fs::FileExt;
struct TestContext<'a> {
data_backing_file: &'a Path,
hash_backing_file: &'a Path,
result: &'a VerityResult,
// On Android, skip the test on devices that doesn't have the virt APEX
// (b/193612136)
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn should_skip() -> bool {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))]
fn should_skip() -> bool {
fn create_block_aligned_file(path: &Path, data: &[u8]) {
let mut f = File::create(&path).unwrap();
// Add padding so that the size of the file is multiple of 4096.
let aligned_size = (data.len() as u64 + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) & !(BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
let padding = aligned_size - data.len() as u64;
f.write_all(vec![0; padding as usize].as_slice()).unwrap();
fn prepare_inputs(test_dir: &Path, apk: &[u8], idsig: &[u8]) -> (PathBuf, PathBuf) {
let apk_path = test_dir.join("test.apk");
let idsig_path = test_dir.join("test.apk.idsig");
create_block_aligned_file(&apk_path, apk);
create_block_aligned_file(&idsig_path, idsig);
(apk_path, idsig_path)
fn run_test(apk: &[u8], idsig: &[u8], name: &str, check: fn(TestContext)) {
run_test_with_hash(apk, idsig, name, None, check);
fn run_test_with_hash(
apk: &[u8],
idsig: &[u8],
name: &str,
roothash: Option<&[u8]>,
check: fn(TestContext),
) {
if should_skip() {
let test_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let (apk_path, idsig_path) = prepare_inputs(test_dir.path(), apk, idsig);
// Run the program and register clean-ups.
let ret = enable_verity(&apk_path, &idsig_path, name, roothash).unwrap();
let ret = scopeguard::guard(ret, |ret| {
let dm = dm::DeviceMapper::new().unwrap();
check(TestContext {
data_backing_file: &apk_path,
hash_backing_file: &idsig_path,
result: &ret,
fn correct_inputs() {
let apk = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk");
let idsig = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk.idsig");
run_test(apk.as_ref(), idsig.as_ref(), "correct", |ctx| {
let verity = fs::read(&ctx.result.mapper_device).unwrap();
let original = fs::read(&ctx.result.data_device).unwrap();
assert_eq!(verity.len(), original.len()); // fail fast
assert_eq!(verity.as_slice(), original.as_slice());
// A single byte change in the APK file causes an IO error
fn incorrect_apk() {
let apk = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk");
let idsig = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk.idsig");
let mut modified_apk = Vec::new();
if let Some(byte) = modified_apk.get_mut(100) {
*byte = 1;
run_test(modified_apk.as_slice(), idsig.as_ref(), "incorrect_apk", |ctx| {
fs::read(&ctx.result.mapper_device).expect_err("Should fail");
// A single byte change in the merkle tree also causes an IO error
fn incorrect_merkle_tree() {
let apk = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk");
let idsig = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk.idsig");
// Make a single-byte change to the merkle tree
let offset = V4Signature::from(Cursor::new(&idsig)).unwrap().merkle_tree_offset as usize;
let mut modified_idsig = Vec::new();
if let Some(byte) = modified_idsig.get_mut(offset + 10) {
*byte = 1;
run_test(apk.as_ref(), modified_idsig.as_slice(), "incorrect_merkle_tree", |ctx| {
fs::read(&ctx.result.mapper_device).expect_err("Should fail");
// APK is not altered when the verity device is created, but later modified. IO error should
// occur when trying to read the data around the modified location. This is the main scenario
// that we'd like to protect.
fn tampered_apk() {
let apk = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk");
let idsig = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk.idsig");
run_test(apk.as_ref(), idsig.as_ref(), "tampered_apk", |ctx| {
// At this moment, the verity device is created. Then let's change 10 bytes in the
// backing data file.
const MODIFIED_OFFSET: u64 = 10000;
let f = OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(ctx.data_backing_file).unwrap();
f.write_at(&[0, 1], MODIFIED_OFFSET).unwrap();
// Read around the modified location causes an error
let f = File::open(&ctx.result.mapper_device).unwrap();
let mut buf = vec![0; 10]; // just read 10 bytes
f.read_at(&mut buf, MODIFIED_OFFSET).expect_err("Should fail");
// idsig file is not alread when the verity device is created, but later modified. Unlike to
// the APK case, this doesn't occur IO error because the merkle tree is already cached.
fn tampered_idsig() {
let apk = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk");
let idsig = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk.idsig");
run_test(apk.as_ref(), idsig.as_ref(), "tampered_idsig", |ctx| {
// Change 10 bytes in the merkle tree.
let f = OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(ctx.hash_backing_file).unwrap();
f.write_at(&[0, 10], 100).unwrap();
let verity = fs::read(&ctx.result.mapper_device).unwrap();
let original = fs::read(&ctx.result.data_device).unwrap();
assert_eq!(verity.len(), original.len());
assert_eq!(verity.as_slice(), original.as_slice());
// test if both files are already block devices
fn inputs_are_block_devices() {
if should_skip() {
use std::ops::Deref;
let apk = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk");
let idsig = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk.idsig");
let test_dir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap();
let (apk_path, idsig_path) = prepare_inputs(test_dir.path(), apk, idsig);
// attach the files to loop devices to make them block devices
let apk_size = fs::metadata(&apk_path).unwrap().len();
let idsig_size = fs::metadata(&idsig_path).unwrap().len();
// Note that apk_loop_device is not detatched. This is because, when the apk file is
// already a block device, `enable_verity` uses the block device as it is. The detatching
// of the data device is done in the scopeguard for the return value of `enable_verity`
// below. Only the idsig_loop_device needs detatching.
let apk_loop_device = loopdevice::attach(&apk_path, 0, apk_size, true).unwrap();
let idsig_loop_device = scopeguard::guard(
loopdevice::attach(&idsig_path, 0, idsig_size, false).unwrap(),
|dev| loopdevice::detach(dev).unwrap(),
let name = "loop_as_input";
// Run the program WITH the loop devices, not the regular files.
let ret =
enable_verity(apk_loop_device.deref(), idsig_loop_device.deref(), name, None).unwrap();
let ret = scopeguard::guard(ret, |ret| {
let dm = dm::DeviceMapper::new().unwrap();
let verity = fs::read(&ret.mapper_device).unwrap();
let original = fs::read(&apk_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(verity.len(), original.len()); // fail fast
assert_eq!(verity.as_slice(), original.as_slice());
// test with custom roothash
fn correct_custom_roothash() {
let apk = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk");
let idsig = include_bytes!("../testdata/test.apk.idsig");
let roothash = V4Signature::from(Cursor::new(&idsig)).unwrap().hashing_info.raw_root_hash;
|ctx| {
let verity = fs::read(&ctx.result.mapper_device).unwrap();
let original = fs::read(&ctx.result.data_device).unwrap();
assert_eq!(verity.len(), original.len()); // fail fast
assert_eq!(verity.as_slice(), original.as_slice());