Remove dead code from StepExecutor::startComputeOnDevice().

StepExecutor::startComputeOnDevice() contained code to handle a missing
mPreparedModel by compiling on demand.  This was a relic from when there
were paths through the NNAPI runtime that did not do partitioned
compilation and execution.

Bug: 132323763

Test: NeuralNetworksTest_static
Merged-In: I8a1e464a3371bddbdc1cb55d1778f7a346f835ba
Change-Id: I8a1e464a3371bddbdc1cb55d1778f7a346f835ba
(cherry picked from commit 2f9a2814e2bb1b32a9e4d513919352d8196e5425)
diff --git a/runtime/ExecutionBuilder.cpp b/runtime/ExecutionBuilder.cpp
index 35b6788..041dea7 100644
--- a/runtime/ExecutionBuilder.cpp
+++ b/runtime/ExecutionBuilder.cpp
@@ -818,30 +818,6 @@
     *synchronizationCallback = nullptr;
-    // TODO: Remove the mPreparedModel == nullptr case once we've fully integrated
-    // ExecutionPlan with the compilation and execution phases of the NN API
-    if (mPreparedModel == nullptr) {
-        Model model;
-        mModel->setHidlModel(&model);
-        // TODO(butlermichael): Propagate user preference to this point instead of
-        // using default value of ANEURALNETWORKS_PREFER_FAST_SINGLE_ANSWER, or
-        // remove this entire block of code since it is a stale path that is only
-        // encountered on an #if-removed code.
-        ExecutionPreference preference =
-                static_cast<ExecutionPreference>(ANEURALNETWORKS_PREFER_FAST_SINGLE_ANSWER);
-        ErrorStatus status = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
-        std::tie(status, mPreparedModel) =
-                mDevice->getInterface()->prepareModel(model, preference, {}, {}, {});
-        if (status != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
-            return convertErrorStatusToResultCode(status);
-        }
-        if (mPreparedModel == nullptr) {
-            return ANEURALNETWORKS_OP_FAILED;
-        }
-    }
     NNTRACE_RT(NNTRACE_PHASE_INPUTS_AND_OUTPUTS, "StepExecutor::startComputeOnDevice");
     // We separate the input & output pools so that we reduce the copying done if we
     // do an eventual remoting (hidl_memory->update()).  We could also use it to set