blob: dbd0c5b098bdbde9cad82830c727fad46867d0c1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2023 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Tests the generated python backend against standard PDL
# constructs, with matching input vectors.
import dataclasses
import enum
import json
import typing
import typing_extensions
import unittest
from importlib import resources
# (le|be)_pdl_test are the names of the modules generated from the canonical
# little endian and big endian test grammars. The purpose of this module
# is to validate the generated parsers against the set of pre-generated
# test vectors in canonical/(le|be)_test_vectors.json.
import le_pdl_test
import be_pdl_test
def match_object(self, left, right):
"""Recursively match a python class object against a reference
json object."""
if isinstance(right, int):
self.assertEqual(left, right)
elif isinstance(right, list):
self.assertEqual(len(left), len(right))
for n in range(len(right)):
match_object(self, left[n], right[n])
elif isinstance(right, dict):
for (k, v) in right.items():
self.assertTrue(hasattr(left, k))
match_object(self, getattr(left, k), v)
def create_object(typ, value):
"""Build an object of the selected type using the input value."""
if dataclasses.is_dataclass(typ):
field_types = dict([(, f.type) for f in dataclasses.fields(typ)])
values = dict()
for (f, v) in value.items():
field_type = field_types[f]
values[f] = create_object(field_type, v)
return typ(**values)
elif typing_extensions.get_origin(typ) is list:
typ = typing_extensions.get_args(typ)[0]
return [create_object(typ, v) for v in value]
elif typing_extensions.get_origin(typ) is typing.Union:
# typing.Optional[int] expands to typing.Union[int, None]
typ = typing_extensions.get_args(typ)[0]
return create_object(typ, value) if value else None
elif typ is bytes:
return bytes(value)
elif typ is bytearray:
return bytearray(value)
elif issubclass(typ, enum.Enum):
return typ(value)
elif typ is int:
return value
raise Exception(f"unsupported type annotation {typ}")
class PacketParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Validate the generated parser against pre-generated test
vectors in canonical/(le|be)_test_vectors.json"""
def testLittleEndian(self):
with resources.files('tests.canonical').joinpath('le_test_vectors.json').open('r') as f:
reference = json.load(f)
for item in reference:
# 'packet' is the name of the packet being tested,
# 'tests' lists input vectors that must match the
# selected packet.
packet = item['packet']
tests = item['tests']
with self.subTest(packet=packet):
# Retrieve the class object from the generated
# module, in order to invoke the proper parse
# method for this test.
cls = getattr(le_pdl_test, packet)
for test in tests:
result = cls.parse_all(bytes.fromhex(test['packed']))
match_object(self, result, test['unpacked'])
def testBigEndian(self):
with resources.files('tests.canonical').joinpath('be_test_vectors.json').open('r') as f:
reference = json.load(f)
for item in reference:
# 'packet' is the name of the packet being tested,
# 'tests' lists input vectors that must match the
# selected packet.
packet = item['packet']
tests = item['tests']
with self.subTest(packet=packet):
# Retrieve the class object from the generated
# module, in order to invoke the proper constructor
# method for this test.
cls = getattr(be_pdl_test, packet)
for test in tests:
result = cls.parse_all(bytes.fromhex(test['packed']))
match_object(self, result, test['unpacked'])
class PacketSerializerTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Validate the generated serializer against pre-generated test
vectors in canonical/(le|be)_test_vectors.json"""
def testLittleEndian(self):
with resources.files('tests.canonical').joinpath('le_test_vectors.json').open('r') as f:
reference = json.load(f)
for item in reference:
# 'packet' is the name of the packet being tested,
# 'tests' lists input vectors that must match the
# selected packet.
packet = item['packet']
tests = item['tests']
with self.subTest(packet=packet):
# Retrieve the class object from the generated
# module, in order to invoke the proper constructor
# method for this test.
for test in tests:
cls = getattr(le_pdl_test, test.get('packet', packet))
obj = create_object(cls, test['unpacked'])
result = obj.serialize()
self.assertEqual(result, bytes.fromhex(test['packed']))
def testBigEndian(self):
with resources.files('tests.canonical').joinpath('be_test_vectors.json').open('r') as f:
reference = json.load(f)
for item in reference:
# 'packet' is the name of the packet being tested,
# 'tests' lists input vectors that must match the
# selected packet.
packet = item['packet']
tests = item['tests']
with self.subTest(packet=packet):
# Retrieve the class object from the generated
# module, in order to invoke the proper parse
# method for this test.
for test in tests:
cls = getattr(be_pdl_test, test.get('packet', packet))
obj = create_object(cls, test['unpacked'])
result = obj.serialize()
self.assertEqual(result, bytes.fromhex(test['packed']))
class CustomPacketParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Manual testing for custom fields."""
def testCustomField(self):
result = le_pdl_test.Packet_Custom_Field_ConstantSize.parse_all([1])
self.assertEqual(result.a.value, 1)
result = le_pdl_test.Packet_Custom_Field_VariableSize.parse_all([1])
self.assertEqual(result.a.value, 1)
result = le_pdl_test.Struct_Custom_Field_ConstantSize.parse_all([1])
self.assertEqual(result.s.a.value, 1)
result = le_pdl_test.Struct_Custom_Field_VariableSize.parse_all([1])
self.assertEqual(result.s.a.value, 1)
result = be_pdl_test.Packet_Custom_Field_ConstantSize.parse_all([1])
self.assertEqual(result.a.value, 1)
result = be_pdl_test.Packet_Custom_Field_VariableSize.parse_all([1])
self.assertEqual(result.a.value, 1)
result = be_pdl_test.Struct_Custom_Field_ConstantSize.parse_all([1])
self.assertEqual(result.s.a.value, 1)
result = be_pdl_test.Struct_Custom_Field_VariableSize.parse_all([1])
self.assertEqual(result.s.a.value, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':