blob: 950d253e629e0351cd7ba2fe956eacb9f92dbe26 [file] [log] [blame]
%% template file for generating NeuralNetworksTypes.h.
%% see
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @addtogroup NeuralNetworks
* @{
* @file NeuralNetworksTypes.h
* This file is part of Android's set of stable system headers
* exposed by the Android NDK (Native Development Kit).
* Third-party source AND binary code relies on the definitions
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include <android/hardware_buffer.h>
#endif // __ANDROID__
%insert Operand_1.0_Comment
typedef enum {
%insert Operand_1.0
%insert Operand_1.2
%insert Operand_1.3
} OperandCode;
%insert Operation_1.0_Comment
typedef enum {
// Operations below are available since NNAPI feature level 1.
%insert Operation_1.0
// Operations below are available since NNAPI feature level 2.
%insert Operation_1.1
// Operations below are available since NNAPI feature level 3.
%insert Operation_1.2
// Operations below are available since NNAPI feature level 4.
%insert Operation_1.3
// Operations below are available since NNAPI feature level 6.
%insert Operation_fl6
// Operations below are available since NNAPI feature level 7.
%insert Operation_fl7
} OperationCode;
%insert FusedActivationFunc
* Implicit padding algorithms.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
typedef enum {
* SAME padding.
* Padding on both ends are the "same":
* padding_to_beginning = total_padding / 2
* padding_to_end = (total_padding + 1)/2.
* i.e., for even number of padding, padding to both ends are exactly
* the same; for odd number of padding, padding to the ending is bigger
* than the padding to the beginning by 1.
* total_padding is a function of input, stride, dilation and filter size.
* It could be computed as follows:
* out_size = (input + stride - 1) / stride
* effective_filter_size = (filter_size - 1) * dilation + 1
* needed_input = (out_size - 1) * stride + effective_filter_size
* total_padding = max(0, needed_input - input_size)
* The computation is the same for the horizontal and vertical directions.
* VALID padding.
* No padding. When the input size is not evenly divisible by
* the filter size, the input at the end that could not fill
* the whole filter tile will simply be ignored.
} PaddingCode;
%insert ExecutionPreference
%insert DeviceType
* NNAPI feature levels.
* Each update of the NNAPI specification yields a new NNAPI feature level enum value.
* NNAPI feature level corrseponds to an NNAPI specification version that a driver
* and/or the NNAPI runtime can implement.
* A feature level up to and including "FEATURE_LEVEL_5" maps directly to
* the Android API level that introduced the corresponding update of the NNAPI
* specification. Feature levels after Android API level 31 have no association with
* API level because the NNAPI specification can be updated between Android API
* releases. Outputs of {@link ANeuralNetworksDevice_getFeatureLevel} and
* {@link ANeuralNetworks_getRuntimeFeatureLevel} must be compared against
* these enum values instead of the Android API level.
typedef enum {
/** NNAPI specification available in Android O-MR1, Android NNAPI feature level 1 */
/** NNAPI specification available in Android P, Android NNAPI feature level 2 */
/** NNAPI specification available in Android Q, Android NNAPI feature level 3 */
/** NNAPI specification available in Android R, Android NNAPI feature level 4 */
* NNAPI specification available in Android S, Android NNAPI feature level 5.
* After Android S, the NNAPI specification can be updated between Android
* API releases.
/** Android NNAPI feature level 6 */
/** Android NNAPI feature level 7 */
/** Android NNAPI feature level 8 */
} FeatureLevelCode;
* Result codes.
* <p>Any NNAPI function can return any result code, including result codes not
* currently documented. Any value other than {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR}
* indicates a failure of some kind.</p>
* <p>Additional information about the nature of a failure can be obtained from
* the device log after enabling NNAPI debugging by setting the debug.nn.vlog
* property to 1, e.g., by calling "adb shell setprop debug.nn.vlog 1".</p>
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
typedef enum {
* Operation was successful.
* Failure caused by not enough available memory.
* Failure caused by unexpected null argument.
* Failure caused by invalid function arguments, invalid model definition,
* invalid execution definition or invalid data at execution time.
* Failure caused by failed model execution.
* Failure caused by object being in the wrong state.
* Failure caused by not being able to map a file into memory.
* This may be caused by a file descriptor not being mappable, or an AHardwareBuffer
* not supported by the device.
* Mitigate by reading its content into memory.
* Failure caused by insufficient buffer size provided to a model output.
* Failure caused by a device not being available.
* Failure because a deadline could not be met for a task, but future
* deadlines may still be met for the same task after a short delay.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 4.
* Failure because a deadline could not be met for a task, and future
* deadlines will likely also not be met for the same task even after a
* short delay.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 4.
* Failure because of a resource limitation within the driver, but future
* calls for the same task may still succeed after a short delay.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 4.
* Failure because of a resource limitation within the driver, and future
* calls for the same task will likely also fail even after a short
* delay.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 4.
* Failure indicating an object is in a dead state.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 4.
} ResultCode;
* For {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValue}, values with a
* length smaller or equal to this will be immediately copied into
* the model. The size is in bytes.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
* For {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_setCaching}, specify the size
* of the cache token required from the application. The size is in bytes.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 3.
* Different duration measurements.
* Durations are measured in nanoseconds.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 3.
typedef enum {
// Execution time on hardware (not driver, which runs on host processor).
// Execution time in driver (including time on hardware). Excludes overhead
// such as that of the runtime itself and the IPC needed for the runtime to
// communicate with the driver.
// Execution time on hardware, after all dependencies have been signaled.
// If no dependencies specified (for example, if the execution was scheduled other
// than with {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startComputeWithDependencies}), the
// reported time will be the same as ANEURALNETWORKS_DURATION_ON_HARDWARE.
// Available since NNAPI feature level 4.
// Execution time in driver, after all dependencies have been signaled. Excludes
// overhead such as that of the runtime itself and the IPC needed for the runtime
// to communicate with the driver.
// If no dependencies specified (for example, if the execution was scheduled other
// than with {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startComputeWithDependencies}), the
// reported time will be the same as ANEURALNETWORKS_DURATION_IN_DRIVER.
// Available since NNAPI feature level 4.
} DurationCode;
%insert Priority
* ANeuralNetworksMemory is an opaque type that represents memory.
* This type is used to represent shared memory, memory mapped files,
* and similar memories.
* By using shared memory, a program can efficiently communicate to the
* runtime and drivers the tensors that define a model. See
* {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory}. An application
* should typically create one shared memory object that contains every constant tensor
* needed to define a model. {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromFd} can be used to
* create shared memory from a file handle.
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromAHardwareBuffer} can be used to
* create shared memory from an AHardwareBuffer handle.
* Memory objects can also be used to specify the input and output arguments of
* an execution. See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory}
* and {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory}.
* When calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory},
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory} and
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory}, each operand in the shared
* memory object must be aligned on a boundary of a byte size that is a multiple
* of the element type byte size, e.g., a tensor with
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} type must be aligned on 4-byte boundary.
* It is the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no uses of
* the memory after calling {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_free}. This includes
* any model which references this memory because of a call to
* {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory}, any compilation
* created using such a model, any execution object or burst object created
* using such a compilation, or any execution which references this memory
* because of a call to {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory} or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory}.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
* Starting at NNAPI feature level 4, the application may request creation of device native memory
* from {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc} to avoid potential memory copying and transformation
* overhead between executions. See also {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc} and
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromDesc}.
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksMemory ANeuralNetworksMemory;
* ANeuralNetworksModel is an opaque type that contains a description of the
* mathematical operations that constitute the model.
* <p>Build the model by calling<ul>
* <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_create}</li>
* <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperation}</li>
* <li>{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}</li>
* </ul>
* This forms a graph in which each operation and operand is a node, a
* directed edge from an operand to an operation indicates that the
* operand is an input to the operation, and a directed edge from an
* operation to an operand indicates that the operand is an output
* from the operation. This graph must be acyclic.
* A model is completed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}.
* A model is destroyed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_free}.
* <p>A model cannot be modified once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}
* has been called on it.</p>
* <p>It is the application's responsibility to make sure that only one thread
* modifies a model at a given time. It is however safe for more than one
* thread to use the model once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} has returned.</p>
* <p>It is also the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no
* other uses of the model after calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_free}.
* This includes any compilation, execution object or burst object created using
* the model.</p>
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksModel ANeuralNetworksModel;
* ANeuralNetworksCompilation is an opaque type that can be used to compile
* a machine learning model.
* <p>To use:<ul>
* <li>Create a new compilation instance by calling the
* {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_create} function or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_createForDevices}.</li>
* <li>Set any desired properties on the compilation (for example,
* {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_setPreference}).</li>
* <li>Optionally, set the caching signature and the cache directory on the
* compilation by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_setCaching}.</li>
* <li>Complete the compilation with {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish}.</li>
* <li>Use the compilation as many times as needed
* with {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_create} and
* {@link ANeuralNetworksBurst_create}.</li>
* <li>Destroy the compilation with {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_free}
* once all executions using the compilation have completed.</li></ul></p>
* A compilation is completed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish}.
* A compilation is destroyed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_free}.
* <p>A compilation cannot be modified once {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish}
* has been called on it.</p>
* <p>It is the application's responsibility to make sure that only
* one thread modifies a compilation at a given time. It is however
* safe for more than one thread to use the compilation once
* {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish} has returned.</p>
* <p>It is also the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no other
* uses of the compilation after calling {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_free}.
* This includes any execution object or burst object created using the compilation,
* or any memory descriptor with the compilation as part of one of the roles specified by
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_addInputRole} or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_addOutputRole}.</p>
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksCompilation ANeuralNetworksCompilation;
* ANeuralNetworksExecution is an opaque type that can be used to apply a machine
* learning model to a set of inputs.
* <p>To use:<ul>
* <li>Create a new execution instance by calling the
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_create} function.</li>
* <li>Associate input buffers or memory regions to the model inputs with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput} or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory}.</li>
* <li>Associate output buffers or memory regions to the model outputs with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutput} or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory}.</li>
* <li>Optionally, configure the execution with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setLoopTimeout},
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setMeasureTiming},
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setReusable}, or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setTimeout}.
* <li>Apply the model with one of the following:</li><ul>
* <li>Asynchronously with {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute}
* or with {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startComputeWithDependencies},
* waiting for the execution to complete with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait}.</li>
* <li>Synchronously with {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute}.</li>
* <li>Synchronously as part of an execution burst with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute}.</li></ul>
* If the execution has been marked as reusable, then you can
* apply the model more than once.
* <li>Destroy the execution with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_free}.</li></ul></p>
* <p>An output buffer or memory region must not overlap with any
* other output buffer or memory region, with an input buffer or
* memory region, or with an operand value in a memory object
* ({@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory}).</p>
* <p>An execution is in the preparation state after it is created by
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_create}. An execution may only be modified in the preparation
* state. Scheduling a computation by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute},
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute}, {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute},
* or {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startComputeWithDependencies} will change the state of
* the execution object to the computation state. When the computation completes, the state of
* the execution object will change from the computation state to the completed state.
* The computation is completed when {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute},
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute}, or {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait}
* has returned.</p>
* <p>An execution can be applied to a model with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute},
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute},
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startComputeWithDependencies} only once. Create new
* executions to do new evaluations of the model.</p>
* <p>Starting at NNAPI feature level 5, the application may call
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setReusable} to set an execution to be reusable for multiple
* computations. The application may schedule and evaluate a computation again from the completed
* state of a reusable execution. The execution cannot be modified between computations.</p>
* <p>It is the application's responsibility to make sure that only one thread
* modifies an execution at a given time. It is however safe for more than one
* thread to use {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} at the same time.</p>
* <p>It is also the application's responsibility to ensure that the execution
* either has never been scheduled or has completed (i.e., that
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute},
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute}, or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} has returned) before calling
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_free}.</p>.
* <p>It is also the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no other
* uses of the execution after calling {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_free}.</p>
* <p>It is the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no concurrent computations
* scheduled and evaluated on the same execution, either by means of
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute} or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute} (which are synchronous)
* in different threads, or by means of
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startComputeWithDependencies} (which are asynchronous).
* It is however safe to schedule and evaluate multiple computations on different executions
* concurrently. (Concurrent uses of {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute} must be on
* different burst objects.) The runtime makes no guarantee on the ordering of
* completion of executions. If it's important to the application, the
* application should enforce the ordering by ensuring that one execution
* completes before the next is scheduled (for example, by scheduling all
* executions synchronously within a single thread, or by scheduling all
* executions asynchronously and using {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} between
* calls to {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute}); or by using
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startComputeWithDependencies} to make the execution wait for a
* list of events to be signaled before starting the actual evaluation.</p>
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksExecution ANeuralNetworksExecution;
%insert SymmPerChannelQuantParams_Comment
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams {
/** The index of the channel dimension. */
uint32_t channelDim;
/** The size of the scale array. Should be equal to dimension[channelDim] of the Operand. */
uint32_t scaleCount;
/** The array of scaling values for each channel. Each value must be greater than zero. */
const float* scales;
} ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams;
* ANeuralNetworksBurst is an opaque type that can be used to reduce the latency
* of a rapid sequence of executions. It will likely cause overhead if only used
* for a single execution.
* ANeuralNetworksBurst serves as a context object for any number of inferences
* using {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} objects. An ANeuralNetworksBurst
* object and the {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} objects used with it must all
* have been created from the same {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} object.
* This object is also used as a hint to drivers, providing insight to the
* lifetime of a rapid sequence of executions. For example, a driver may choose
* to increase the clock frequency of its accelerator for the lifetime of a
* burst object.
* <p>To use:<ul>
* <li>Create a new burst object by calling the
* {@link ANeuralNetworksBurst_create} function.</li>
* <li>For each execution:</li><ul>
* <li>Create {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} and configure its
* properties (see {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for details).</li>
* <li>Apply the model synchronously with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute}, reusing the same
* {@link ANeuralNetworksBurst} with the new
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}.</li>
* <li>Use and free the {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}.</li></ul>
* <li>Destroy the burst with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksBurst_free}.</li></ul></p>
* Available since NNAPI feature level 3.
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksBurst ANeuralNetworksBurst;
* ANeuralNetworksOperandType describes the type of an operand.
* This structure is used to describe both scalars and tensors.
* A tensor operand type with all dimensions specified is "fully
* specified". Whenever possible (i.e., whenever the dimensions are
* known at model construction time), a tensor operand type should be
* (but is not required to be) fully specified, in order to enable the
* best possible performance.
* If a tensor operand's type is not fully specified, the dimensions
* of the operand are deduced from the operand types and values of the
* operation for which that operand is an output or from the corresponding
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_IF} or {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_WHILE} operation input
* operand type in the case of referenced model input operands.
* <p>In the following situations, a tensor operand type must be fully
* specified:<ul>
* <li>The operand has a constant value, set by
* {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValue} (with a
* non-nullptr buffer) or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory}.</li>
* <li>The operand is a model input (see
* {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}) of the main
* model within a compilation. A fully specified tensor operand type
* must either be provided to {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand};
* or it must be provided to the corresponding
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput}, or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory}.
* EXCEPTION: If the input is optional and omitted
* (by passing nullptr for buffer to
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput}) then it need
* not have a fully specified tensor operand type.</li>
* <li>The operand is a model output (see
* {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}) of the main
* model within a compilation and is to be used with {@link
* ANeuralNetworksExecution_startComputeWithDependencies}.
* A fully specified tensor operand type must either be provided
* to {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}; or it must be
* provided to the corresponding
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutput}, or
* {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory}.</li></ul>
* A tensor operand type of specified rank but some number of
* unspecified dimensions is represented by setting dimensionCount to
* the rank and each unspecified dimension to 0.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
* Starting at NNAPI feature level 3, a tensor operand type of unspecified rank is
* represented by setting dimensionCount to 0 and dimensions to NULL (just as if
* it were a scalar operand type).
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksOperandType {
* The data type, e.g ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32.
int32_t type;
* The number of dimensions (rank).
* Must be 0 for scalars.
uint32_t dimensionCount;
* The dimensions of the tensor.
* Must be nullptr for scalars.
const uint32_t* dimensions;
* The quantization scale.
* Must be 0 when not applicable to an operand type.
* See {@link OperandCode}.
float scale;
* The quantization zero point.
* Must be 0 when not applicable to an operand type.
* See {@link OperandCode}.
int32_t zeroPoint;
} ANeuralNetworksOperandType;
* Aliasing to {@link OperationCode}, used in function
* {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperation}.
typedef int32_t ANeuralNetworksOperationType;
* ANeuralNetworksEvent is an opaque type that represents an event
* that will be signaled once an execution completes.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 1.
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksEvent ANeuralNetworksEvent;
* ANeuralNetworksDevice is an opaque type that represents a device.
* This type is used to query basic properties and supported operations of the corresponding
* device, and control which device(s) a model is to be run on.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 3.
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksDevice ANeuralNetworksDevice;
* ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc is an opaque type that represents a memory descriptor.
* A memory descriptor describes the properties of a memory object, and is used by
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromDesc}.
* To use:
* - Create a new memory descriptor by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_create}.
* - Specify all of the intended input and output roles by calling
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_addInputRole} and
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_addOutputRole}.
* - Optionally, specify the memory dimensions by calling
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_setDimensions}.
* - Complete the memory descriptor with {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_finish}.
* - Use the memory descriptor as many times as needed with
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromDesc}.
* - Destroy the memory descriptor with {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_free}.
* A memory descriptor is completed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_finish}.
* A memory descriptor is destroyed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_free}.
* A memory descriptor must not be modified once {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_finish}
* has been called on it.
* It is the application's responsibility to make sure that only
* one thread modifies a memory descriptor at a given time. It is however
* safe for more than one thread to use the memory descriptor once
* {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_finish} has returned.
* It is also the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no other
* uses of the memory descriptor after calling {@link ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc_free}.
* It is however safe to continue using a {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory} object created
* from the memory descriptor.
* Available since NNAPI feature level 4.
typedef struct ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc ANeuralNetworksMemoryDesc;
/** @} */