blob: f9091c02435175aca0ef14d94f65ff450c6ae870 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::backends::rust::{mask_bits, types};
use crate::{ast, lint};
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
/// A single bit-field.
struct BitField<'a> {
shift: usize, // The shift to apply to this field.
field: &'a ast::Field,
pub struct FieldParser<'a> {
scope: &'a lint::Scope<'a>,
endianness: ast::EndiannessValue,
packet_name: &'a str,
span: &'a proc_macro2::Ident,
chunk: Vec<BitField<'a>>,
code: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream>,
shift: usize,
offset: usize,
impl<'a> FieldParser<'a> {
pub fn new(
scope: &'a lint::Scope<'a>,
endianness: ast::EndiannessValue,
packet_name: &'a str,
span: &'a proc_macro2::Ident,
) -> FieldParser<'a> {
FieldParser {
chunk: Vec::new(),
code: Vec::new(),
shift: 0,
offset: 0,
pub fn add(&mut self, field: &'a ast::Field) {
if field.is_bitfield(self.scope) {
todo!("not yet supported: {field:?}")
fn add_bit_field(&mut self, field: &'a ast::Field) {
self.chunk.push(BitField { shift: self.shift, field });
self.shift += field.width(self.scope).unwrap();
if self.shift % 8 != 0 {
let size = self.shift / 8;
let end_offset = self.offset + size;
let wanted = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(size);
let packet_name = &self.packet_name;
self.code.push(quote! {
if bytes.remaining() < #wanted {
return Err(Error::InvalidLengthError {
obj: #packet_name.to_string(),
wanted: #wanted,
got: bytes.remaining(),
let chunk_type = types::Integer::new(self.shift);
// TODO(mgeisler): generate Rust variable names which cannot
// conflict with PDL field names. An option would be to start
// Rust variable names with `_`, but that has a special
// semantic in Rust.
let chunk_name = format_ident!("chunk");
let get = types::get_uint(self.endianness, self.shift, self.span);
if self.chunk.len() > 1 {
// Multiple values: we read into a local variable.
self.code.push(quote! {
let #chunk_name = #get;
let single_value = self.chunk.len() == 1; // && self.chunk[0].offset == 0;
for BitField { shift, field } in self.chunk.drain(..) {
let mut v = if single_value {
// Single value: read directly.
quote! { #get }
} else {
// Multiple values: read from `chunk_name`.
quote! { #chunk_name }
if shift > 0 {
let shift = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(shift);
v = quote! { (#v >> #shift) }
let width = field.width(self.scope).unwrap();
let value_type = types::Integer::new(width);
if !single_value && width < value_type.width {
// Mask value if we grabbed more than `width` and if
// `as #value_type` doesn't already do the masking.
let mask = mask_bits(width);
v = quote! { (#v & #mask) };
if value_type.width < chunk_type.width {
v = quote! { #v as #value_type };
self.code.push(match field {
ast::Field::Scalar { id, .. } => {
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
quote! {
let #id = #v;
ast::Field::Typedef { id, type_id, .. } => {
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
let type_id = format_ident!("{type_id}");
let from_u = format_ident!("from_u{}", value_type.width);
// TODO(mgeisler): Remove the `unwrap` from the
// generated code and return the error to the
// caller.
quote! {
let #id = #type_id::#from_u(#v).unwrap();
ast::Field::Reserved { .. } => {
// Nothing to do here.
quote! {}
_ => todo!(),
self.offset = end_offset;
self.shift = 0;
pub fn done(&mut self) {}
impl quote::ToTokens for FieldParser<'_> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
let code = &self.code;
tokens.extend(quote! {