blob: 14d5adf870eb1d98007d5993981b2f47e2d58227 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
cc_defaults {
name: "statsd_defaults",
srcs: [
local_include_dirs: [
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
header_libs: [
genrule {
name: "statslog_statsd.h",
tools: ["stats-log-api-gen"],
cmd: "$(location stats-log-api-gen) --header $(genDir)/statslog_statsd.h --module statsd --namespace android,os,statsd,util",
out: [
genrule {
name: "statslog_statsd.cpp",
tools: ["stats-log-api-gen"],
cmd: "$(location stats-log-api-gen) --cpp $(genDir)/statslog_statsd.cpp --module statsd --namespace android,os,statsd,util --importHeader statslog_statsd.h",
out: [
genrule {
name: "statslog_statsdtest.h",
tools: ["stats-log-api-gen"],
cmd: "$(location stats-log-api-gen) --header $(genDir)/statslog_statsdtest.h --module statsdtest --namespace android,os,statsd,util",
out: [
genrule {
name: "statslog_statsdtest.cpp",
tools: ["stats-log-api-gen"],
cmd: "$(location stats-log-api-gen) --cpp $(genDir)/statslog_statsdtest.cpp --module statsdtest --namespace android,os,statsd,util --importHeader statslog_statsdtest.h",
out: [
cc_library_static {
name: "libstatslog_statsdtest",
generated_sources: ["statslog_statsdtest.cpp"],
generated_headers: ["statslog_statsdtest.h"],
export_generated_headers: ["statslog_statsdtest.h"],
shared_libs: [
cc_library_static {
name: "libstatslog_statsd",
generated_sources: ["statslog_statsd.cpp"],
generated_headers: ["statslog_statsd.h"],
export_generated_headers: ["statslog_statsd.h"],
apex_available: [
min_sdk_version: "30",
shared_libs: [
export_shared_lib_headers: [
// =========
// statsd
// =========
cc_binary {
name: "statsd",
defaults: ["statsd_defaults"],
srcs: ["src/main.cpp"],
cflags: [
// optimize for size (protobuf glop can get big)
// "-g",
// "-O0",
product_variables: {
eng: {
// Enable sanitizer ONLY on eng builds
//sanitize: {
// address: true,
proto: {
type: "lite",
static: true,
stl: "libc++_static",
shared_libs: [
apex_available: [
min_sdk_version: "30",
sanitize: {
memtag_heap: true,
// ==============
// statsd_test
// ==============
cc_test {
name: "statsd_test",
defaults: ["statsd_defaults"],
test_suites: ["device-tests", "mts-statsd"],
test_config: "statsd_test.xml",
//TODO(b/153588990): Remove when the build system properly separates
//32bit and 64bit architectures.
compile_multilib: "both",
multilib: {
lib64: {
suffix: "64",
lib32: {
suffix: "32",
cflags: [
require_root: true,
tidy_timeout_srcs: [
srcs: [
static_libs: [
proto: {
type: "full",
include_dirs: [
// statsd micro benchmark
cc_benchmark {
name: "statsd_benchmark",
defaults: ["statsd_defaults"],
srcs: [
// atom_field_options.proto needs field_options.proto, but that is
// not included in libprotobuf-cpp-lite, so compile it here.
proto: {
type: "lite",
include_dirs: [
cflags: [
// Bug: http://b/29823425 Disable -Wvarargs for Clang update to r271374
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
header_libs: [
// ==== java proto device library (for test only) ==============================
java_library {
name: "statsdprotolite",
sdk_version: "core_current",
proto: {
type: "lite",
include_dirs: [
srcs: [
static_libs: [
// Protos have lots of MissingOverride and similar.
errorprone: {
javacflags: ["-XepDisableAllChecks"],
java_library {
name: "statsdprotonano",
sdk_version: "9",
proto: {
type: "nano",
output_params: ["store_unknown_fields=true"],
include_dirs: [
srcs: [
static_libs: [
// Protos have lots of MissingOverride and similar.
errorprone: {
javacflags: ["-XepDisableAllChecks"],
// Filegroup for statsd config proto definition.
filegroup {
name: "statsd-config-proto-def",
srcs: ["src/statsd_config.proto"],
// Filegroup for all statsd protos
filegroup {
name: "statsd_internal_protos",
srcs: [