blob: 27457ac078a7cbc58b66e4226b94a80c85887a18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::analyzer::ast as analyzer_ast;
use crate::ast::*;
/// Gather information about the full AST.
pub struct Scope<'d> {
// Original file.
file: &'d analyzer_ast::File,
// Collection of Group, Packet, Enum, Struct, Checksum, and CustomField declarations.
pub typedef: HashMap<String, &'d analyzer_ast::Decl>,
// Collection of Packet, Struct, and Group scope declarations.
pub scopes: HashMap<&'d analyzer_ast::Decl, PacketScope<'d>>,
/// Gather information about a Packet, Struct, or Group declaration.
pub struct PacketScope<'d> {
// Original decl.
decl: &'d analyzer_ast::Decl,
// Local and inherited field declarations. Only named fields are preserved.
// Saved here for reference for parent constraint resolving.
pub all_fields: HashMap<String, &'d analyzer_ast::Field>,
// Local and inherited constraint declarations.
// Saved here for constraint conflict checks.
pub all_constraints: HashMap<String, &'d Constraint>,
impl<'d> std::hash::Hash for &'d analyzer_ast::Decl {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
std::ptr::hash(*self, state);
impl<'d> PacketScope<'d> {
/// Add parent fields and constraints to the scope.
/// Only named fields are imported.
fn inherit(
&mut self,
parent: &PacketScope<'d>,
constraints: impl Iterator<Item = &'d Constraint>,
) {
// Check constraints.
self.all_constraints = parent.all_constraints.clone();
for constraint in constraints {
let id =;
self.all_constraints.insert(id, constraint);
// Save parent fields.
self.all_fields = parent.all_fields.clone();
/// Iterate over the packet's fields.
pub fn iter_fields(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'d analyzer_ast::Field> {
/// Lookup a field by name. This will also find the special
/// `_payload_` and `_body_` fields.
pub fn get_packet_field(&self, id: &str) -> Option<&analyzer_ast::Field> {
self.decl.fields().find(|field| match &field.desc {
FieldDesc::Payload { .. } => id == "_payload_",
FieldDesc::Body { .. } => id == "_body_",
_ => == Some(id),
/// Find the payload or body field, if any.
pub fn get_payload_field(&self) -> Option<&analyzer_ast::Field> {
.find(|field| matches!(&field.desc, FieldDesc::Payload { .. } | FieldDesc::Body { .. }))
/// Lookup the size field for an array field.
pub fn get_array_size_field(&self, id: &str) -> Option<&analyzer_ast::Field> {
self.decl.fields().find(|field| match &field.desc {
FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. } | FieldDesc::Count { field_id, .. } => field_id == id,
_ => false,
/// Find the size field corresponding to the payload or body
/// field of this packet.
pub fn get_payload_size_field(&self) -> Option<&analyzer_ast::Field> {
self.decl.fields().find(|field| match &field.desc {
FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. } => field_id == "_payload_" || field_id == "_body_",
_ => false,
/// Cleanup scope after processing all fields.
fn finalize(&mut self) {
// Check field shadowing.
for f in self.decl.fields() {
if let Some(id) = {
self.all_fields.insert(id.to_string(), f);
impl<'d> Scope<'d> {
pub fn new(file: &analyzer_ast::File) -> Scope<'_> {
let mut scope = Scope { file, typedef: HashMap::new(), scopes: HashMap::new() };
// Gather top-level declarations.
// Validate the top-level scopes (Group, Packet, Typedef).
// TODO: switch to try_insert when stable
for decl in &file.declarations {
if let Some(id) = {
scope.typedef.insert(id.to_string(), decl);
// Sort Packet, Struct, and Group declarations by reverse topological
// order.
fn finalize(&mut self) -> Vec<&'d analyzer_ast::Decl> {
// Auxiliary function implementing BFS on Packet tree.
enum Mark {
struct Context<'d> {
list: Vec<&'d analyzer_ast::Decl>,
visited: HashMap<&'d analyzer_ast::Decl, Mark>,
scopes: HashMap<&'d analyzer_ast::Decl, PacketScope<'d>>,
fn bfs<'s, 'd>(
decl: &'d analyzer_ast::Decl,
context: &'s mut Context<'d>,
scope: &Scope<'d>,
) -> Option<&'s PacketScope<'d>> {
match context.visited.get(&decl) {
Some(Mark::Permanent) => return context.scopes.get(&decl),
Some(Mark::Temporary) => {
return None;
_ => (),
let (parent_id, fields) = match &decl.desc {
DeclDesc::Packet { parent_id, fields, .. }
| DeclDesc::Struct { parent_id, fields, .. } => (parent_id.as_ref(), fields),
DeclDesc::Group { fields, .. } => (None, fields),
_ => return None,
context.visited.insert(decl, Mark::Temporary);
let mut lscope =
PacketScope { decl, all_fields: HashMap::new(), all_constraints: HashMap::new() };
// Iterate over Struct and Group fields.
for f in fields {
match &f.desc {
FieldDesc::Group { .. } => unreachable!(),
FieldDesc::Typedef { type_id, .. } => match scope.typedef.get(type_id) {
Some(struct_decl @ Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Struct { .. }, .. }) => {
bfs(struct_decl, context, scope);
None | Some(_) => (),
_ => (),
// Iterate over parent declaration.
let parent = parent_id.and_then(|id| scope.typedef.get(id));
if let Some(parent_decl) = parent {
if let Some(rscope) = bfs(parent_decl, context, scope) {
// Import the parent fields and constraints into the current scope.
lscope.inherit(rscope, decl.constraints())
context.visited.insert(decl, Mark::Permanent);
context.scopes.insert(decl, lscope);
let mut context =
Context::<'d> { list: vec![], visited: HashMap::new(), scopes: HashMap::new() };
for decl in self.typedef.values() {
bfs(decl, &mut context, self);
self.scopes = context.scopes;
pub fn iter_children<'a>(
&'a self,
id: &'a str,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'d analyzer_ast::Decl> + 'a {
/// Return the declaration of the typedef type backing the
/// selected field.
pub fn get_field_declaration(
field: &analyzer_ast::Field,
) -> Option<&'d analyzer_ast::Decl> {
match &field.desc {
FieldDesc::FixedEnum { enum_id, .. } => self.typedef.get(enum_id).copied(),
FieldDesc::Array { type_id: Some(type_id), .. } => self.typedef.get(type_id).copied(),
FieldDesc::Typedef { type_id, .. } => self.typedef.get(type_id.as_str()).copied(),
_ => None,
/// Test if the selected field is a bitfield.
pub fn is_bitfield(&self, field: &analyzer_ast::Field) -> bool {
match &field.desc {
FieldDesc::Size { .. }
| FieldDesc::Count { .. }
| FieldDesc::ElementSize { .. }
| FieldDesc::FixedScalar { .. }
| FieldDesc::FixedEnum { .. }
| FieldDesc::Reserved { .. }
| FieldDesc::Scalar { .. } => true,
FieldDesc::Typedef { type_id, .. } => {
let field = self.typedef.get(type_id.as_str());
matches!(field, Some(Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Enum { .. }, .. }))
_ => false,
/// Determine the size of a field in bits, if possible.
/// If the field is dynamically sized (e.g. unsized array or
/// payload field), `None` is returned. If `skip_payload` is set,
/// payload and body fields are counted as having size `0` rather
/// than a variable size.
pub fn get_field_width(
field: &analyzer_ast::Field,
skip_payload: bool,
) -> Option<usize> {
match &field.desc {
FieldDesc::Scalar { width, .. }
| FieldDesc::Size { width, .. }
| FieldDesc::Count { width, .. }
| FieldDesc::ElementSize { width, .. }
| FieldDesc::Reserved { width, .. }
| FieldDesc::FixedScalar { width, .. } => Some(*width),
FieldDesc::Padding { .. } => todo!(),
FieldDesc::Array { size: Some(size), width, .. } => {
let element_width = width
.or_else(|| self.get_decl_width(self.get_field_declaration(field)?, false))?;
Some(element_width * size)
FieldDesc::FixedEnum { .. } | FieldDesc::Typedef { .. } => {
self.get_decl_width(self.get_field_declaration(field)?, false)
FieldDesc::Checksum { .. } => Some(0),
FieldDesc::Payload { .. } | FieldDesc::Body { .. } if skip_payload => Some(0),
_ => None,
/// Determine the size of a declaration type in bits, if possible.
/// If the type is dynamically sized (e.g. contains an array or
/// payload), `None` is returned. If `skip_payload` is set,
/// payload and body fields are counted as having size `0` rather
/// than a variable size.
pub fn get_decl_width(&self, decl: &analyzer_ast::Decl, skip_payload: bool) -> Option<usize> {
match &decl.desc {
DeclDesc::Enum { width, .. } | DeclDesc::Checksum { width, .. } => Some(*width),
DeclDesc::CustomField { width, .. } => *width,
DeclDesc::Packet { fields, parent_id, .. }
| DeclDesc::Struct { fields, parent_id, .. } => {
let mut packet_size = match parent_id {
None => 0,
Some(id) => self.get_decl_width(self.typedef.get(id.as_str())?, true)?,
for field in fields.iter() {
packet_size += self.get_field_width(field, skip_payload)?;
DeclDesc::Group { .. } | DeclDesc::Test { .. } => None,