blob: 9b049af8109bcf9772146fec300730c1445c84ac [file] [log] [blame]
# SDK definitions
# Format
# <name-of-extension-sdk> <numerical-id-of-extension-sdk>
R 30
S 31
T 33
# Rules
# List of APIs first added in what SDKs; for APIs appearing in multiple
# platform-ext SDKs, only the first such SDK is listed.
# Format
# <mainline-jar> <pattern> <SDK>[ <SDK>[ ...]]
# <mainline-jar> identifies the jar file of the mainline module, e.g.
# 'art.module.public.api' corresponds to the file
# prebuilts/sdk/extensions/1/public/art.module.public.api-stubs.jar.
# <pattern> is either '*', or 'com.pkg.Clazz#method', optionally terminated at
# any delimiter.
# <SDK> is a space-separated list of SDK names as defined above, e.g. "S T".
framework-sdkextensions * R S T