blob: c2bdcd4f63c9902d181669487a908a34b0780848 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertNotEquals
import kotlin.test.assertNull
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
val TEST_VALUES = listOf(4, 13, 52, 94, 41, 68, 11, 13, 51, 0, 91, 94, 33, 98, 14)
const val ABSENT_VALUE = 2
// Caution in changing these : some tests rely on the fact that TEST_TIMEOUT > 2 * SHORT_TIMEOUT
const val SHORT_TIMEOUT = 40L // ms
const val TEST_TIMEOUT = 200L // ms
const val LONG_TIMEOUT = 5000L // ms
class TrackRecordTest {
fun testAddAndSizeAndGet() {
val repeats = 22 // arbitrary
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
assertEquals(0, record.size)
repeat(repeats) { i -> record.add(i + 2) }
assertEquals(repeats, record.size)
assertEquals(repeats + 1, record.size)
assertEquals(11, record[9])
assertEquals(11, record.getOrNull(9))
assertEquals(2, record[record.size - 1])
assertEquals(2, record.getOrNull(record.size - 1))
assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> { record[800] }
assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> { record[-1] }
assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> { record[repeats + 1] }
assertNull(record.getOrNull(repeats + 1))
assertNull(record.getOrNull(800) { true })
assertNull(record.getOrNull(-1) { true })
assertNull(record.getOrNull(repeats + 1) { true })
fun testIndexOf() {
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
TEST_VALUES.forEach { record.add(it) }
with(record) {
assertEquals(9, indexOf(0))
assertEquals(9, lastIndexOf(0))
assertEquals(1, indexOf(13))
assertEquals(7, lastIndexOf(13))
assertEquals(3, indexOf(94))
assertEquals(11, lastIndexOf(94))
assertEquals(-1, indexOf(ABSENT_VALUE))
assertEquals(-1, lastIndexOf(ABSENT_VALUE))
fun testContains() {
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
TEST_VALUES.forEach { record.add(it) }
TEST_VALUES.forEach { assertTrue(record.contains(it)) }
assertTrue(record.containsAll(TEST_VALUES.subList(0, TEST_VALUES.size / 2)))
assertTrue(record.containsAll(TEST_VALUES.subList(0, TEST_VALUES.size / 2).sorted()))
assertFalse(record.containsAll(TEST_VALUES + listOf(ABSENT_VALUE)))
fun testEmpty() {
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
fun testIterate() {
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
record.forEach { fail("Expected nothing to iterate") }
TEST_VALUES.forEach { record.add(it) }
// zip relies on the iterator (this calls extension function Iterable#zip(Iterable)) { assertEquals(it.first, it.second) }
// Also test reverse iteration (to test hasPrevious() and friends)
record.reversed().zip(TEST_VALUES.reversed()).forEach { assertEquals(it.first, it.second) }
fun testIteratorIsSnapshot() {
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
TEST_VALUES.forEach { record.add(it) }
val iterator = record.iterator()
val expectedSize = record.size
var measuredSize = 0
iterator.forEach {
assertNotEquals(ABSENT_VALUE, it)
assertEquals(expectedSize, measuredSize)
fun testSublist() {
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
TEST_VALUES.forEach { record.add(it) }
assertEquals(record.subList(3, record.size - 3),
TEST_VALUES.subList(3, TEST_VALUES.size - 3))
fun testPollReturnsImmediately(record: TrackRecord<Int>) {
val elapsed = measureTimeMillis { assertEquals(4, record.poll(LONG_TIMEOUT, 0)) }
// Should not have waited at all, in fact.
assertTrue(elapsed < LONG_TIMEOUT)
// Can poll multiple times for the same position, in whatever order
assertEquals(9, record.poll(0, 2))
assertEquals(7, record.poll(Long.MAX_VALUE, 1))
assertEquals(9, record.poll(0, 2))
assertEquals(4, record.poll(0, 0))
assertEquals(9, record.poll(0, 2) { it > 5 })
assertEquals(7, record.poll(0, 0) { it > 5 })
fun testPollReturnsImmediately() {
fun testPollTimesOut() {
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
var delay = measureTimeMillis { assertNull(record.poll(SHORT_TIMEOUT, 0)) }
assertTrue(delay >= SHORT_TIMEOUT, "Delay $delay < $SHORT_TIMEOUT")
delay = measureTimeMillis { assertNull(record.poll(SHORT_TIMEOUT, 0) { it < 10 }) }
assertTrue(delay >= SHORT_TIMEOUT)
fun testPollWakesUp() {
val record = ArrayTrackRecord<Int>()
val barrier = CyclicBarrier(2)
Thread {
barrier.await(LONG_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // barrier 1
barrier.await() // barrier 2
Thread.sleep(SHORT_TIMEOUT * 2)
barrier.await() // barrier 1
// Should find the element in more than SHORT_TIMEOUT but less than TEST_TIMEOUT
var delay = measureTimeMillis {
barrier.await() // barrier 2
assertEquals(31, record.poll(TEST_TIMEOUT, 0))
assertTrue(delay in SHORT_TIMEOUT..TEST_TIMEOUT)
// Polling for an element already added in anothe thread (pos 0) : should return immediately
delay = measureTimeMillis { assertEquals(31, record.poll(TEST_TIMEOUT, 0)) }
assertTrue(delay < TEST_TIMEOUT, "Delay $delay > $TEST_TIMEOUT")
// Waiting for an element that never comes
delay = measureTimeMillis { assertNull(record.poll(SHORT_TIMEOUT, 1)) }
assertTrue(delay >= SHORT_TIMEOUT, "Delay $delay < $SHORT_TIMEOUT")
// Polling for an element that doesn't match what is already there
delay = measureTimeMillis { assertNull(record.poll(SHORT_TIMEOUT, 0) { it < 10 }) }
assertTrue(delay >= SHORT_TIMEOUT)
// Just make sure the interpreter actually throws an exception when the spec
// does not conform to the behavior. The interpreter is just a tool to test a
// tool used for a tool for test, let's not have hundreds of tests for it ;
// if it's broken one of the tests using it will break.
fun testInterpreter() {
val interpretLine = __LINE__ + 2
try {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = true, spec = """
add(4) | poll(1, 0) = 5
fail("This spec should have thrown")
} catch (e: InterpretException) {
assertTrue(e.cause is AssertionError)
assertEquals(interpretLine + 1, e.stackTrace[0].lineNumber)
fun testMultipleAdds() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = false, spec = """
add(2) | | |
| add(4) | |
| | add(6) |
| | | add(8)
poll(0, 0) = 2 time 0..1 | poll(0, 0) = 2 | poll(0, 0) = 2 | poll(0, 0) = 2
poll(0, 1) = 4 time 0..1 | poll(0, 1) = 4 | poll(0, 1) = 4 | poll(0, 1) = 4
poll(0, 2) = 6 time 0..1 | poll(0, 2) = 6 | poll(0, 2) = 6 | poll(0, 2) = 6
poll(0, 3) = 8 time 0..1 | poll(0, 3) = 8 | poll(0, 3) = 8 | poll(0, 3) = 8
fun testConcurrentAdds() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = false, spec = """
add(2) | add(4) | add(6) | add(8)
add(1) | add(3) | add(5) | add(7)
poll(0, 1) is even | poll(0, 0) is even | poll(0, 3) is even | poll(0, 2) is even
poll(0, 5) is odd | poll(0, 4) is odd | poll(0, 7) is odd | poll(0, 6) is odd
fun testMultiplePoll() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = false, spec = """
add(4) | poll(1, 0) = 4
| poll(0, 1) = null time 0..1
| poll(1, 1) = null time 1..2
sleep; add(7) | poll(2, 1) = 7 time 1..2
sleep; add(18) | poll(2, 2) = 18 time 1..2
fun testMultiplePollWithPredicate() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = false, spec = """
| poll(1, 0) = null | poll(1, 0) = null
add(6) | poll(1, 0) = 6 |
add(11) | poll(1, 0) { > 20 } = null | poll(1, 0) { = 11 } = 11
| poll(1, 0) { > 8 } = 11 |
fun testMultipleReadHeads() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = true, spec = """
| poll() = null | poll() = null | poll() = null
add(5) | | poll() = 5 |
| poll() = 5 | |
add(8) | poll() = 8 | poll() = 8 |
| | | poll() = 5
| | | poll() = 8
| | | poll() = null
| | poll() = null |
fun testReadHeadPollWithPredicate() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = true, spec = """
add(5) | poll() { < 0 } = null
| poll() { > 5 } = null
add(10) |
| poll() { = 5 } = null // The "5" was skipped in the previous line
add(15) | poll() { > 8 } = 15 // The "10" was skipped in the previous line
| poll(1, 0) { > 8 } = 10 // 10 is the first element after pos 0 matching > 8
fun testPollImmediatelyAdvancesReadhead() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = true, spec = """
add(1) | add(2) | add(3) | add(4)
mark = 0 | poll(0) { > 3 } = 4 | |
poll(0) { > 10 } = null | | |
mark = 4 | | |
poll() = null | | |
fun testParallelReadHeads() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = true, spec = """
mark = 0 | mark = 0 | mark = 0 | mark = 0
add(2) | | |
| add(4) | |
| | add(6) |
| | | add(8)
poll() = 2 | poll() = 2 | poll() = 2 | poll() = 2
poll() = 4 | poll() = 4 | poll() = 4 | poll() = 4
poll() = 6 | poll() = 6 | poll() = 6 | mark = 2
poll() = 8 | poll() = 8 | mark = 3 | poll() = 6
mark = 4 | mark = 4 | poll() = 8 | poll() = 8
fun testPeek() {
TRTInterpreter.interpretTestSpec(useReadHeads = true, spec = """
add(2) | | |
| add(4) | |
| | add(6) |
| | | add(8)
peek() = 2 | poll() = 2 | poll() = 2 | peek() = 2
peek() = 2 | peek() = 4 | poll() = 4 | peek() = 2
peek() = 2 | peek() = 4 | peek() = 6 | poll() = 2
peek() = 2 | mark = 1 | mark = 2 | poll() = 4
mark = 0 | peek() = 4 | peek() = 6 | peek() = 6
poll() = 2 | poll() = 4 | poll() = 6 | poll() = 6
poll() = 4 | mark = 2 | poll() = 8 | peek() = 8
peek() = 6 | peek() = 6 | peek() = null | mark = 3
private object TRTInterpreter : ConcurrentInterpreter<TrackRecord<Int>>(interpretTable) {
fun interpretTestSpec(spec: String, useReadHeads: Boolean) = if (useReadHeads) {
interpretTestSpec(spec, initial = ArrayTrackRecord(),
threadTransform = { (it as ArrayTrackRecord).newReadHead() })
} else {
interpretTestSpec(spec, ArrayTrackRecord())
* Quick ref of supported expressions :
* sleep(x) : sleeps for x time units and returns Unit ; sleep alone means sleep(1)
* add(x) : calls and returns TrackRecord#add.
* poll(time, pos) [{ predicate }] : calls and returns TrackRecord#poll(x time units, pos).
* Optionally, a predicate may be specified.
* poll() [{ predicate }] : calls and returns ReadHead#poll(1 time unit). Optionally, a predicate
* may be specified.
* EXPR = VALUE : asserts that EXPR equals VALUE. EXPR is interpreted. VALUE can either be the
* string "null" or an int. Returns Unit.
* EXPR time x..y : measures the time taken by EXPR and asserts it took at least x and at most
* y time units.
* predicate must be one of "= x", "< x" or "> x".
private val interpretTable = listOf<InterpretMatcher<TrackRecord<Int>>>(
// Interpret "XXX is odd" : run XXX and assert its return value is odd ("even" works too)
Regex("(.*)\\s+is\\s+(even|odd)") to { i, t, r ->
i.interpret(r.strArg(1), t).also {
assertEquals((it as Int) % 2, if ("even" == r.strArg(2)) 0 else 1)
// Interpret "add(XXX)" as TrackRecord#add(int)
Regex("""add\((\d+)\)""") to { i, t, r ->
// Interpret "poll(x, y)" as TrackRecord#poll(timeout = x * INTERPRET_TIME_UNIT, pos = y)
// Accepts an optional {} argument for the predicate (see makePredicate for syntax)
Regex("""poll\((\d+),\s*(\d+)\)\s*(\{.*\})?""") to { i, t, r ->
t.poll(r.timeArg(1), r.intArg(2), makePredicate(r.strArg(3)))
// ReadHead#poll. If this throws in the cast, the code is malformed and has passed "poll()"
// in a test that takes a TrackRecord that is not a ReadHead. It's technically possible to get
// the test code to not compile instead of throw, but it's vastly more complex and this will
// fail 100% at runtime any test that would not have compiled.
Regex("""poll\((\d+)?\)\s*(\{.*\})?""") to { i, t, r ->
(if (r.strArg(1).isEmpty()) i.interpretTimeUnit else r.timeArg(1)).let { time ->
(t as ArrayTrackRecord<Int>.ReadHead).poll(time, makePredicate(r.strArg(2)))
// ReadHead#mark. The same remarks apply as with ReadHead#poll.
Regex("mark") to { i, t, _ -> (t as ArrayTrackRecord<Int>.ReadHead).mark },
// ReadHead#peek. The same remarks apply as with ReadHead#poll.
Regex("peek\\(\\)") to { i, t, _ -> (t as ArrayTrackRecord<Int>.ReadHead).peek() }
// Parses a { = x } or { < x } or { > x } string and returns the corresponding predicate
// Returns an always-true predicate for empty and null arguments
private fun makePredicate(spec: String?): (Int) -> Boolean {
if (spec.isNullOrEmpty()) return { true }
val match = Regex("""\{\s*([<>=])\s*(\d+)\s*\}""").matchEntire(spec)
?: throw SyntaxException("Predicate \"${spec}\"")
val arg = match.intArg(2)
return when (match.strArg(1)) {
">" -> { i -> i > arg }
"<" -> { i -> i < arg }
"=" -> { i -> i == arg }
else -> throw RuntimeException("How did \"${spec}\" match this regexp ?")