blob: 05f50b018191091944b10916b0223323a742e6a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "TrafficControllerJni"
#include "TrafficController.h"
#include "netd.h"
#include <jni.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <nativehelper/JNIHelp.h>
#include <nativehelper/ScopedUtfChars.h>
#include <nativehelper/ScopedPrimitiveArray.h>
#include <netjniutils/netjniutils.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
using android::net::TrafficController;
using android::netdutils::Status;
using UidOwnerMatchType::PENALTY_BOX_MATCH;
using UidOwnerMatchType::HAPPY_BOX_MATCH;
static android::net::TrafficController mTc;
namespace android {
#define CHECK_LOG(status) \
do { \
if (!isOk(status)) \
ALOGE("%s failed, error code = %d", __func__, status.code()); \
} while (0)
static void native_init(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jboolean startSkDestroyListener) {
Status status = mTc.start(startSkDestroyListener);
if (!isOk(status)) {
uid_t uid = getuid();
ALOGE("BpfNetMaps jni init failure as uid=%d", uid);
// TODO: Fix tests to not use this jni lib, so we can unconditionally abort()
if (uid == AID_SYSTEM || uid == AID_NETWORK_STACK) abort();
static jint native_addNaughtyApp(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jint uid) {
const uint32_t appUids = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(uid));
Status status = mTc.updateUidOwnerMap(appUids, PENALTY_BOX_MATCH,
return (jint)status.code();
static jint native_removeNaughtyApp(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jint uid) {
const uint32_t appUids = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(uid));
Status status = mTc.updateUidOwnerMap(appUids, PENALTY_BOX_MATCH,
return (jint)status.code();
static jint native_addNiceApp(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jint uid) {
const uint32_t appUids = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(uid));
Status status = mTc.updateUidOwnerMap(appUids, HAPPY_BOX_MATCH,
return (jint)status.code();
static jint native_removeNiceApp(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jint uid) {
const uint32_t appUids = static_cast<uint32_t>(abs(uid));
Status status = mTc.updateUidOwnerMap(appUids, HAPPY_BOX_MATCH,
return (jint)status.code();
static jint native_setChildChain(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jint childChain, jboolean enable) {
auto chain = static_cast<ChildChain>(childChain);
int res = mTc.toggleUidOwnerMap(chain, enable);
if (res) ALOGE("%s failed, error code = %d", __func__, res);
return (jint)res;
static jint native_replaceUidChain(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jstring name, jboolean isAllowlist,
jintArray jUids) {
const ScopedUtfChars chainNameUtf8(env, name);
if (chainNameUtf8.c_str() == nullptr) return -EINVAL;
const std::string chainName(chainNameUtf8.c_str());
ScopedIntArrayRO uids(env, jUids);
if (uids.get() == nullptr) return -EINVAL;
size_t size = uids.size();
static_assert(sizeof(*(uids.get())) == sizeof(int32_t));
std::vector<int32_t> data ((int32_t *)&uids[0], (int32_t*)&uids[size]);
int res = mTc.replaceUidOwnerMap(chainName, isAllowlist, data);
if (res) ALOGE("%s failed, error code = %d", __func__, res);
return (jint)res;
static jint native_setUidRule(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jint childChain, jint uid,
jint firewallRule) {
auto chain = static_cast<ChildChain>(childChain);
auto rule = static_cast<FirewallRule>(firewallRule);
FirewallType fType = mTc.getFirewallType(chain);
int res = mTc.changeUidOwnerRule(chain, uid, rule, fType);
if (res) ALOGE("%s failed, error code = %d", __func__, res);
return (jint)res;
static jint native_addUidInterfaceRules(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jstring ifName,
jintArray jUids) {
// Null ifName is a wildcard to allow apps to receive packets on all interfaces and ifIndex is
// set to 0.
int ifIndex = 0;
if (ifName != nullptr) {
const ScopedUtfChars ifNameUtf8(env, ifName);
const std::string interfaceName(ifNameUtf8.c_str());
ifIndex = if_nametoindex(interfaceName.c_str());
ScopedIntArrayRO uids(env, jUids);
if (uids.get() == nullptr) return -EINVAL;
size_t size = uids.size();
static_assert(sizeof(*(uids.get())) == sizeof(int32_t));
std::vector<int32_t> data ((int32_t *)&uids[0], (int32_t*)&uids[size]);
Status status = mTc.addUidInterfaceRules(ifIndex, data);
return (jint)status.code();
static jint native_removeUidInterfaceRules(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jintArray jUids) {
ScopedIntArrayRO uids(env, jUids);
if (uids.get() == nullptr) return -EINVAL;
size_t size = uids.size();
static_assert(sizeof(*(uids.get())) == sizeof(int32_t));
std::vector<int32_t> data ((int32_t *)&uids[0], (int32_t*)&uids[size]);
Status status = mTc.removeUidInterfaceRules(data);
return (jint)status.code();
static jint native_updateUidLockdownRule(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jint uid, jboolean add) {
Status status = mTc.updateUidLockdownRule(uid, add);
return (jint)status.code();
static jint native_swapActiveStatsMap(JNIEnv* env, jobject self) {
Status status = mTc.swapActiveStatsMap();
return (jint)status.code();
static void native_setPermissionForUids(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jint permission,
jintArray jUids) {
ScopedIntArrayRO uids(env, jUids);
if (uids.get() == nullptr) return;
size_t size = uids.size();
static_assert(sizeof(*(uids.get())) == sizeof(uid_t));
std::vector<uid_t> data ((uid_t *)&uids[0], (uid_t*)&uids[size]);
mTc.setPermissionForUids(permission, data);
static void native_dump(JNIEnv* env, jobject self, jobject javaFd, jboolean verbose) {
int fd = netjniutils::GetNativeFileDescriptor(env, javaFd);
if (fd < 0) {
jniThrowExceptionFmt(env, "java/io/IOException", "Invalid file descriptor");
mTc.dump(fd, verbose);
static jint native_synchronizeKernelRCU(JNIEnv* env, jobject self) {
return -bpf::synchronizeKernelRCU();
* JNI registration.
// clang-format off
static const JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
/* name, signature, funcPtr */
{"native_init", "(Z)V",
{"native_addNaughtyApp", "(I)I",
{"native_removeNaughtyApp", "(I)I",
{"native_addNiceApp", "(I)I",
{"native_removeNiceApp", "(I)I",
{"native_setChildChain", "(IZ)I",
{"native_replaceUidChain", "(Ljava/lang/String;Z[I)I",
{"native_setUidRule", "(III)I",
{"native_addUidInterfaceRules", "(Ljava/lang/String;[I)I",
{"native_removeUidInterfaceRules", "([I)I",
{"native_updateUidLockdownRule", "(IZ)I",
{"native_swapActiveStatsMap", "()I",
{"native_setPermissionForUids", "(I[I)V",
{"native_dump", "(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;Z)V",
{"native_synchronizeKernelRCU", "()I",
// clang-format on
int register_com_android_server_BpfNetMaps(JNIEnv* env) {
return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/server/BpfNetMaps",
gMethods, NELEM(gMethods));
}; // namespace android