blob: 1c4311fb98b881e01ef59c49446bb5a9d35fc579 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "HalInterfaces.h"
#include <android-base/macros.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
namespace android {
namespace nn {
* Each class (VersionedIDevice, VersionedIPreparedModel) wraps a HIDL interface
* of any version to abstract away version differences. It allows the remainder
* of the runtime to always use the most up-to-date version of all HIDL types.
* As such, any reference to a HIDL type in the rest of the runtime
* will--by default--be the latest HIDL version.
* Each class will attempt to call the latest version of each interface method
* if possible. If the latest method is unavailable, the versioned class
* will attempt to upcast the type (e.g., V1_1::Model to V1_0::Model), and
* invoke the latest interface method possible. If the versioned class
* fails to find a matching applicable function, it will return an error.
/** This class wraps an IDevice object of any version. */
class VersionedIDevice {
* Constructor for the VersionedIDevice object.
* VersionedIDevice is constructed with the V1_0::IDevice object, which
* represents a device that is at least v1.0 of the interface. The
* constructor downcasts to the latest version of the IDevice interface, and
* will default to using the latest version of all IDevice interface
* methods automatically.
* @param device A device object that is least version 1.0 of the IDevice
* interface.
VersionedIDevice(sp<V1_0::IDevice> device);
* Gets the capabilities of a driver.
* @return status Error status of the call, must be:
* - NONE if successful
* - DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE if driver is offline or busy
* - GENERAL_FAILURE if there is an unspecified error
* @return capabilities Capabilities of the driver.
std::pair<ErrorStatus, Capabilities> getCapabilities();
* Gets the supported operations in a model.
* getSupportedSubgraph indicates which operations of a model are fully
* supported by the vendor driver. If an operation may not be supported for
* any reason, getSupportedOperations must return false for that operation.
* @param model A model whose operations--and their corresponding
* operands--are to be verified by the driver.
* @return status Error status of the call, must be:
* - NONE if successful
* - DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE if driver is offline or busy
* - GENERAL_FAILURE if there is an unspecified error
* - INVALID_ARGUMENT if provided model is invalid
* @return supportedOperations A list of supported operations, where true
* indicates the operation is supported and
* false indicates the operation is not
* supported. The index of "supported"
* corresponds with the index of the operation
* it is describing.
std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<bool>> getSupportedOperations(const Model& model);
* Creates a prepared model for execution.
* prepareModel is used to make any necessary transformations or alternative
* representations to a model for execution, possiblly including
* transformations on the constant data, optimization on the model's graph,
* or compilation into the device's native binary format. The model itself
* is not changed.
* The model is prepared asynchronously with respect to the caller. The
* prepareModel function must verify the inputs to the prepareModel function
* are correct. If there is an error, prepareModel must immediately invoke
* the callback with the appropriate ErrorStatus value and nullptr for the
* IPreparedModel, then return with the same ErrorStatus. If the inputs to
* the prepareModel function are valid and there is no error, prepareModel
* must launch an asynchronous task to prepare the model in the background,
* and immediately return from prepareModel with ErrorStatus::NONE. If the
* asynchronous task fails to launch, prepareModel must immediately invoke
* the callback with ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE and nullptr for the
* IPreparedModel, then return with ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE.
* When the asynchronous task has finished preparing the model, it must
* immediately invoke the callback function provided as an input to
* prepareModel. If the model was prepared successfully, the callback object
* must be invoked with an error status of ErrorStatus::NONE and the
* produced IPreparedModel object. If an error occurred preparing the model,
* the callback object must be invoked with the appropriate ErrorStatus
* value and nullptr for the IPreparedModel.
* The only information that may be unknown to the model at this stage is
* the shape of the tensors, which may only be known at execution time. As
* such, some driver services may return partially prepared models, where
* the prepared model can only be finished when it is paired with a set of
* inputs to the model. Note that the same prepared model object can be
* used with different shapes of inputs on different (possibly concurrent)
* executions.
* Multiple threads can call prepareModel on the same model concurrently.
* @param model The model to be prepared for execution.
* @param callback A callback object used to return the error status of
* preparing the model for execution and the prepared model
* if successful, nullptr otherwise. The callback object's
* notify function must be called exactly once, even if the
* model could not be prepared.
* @return status Error status of launching a task which prepares the model
* in the background; must be:
* - NONE if preparation task is successfully launched
* - DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE if driver is offline or busy
* - GENERAL_FAILURE if there is an unspecified error
* - INVALID_ARGUMENT if one of the input arguments is
* invalid
ErrorStatus prepareModel(const Model& model, ExecutionPreference preference,
const sp<IPreparedModelCallback>& callback);
* Returns the current status of a driver.
* @return status Status of the driver, one of:
* - DeviceStatus::AVAILABLE
* - DeviceStatus::BUSY
* - DeviceStatus::OFFLINE
* - DeviceStatus::UNKNOWN
DeviceStatus getStatus();
* Returns the feature level of a driver.
* @return featureLevel The API level of the most advanced feature this driver implements.
* For example, if the driver implements the features introduced in
* Android P, the value would be 28.
int64_t getFeatureLevel();
* Get the version string of the driver implementation.
* The version string must be a unique token among the set of version strings of
* drivers of a specific device. The token identifies the device driver's
* implementation. The token must not be confused with the feature level which is solely
* defined by the interface version. This API is opaque to the Android framework, but the
* Android framework may use the information for debugging or to pass on to NNAPI applications.
* Application developers sometimes have specific requirements to ensure good user experiences,
* and they need more information to make intelligent decisions when the Android framework
* cannot. For example, combined with the device name and other information, the token can help
* NNAPI applications filter devices based on their needs:
* - An application demands a certain level of performance, but a specific version of
* the driver cannot meet that requirement because of a performance regression.
* The application can blacklist the driver based on the version provided.
* - An application has a minimum precision requirement, but certain versions of
* the driver cannot meet that requirement because of bugs or certain optimizations.
* The application can filter out versions of these drivers.
* @return status Error status returned from querying the version string. Must be:
* - NONE if the query was successful
* - DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE if driver is offline or busy
* - GENERAL_FAILURE if the query resulted in an
* unspecified error
* @return version The version string of the device implementation.
* Must have nonzero length if the query is successful, and must be an empty string if not.
std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_string> getVersionString();
* Returns whether this handle to an IDevice object is valid or not.
* @return bool true if V1_0::IDevice (which could be V1_1::IDevice) is
* valid, false otherwise.
bool operator!=(nullptr_t) const;
* Returns whether this handle to an IDevice object is valid or not.
* @return bool true if V1_0::IDevice (which could be V1_1::IDevice) is
* invalid, false otherwise.
bool operator==(nullptr_t) const;
* All versions of IDevice are necessary because the driver could be v1.0,
* v1.1, or a later version. All these pointers logically represent the same
* object.
* The general strategy is: HIDL returns a V1_0 device object, which
* (if not nullptr) could be v1.0, v1.1, or a greater version. The V1_0
* object is then "dynamically cast" to a V1_1 object. If successful,
* mDeviceV1_1 will point to the same object as mDeviceV1_0; otherwise,
* mDeviceV1_1 will be nullptr.
* In general:
* * If the device is truly v1.0, mDeviceV1_0 will point to a valid object
* and mDeviceV1_1 will be nullptr.
* * If the device is truly v1.1 or later, both mDeviceV1_0 and mDeviceV1_1
* will point to the same valid object.
* Idiomatic usage: if mDeviceV1_1 is non-null, do V1_1 dispatch; otherwise,
* do V1_0 dispatch.
sp<V1_0::IDevice> mDeviceV1_0;
sp<V1_1::IDevice> mDeviceV1_1;
sp<V1_2::IDevice> mDeviceV1_2;
/** This class wraps an IPreparedModel object of any version. */
class VersionedIPreparedModel {
* Constructor for the VersionedIPreparedModel object.
* VersionedIPreparedModel is constructed with the V1_0::IPreparedModel object, which
* represents a device that is at least v1.0 of the interface. The constructor downcasts
* to the latest version of the IPreparedModel interface, and will default to using the
* latest version of all IPreparedModel interface methods automatically.
* @param preparedModel A prepared model object that is least version 1.0 of the
* IPreparedModel interface.
VersionedIPreparedModel(sp<V1_0::IPreparedModel> preparedModel)
: mPreparedModelV1_0(preparedModel),
V1_2::IPreparedModel::castFrom(mPreparedModelV1_0).withDefault(nullptr)) {}
* Launches an asynchronous execution on a prepared model.
* The execution is performed asynchronously with respect to the caller.
* execute must verify the inputs to the function are correct. If there is
* an error, execute must immediately invoke the callback with the
* appropriate ErrorStatus value, then return with the same ErrorStatus. If
* the inputs to the function are valid and there is no error, execute must
* launch an asynchronous task to perform the execution in the background,
* and immediately return with ErrorStatus::NONE. If the asynchronous task
* fails to launch, execute must immediately invoke the callback with
* ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, then return with
* When the asynchronous task has finished its execution, it must
* immediately invoke the callback object provided as an input to the
* execute function. This callback must be provided with the ErrorStatus of
* the execution.
* If the prepared model was prepared from a model wherein all
* tensor operands have fully specified dimensions, and the inputs
* to the function are valid, then the execution should launch
* and complete successfully (ErrorStatus::NONE). There must be
* no failure unless the device itself is in a bad state.
* Multiple threads can call the execute and ExecuteSynchronously functions
* on the same VersionedIPreparedModel object concurrently with different
* requests.
* @param request The input and output information on which the prepared
* model is to be executed.
* @param callback A callback object used to return the error status of
* the execution. The callback object's notify function must
* be called exactly once, even if the execution was
* unsuccessful.
* @return status Error status of the call, must be:
* - NONE if task is successfully launched
* - DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE if driver is offline or busy
* - GENERAL_FAILURE if there is an unspecified error
* - OUTPUT_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE if provided output buffer is
* not large enough to store the resultant values
* - INVALID_ARGUMENT if one of the input arguments is
* invalid
ErrorStatus execute(const Request& request, const sp<IExecutionCallback>& callback);
* Performs a synchronous execution on a prepared model.
* The execution is performed synchronously with respect to the caller.
* executeSynchronously must verify the inputs to the function are
* correct. If there is an error, executeSynchronously must immediately
* return with the appropriate ErrorStatus value. If the inputs to the
* function are valid and there is no error, executeSynchronously must
* perform the execution, and must not return until the execution is
* complete.
* If the prepared model was prepared from a model wherein all tensor
* operands have fully specified dimensions, and the inputs to the function
* are valid, then the execution should complete successfully
* (ErrorStatus::NONE). There must be no failure unless the device itself is
* in a bad state.
* Any number of calls to the execute and executeSynchronously
* functions, in any combination, may be made concurrently, even on the same
* VersionedIPreparedModel object.
* @param request The input and output information on which the prepared
* model is to be executed.
* @return status Error status of the execution, must be:
* - NONE if execution is performed successfully
* - DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE if driver is offline or busy
* - GENERAL_FAILURE if there is an unspecified error
* - OUTPUT_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE if at least one output
* operand buffer is not large enough to store the
* corresponding output
* - INVALID_ARGUMENT if one of the input arguments is
* invalid
* @return outputShapes A list of shape information of model output operands.
* The index into "outputShapes" corresponds with the index
* of the output operand in the Request outputs vector.
* outputShapes nust be empty unless the status is either
std::pair<ErrorStatus, hidl_vec<OutputShape>> executeSynchronously(const Request& request);
* Returns whether this handle to an IPreparedModel object is valid or not.
* @return bool true if V1_0::IPreparedModel (which could be V1_2::IPreparedModel) is
* valid, false otherwise.
bool operator!=(nullptr_t) const;
* Returns whether this handle to an IPreparedModel object is valid or not.
* @return bool true if V1_0::IPreparedModel (which could be V1_2::IPreparedModel) is
* invalid, false otherwise.
bool operator==(nullptr_t) const;
* All versions of IPreparedModel are necessary because the preparedModel could be v1.0,
* v1.2, or a later version. All these pointers logically represent the same object.
* The general strategy is: HIDL returns a V1_0 prepared model object, which
* (if not nullptr) could be v1.0, v1.2, or a greater version. The V1_0
* object is then "dynamically cast" to a V1_2 object. If successful,
* mPreparedModelV1_2 will point to the same object as mPreparedModelV1_0; otherwise,
* mPreparedModelV1_2 will be nullptr.
* In general:
* * If the prepared model is truly v1.0, mPreparedModelV1_0 will point to a valid object
* and mPreparedModelV1_2 will be nullptr.
* * If the prepared model is truly v1.2 or later, both mPreparedModelV1_0 and
* mPreparedModelV1_2 will point to the same valid object.
* Idiomatic usage: if mPreparedModelV1_2 is non-null, do V1_2 dispatch; otherwise,
* do V1_0 dispatch.
sp<V1_0::IPreparedModel> mPreparedModelV1_0;
sp<V1_2::IPreparedModel> mPreparedModelV1_2;
} // namespace nn
} // namespace android