blob: 64a13c1e0c85c3155dda52aadc9e4b9f624b2b52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package devicelockcontroller;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "configuration_info.proto";
import "device_checkin_info.proto";
import "device_info.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// This service is used by the Device Lock Android client to facilitate device
// provisioning of an eligible device into a Device Lock locking program.
service DeviceLockCheckinService {
// Fetches the check-in status of the device.
rpc GetDeviceCheckinStatus(GetDeviceCheckinStatusRequest)
returns (GetDeviceCheckinStatusResponse) { }
// Pauses the provisioning of the device.
rpc PauseDeviceProvisioning(PauseDeviceProvisioningRequest)
returns (PauseDeviceProvisioningResponse) { }
// Reports that device provisioning was completed/a success.
rpc ReportDeviceProvisionComplete(ReportDeviceProvisionCompleteRequest)
returns (ReportDeviceProvisionCompleteResponse) { }
// Request to retrieve the check-in status of the device.
message GetDeviceCheckinStatusRequest {
// The device identifiers associated with the device provided by the Device
// Lock Android client. The Device Lock Android client would provide only one
// device identifier once the Device Lock Check-in service determines which
// of the device identifiers is registered with a locking program.
repeated ClientDeviceIdentifier client_device_identifiers = 1;
// The Mobile Network Code for the carrier, the Device Lock Android client
// would fetch it from TelephonyManager#getSimOperator().
optional string carrier_mccmnc = 2;
// The Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) registration token associated with the
// device provided by the Device Lock Android client. The token is only used
// for GMS devices.
optional string fcm_registration_token = 3;
message ClientDeviceIdentifier {
// The device identifier associated with the device.
optional string device_identifier = 1;
// The type of the device identifier.
optional DeviceIdentifierType device_identifier_type = 2;
// The different check-in status the Device Lock Android client can be in.
enum ClientCheckinStatus {
// The device is not ready for provision. The Device Lock Android client
// would need to do another check-in.
// The device is ready for provision. The Device Lock Android client can use
// the device provisioning information provided by the Device Lock server to
// provision the device.
// The device no longer needs to be provisioned. The Device Lock Android
// client can stop future check-ins.
// Response to a request to retrieve the check-in status of a given device.
message GetDeviceCheckinStatusResponse {
// The Device Lock Android client check-in status determined by the Device
// Lock server.
optional ClientCheckinStatus client_checkin_status = 1;
// Set by the Device Lock server when the Device Lock Android client provides
// multiple device identifiers and one of the multiple device identifiers is
// registered with the Device Lock server. The client should use the device
// identifier that was found for any future communications with the Device
// Lock server.
optional string registered_device_identifier = 2;
// One of the following fields will get populated based on the device
// check-in status. But if the Device Lock server determines that the Device
// Lock Android client no longer needs to do a check-in, then none of the
// fields will be populated.
oneof next_steps {
// The Device Lock server determined that the Device Lock Android client
// needs to perform another device check-in.
NextCheckinInformation next_checkin_information = 3;
// The Device Lock server determined that the Device Lock Android client
// can now provision the device.
DeviceProvisioningInformation device_provisioning_information = 4;
// Information needed by the Device Lock Android client for the next check-in.
message NextCheckinInformation {
// Set by the Device Lock server which tells the Device Lock Android client
// the date when the next check-in should happen.
optional google.protobuf.Timestamp next_checkin_timestamp = 1;
// Information needed by the Device Lock Android client for device provisioning.
message DeviceProvisioningInformation {
// The configuration information assigned to the device.
optional ConfigurationInfo configuration_information = 1;
// The type of configuration assigned to the device. This is used by the
// Device Lock Android client to determine what type of strings should be
// shown to the user.
optional ConfigurationType configuration_type = 2;
// The provision type selected when enrolling the device into a locking
// program. The Device Lock Android client would use this to determine which
// provision approach should be used to provision the device.
optional DeviceProvisionType device_provision_type = 3;
// Whether the Device Lock Android client should force the provisioning. If
// true, then the user cannot stop device provisioning. Otherwise, if false,
// then the user can optionally pause device provisioning.
optional bool force_provisioning = 4;
// The different reasons device provisioning can be paused.
enum PauseDeviceProvisioningReason {
// If given as an option to the user, the user can pause device provisioning.
// For example, the user is currently driving and the Device Lock Android
// client is prompting the user to proceed with device provisioning.
// Request to pause device provisioning of an eligible device.
message PauseDeviceProvisioningRequest {
// The device identifier that is registered with the Device Lock server that
// is requesting to pause device provisioning.
optional string registered_device_identifier = 1;
// The reason for pausing device provisioning.
optional PauseDeviceProvisioningReason pause_device_provisioning_reason = 2;
// Response to a request to pause device provisioning of an eligible device.
message PauseDeviceProvisioningResponse {
// The Device Lock server decision as to whether or not to force device
// provisioning after receiving the pause device provisioning request. If
// true, then device provisioning would be forced. Otherwise, if false, then
// the device provisioning can still be paused.
optional bool force_provisioning = 1;
// Request to report that device provisioning of an eligible device is complete.
message ReportDeviceProvisionCompleteRequest {
// The device identifier that is registered with the Device Lock server that
// was provisioned.
optional string registered_device_identifier = 1;
// Response to a request reporting that device provisioning of an eligible
// device is complete.
message ReportDeviceProvisionCompleteResponse {
// Ids the client can send back for faster look-ups for reporting device
// events throughout the locking program.
optional int64 company_id = 1;
optional int64 device_id = 2;
optional int64 configuration_id = 3;