rusty-packets: move C++ and pybind11 to their own file

Bug: 171749953
Tag: #gd-refactor
Test: gd/cert/run --rhost SimpleHalTest
Change-Id: I787160993d299b0102daa0a92add4b61f036be43
diff --git a/system/gd/packet/parser/Android.bp b/system/gd/packet/parser/Android.bp
index a77fa2c..3bc09d6 100644
--- a/system/gd/packet/parser/Android.bp
+++ b/system/gd/packet/parser/Android.bp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+        "",
     static_libs: [
diff --git a/system/gd/packet/parser/ b/system/gd/packet/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a534e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/gd/packet/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <queue>
+#include <regex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "declarations.h"
+#include "struct_parser_generator.h"
+void parse_namespace(
+    const std::string& root_namespace,
+    const std::filesystem::path& input_file_relative_path,
+    std::vector<std::string>* token) {
+  std::filesystem::path gen_namespace = root_namespace / input_file_relative_path;
+  std::string gen_namespace_str = gen_namespace;
+  std::regex path_tokenizer("/");
+  auto it = std::sregex_token_iterator(gen_namespace_str.cbegin(), gen_namespace_str.cend(), path_tokenizer, -1);
+  std::sregex_token_iterator it_end = {};
+  for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
+    token->push_back(it->str());
+  }
+void generate_namespace_open(const std::vector<std::string>& token, std::ostream& output) {
+  for (const auto& ns : token) {
+    output << "namespace " << ns << " {" << std::endl;
+  }
+void generate_namespace_close(const std::vector<std::string>& token, std::ostream& output) {
+  for (auto it = token.rbegin(); it != token.rend(); ++it) {
+    output << "}  //namespace " << *it << std::endl;
+  }
+bool generate_cpp_headers_one_file(
+    const Declarations& decls,
+    const std::filesystem::path& input_file,
+    const std::filesystem::path& include_dir,
+    const std::filesystem::path& out_dir,
+    const std::string& root_namespace) {
+  auto gen_relative_path = input_file.lexically_relative(include_dir).parent_path();
+  auto input_filename = input_file.filename().string().substr(0, input_file.filename().string().find(".pdl"));
+  auto gen_path = out_dir / gen_relative_path;
+  std::filesystem::create_directories(gen_path);
+  auto gen_file = gen_path / (input_filename + ".h");
+  std::cout << "generating " << gen_file << std::endl;
+  std::ofstream out_file;
+  if (!out_file.is_open()) {
+    std::cerr << "can't open " << gen_file << std::endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  out_file << "\n\n";
+  out_file << "#pragma once\n";
+  out_file << "\n\n";
+  out_file << "#include <cstdint>\n";
+  out_file << "#include <sstream>\n";
+  out_file << "#include <string>\n";
+  out_file << "#include <type_traits>\n";
+  out_file << "#include <functional>\n";
+  out_file << "\n\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"os/log.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/base_packet_builder.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/bit_inserter.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/custom_field_fixed_size_interface.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/iterator.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/packet_builder.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/packet_struct.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/packet_view.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "\n#if defined(PACKET_FUZZ_TESTING) || defined(PACKET_TESTING) || defined(FUZZ_TARGET)\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/raw_builder.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "\n#endif\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/parser/checksum_type_checker.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "#include \"packet/parser/custom_type_checker.h\"\n";
+  out_file << "\n\n";
+  for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM ||
+        c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CHECKSUM) {
+      ((CustomFieldDef*)c.second)->GenInclude(out_file);
+    }
+  }
+  out_file << "\n\n";
+  std::vector<std::string> namespace_list;
+  parse_namespace(root_namespace, gen_relative_path, &namespace_list);
+  generate_namespace_open(namespace_list, out_file);
+  out_file << "\n\n";
+  for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM ||
+        c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CHECKSUM) {
+      ((CustomFieldDef*)c.second)->GenUsing(out_file);
+    }
+  }
+  out_file << "\n\n";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BasePacketBuilder;";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BitInserter;";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::CustomFieldFixedSizeInterface;";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::CustomTypeChecker;";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::Iterator;";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::kLittleEndian;";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketBuilder;";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketStruct;";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketView;";
+  out_file << "\n#if defined(PACKET_FUZZ_TESTING) || defined(PACKET_TESTING) || defined(FUZZ_TARGET)\n";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::RawBuilder;";
+  out_file << "\n#endif\n";
+  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::parser::ChecksumTypeChecker;";
+  out_file << "\n\n";
+  for (const auto& e : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM) {
+      const auto* enum_def = dynamic_cast<const EnumDef*>(e.second);
+      EnumGen gen(*enum_def);
+      gen.GenDefinition(out_file);
+      out_file << "\n\n";
+    }
+  }
+  for (const auto& e : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM) {
+      const auto* enum_def = dynamic_cast<const EnumDef*>(e.second);
+      EnumGen gen(*enum_def);
+      gen.GenLogging(out_file);
+      out_file << "\n\n";
+    }
+  }
+  for (const auto& ch : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (ch.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CHECKSUM) {
+      const auto* checksum_def = dynamic_cast<const ChecksumDef*>(ch.second);
+      checksum_def->GenChecksumCheck(out_file);
+    }
+  }
+  out_file << "\n/* Done ChecksumChecks */\n";
+  for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM) {
+      if (c.second->size_ == -1 /* Variable Size */) {
+        const auto* custom_field_def = dynamic_cast<const CustomFieldDef*>(c.second);
+        custom_field_def->GenCustomFieldCheck(out_file, decls.is_little_endian);
+      } else {  // fixed size
+        const auto* custom_field_def = dynamic_cast<const CustomFieldDef*>(c.second);
+        custom_field_def->GenFixedSizeCustomFieldCheck(out_file);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  out_file << "\n";
+  for (auto& s : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (s.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::STRUCT) {
+      const auto* struct_def = dynamic_cast<const StructDef*>(s.second);
+      struct_def->GenDefinition(out_file);
+      out_file << "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    StructParserGenerator spg(decls);
+    spg.Generate(out_file);
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+  }
+  for (const auto& packet_def : decls.packet_defs_queue_) {
+    packet_def.second.GenParserDefinition(out_file);
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+  }
+  for (const auto& packet_def : decls.packet_defs_queue_) {
+    packet_def.second.GenBuilderDefinition(out_file);
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+  }
+  generate_namespace_close(namespace_list, out_file);
+  out_file.close();
+  return true;
+// Get the out_file shard at a symbol_count
+std::ofstream& get_out_file(size_t symbol_count, size_t symbol_total, std::vector<std::ofstream>* out_files) {
+  auto symbols_per_shard = symbol_total / out_files->size();
+  auto file_index = std::min(symbol_count / symbols_per_shard, out_files->size() - 1);
+  return out_files->at(file_index);
+bool generate_pybind11_sources_one_file(
+    const Declarations& decls,
+    const std::filesystem::path& input_file,
+    const std::filesystem::path& include_dir,
+    const std::filesystem::path& out_dir,
+    const std::string& root_namespace,
+    size_t num_shards) {
+  auto gen_relative_path = input_file.lexically_relative(include_dir).parent_path();
+  auto input_filename = input_file.filename().string().substr(0, input_file.filename().string().find(".pdl"));
+  auto gen_path = out_dir / gen_relative_path;
+  std::filesystem::create_directories(gen_path);
+  auto gen_relative_header = gen_relative_path / (input_filename + ".h");
+  std::vector<std::string> namespace_list;
+  parse_namespace(root_namespace, gen_relative_path, &namespace_list);
+  std::vector<std::ofstream> out_file_shards(num_shards);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < out_file_shards.size(); i++) {
+    auto filename = gen_path / (input_filename + "_python3_shard_" + std::to_string(i) + ".cc");
+    std::cout << "generating " << filename << std::endl;
+    auto& out_file = out_file_shards[i];
+    if (!out_file.is_open()) {
+      std::cerr << "can't open " << filename << std::endl;
+      return false;
+    }
+    out_file << "#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>\n";
+    out_file << "#include <pybind11/stl.h>\n";
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    out_file << "#include " << gen_relative_header << "\n";
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    out_file << "#include \"packet/raw_builder.h\"\n";
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+      if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM) {
+        const auto* custom_def = dynamic_cast<const CustomFieldDef*>(c.second);
+        custom_def->GenPyBind11Include(out_file);
+      }
+    }
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    generate_namespace_open(namespace_list, out_file);
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+      if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM ||
+          c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CHECKSUM) {
+        const auto* custom_def = dynamic_cast<const CustomFieldDef*>(c.second);
+        custom_def->GenUsing(out_file);
+      }
+    }
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BasePacketBuilder;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BitInserter;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::CustomTypeChecker;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::Iterator;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::kLittleEndian;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketBuilder;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BaseStruct;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketStruct;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketView;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::RawBuilder;";
+    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::parser::ChecksumTypeChecker;";
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    out_file << "namespace py = pybind11;\n\n";
+    out_file << "void define_" << input_filename << "_submodule_shard_" << std::to_string(i) << "(py::module& m) {\n\n";
+  }
+  size_t symbol_total = 0;
+  // Only count types that will be generated
+  for (const auto& e : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM) {
+      symbol_total++;
+    } else if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::STRUCT) {
+      symbol_total++;
+    }
+  }
+  // View and builder are counted separately
+  symbol_total += decls.packet_defs_queue_.size() * 2;
+  size_t symbol_count = 0;
+  for (const auto& e : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM) {
+      const auto* enum_def = dynamic_cast<const EnumDef*>(e.second);
+      EnumGen gen(*enum_def);
+      auto& out_file = get_out_file(symbol_count, symbol_total, &out_file_shards);
+      gen.GenDefinitionPybind11(out_file);
+      out_file << "\n\n";
+      symbol_count++;
+    }
+  }
+  for (const auto& s : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
+    if (s.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::STRUCT) {
+      const auto* struct_def = dynamic_cast<const StructDef*>(s.second);
+      auto& out_file = get_out_file(symbol_count, symbol_total, &out_file_shards);
+      struct_def->GenDefinitionPybind11(out_file);
+      out_file << "\n";
+      symbol_count++;
+    }
+  }
+  for (const auto& packet_def : decls.packet_defs_queue_) {
+    auto& out_file = get_out_file(symbol_count, symbol_total, &out_file_shards);
+    packet_def.second.GenParserDefinitionPybind11(out_file);
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    symbol_count++;
+  }
+  for (const auto& p : decls.packet_defs_queue_) {
+    auto& out_file = get_out_file(symbol_count, symbol_total, &out_file_shards);
+    p.second.GenBuilderDefinitionPybind11(out_file);
+    out_file << "\n\n";
+    symbol_count++;
+  }
+  for (auto& out_file : out_file_shards) {
+    out_file << "}\n\n";
+    generate_namespace_close(namespace_list, out_file);
+  }
+  auto gen_file_main = gen_path / (input_filename + "");
+  std::ofstream out_file_main;
+  if (!out_file_main.is_open()) {
+    std::cerr << "can't open " << gen_file_main << std::endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  out_file_main << "#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>\n";
+  generate_namespace_open(namespace_list, out_file_main);
+  out_file_main << "namespace py = pybind11;\n\n";
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < out_file_shards.size(); i++) {
+    out_file_main << "void define_" << input_filename << "_submodule_shard_" << std::to_string(i)
+                  << "(py::module& m);\n";
+  }
+  out_file_main << "void define_" << input_filename << "_submodule(py::module& m) {\n\n";
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < out_file_shards.size(); i++) {
+    out_file_main << "define_" << input_filename << "_submodule_shard_" << std::to_string(i) << "(m);\n";
+  }
+  out_file_main << "}\n\n";
+  generate_namespace_close(namespace_list, out_file_main);
+  return true;
diff --git a/system/gd/packet/parser/ b/system/gd/packet/parser/
index 3f9e409..69a8b29 100644
--- a/system/gd/packet/parser/
+++ b/system/gd/packet/parser/
@@ -35,31 +35,20 @@
 void yyset_debug(int, void*);
 void yyset_in(FILE*, void*);
-namespace {
+bool generate_cpp_headers_one_file(
+    const Declarations& decls,
+    const std::filesystem::path& input_file,
+    const std::filesystem::path& include_dir,
+    const std::filesystem::path& out_dir,
+    const std::string& root_namespace);
-void parse_namespace(const std::string& root_namespace, const std::filesystem::path& input_file_relative_path,
-                     std::vector<std::string>* token) {
-  std::filesystem::path gen_namespace = root_namespace / input_file_relative_path;
-  std::string gen_namespace_str = gen_namespace;
-  std::regex path_tokenizer("/");
-  auto it = std::sregex_token_iterator(gen_namespace_str.cbegin(), gen_namespace_str.cend(), path_tokenizer, -1);
-  std::sregex_token_iterator it_end = {};
-  for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
-    token->push_back(it->str());
-  }
-void generate_namespace_open(const std::vector<std::string>& token, std::ostream& output) {
-  for (const auto& ns : token) {
-    output << "namespace " << ns << " {" << std::endl;
-  }
-void generate_namespace_close(const std::vector<std::string>& token, std::ostream& output) {
-  for (auto it = token.rbegin(); it != token.rend(); ++it) {
-    output << "}  //namespace " << *it << std::endl;
-  }
+bool generate_pybind11_sources_one_file(
+    const Declarations& decls,
+    const std::filesystem::path& input_file,
+    const std::filesystem::path& include_dir,
+    const std::filesystem::path& out_dir,
+    const std::string& root_namespace,
+    size_t num_shards);
 bool parse_declarations_one_file(const std::filesystem::path& input_file, Declarations* declarations) {
   void* scanner;
@@ -98,316 +87,6 @@
   return true;
-bool generate_cpp_headers_one_file(const Declarations& decls, const std::filesystem::path& input_file,
-                                   const std::filesystem::path& include_dir, const std::filesystem::path& out_dir,
-                                   const std::string& root_namespace) {
-  auto gen_relative_path = input_file.lexically_relative(include_dir).parent_path();
-  auto input_filename = input_file.filename().string().substr(0, input_file.filename().string().find(".pdl"));
-  auto gen_path = out_dir / gen_relative_path;
-  std::filesystem::create_directories(gen_path);
-  auto gen_file = gen_path / (input_filename + ".h");
-  std::cout << "generating " << gen_file << std::endl;
-  std::ofstream out_file;
-  if (!out_file.is_open()) {
-    std::cerr << "can't open " << gen_file << std::endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  out_file << "\n\n";
-  out_file << "#pragma once\n";
-  out_file << "\n\n";
-  out_file << "#include <cstdint>\n";
-  out_file << "#include <sstream>\n";
-  out_file << "#include <string>\n";
-  out_file << "#include <type_traits>\n";
-  out_file << "#include <functional>\n";
-  out_file << "\n\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"os/log.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/base_packet_builder.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/bit_inserter.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/custom_field_fixed_size_interface.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/iterator.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/packet_builder.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/packet_struct.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/packet_view.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "\n#if defined(PACKET_FUZZ_TESTING) || defined(PACKET_TESTING) || defined(FUZZ_TARGET)\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/raw_builder.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "\n#endif\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/parser/checksum_type_checker.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "#include \"packet/parser/custom_type_checker.h\"\n";
-  out_file << "\n\n";
-  for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM ||
-        c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CHECKSUM) {
-      ((CustomFieldDef*)c.second)->GenInclude(out_file);
-    }
-  }
-  out_file << "\n\n";
-  std::vector<std::string> namespace_list;
-  parse_namespace(root_namespace, gen_relative_path, &namespace_list);
-  generate_namespace_open(namespace_list, out_file);
-  out_file << "\n\n";
-  for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM ||
-        c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CHECKSUM) {
-      ((CustomFieldDef*)c.second)->GenUsing(out_file);
-    }
-  }
-  out_file << "\n\n";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BasePacketBuilder;";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BitInserter;";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::CustomFieldFixedSizeInterface;";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::CustomTypeChecker;";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::Iterator;";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::kLittleEndian;";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketBuilder;";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketStruct;";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketView;";
-  out_file << "\n#if defined(PACKET_FUZZ_TESTING) || defined(PACKET_TESTING) || defined(FUZZ_TARGET)\n";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::RawBuilder;";
-  out_file << "\n#endif\n";
-  out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::parser::ChecksumTypeChecker;";
-  out_file << "\n\n";
-  for (const auto& e : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM) {
-      const auto* enum_def = dynamic_cast<const EnumDef*>(e.second);
-      EnumGen gen(*enum_def);
-      gen.GenDefinition(out_file);
-      out_file << "\n\n";
-    }
-  }
-  for (const auto& e : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM) {
-      const auto* enum_def = dynamic_cast<const EnumDef*>(e.second);
-      EnumGen gen(*enum_def);
-      gen.GenLogging(out_file);
-      out_file << "\n\n";
-    }
-  }
-  for (const auto& ch : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (ch.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CHECKSUM) {
-      const auto* checksum_def = dynamic_cast<const ChecksumDef*>(ch.second);
-      checksum_def->GenChecksumCheck(out_file);
-    }
-  }
-  out_file << "\n/* Done ChecksumChecks */\n";
-  for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM) {
-      if (c.second->size_ == -1 /* Variable Size */) {
-        const auto* custom_field_def = dynamic_cast<const CustomFieldDef*>(c.second);
-        custom_field_def->GenCustomFieldCheck(out_file, decls.is_little_endian);
-      } else {  // fixed size
-        const auto* custom_field_def = dynamic_cast<const CustomFieldDef*>(c.second);
-        custom_field_def->GenFixedSizeCustomFieldCheck(out_file);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  out_file << "\n";
-  for (auto& s : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (s.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::STRUCT) {
-      const auto* struct_def = dynamic_cast<const StructDef*>(s.second);
-      struct_def->GenDefinition(out_file);
-      out_file << "\n";
-    }
-  }
-  {
-    StructParserGenerator spg(decls);
-    spg.Generate(out_file);
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-  }
-  for (const auto& packet_def : decls.packet_defs_queue_) {
-    packet_def.second.GenParserDefinition(out_file);
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-  }
-  for (const auto& packet_def : decls.packet_defs_queue_) {
-    packet_def.second.GenBuilderDefinition(out_file);
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-  }
-  generate_namespace_close(namespace_list, out_file);
-  out_file.close();
-  return true;
-// Get the out_file shard at a symbol_count
-std::ofstream& get_out_file(size_t symbol_count, size_t symbol_total, std::vector<std::ofstream>* out_files) {
-  auto symbols_per_shard = symbol_total / out_files->size();
-  auto file_index = std::min(symbol_count / symbols_per_shard, out_files->size() - 1);
-  return out_files->at(file_index);
-bool generate_pybind11_sources_one_file(const Declarations& decls, const std::filesystem::path& input_file,
-                                        const std::filesystem::path& include_dir, const std::filesystem::path& out_dir,
-                                        const std::string& root_namespace, size_t num_shards) {
-  auto gen_relative_path = input_file.lexically_relative(include_dir).parent_path();
-  auto input_filename = input_file.filename().string().substr(0, input_file.filename().string().find(".pdl"));
-  auto gen_path = out_dir / gen_relative_path;
-  std::filesystem::create_directories(gen_path);
-  auto gen_relative_header = gen_relative_path / (input_filename + ".h");
-  std::vector<std::string> namespace_list;
-  parse_namespace(root_namespace, gen_relative_path, &namespace_list);
-  std::vector<std::ofstream> out_file_shards(num_shards);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < out_file_shards.size(); i++) {
-    auto filename = gen_path / (input_filename + "_python3_shard_" + std::to_string(i) + ".cc");
-    std::cout << "generating " << filename << std::endl;
-    auto& out_file = out_file_shards[i];
-    if (!out_file.is_open()) {
-      std::cerr << "can't open " << filename << std::endl;
-      return false;
-    }
-    out_file << "#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>\n";
-    out_file << "#include <pybind11/stl.h>\n";
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    out_file << "#include " << gen_relative_header << "\n";
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    out_file << "#include \"packet/raw_builder.h\"\n";
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-      if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM) {
-        const auto* custom_def = dynamic_cast<const CustomFieldDef*>(c.second);
-        custom_def->GenPyBind11Include(out_file);
-      }
-    }
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    generate_namespace_open(namespace_list, out_file);
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    for (const auto& c : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-      if (c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM ||
-          c.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CHECKSUM) {
-        const auto* custom_def = dynamic_cast<const CustomFieldDef*>(c.second);
-        custom_def->GenUsing(out_file);
-      }
-    }
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BasePacketBuilder;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BitInserter;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::CustomTypeChecker;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::Iterator;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::kLittleEndian;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketBuilder;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::BaseStruct;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketStruct;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::PacketView;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::RawBuilder;";
-    out_file << "using ::bluetooth::packet::parser::ChecksumTypeChecker;";
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    out_file << "namespace py = pybind11;\n\n";
-    out_file << "void define_" << input_filename << "_submodule_shard_" << std::to_string(i) << "(py::module& m) {\n\n";
-  }
-  size_t symbol_total = 0;
-  // Only count types that will be generated
-  for (const auto& e : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM) {
-      symbol_total++;
-    } else if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::STRUCT) {
-      symbol_total++;
-    }
-  }
-  // View and builder are counted separately
-  symbol_total += decls.packet_defs_queue_.size() * 2;
-  size_t symbol_count = 0;
-  for (const auto& e : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (e.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM) {
-      const auto* enum_def = dynamic_cast<const EnumDef*>(e.second);
-      EnumGen gen(*enum_def);
-      auto& out_file = get_out_file(symbol_count, symbol_total, &out_file_shards);
-      gen.GenDefinitionPybind11(out_file);
-      out_file << "\n\n";
-      symbol_count++;
-    }
-  }
-  for (const auto& s : decls.type_defs_queue_) {
-    if (s.second->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::STRUCT) {
-      const auto* struct_def = dynamic_cast<const StructDef*>(s.second);
-      auto& out_file = get_out_file(symbol_count, symbol_total, &out_file_shards);
-      struct_def->GenDefinitionPybind11(out_file);
-      out_file << "\n";
-      symbol_count++;
-    }
-  }
-  for (const auto& packet_def : decls.packet_defs_queue_) {
-    auto& out_file = get_out_file(symbol_count, symbol_total, &out_file_shards);
-    packet_def.second.GenParserDefinitionPybind11(out_file);
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    symbol_count++;
-  }
-  for (const auto& p : decls.packet_defs_queue_) {
-    auto& out_file = get_out_file(symbol_count, symbol_total, &out_file_shards);
-    p.second.GenBuilderDefinitionPybind11(out_file);
-    out_file << "\n\n";
-    symbol_count++;
-  }
-  for (auto& out_file : out_file_shards) {
-    out_file << "}\n\n";
-    generate_namespace_close(namespace_list, out_file);
-  }
-  auto gen_file_main = gen_path / (input_filename + "");
-  std::ofstream out_file_main;
-  if (!out_file_main.is_open()) {
-    std::cerr << "can't open " << gen_file_main << std::endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  out_file_main << "#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>\n";
-  generate_namespace_open(namespace_list, out_file_main);
-  out_file_main << "namespace py = pybind11;\n\n";
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < out_file_shards.size(); i++) {
-    out_file_main << "void define_" << input_filename << "_submodule_shard_" << std::to_string(i)
-                  << "(py::module& m);\n";
-  }
-  out_file_main << "void define_" << input_filename << "_submodule(py::module& m) {\n\n";
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < out_file_shards.size(); i++) {
-    out_file_main << "define_" << input_filename << "_submodule_shard_" << std::to_string(i) << "(m);\n";
-  }
-  out_file_main << "}\n\n";
-  generate_namespace_close(namespace_list, out_file_main);
-  return true;
-}  // namespace
 // TODO(b/141583809): stop leaks
 extern "C" const char* __asan_default_options() {
   return "detect_leaks=0";