blob: b9da649b181097b960bac0ce20c19b542e31fc6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "VersionedInterfaces"
#include "VersionedInterfaces.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/scopeguard.h>
#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <android/sync.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "Callbacks.h"
#include "ExecutionBurstController.h"
#include "MetaModel.h"
#include "Tracing.h"
#include "Utils.h"
* Some notes about HIDL interface objects and lifetimes across processes:
* All HIDL interface objects inherit from IBase, which itself inherits from
* ::android::RefBase. As such, all HIDL interface objects are reference counted
* and must be owned through ::android::sp (or referenced through ::android::wp).
* Allocating RefBase objects on the stack will log errors and may result in
* crashes, and deleting a RefBase object through another means (e.g., "delete",
* "free", or RAII-cleanup through std::unique_ptr or some equivalent) will
* result in double-free and/or use-after-free undefined behavior.
* HIDL/Binder manages the reference count of HIDL interface objects
* automatically across processes. If a process that references (but did not
* create) the HIDL interface object dies, HIDL/Binder ensures any reference
* count it held is properly released. (Caveat: it might be possible that
* HIDL/Binder behave strangely with ::android::wp references.)
* If the process which created the HIDL interface object dies, any call on this
* object from another process will result in a HIDL transport error with the
* Some notes about asynchronous calls across HIDL:
* For synchronous calls across HIDL, if an error occurs after the function was
* called but before it returns, HIDL will return a transport error. For
* example, if the message cannot be delivered to the server process or if the
* server process dies before returning a result, HIDL will return from the
* function with the appropriate transport error in the Return<> object which
* can be queried with Return<>::isOk(), Return<>::isDeadObject(),
* Return<>::description(), etc.
* However, HIDL offers no such error management in the case of asynchronous
* calls. By default, if the client launches an asynchronous task and the server
* fails to return a result through the callback, the client will be left
* waiting indefinitely for a result it will never receive.
* In the NNAPI, IDevice::prepareModel* and IPreparedModel::execute* (but not
* IPreparedModel::executeSynchronously*) are asynchronous calls across HIDL.
* Specifically, these asynchronous functions are called with a HIDL interface
* callback object (IPrepareModelCallback for IDevice::prepareModel* and
* IExecutionCallback for IPreparedModel::execute*) and are expected to quickly
* return, and the results are returned at a later time through these callback
* objects.
* To protect against the case when the server dies after the asynchronous task
* was called successfully but before the results could be returned, HIDL
* provides an object called a "hidl_death_recipient", which can be used to
* detect when an interface object (and more generally, the server process) has
* died. VersionedInterfaces uses hidl_death_recipients to detect when the
* driver process has died, and VersionedInterfaces will unblock any thread
* waiting on the results of a callback object that may otherwise not be
* signaled.
namespace android {
namespace nn {
// anonymous namespace
namespace {
using namespace hal;
const Timing kNoTiming = {.timeOnDevice = UINT64_MAX, .timeInDriver = UINT64_MAX};
void sendFailureMessage(IPreparedModelCallback* cb) {
CHECK(cb != nullptr);
cb->notify_1_3(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, nullptr);
// This class is thread safe
template <typename Callback>
class DeathHandler : public hidl_death_recipient {
void serviceDied(uint64_t /*cookie*/, const wp<hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>& /*who*/) override {
LOG(ERROR) << "DeathHandler::serviceDied -- service unexpectedly died!";
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> hold(mMutex);
std::for_each(mCallbacks.begin(), mCallbacks.end(),
[](const auto& cb) { cb->notifyAsDeadObject(); });
[[nodiscard]] base::ScopeGuard<std::function<void()>> protectCallback(
const sp<Callback>& callback) {
return ::android::base::make_scope_guard(
[this, callback] { unregisterCallback(callback); });
void registerCallback(const sp<Callback>& callback) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> hold(mMutex);
void unregisterCallback(const sp<Callback>& callback) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> hold(mMutex);
mCallbacks.erase(std::remove(mCallbacks.begin(), mCallbacks.end(), callback),
std::mutex mMutex;
std::vector<sp<Callback>> mCallbacks GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
} // anonymous namespace
class IDeviceDeathHandler : public DeathHandler<PreparedModelCallback> {};
class IPreparedModelDeathHandler : public DeathHandler<ExecutionCallback> {};
static std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>> makeVersionedIPreparedModel(
sp<V1_0::IPreparedModel> preparedModel) {
CHECK(preparedModel != nullptr)
<< "makeVersionedIPreparedModel passed invalid preparedModel object.";
// create death handler object
sp<IPreparedModelDeathHandler> deathHandler = new IPreparedModelDeathHandler();
// linkToDeath registers a callback that will be invoked on service death to
// proactively handle service crashes. If the linkToDeath call fails,
// asynchronous calls are susceptible to hangs if the service crashes before
// providing the response.
const Return<bool> ret = preparedModel->linkToDeath(deathHandler, 0);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "makeVersionedIPreparedModel failed to register a death recipient for the "
"IPreparedModel object because the IPreparedModel object is dead.";
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "makeVersionedIPreparedModel failed to register a death recipient for the "
"IPreparedModel object because of failure: "
<< ret.description();
if (ret != true) {
LOG(ERROR) << "makeVersionedIPreparedModel failed to register a death recipient for the "
"IPreparedModel object.";
// return a valid VersionedIPreparedModel object
return {ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR, std::make_shared<VersionedIPreparedModel>(
std::move(preparedModel), std::move(deathHandler))};
VersionedIPreparedModel::VersionedIPreparedModel(sp<V1_0::IPreparedModel> preparedModel,
sp<IPreparedModelDeathHandler> deathHandler)
: mPreparedModelV1_0(std::move(preparedModel)),
mDeathHandler(std::move(deathHandler)) {}
VersionedIPreparedModel::~VersionedIPreparedModel() {
// It is safe to ignore any errors resulting from this unlinkToDeath call
// because the VersionedIPreparedModel object is already being destroyed and
// its underlying IPreparedModel object is no longer being used by the NN
// runtime.
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> VersionedIPreparedModel::executeAsynchronously(
const Request& request, MeasureTiming measure, const OptionalTimePoint& deadline) const {
const auto failDeadObject = []() -> std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> {
const auto failWithStatus = [](ErrorStatus status) {
return getExecutionResult(status, {}, kNoTiming);
const auto getResults = [failDeadObject](const ExecutionCallback& cb) {
if (cb.isDeadObject()) {
return failDeadObject();
return getExecutionResult(cb.getStatus(), cb.getOutputShapes(), cb.getTiming());
const sp<ExecutionCallback> callback = new ExecutionCallback();
const auto scoped = mDeathHandler->protectCallback(callback);
// version 1.3+ HAL
if (mPreparedModelV1_3 != nullptr) {
Return<ErrorStatus> ret =
mPreparedModelV1_3->execute_1_3(request, measure, deadline, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return failDeadObject();
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return failWithStatus(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
if (ret != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute_1_3 returned " << toString(static_cast<ErrorStatus>(ret));
return failWithStatus(ret);
return getResults(*callback);
const bool compliant = compliantWithV1_0(request);
if (!compliant) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not handle execute or execute_1_2!";
return failWithStatus(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
const V1_0::Request request10 = convertToV1_0(request);
// version 1.2 HAL
if (mPreparedModelV1_2 != nullptr) {
Return<V1_0::ErrorStatus> ret =
mPreparedModelV1_2->execute_1_2(request10, measure, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute_1_2 failure: " << ret.description();
return failDeadObject();
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute_1_2 failure: " << ret.description();
return failWithStatus(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
const V1_0::ErrorStatus status = static_cast<V1_0::ErrorStatus>(ret);
if (status != V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute_1_2 returned " << toString(status);
return failWithStatus(convertToV1_3(status));
return getResults(*callback);
// version 1.0 HAL
if (mPreparedModelV1_0 != nullptr) {
Return<V1_0::ErrorStatus> ret = mPreparedModelV1_0->execute(request10, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute failure: " << ret.description();
return failDeadObject();
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute failure: " << ret.description();
return failWithStatus(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
const V1_0::ErrorStatus status = static_cast<V1_0::ErrorStatus>(ret);
if (status != V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "execute returned " << toString(status);
return failWithStatus(convertToV1_3(status));
return getResults(*callback);
// No prepared model available
LOG(ERROR) << "executeAsynchronously called with no preparedModel";
return failWithStatus(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> VersionedIPreparedModel::executeSynchronously(
const Request& request, MeasureTiming measure, const OptionalTimePoint& deadline) const {
const std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> kDeadObject = {
const auto kFailure = getExecutionResult(ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, {}, kNoTiming);
// version 1.3+ HAL
if (mPreparedModelV1_3 != nullptr) {
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> result;
Return<void> ret = mPreparedModelV1_3->executeSynchronously_1_3(
request, measure, deadline,
[&result](ErrorStatus error, const hidl_vec<OutputShape>& outputShapes,
const Timing& timing) {
result = getExecutionResult(error, outputShapes, timing);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "executeSynchronously_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return kDeadObject;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "executeSynchronously_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
// version 1.2 HAL
if (mPreparedModelV1_2 != nullptr) {
const bool compliant = compliantWithV1_0(request);
if (!compliant) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not handle executeSynchronously!";
return kFailure;
const V1_0::Request request10 = convertToV1_0(request);
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> result;
Return<void> ret = mPreparedModelV1_2->executeSynchronously(
request10, measure,
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const hidl_vec<OutputShape>& outputShapes,
const Timing& timing) {
result = getExecutionResult(convertToV1_3(error), outputShapes, timing);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "executeSynchronously failure: " << ret.description();
return kDeadObject;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "executeSynchronously failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
// Fallback to asynchronous execution.
return executeAsynchronously(request, measure, deadline);
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> VersionedIPreparedModel::execute(
const Request& request, MeasureTiming measure, const OptionalTimePoint& deadline,
bool preferSynchronous) const {
if (preferSynchronous) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "Before executeSynchronously() " << SHOW_IF_DEBUG(toString(request));
return executeSynchronously(request, measure, deadline);
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "Before executeAsynchronously() " << SHOW_IF_DEBUG(toString(request));
return executeAsynchronously(request, measure, deadline);
// This is the amount of time the ExecutionBurstController should spend polling
// the FMQ to see if it has data available before it should fall back to
// waiting on the futex.
static std::chrono::microseconds getPollingTimeWindow() {
constexpr int32_t defaultPollingTimeWindow = 50;
constexpr int32_t minPollingTimeWindow = 0;
const int32_t selectedPollingTimeWindow =
defaultPollingTimeWindow, minPollingTimeWindow);
return std::chrono::microseconds{selectedPollingTimeWindow};
return std::chrono::microseconds{defaultPollingTimeWindow};
std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController> VersionedIPreparedModel::configureExecutionBurst(
bool preferPowerOverLatency) const {
if (mPreparedModelV1_2 == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const auto pollingTimeWindow =
(preferPowerOverLatency ? std::chrono::microseconds{0} : getPollingTimeWindow());
return ExecutionBurstController::create(mPreparedModelV1_2, pollingTimeWindow);
static std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> getCapabilitiesFunction(V1_3::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
const std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, {}};
std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret = device->getCapabilities_1_3(
[&result](ErrorStatus error, const Capabilities& capabilities) {
result = std::make_pair(error, capabilities);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getCapabilities_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
std::tuple<int, hal::hidl_handle, sp<hal::IFencedExecutionCallback>, hal::Timing>
const hal::Request& request, const hal::hidl_vec<hal::hidl_handle>& waitFor,
MeasureTiming measure, const hal::OptionalTimePoint& deadline,
const hal::OptionalTimeoutDuration& timeoutDurationAfterFence) {
// version 1.3+ HAL
// TODO(miaowang): figure out the right coding style for the sync_fence related API.
hal::hidl_handle syncFence;
sp<hal::IFencedExecutionCallback> dispatchCallback;
hal::Timing timing = {UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MAX};
if (mPreparedModelV1_3 != nullptr) {
ErrorStatus errorStatus;
Return<void> ret = mPreparedModelV1_3->executeFenced(
request, waitFor, measure, deadline, timeoutDurationAfterFence,
[&syncFence, &errorStatus, &dispatchCallback](
ErrorStatus error, const hidl_handle& handle,
const sp<hal::IFencedExecutionCallback>& callback) {
syncFence = handle;
errorStatus = error;
dispatchCallback = callback;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "executeFenced failure: " << ret.description();
return std::make_tuple(ANEURALNETWORKS_OP_FAILED, hal::hidl_handle(nullptr), nullptr,
if (errorStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "executeFenced returned "
<< toString(static_cast<ErrorStatus>(errorStatus));
return std::make_tuple(convertErrorStatusToResultCode(errorStatus),
hal::hidl_handle(nullptr), nullptr, timing);
return std::make_tuple(ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR, syncFence, dispatchCallback, timing);
// fallback to synchronous execution if sync_fence is not supported
// first wait for all sync fences to be ready.
LOG(INFO) << "No drivers able to handle sync fences, falling back to regular execution";
for (const auto& fenceHandle : waitFor) {
if (!fenceHandle.getNativeHandle()) {
return std::make_tuple(ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA, hal::hidl_handle(nullptr), nullptr,
int syncFd = fenceHandle.getNativeHandle()->data[0];
if (syncFd <= 0) {
return std::make_tuple(ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA, hal::hidl_handle(nullptr), nullptr,
int r = sync_wait(syncFd, -1);
if (r < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "sync_wait failed, fd: " << syncFd;
return std::make_tuple(ANEURALNETWORKS_OP_FAILED, hal::hidl_handle(nullptr), nullptr,
int errorCode;
std::tie(errorCode, std::ignore, timing) = executeSynchronously(request, measure, deadline);
return std::make_tuple(errorCode, hal::hidl_handle(nullptr), nullptr, timing);
static std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> getCapabilitiesFunction(V1_2::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
const std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, {}};
std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret = device->getCapabilities_1_2(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const V1_2::Capabilities& capabilities) {
result = std::make_pair(convertToV1_3(error), convertToV1_3(capabilities));
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getCapabilities_1_2 failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
static std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> getCapabilitiesFunction(V1_1::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
const std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, {}};
std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret = device->getCapabilities_1_1(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const V1_1::Capabilities& capabilities) {
// Time taken to convert capabilities is trivial
result = std::make_pair(convertToV1_3(error), convertToV1_3(capabilities));
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getCapabilities_1_1 failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
static std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> getCapabilitiesFunction(V1_0::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
const std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, {}};
std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret = device->getCapabilities(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const V1_0::Capabilities& capabilities) {
// Time taken to convert capabilities is trivial
result = std::make_pair(convertToV1_3(error), convertToV1_3(capabilities));
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getCapabilities failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
static std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<Extension>> getSupportedExtensionsFunction(
V1_2::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
const std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<Extension>> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, {}};
std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<Extension>> result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret = device->getSupportedExtensions(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const hidl_vec<Extension>& extensions) {
result = std::make_pair(convertToV1_3(error), extensions);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getSupportedExtensions failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
static std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<Extension>> getSupportedExtensionsFunction(
V1_0::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
return {ErrorStatus::NONE, {/* No extensions. */}};
static int32_t getTypeFunction(V1_2::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
constexpr int32_t kFailure = -1;
int32_t result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret =
device->getType([&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, DeviceType deviceType) {
if (error == V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE) {
result = static_cast<int32_t>(deviceType);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getType failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
static int32_t getTypeFunction(V1_0::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
static std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_string> getVersionStringFunction(V1_2::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
const std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_string> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, ""};
std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_string> result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret = device->getVersionString(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const hidl_string& version) {
result = std::make_pair(convertToV1_3(error), version);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getVersion failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
static std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_string> getVersionStringFunction(V1_0::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
return {ErrorStatus::NONE, "UNKNOWN"};
static std::tuple<ErrorStatus, uint32_t, uint32_t> getNumberOfCacheFilesNeededFunction(
V1_2::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
constexpr std::tuple<ErrorStatus, uint32_t, uint32_t> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE,
0, 0};
std::tuple<ErrorStatus, uint32_t, uint32_t> result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret = device->getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, uint32_t numModelCache, uint32_t numDataCache) {
result = {convertToV1_3(error), numModelCache, numDataCache};
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
static std::tuple<ErrorStatus, uint32_t, uint32_t> getNumberOfCacheFilesNeededFunction(
V1_0::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
return {ErrorStatus::NONE, 0, 0};
static std::tuple<ErrorStatus, bool, bool> supportsDeadlinesFunction(V1_3::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
constexpr std::tuple<ErrorStatus, bool, bool> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, false,
std::tuple<ErrorStatus, bool, bool> result = kFailure;
const Return<void> ret =
device->supportsDeadlines([&result](bool prepareModelDeadline, bool executionDeadline) {
result = {ErrorStatus::NONE, prepareModelDeadline, executionDeadline};
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "supportsDeadlines failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
static std::tuple<ErrorStatus, bool, bool> supportsDeadlinesFunction(V1_0::IDevice* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
return {ErrorStatus::NONE, /*prepareModelDeadline=*/false, /*executionDeadline=*/false};
struct InitialData {
hal::Capabilities capabilities;
hal::hidl_vec<hal::Extension> supportedExtensions;
int32_t type;
hal::hidl_string versionString;
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> numberOfCacheFilesNeeded;
std::pair<bool, bool> supportsDeadlines;
template <typename Device>
static std::optional<InitialData> initializeFunction(Device* device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
auto [capabilitiesStatus, capabilities] = getCapabilitiesFunction(device);
if (capabilitiesStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDevice::getCapabilities* returned the error "
<< toString(capabilitiesStatus);
return std::nullopt;
VLOG(MANAGER) << "Capab " << toString(capabilities);
auto [versionStatus, versionString] = getVersionStringFunction(device);
// TODO(miaowang): add a validation test case for in case of error.
if (versionStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDevice::getVersionString returned the error " << toString(versionStatus);
return std::nullopt;
const int32_t type = getTypeFunction(device);
if (type == -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDevice::getType returned an error";
return std::nullopt;
auto [extensionsStatus, supportedExtensions] = getSupportedExtensionsFunction(device);
if (extensionsStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDevice::getSupportedExtensions returned the error "
<< toString(extensionsStatus);
return std::nullopt;
const auto [cacheFilesStatus, numModelCacheFiles, numDataCacheFiles] =
if (cacheFilesStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDevice::getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded returned the error "
<< toString(cacheFilesStatus);
return std::nullopt;
// The following limit is enforced by VTS
constexpr uint32_t maxNumCacheFiles =
if (numModelCacheFiles > maxNumCacheFiles || numDataCacheFiles > maxNumCacheFiles) {
<< "IDevice::getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded returned invalid number of cache files: "
"numModelCacheFiles = "
<< numModelCacheFiles << ", numDataCacheFiles = " << numDataCacheFiles
<< ", maxNumCacheFiles = " << maxNumCacheFiles;
return std::nullopt;
const auto [supportsDeadlinesStatus, prepareModelDeadline, executionDeadline] =
if (supportsDeadlinesStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDevice::supportsDeadlines returned the error "
<< toString(supportsDeadlinesStatus);
return std::nullopt;
return InitialData{
/*.numberOfCacheFilesNeeded=*/{numModelCacheFiles, numDataCacheFiles},
/*.supportsDeadlines=*/{prepareModelDeadline, executionDeadline},
template <typename Core>
std::optional<InitialData> initialize(const Core& core) {
// version 1.3+ HAL
if (const auto device = core.template getDevice<V1_3::IDevice>()) {
return initializeFunction(device.get());
// version 1.2 HAL
if (const auto device = core.template getDevice<V1_2::IDevice>()) {
return initializeFunction(device.get());
// version 1.1 HAL
if (const auto device = core.template getDevice<V1_1::IDevice>()) {
return initializeFunction(device.get());
// version 1.0 HAL
if (const auto device = core.template getDevice<V1_0::IDevice>()) {
return initializeFunction(device.get());
// No device available
LOG(ERROR) << "Device not available!";
return std::nullopt;
std::shared_ptr<VersionedIDevice> VersionedIDevice::create(std::string serviceName,
sp<V1_0::IDevice> device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr) << "VersionedIDevice::create passed invalid device object.";
auto core = Core::create(std::move(device));
if (!core.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VersionedIDevice::create failed to create Core.";
return nullptr;
auto initialData = initialize(*core);
if (!initialData.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VersionedIDevice::create failed to initialize.";
return nullptr;
auto [capabilities, supportedExtensions, type, versionString, numberOfCacheFilesNeeded,
supportsDeadlines] = std::move(*initialData);
return std::make_shared<VersionedIDevice>(
std::move(capabilities), std::move(supportedExtensions), type, std::move(versionString),
numberOfCacheFilesNeeded, supportsDeadlines, std::move(serviceName),
VersionedIDevice::VersionedIDevice(hal::Capabilities capabilities,
std::vector<hal::Extension> supportedExtensions, int32_t type,
std::string versionString,
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> numberOfCacheFilesNeeded,
std::pair<bool, bool> supportsDeadlines, std::string serviceName,
Core core)
: kCapabilities(std::move(capabilities)),
mCore(std::move(core)) {}
std::optional<VersionedIDevice::Core> VersionedIDevice::Core::create(sp<V1_0::IDevice> device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr) << "VersionedIDevice::Core::create passed invalid device object.";
// create death handler object
sp<IDeviceDeathHandler> deathHandler = new IDeviceDeathHandler();
// linkToDeath registers a callback that will be invoked on service death to
// proactively handle service crashes. If the linkToDeath call fails,
// asynchronous calls are susceptible to hangs if the service crashes before
// providing the response.
const Return<bool> ret = device->linkToDeath(deathHandler, 0);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VersionedIDevice::Core::create failed to register a death recipient for the "
"IDevice object because of failure: "
<< ret.description();
return {};
if (ret != true) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VersionedIDevice::Core::create failed to register a death recipient for the "
"IDevice object.";
return {};
// return a valid Core object
return Core(std::move(device), std::move(deathHandler));
// HIDL guarantees all V1_1 interfaces inherit from their corresponding V1_0 interfaces.
VersionedIDevice::Core::Core(sp<V1_0::IDevice> device, sp<IDeviceDeathHandler> deathHandler)
: mDeviceV1_0(std::move(device)),
mDeathHandler(std::move(deathHandler)) {}
VersionedIDevice::Core::~Core() {
if (mDeathHandler != nullptr) {
CHECK(mDeviceV1_0 != nullptr);
// It is safe to ignore any errors resulting from this unlinkToDeath call
// because the VersionedIDevice::Core object is already being destroyed and
// its underlying IDevice object is no longer being used by the NN runtime.
VersionedIDevice::Core::Core(Core&& other) noexcept
: mDeviceV1_0(std::move(other.mDeviceV1_0)),
mDeathHandler(std::move(other.mDeathHandler)) {
other.mDeathHandler = nullptr;
VersionedIDevice::Core& VersionedIDevice::Core::operator=(Core&& other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
mDeviceV1_0 = std::move(other.mDeviceV1_0);
mDeviceV1_1 = std::move(other.mDeviceV1_1);
mDeviceV1_2 = std::move(other.mDeviceV1_2);
mDeviceV1_3 = std::move(other.mDeviceV1_3);
mDeathHandler = std::move(other.mDeathHandler);
other.mDeathHandler = nullptr;
return *this;
template <typename T_IDevice>
std::pair<sp<T_IDevice>, sp<IDeviceDeathHandler>> VersionedIDevice::Core::getDeviceAndDeathHandler()
const {
return {getDevice<T_IDevice>(), mDeathHandler};
template <typename T_Return, typename T_IDevice, typename T_Callback>
Return<T_Return> callProtected(const char* context,
const std::function<Return<T_Return>(const sp<T_IDevice>&)>& fn,
const sp<T_IDevice>& device, const sp<T_Callback>& callback,
const sp<IDeviceDeathHandler>& deathHandler) {
const auto scoped = deathHandler->protectCallback(callback);
Return<T_Return> ret = fn(device);
// Suppose there was a transport error. We have the following cases:
// 1. Either not due to a dead device, or due to a device that was
// already dead at the time of the call to protectCallback(). In
// this case, the callback was never signalled.
// 2. Due to a device that died after the call to protectCallback() but
// before fn() completed. In this case, the callback was (or will
// be) signalled by the deathHandler.
// Furthermore, what if there was no transport error, but the ErrorStatus is
// other than NONE? We'll conservatively signal the callback anyway, just in
// case the driver was sloppy and failed to do so.
if (!ret.isOk() || ret != T_Return::NONE) {
// What if the deathHandler has signalled or will signal the callback?
// This is fine -- we're permitted to signal multiple times; and we're
// sending the same signal that the deathHandler does.
// What if the driver signalled the callback? Then this signal is
// ignored.
if (ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << context << " returned " << toString(static_cast<T_Return>(ret));
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << context << " failure: " << ret.description();
return ret;
template <typename T_Return, typename T_IDevice>
Return<T_Return> callProtected(const char*,
const std::function<Return<T_Return>(const sp<T_IDevice>&)>& fn,
const sp<T_IDevice>& device, const std::nullptr_t&,
const sp<IDeviceDeathHandler>&) {
return fn(device);
template <typename T_Return, typename T_IDevice, typename T_Callback>
Return<T_Return> VersionedIDevice::recoverable(
const char* context, const std::function<Return<T_Return>(const sp<T_IDevice>&)>& fn,
const T_Callback& callback) const EXCLUDES(mMutex) {
CHECK_EQ(callback == nullptr, (std::is_same_v<T_Callback, std::nullptr_t>));
sp<T_IDevice> device;
sp<IDeviceDeathHandler> deathHandler;
std::tie(device, deathHandler) = getDeviceAndDeathHandler<T_IDevice>();
Return<T_Return> ret = callProtected(context, fn, device, callback, deathHandler);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
std::unique_lock lock(mMutex);
// It's possible that another device has already done the recovery.
// It's harmless but wasteful for us to do so in this case.
auto pingReturn = mCore.getDevice<T_IDevice>()->ping();
if (pingReturn.isDeadObject()) {
VLOG(DRIVER) << "VersionedIDevice::recoverable(" << context << ") -- Recovering "
<< kServiceName;
sp<V1_0::IDevice> recoveredDevice = V1_0::IDevice::tryGetService(kServiceName);
if (recoveredDevice == nullptr) {
VLOG(DRIVER) << "VersionedIDevice::recoverable got a null IDEVICE for "
<< kServiceName;
return ret;
auto core = Core::create(std::move(recoveredDevice));
if (!core.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VersionedIDevice::recoverable failed to create Core.";
return ret;
mCore = std::move(core.value());
} else {
VLOG(DRIVER) << "VersionedIDevice::recoverable(" << context
<< ") -- Someone else recovered " << kServiceName;
// Might still have a transport error, which we need to check
// before pingReturn goes out of scope.
std::tie(device, deathHandler) = mCore.getDeviceAndDeathHandler<T_IDevice>();
ret = callProtected(context, fn, device, callback, deathHandler);
// It's possible that the device died again, but we're only going to
// attempt recovery once per call to recoverable().
return ret;
int VersionedIDevice::wait() const {
std::unique_lock lock(mMutex);
// It's possible that another device has already done the recovery.
// It's harmless but wasteful for us to do so in this case.
auto pingReturn = mCore.getDevice<V1_0::IDevice>()->ping();
if (pingReturn.isDeadObject()) {
VLOG(DRIVER) << "VersionedIDevice::wait -- Recovering " << kServiceName;
sp<V1_0::IDevice> recoveredDevice = V1_0::IDevice::getService(kServiceName);
if (recoveredDevice == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VersionedIDevice::wait got a null IDevice for " << kServiceName;
auto core = Core::create(std::move(recoveredDevice));
if (!core.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VersionedIDevice::wait failed to create Core.";
mCore = std::move(core.value());
} else if (!pingReturn.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VersionedIDevice::wait failed -- IDevice::ping returned "
<< pingReturn.description();
const Capabilities& VersionedIDevice::getCapabilities() const {
return kCapabilities;
const std::vector<Extension>& VersionedIDevice::getSupportedExtensions() const {
return kSupportedExtensions;
std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<bool>> VersionedIDevice::getSupportedOperations(
const MetaModel& metaModel) const {
const std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<bool>> kFailure = {ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, {}};
std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<bool>> result;
const Model& model = metaModel.getModel();
auto noneSupported = [&model] {
hidl_vec<bool> supported(model.main.operations.size());
std::fill(supported.begin(), supported.end(), false);
return std::make_pair(ErrorStatus::NONE, std::move(supported));
auto remappedResult = [&model](const std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<bool>>& result,
const std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)>&
slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex) {
const ErrorStatus status = result.first;
const hidl_vec<bool>& supported = result.second;
hidl_vec<bool> remappedSupported(model.main.operations.size());
std::fill(remappedSupported.begin(), remappedSupported.end(), false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < supported.size(); ++i) {
if (supported[i]) {
remappedSupported[slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex(i)] = true;
return std::make_pair(status, std::move(remappedSupported));
// version 1.3+ HAL
if (getDevice<V1_3::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
Return<void> ret = recoverable<void, V1_3::IDevice>(
__FUNCTION__, [&model, &result](const sp<V1_3::IDevice>& device) {
return device->getSupportedOperations_1_3(
model, [&result](ErrorStatus error, const hidl_vec<bool>& supported) {
result = std::make_pair(error, supported);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getSupportedOperations_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
// version 1.2 HAL
if (getDevice<V1_2::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
const bool compliant = compliantWithV1_2(model);
V1_2::Model model12;
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)> slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex;
if (compliant) {
model12 = convertToV1_2(model);
} else {
const auto slice12 = metaModel.getSliceV1_2();
if (!slice12.has_value()) {
return noneSupported();
std::tie(model12, slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex) = *slice12;
Return<void> ret = recoverable<void, V1_2::IDevice>(
__FUNCTION__, [&model12, &result](const sp<V1_2::IDevice>& device) {
return device->getSupportedOperations_1_2(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const hidl_vec<bool>& supported) {
result = std::make_pair(convertToV1_3(error), supported);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getSupportedOperations_1_2 failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
if (!compliant) {
return remappedResult(result, slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex);
return result;
// version 1.1 HAL
if (getDevice<V1_1::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
const bool compliant = compliantWithV1_1(model);
V1_1::Model model11;
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)> slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex;
if (compliant) {
model11 = convertToV1_1(model);
} else {
const auto slice11 = metaModel.getSliceV1_1();
if (!slice11.has_value()) {
return noneSupported();
std::tie(model11, slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex) = *slice11;
Return<void> ret = recoverable<void, V1_1::IDevice>(
__FUNCTION__, [&model11, &result](const sp<V1_1::IDevice>& device) {
return device->getSupportedOperations_1_1(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const hidl_vec<bool>& supported) {
result = std::make_pair(convertToV1_3(error), supported);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getSupportedOperations_1_1 failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
if (!compliant) {
return remappedResult(result, slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex);
return result;
// version 1.0 HAL
if (getDevice<V1_0::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
const bool compliant = compliantWithV1_0(model);
V1_0::Model model10;
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)> slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex;
if (compliant) {
model10 = convertToV1_0(model);
} else {
const auto slice10 = metaModel.getSliceV1_0();
if (!slice10.has_value()) {
return noneSupported();
std::tie(model10, slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex) = *slice10;
Return<void> ret = recoverable<void, V1_0::IDevice>(
__FUNCTION__, [&model10, &result](const sp<V1_0::IDevice>& device) {
return device->getSupportedOperations(
[&result](V1_0::ErrorStatus error, const hidl_vec<bool>& supported) {
result = std::make_pair(convertToV1_3(error), supported);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getSupportedOperations failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
if (!compliant) {
return remappedResult(result, slicedModelOperationIndexToModelOperationIndex);
return result;
// No device available
LOG(ERROR) << "Device not available!";
return kFailure;
// Opens cache file by filename and sets the handle to the opened fd. Returns false on fail. The
// handle is expected to come in as empty, and is only set to a fd when the function returns true.
// The file descriptor is always opened with both read and write permission.
static bool createCacheHandle(const std::string& cache, bool createIfNotExist,
hidl_handle* handle) {
CHECK(handle->getNativeHandle() == nullptr);
int fd = open(cache.c_str(), createIfNotExist ? (O_RDWR | O_CREAT) : O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
native_handle_t* cacheNativeHandle = native_handle_create(1, 0);
if (cacheNativeHandle == nullptr) {
return false;
cacheNativeHandle->data[0] = fd;
handle->setTo(cacheNativeHandle, /*shouldOwn=*/true);
return true;
// Opens a list of cache files and returns the handle vector. Returns empty vector on fail.
// The file descriptors are always opened with both read and write permission.
static hidl_vec<hidl_handle> createCacheHandleVec(uint32_t numCacheFiles,
const std::string& baseFileName,
bool createIfNotExist) {
CHECK(numCacheFiles <= static_cast<uint32_t>(Constant::MAX_NUMBER_OF_CACHE_FILES));
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> handles(numCacheFiles);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numCacheFiles; i++) {
std::string filename = baseFileName + std::to_string(i);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "Cache " << i << ": " << filename;
if (!createCacheHandle(filename, createIfNotExist, &handles[i])) {
return hidl_vec<hidl_handle>();
return handles;
// Maps token to cache file names and sets the handle vectors to the opened fds. Returns false on
// fail and leaves the vectors empty. Each vector is expected to come in as empty.
static bool getCacheHandles(const std::string& cacheDir, const CacheToken& token,
const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& numCacheFiles,
bool createIfNotExist, hidl_vec<hidl_handle>* modelCache,
hidl_vec<hidl_handle>* dataCache) {
// The filename includes ANEURALNETWORKS_BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN * 2 characters for token,
// and 1 character for model/data cache identifier.
std::string filename(ANEURALNETWORKS_BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN * 2 + 1, '0');
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ANEURALNETWORKS_BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN; i++) {
filename[i * 2] = 'A' + (token[i] & 0x0F);
filename[i * 2 + 1] = 'A' + (token[i] >> 4);
CHECK(cacheDir.empty() || cacheDir.back() == '/');
std::string cacheFileName = cacheDir + filename;
*modelCache = createCacheHandleVec(numCacheFiles.first, cacheFileName, createIfNotExist);
if (modelCache->size() != numCacheFiles.first) {
return false;
*dataCache = createCacheHandleVec(numCacheFiles.second, cacheFileName, createIfNotExist);
if (dataCache->size() != numCacheFiles.second) {
return false;
return true;
static std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>> prepareModelFailure(
ErrorStatus status = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
return {convertErrorStatusToResultCode(status), nullptr};
static std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>> prepareModelResult(
const PreparedModelCallback& callback, const char* prepareName,
const std::string& serviceName) {
if (callback.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << prepareName << " on " << serviceName
<< " failed because the PreparedModel object is dead";
const ErrorStatus status = callback.getStatus();
const sp<V1_0::IPreparedModel> preparedModel = callback.getPreparedModel();
if (status != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << prepareName << " on " << serviceName << " failed: "
<< "prepareReturnStatus=" << toString(status);
return prepareModelFailure(status);
if (preparedModel == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << prepareName << " on " << serviceName << " failed: preparedModel is nullptr";
return prepareModelFailure();
return makeVersionedIPreparedModel(preparedModel);
std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>> VersionedIDevice::prepareModelInternal(
const Model& model, ExecutionPreference preference, Priority priority,
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline, const std::string& cacheDir,
const std::optional<CacheToken>& maybeToken) const {
// Note that some work within VersionedIDevice will be subtracted from the IPC layer
const std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>> kDeadObject = {
// Get cache files if they exist, otherwise create them.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
if (!maybeToken.has_value() ||
!getCacheHandles(cacheDir, *maybeToken, kNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded,
/*createIfNotExist=*/true, &modelCache, &dataCache)) {
// Get the token if it exists, otherwise get a null token.
static const CacheToken kNullToken{};
const CacheToken token = maybeToken.value_or(kNullToken);
const sp<PreparedModelCallback> callback = new PreparedModelCallback();
// If 1.3 device, try preparing model
if (getDevice<V1_3::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
const Return<ErrorStatus> ret = recoverable<ErrorStatus, V1_3::IDevice>(
[&model, preference, priority, &deadline, &modelCache, &dataCache, &token,
&callback](const sp<V1_3::IDevice>& device) {
return device->prepareModel_1_3(model, preference, priority, deadline,
modelCache, dataCache, token, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return kDeadObject;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return prepareModelFailure();
if (ret != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_3 returned " << toString(static_cast<ErrorStatus>(ret));
return prepareModelFailure(ret);
return prepareModelResult(*callback, "prepareModel_1_3", kServiceName);
// If 1.2 device, try preparing model (requires conversion)
if (getDevice<V1_2::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
bool compliant = false;
V1_2::Model model12;
// Attribute time spent in model inspection and conversion to
// Runtime, as the time may be substantial (0.03ms for mobilenet,
// but could be larger for other models).
compliant = compliantWithV1_2(model);
if (compliant) {
model12 = convertToV1_2(model); // copy is elided
if (compliant) {
const Return<V1_0::ErrorStatus> ret = recoverable<V1_0::ErrorStatus, V1_2::IDevice>(
[&model12, &preference, &modelCache, &dataCache, &token,
&callback](const sp<V1_2::IDevice>& device) {
return device->prepareModel_1_2(model12, preference, modelCache, dataCache,
token, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_2 failure: " << ret.description();
return kDeadObject;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_2 failure: " << ret.description();
return prepareModelFailure();
const V1_0::ErrorStatus status = static_cast<V1_0::ErrorStatus>(ret);
if (status != V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_2 returned " << toString(status);
return prepareModelFailure(convertToV1_3(status));
return prepareModelResult(*callback, "prepareModel_1_2", kServiceName);
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not handle prepareModel_1_2!";
return prepareModelFailure();
// If 1.1 device, try preparing model (requires conversion)
if (getDevice<V1_1::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
bool compliant = false;
V1_1::Model model11;
// Attribute time spent in model inspection and conversion to
// Runtime, as the time may be substantial (0.03ms for mobilenet,
// but could be larger for other models).
compliant = compliantWithV1_1(model);
if (compliant) {
model11 = convertToV1_1(model); // copy is elided
if (compliant) {
const Return<V1_0::ErrorStatus> ret = recoverable<V1_0::ErrorStatus, V1_1::IDevice>(
[&model11, &preference, &callback](const sp<V1_1::IDevice>& device) {
return device->prepareModel_1_1(model11, preference, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_1 failure: " << ret.description();
return kDeadObject;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_1 failure: " << ret.description();
return prepareModelFailure();
const V1_0::ErrorStatus status = static_cast<V1_0::ErrorStatus>(ret);
if (status != V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel_1_1 returned " << toString(status);
return prepareModelFailure(convertToV1_3(status));
return prepareModelResult(*callback, "prepareModel_1_1", kServiceName);
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not handle prepareModel_1_1!";
return prepareModelFailure();
// If 1.0 device, try preparing model (requires conversion)
if (getDevice<V1_0::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
bool compliant = false;
V1_0::Model model10;
// Attribute time spent in model inspection and conversion to
// Runtime, as the time may be substantial (0.03ms for mobilenet,
// but could be larger for other models).
compliant = compliantWithV1_0(model);
if (compliant) {
model10 = convertToV1_0(model); // copy is elided
if (compliant) {
const Return<V1_0::ErrorStatus> ret = recoverable<V1_0::ErrorStatus, V1_0::IDevice>(
[&model10, &callback](const sp<V1_0::IDevice>& device) {
return device->prepareModel(model10, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel failure: " << ret.description();
return kDeadObject;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel failure: " << ret.description();
return prepareModelFailure();
const V1_0::ErrorStatus status = static_cast<V1_0::ErrorStatus>(ret);
if (status != V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel returned " << toString(status);
return prepareModelFailure(convertToV1_3(status));
return prepareModelResult(*callback, "prepareModel", kServiceName);
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not handle prepareModel!";
return prepareModelFailure();
// Return error because there is no valid device
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModel called with no device";
return prepareModelFailure();
std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>>
VersionedIDevice::prepareModelFromCacheInternal(Priority priority,
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline,
const std::string& cacheDir,
const CacheToken& token) const {
// Note that some work within VersionedIDevice will be subtracted from the IPC layer
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "prepareModelFromCache";
const std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>> kDeadObject = {
// Get cache files if they exist, otherwise return from the function early.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
if (!getCacheHandles(cacheDir, token, kNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded,
/*createIfNotExist=*/false, &modelCache, &dataCache)) {
return prepareModelFailure();
// version 1.3+ HAL
if (getDevice<V1_3::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
const sp<PreparedModelCallback> callback = new PreparedModelCallback();
const Return<ErrorStatus> ret = recoverable<ErrorStatus, V1_3::IDevice>(
[priority, &deadline, &modelCache, &dataCache, &token,
&callback](const sp<V1_3::IDevice>& device) {
return device->prepareModelFromCache_1_3(priority, deadline, modelCache,
dataCache, token, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModelFromCache_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return kDeadObject;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModelFromCache_1_3 failure: " << ret.description();
return prepareModelFailure();
if (ret != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModelFromCache_1_3 returned "
<< toString(static_cast<ErrorStatus>(ret));
return prepareModelFailure(ret);
return prepareModelResult(*callback, "prepareModelFromCache_1_3", kServiceName);
// version 1.2 HAL
if (getDevice<V1_2::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
const sp<PreparedModelCallback> callback = new PreparedModelCallback();
const Return<V1_0::ErrorStatus> ret = recoverable<V1_0::ErrorStatus, V1_2::IDevice>(
[&modelCache, &dataCache, &token, &callback](const sp<V1_2::IDevice>& device) {
return device->prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, token, callback);
if (ret.isDeadObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModelFromCache failure: " << ret.description();
return kDeadObject;
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModelFromCache failure: " << ret.description();
return prepareModelFailure();
const V1_0::ErrorStatus status = static_cast<V1_0::ErrorStatus>(ret);
if (status != V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModelFromCache returned " << toString(status);
return prepareModelFailure(convertToV1_3(status));
return prepareModelResult(*callback, "prepareModelFromCache", kServiceName);
// version too low
if (getDevice<V1_0::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModelFromCache called on V1_1 or V1_0 device";
return prepareModelFailure();
// No device available
LOG(ERROR) << "prepareModelFromCache called with no device";
return prepareModelFailure();
std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>> VersionedIDevice::prepareModel(
const ModelFactory& makeModel, ExecutionPreference preference, Priority priority,
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline, const std::string& cacheDir,
const std::optional<CacheToken>& maybeToken) const {
// Attempt to compile from cache if token is present.
if (maybeToken.has_value()) {
const auto [n, preparedModel] =
prepareModelFromCacheInternal(priority, deadline, cacheDir, *maybeToken);
return {n, preparedModel};
// Fallback to full compilation (possibly with token) if
// prepareModelFromCache could not be used or failed.
const Model model = makeModel();
return prepareModelInternal(model, preference, priority, deadline, cacheDir, maybeToken);
DeviceStatus VersionedIDevice::getStatus() const {
// version 1.0+ HAL
if (getDevice<V1_0::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
Return<DeviceStatus> ret = recoverable<DeviceStatus, V1_0::IDevice>(
__FUNCTION__, [](const sp<V1_0::IDevice>& device) { return device->getStatus(); });
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "getStatus failure: " << ret.description();
return DeviceStatus::UNKNOWN;
return static_cast<DeviceStatus>(ret);
// No device available
LOG(ERROR) << "Device not available!";
return DeviceStatus::UNKNOWN;
int64_t VersionedIDevice::getFeatureLevel() const {
constexpr int64_t kFailure = -1;
if (getDevice<V1_3::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
return __ANDROID_API_R__;
} else if (getDevice<V1_2::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
return __ANDROID_API_Q__;
} else if (getDevice<V1_1::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
return __ANDROID_API_P__;
} else if (getDevice<V1_0::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
return __ANDROID_API_O_MR1__;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Device not available!";
return kFailure;
int32_t VersionedIDevice::getType() const {
return kType;
const std::string& VersionedIDevice::getVersionString() const {
return kVersionString;
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> VersionedIDevice::getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded() const {
return kNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded;
std::pair<bool, bool> VersionedIDevice::supportsDeadlines() const {
return kSupportsDeadlines;
const std::string& VersionedIDevice::getName() const {
return kServiceName;
std::tuple<ErrorStatus, sp<IBuffer>, int32_t> VersionedIDevice::allocate(
const BufferDesc& desc,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>>& versionedPreparedModels,
const hidl_vec<BufferRole>& inputRoles, const hidl_vec<BufferRole>& outputRoles) const {
const auto kFailure = std::make_tuple<ErrorStatus, sp<IBuffer>, int32_t>(
ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, nullptr, 0);
// version 1.3+ HAL
if (getDevice<V1_3::IDevice>() != nullptr) {
hidl_vec<sp<V1_3::IPreparedModel>> preparedModels(versionedPreparedModels.size());
std::transform(versionedPreparedModels.begin(), versionedPreparedModels.end(),
[](const auto& preparedModel) { return preparedModel->getV1_3(); });
std::tuple<ErrorStatus, sp<IBuffer>, int32_t> result;
const Return<void> ret = recoverable<void, V1_3::IDevice>(
__FUNCTION__, [&](const sp<V1_3::IDevice>& device) {
return device->allocate(
desc, preparedModels, inputRoles, outputRoles,
[&result](ErrorStatus error, const sp<IBuffer>& buffer, int32_t token) {
result = {error, buffer, token};
if (!ret.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "allocate failure: " << ret.description();
return kFailure;
return result;
// version too low or no device available
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not handle allocate";
return kFailure;
} // namespace nn
} // namespace android