blob: 6d903bee1950767ea90f55a3c884f96eb675caf2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.List;
public class NativeUwbManager {
private static final String TAG = NativeUwbManager.class.getSimpleName();
public final Object mSessionFnLock = new Object();
public final Object mSessionCountFnLock = new Object();
public final Object mGetRangingCountFnLock = new Object();
public final Object mGetSessionStatusFnLock = new Object();
public final Object mSetAppConfigFnLock = new Object();
protected INativeUwbManager.DeviceNotification mDeviceListener;
protected INativeUwbManager.SessionNotification mSessionListener;
private long mDispatcherPointer;
public NativeUwbManager() {
protected void loadLibrary() {
// TODO(b/197341298): Remove this when rust native stack is ready.
if (SystemProperties.getBoolean("persist.uwb.enable_uci_rust_stack", false)) {
} else {
public void setDeviceListener(INativeUwbManager.DeviceNotification deviceListener) {
mDeviceListener = deviceListener;
public void setSessionListener(INativeUwbManager.SessionNotification sessionListener) {
mSessionListener = sessionListener;
public void onDeviceStatusNotificationReceived(int deviceState) {
Log.d(TAG, "onDeviceStatusNotificationReceived(" + deviceState + ")");
public void onCoreGenericErrorNotificationReceived(int status) {
Log.d(TAG, "onCoreGenericErrorNotificationReceived(" + status + ")");
public void onSessionStatusNotificationReceived(long id, int state, int reasonCode) {
Log.d(TAG, "onSessionStatusNotificationReceived(" + id + ", " + state + ", " + reasonCode
+ ")");
mSessionListener.onSessionStatusNotificationReceived(id, state, reasonCode);
public void onRangeDataNotificationReceived(UwbRangingData rangeData) {
Log.d(TAG, "onRangeDataNotificationReceived : " + rangeData);
public void onMulticastListUpdateNotificationReceived(
UwbMulticastListUpdateStatus multicastListUpdateData) {
Log.d(TAG, "onMulticastListUpdateNotificationReceived : " + multicastListUpdateData);
* Enable UWB hardware.
* @return : If this returns true, UWB is on
public synchronized boolean doInitialize() {
if (SystemProperties.getBoolean("persist.uwb.enable_uci_rust_stack", false)) {
this.mDispatcherPointer = nativeDispatcherNew();
return nativeDoInitialize();
* Disable UWB hardware.
* @return : If this returns true, UWB is off
public synchronized boolean doDeinitialize() {
// TODO: Destroy the dispatcher instance here.
return nativeDoDeinitialize();
public synchronized long getTimestampResolutionNanos() {
return 0L;
/* TODO: Not Implemented in native stack
return nativeGetTimestampResolutionNanos(); */
public UwbSpecificationInfo getSpecificationInfo() {
return nativeGetSpecificationInfo();
* Retrieves maximum number of UWB sessions concurrently
* @return : Retrieves maximum number of UWB sessions concurrently
public int getMaxSessionNumber() {
return nativeGetMaxSessionNumber();
* Creates the new UWB session with parameter session ID and type of the session.
* @param sessionId : Session ID is 4 Octets unique random number generated by application
* @param sessionType : Type of session 0x00: Ranging session 0x01: Data transfer 0x02-0x9F: RFU
* 0xA0-0xCF: Reserved for Vendor Specific use case 0xD0: Device Test Mode
* 0xD1-0xDF: RFU 0xE0-0xFF: Vendor Specific use
* @return : {@link UwbUciConstants} Status code
public byte initSession(int sessionId, byte sessionType) {
synchronized (mSessionFnLock) {
return nativeSessionInit(sessionId, sessionType);
* De-initializes the session.
* @param sessionId : Session ID for which session to be de-initialized
* @return : {@link UwbUciConstants} Status code
public byte deInitSession(int sessionId) {
synchronized (mSessionFnLock) {
return nativeSessionDeInit(sessionId);
* reset the UWBs
* @param resetConfig : Reset config
* @return : {@link UwbUciConstants} Status code
public byte resetDevice(byte resetConfig) {
return nativeResetDevice(resetConfig);
* Retrieves number of UWB sessions in the UWBS.
* @return : Number of UWB sessions present in the UWBS.
public byte getSessionCount() {
synchronized (mSessionCountFnLock) {
return nativeGetSessionCount();
* Queries the current state of the UWB session.
* @param sessionId : Session of the UWB session for which current session state to be queried
* @return : {@link UwbUciConstants} Session State
public byte getSessionState(int sessionId) {
synchronized (mGetSessionStatusFnLock) {
return nativeGetSessionState(sessionId);
* Starts a UWB session.
* @param sessionId : Session ID for which ranging shall start
* @return : {@link UwbUciConstants} Status code
public byte startRanging(int sessionId) {
synchronized (mSessionFnLock) {
return nativeRangingStart(sessionId);
* Stops the ongoing UWB session.
* @param sessionId : Stop the requested ranging session.
* @return : {@link UwbUciConstants} Status code
public byte stopRanging(int sessionId) {
synchronized (mSessionFnLock) {
return nativeRangingStop(sessionId);
* set APP Configuration Parameters for the requested UWB session
* @param noOfParams : The number (n) of APP Configuration Parameters
* @param appConfigParamLen : The length of APP Configuration Parameters
* @param appConfigParams : APP Configuration Parameter
* @return : refer to SESSION_SET_APP_CONFIG_RSP in the Table 16: Control messages to set
* Application configurations
public byte[] setAppConfigurations(int sessionId, int noOfParams, int appConfigParamLen,
byte[] appConfigParams) {
synchronized (mSetAppConfigFnLock) {
return nativeSetAppConfigurations(sessionId, noOfParams, appConfigParamLen,
* Update Multicast list for the requested UWB session
* @param sessionId : Session ID to which multicast list to be updated
* @param action : Update the multicast list by adding or removing
* 0x00 - Adding
* 0x01 - removing
* @param noOfControlee : The number(n) of Controlees
* @param address : address list of Controlees
* @param subSessionId : Specific sub-session ID list of Controlees
* @return : refer to SESSION_SET_APP_CONFIG_RSP
* in the Table 16: Control messages to set Application configurations
public byte controllerMulticastListUpdate(int sessionId, int action, int noOfControlee,
byte[] address, int[]subSessionId) {
* 1. change address type short[] to byte[]
* 2. call native function after jni function is implemented correctly
synchronized (mSessionFnLock) {
return nativeControllerMulticastListUpdate(sessionId, (byte) action,
(byte) noOfControlee, address, subSessionId);
* Set country code.
* @param countryCode 2 char ISO country code
public byte setCountryCode(byte[] countryCode) {
synchronized (mSessionFnLock) {
return nativeSetCountryCode(countryCode);
* Returns a list of UWB chip identifiers.
* Callers can invoke methods on a specific UWB chip by passing its {@code chipId} to the
* method.
* @return list of UWB chip identifiers for a multi-HAL system, or a list of a single chip
* identifier for a single HAL system.
public List<String> getChipIds() {
// TODO(b/206150133): Get list of chip ids from configuration file
return List.of(getDefaultChipId());
* Returns the default UWB chip identifier.
* If callers do not pass a specific {@code chipId} to UWB methods, then the method will be
* invoked on the default chip, which is determined at system initialization from a
* configuration file.
* @return default UWB chip identifier for a multi-HAL system, or the identifier of the only UWB
* chip in a single HAL system.
public String getDefaultChipId() {
// TODO(b/206150133): Get list of chip ids from configuration file
return "defaultChipId";
private native long nativeDispatcherNew();
private native boolean nativeInit();
private native boolean nativeDoInitialize();
private native boolean nativeDoDeinitialize();
private native long nativeGetTimestampResolutionNanos();
private native UwbSpecificationInfo nativeGetSpecificationInfo();
private native int nativeGetMaxSessionNumber();
private native byte nativeResetDevice(byte resetConfig);
private native byte nativeSessionInit(int sessionId, byte sessionType);
private native byte nativeSessionDeInit(int sessionId);
private native byte nativeGetSessionCount();
private native byte nativeRangingStart(int sessionId);
private native byte nativeRangingStop(int sessionId);
private native byte nativeGetSessionState(int sessionId);
private native byte[] nativeSetAppConfigurations(int sessionId, int noOfParams,
int appConfigParamLen, byte[] appConfigParams);
private native byte nativeControllerMulticastListUpdate(int sessionId, byte action,
byte noOfControlee, byte[] address, int[]subSessionId);
private native byte nativeSetCountryCode(byte[] countryCode);